Just a thought for Republicans that dislike Trump.

Um...I haven't advocated an end to taxes, I don't support ending taxes. Never said that, Holmes.

So I'm an Objectivist because of my positions you are hallucinating? Is that why you're so afraid of small government rather than anarchy? Is it another hallucination? or is it just that you can only process black and white. Your Marxist government or no government?

Corporate taxes should be eliminated, it's double taxation.

Lol, so only the corporations should be so special in your view?

And why not the rest of us, after five decades of corporations having their taxes lowered while the rest of us have had taxes go up?


It is hilarious to see ideologues like you retreat into absurdity in order to avoid an ideological embarrassment.

You've fallen prey to one of the basic lies of the left. That when the price of say steel goes up, sure, companies pass it on to their customers. But when taxes go up, the Corporations eat them. They don't pass them on. The problem is you're harming US corporations the benefit of foreign companies. You're also perpetuating the lie of who is paying taxes and driving inefficiency
You said you want a limited issue, but "not on every issue." Government is always corrupt, so whatever you want non-limited government for, you want the most corrupt solution to. So what is it? What do you want run corruptly?
Government has basic functions under the Constitution. Trade is one of those functions. Both in this country and abroad. I expect them to do their damned jobs.................

To the Military. Again........it is their damned job to do this..............

Clear it up for you anymore...............They are hired to do a job...............do it or get the fuck out.............Your Sarcasm is duly noted on this topic.

And who is going to stop a system run by politicians and bureaucrats from lining the pockets of companies that know what they are doing and funding their campaigns?

As for military spending though, I want to be able to attack our enemies, what I don't want is to be able to occupy foreign countries indefinitely. How's that working out for us? That's what I would cut.
Good question..............some are trying to fight it..........others not so much...........

Maintaining a strong military and how politicians use it are 2 different notions. You want to cut the hell out of it. Policy decisions versus maintaining it are different animals. I want a strong military..........because we live in a dangerous world.

Capital gains are just double taxation. The company already paid taxes on the gains. That is the inefficiency our tax code creates and the Fair Tax solves. Just tax the economy once and move on
The article I posted says yes and no...........hold on to the property instead of flipping it and you get lower rates...................hold on to it longer and pay virtually zero..................the markets would love your 0 RATES.....................the gambling casino's of Wall Street..............They love you.

I don't want the rates so high..........and Flat Lower rates.................

All taxes are corporate taxes.

Income tax: Your company has to pay you the income to live AFTER taxes, your taxes are in your salary

Dividends: Again have to be high enough in after tax money to get you to invest in the company

Bonds, CDs, obviously the taxes have to be built into the returns.

Tariffs/trade - obviously no one will import products without making enough to pay the taxes along the way

In fact the only tax that isn't effectively paid by business is the death tax, which is evil.

So again, you want a flat tax? So do I. the only true flat tax is the Fair Tax, it taxes the source of all taxes (except the death tax) once
You said you want a limited issue, but "not on every issue." Government is always corrupt, so whatever you want non-limited government for, you want the most corrupt solution to. So what is it? What do you want run corruptly?
Government has basic functions under the Constitution. Trade is one of those functions. Both in this country and abroad. I expect them to do their damned jobs.................

To the Military. Again........it is their damned job to do this..............

Clear it up for you anymore...............They are hired to do a job...............do it or get the fuck out.............Your Sarcasm is duly noted on this topic.

And who is going to stop a system run by politicians and bureaucrats from lining the pockets of companies that know what they are doing and funding their campaigns?

As for military spending though, I want to be able to attack our enemies, what I don't want is to be able to occupy foreign countries indefinitely. How's that working out for us? That's what I would cut.
Good question..............some are trying to fight it..........others not so much...........

Maintaining a strong military and how politicians use it are 2 different notions. You want to cut the hell out of it. Policy decisions versus maintaining it are different animals. I want a strong military..........because we live in a dangerous world.

Capital gains are just double taxation. The company already paid taxes on the gains. That is the inefficiency our tax code creates and the Fair Tax solves. Just tax the economy once and move on
The article I posted says yes and no...........hold on to the property instead of flipping it and you get lower rates...................hold on to it longer and pay virtually zero..................the markets would love your 0 RATES.....................the gambling casino's of Wall Street..............They love you.

I don't want the rates so high..........and Flat Lower rates.................

All taxes are corporate taxes.

Income tax: Your company has to pay you the income to live AFTER taxes, your taxes are in your salary

Dividends: Again have to be high enough in after tax money to get you to invest in the company

Bonds, CDs, obviously the taxes have to be built into the returns.

Tariffs/trade - obviously no one will import products without making enough to pay the taxes along the way

In fact the only tax that isn't effectively paid by business is the death tax, which is evil.

So again, you want a flat tax? So do I. the only true flat tax is the Fair Tax, it taxes the source of all taxes (except the death tax) once
Carson's Flat Tax Proposal

Dr. Carson would repeal the income tax code and replace it with a flat 14.9 percent tax. That rate would apply to all income above 150 percent of theFederal Poverty Level. Anyone earning at or below the that level would be required to pay an annual “de minimis tax payment,” however, the details on how much that would be are not yet available, and It is also unclear whether he would modify payroll taