Junkyard Owner Finds Suspicious Materials In Abandoned Car


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Aug 18, 2014
Conversation on STL talk radio

Junkyard Owner Finds Suspicious Materials in Abandoned Car

September 22, 2014


RUSH: Here's Stephanie in Nebraska. Stephanie, thank you very much for waiting. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hi.

CALLER: Thanks, Rush. Hey, my birthday! This is best birthday present ever.

RUSH: Well! Happy birthday to you.

CALLER: Thank you. Thank you. Hey, you've been talking about Homeland Security, you've been talking about all this stuff, and it just hit home today. My husband and I, we own a salvage yard. We're just, you know, small business, trying to do our best, good Americans. My husband got a car in that somebody impounded and sold to us, anyway. So he goes through all the cars whenever he gets 'em and we found some very alarming things in this car. An Islamic-type person had obviously had this car. We had IDs from several states. You know, the same person with several driver's licenses.

RUSH: Wait a second. What? Hold, hold, hold on. You got a car at your salvage yard that had passport-like IDs in them?

CALLER: Yes. Oh, yes. Much more than that. We found eight or nine cell phones, IDs of the person... He had worked at several airports across the US. So we found airport IDs, driver's licenses, cell phones, Islamic books. It's like a bad movie. I mean, it was just stupid. So my husband said, "I think I need to get a hold of somebody." He wasn't sure who to get a hold of so he found a phone number for Homeland Security and called them.

He called me and said, "You'll never believe this one. This is our government to work." I said, "What?" He said, "They told me they couldn't help me." I said, "What do you mean, they couldn't help you?" And he said, "Well, it didn't happen on federal property." You know, we didn't get this car on federal property, so he just deals with things that happen on federal property.

He said, "Okay, well, do you have a phone number of somebody that can help us? You know, we think that this car needs to be looked through. You know, this could be a lot of serious stuff, and he said why don't you just call your local police station." And my husband said, "Well, we don't really have a local police station. This is a small town." He said, "Well, why don't you flag down a highway patrolman?" And my husband said, "I'll figure it out," and just, you know, hung up.

RUSH: Are you kidding?

CALLER: I'm not kidding.

RUSH: Flag a highway patrolman?

CALLER: Flag a highway patrolman.

RUSH: How often does a highway patrolman drive by your salvage yard?

CALLER: We're right on the interstate, so probably once in a while, but, you know. (chuckles)

RUSH: Did he not even tell you to call the FBI?

CALLER: No. No. But we're smart enough. We'll figure out probably who to get a hold of but it was just --

RUSH: What kind of car, Stephanie?

CALLER: I haven't seen the car, so I don't know. It was just a car that I don't know why it even... We get a lot of cars like from different tow companies that, you know, if they get abandoned they're sold or --

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: -- whatever and they just get junked.

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: But we always go through 'em, you know, before we... You know, make sure they're fine and -- so...

RUSH: Well --

CALLER: It's just kind of scary to think that, I mean, this is our government, and we're here calling and we're saying, "Hey, we've got something hot here," and they're like, "Eh, we don't care."

RUSH: This sounds like pre-9/11. "Hey, I go on this computer here," or, "Hey, I got a bunch of guys at my flying school who don't want to learn how to land."


RUSH: Oh, well, send us a report.


RUSH: So have you call --

CALLER: If we didn't report it and something happened, I mean, then would we be in trouble? You know, I don't know. It's just doesn't make... You know, my husband's an ex-Marine, we have a lot of patriotism, and it's just like we feel like, I don't know, what's the deal, where's our country, where's our people?

RUSH: Well, I may have had missed what you said. Did you call the FBI?

CALLER: We haven't yet. This all happened today.

RUSH: Yeah?

CALLER: We have a couple of more ideas. You know, we just don't want to give this over to the wrong hands, like a local level and it just be lost.

RUSH: But you're convinced that this is something that needs to be investigated?

CALLER: Yes. Yes.

RUSH: I know you don't know. I still would be interested to know what kind of car this is, whether it's an SUV, whether it's a van.

CALLER: No, I think it was a car. I do not think it was a car.

RUSH: Like a family sedan.

CALLER: Yeah, like... Yes.

RUSH: Was it a hybrid?

CALLER: The person had an Islamic name, but I think he is of African-American descent. Does that makes sense? Like sometimes they change their name.

RUSH: Believe me, you don't want to go there.

CALLER: (laughing)

RUSH: Let the FBI figure that out. Was it a hybrid? Was it an electric car? Do you get a lot of those?

CALLER: All he never even said. He just said car. He didn't say what it was, so I don't know.

RUSH: Wow. (sigh) How many different IDs did you say your husband found?

CALLER: Oh, several. I mean, he couldn't believe it. It wasn't like it was one or two. You know, it was like numerous IDs and cell phones, like eight or nine cell phones, which was a lot.

RUSH: And where, again...? How did this car end up in your junkyard? Do you know that?

CALLER: We have very... I don't know exactly who sold it to us, but we have different tow companies that they get alerted to abandoned cars and stuff, and so different ones. I don't know exactly who droped this one off.

RUSH: Whoever you call is gonna want to know that.

CALLER: Oh, I know. And my husband knows all those details. I'm sorry. I don't know all that.

RUSH: Oh, oh. Okay. He knows.

CALLER: Yeah, he knows, but I... You know, I'm just the bookkeeper, Rush! Come on.

RUSH: Just the bookkeeper?

CALLER: (chuckling)

RUSH: That means you're the heart and soul.

CALLER: Oh, dear. I just want to tell you that --

RUSH: (chuckling)

Junkyard Owner Finds Suspicious Materials in Abandoned Car - The Rush Limbaugh Show
"If you see something, say something only if it happened on Federal Land. If it happened on Private Property, f*ck off!"

You guys feel more secure now?
Sleep well America!

Homeland Security is ever vigilant, you're well protected!

Or, mayhap, not.
A phone-in who made it past the Lush Rimjob call screeners with an anecdote about what a third party claims to have happened.

Sources just get reliabler and reliabler...
CALLER: No, I think it was a car. I do not think it was a car.


Should/should have called the FBI. I had occasion to do so several years ago and they gave my concerns prompt attention.
A phone-in who made it past the Lush Rimjob call screeners with an anecdote about what a third party claims to have happened.

Sources just get reliabler and reliabler...
Yeah....I have a friend whose second cousin's hairdresser's third husband.....
"If you see something, say something only if it happened on Federal Land. If it happened on Private Property, f*ck off!"

You guys feel more secure now?

More proof that President Obama and his administration respect private property rights.

I don't know what you conservatard conspiracy theorists really have to complain about.
A phone-in who made it past the Lush Rimjob call screeners with an anecdote about what a third party claims to have happened.

Sources just get reliabler and reliabler...

Rush doesn't give a damn. He's in the entertainment business, not in the verification business. And don't tell me the left isn't in the same racket. He's got a ten-year $360 million dollar broadcasting contract. Have you seen the video interview of him in his jet flying to Pebble Beach to play golf? The thing's huge, it's nearly a passenger jet. It'll seat about 70 people, and he's all by himself. The left must just burn with envy every time they hear his name. And to think they tried to crush conservative radio talk shows back a decade or so ago. Fascist bastards; they're always trying to crush free speech under their jackboots.
A couple of years after 9/11, here in s Florida, I saw an ad on craigslist for a flight simulator that was on the property of someone that had just bought a home with a few wooded acres, found. I called the FBI, and they were responsive, fortunately.
A phone-in who made it past the Lush Rimjob call screeners with an anecdote about what a third party claims to have happened.

Sources just get reliabler and reliabler...

Rush doesn't give a damn. He's in the entertainment business, not in the verification business. And don't tell me the left isn't in the same racket. He's got a ten-year $360 million dollar broadcasting contract. Have you seen the video interview of him in his jet flying to Pebble Beach to play golf? The thing's huge, it's nearly a passenger jet. It'll seat about 70 people, and he's all by himself. The left must just burn with envy every time they hear his name. And to think they tried to crush conservative radio talk shows back a decade or so ago. Fascist bastards; they're always trying to crush free speech under their jackboots.

Wow, well didn't our little rocket launcher just sail into the stratosphere of assumption-space... :eusa_dance:

First of all I was addressing the OP for taking the story seriously --- not Limblob. Second... no, the idea of making umpteen million by dishonest baiting of the gullible isn't worthy of "envy", nor is the size of his jet, although the waste level you describe doesn't surprise me given his superficially puerile values. Third, I loathe the very idea of golf. Fourth, it's got nothing to do with "the left", "the right" or the "chewy chocolate caramel center". Fifth, nobody's even hinted at "crushing free speech" in any of this; I pointed out that it's an anecdote, about a third party not present, on a phone call - which it is. And sixth, my what a defensive emotional hissyfit of a tangent. It tells us much. Pointing out that a story is simply a phoned-in anecdote about a third party is "crushing free speech". Fascinating.

But you go on with that comic book while the pages aren't stuck together :rofl:
A phone-in who made it past the Lush Rimjob call screeners with an anecdote about what a third party claims to have happened.

Sources just get reliabler and reliabler...

Rush doesn't give a damn. He's in the entertainment business, not in the verification business. And don't tell me the left isn't in the same racket. He's got a ten-year $360 million dollar broadcasting contract. Have you seen the video interview of him in his jet flying to Pebble Beach to play golf? The thing's huge, it's nearly a passenger jet. It'll seat about 70 people, and he's all by himself. The left must just burn with envy every time they hear his name. And to think they tried to crush conservative radio talk shows back a decade or so ago. Fascist bastards; they're always trying to crush free speech under their jackboots.

Wow, well didn't our little rocket launcher just sail into the stratosphere of assumption-space... :eusa_dance:

First of all I was addressing the OP for taking the story seriously --- not Limblob. Second... no, the idea of making umpteen million by dishonest baiting of the gullible isn't worthy of "envy", nor is the size of his jet, although the waste level you describe doesn't surprise me given his superficially puerile values. Third, I loathe the very idea of golf. Fourth, it's got nothing to do with "the left", "the right" or the "chewy chocolate caramel center". Fifth, nobody's even hinted at "crushing free speech" in any of this; I pointed out that it's an anecdote, about a third party not present, on a phone call - which it is. And sixth, my what a defensive emotional hissyfit of a tangent. It tells us much. Pointing out that a story is simply a phoned-in anecdote about a third party is "crushing free speech". Fascinating.
But you go on with that comic book while the pages aren't stuck together :rofl:

It's amazing how few people here understand the concept of continuity. Other than that, your post is quite entertaining. ; - )
Rush reports again, in a week it will reach CNN and they will pretend their reporting found a new story.

Rush is always first to report.

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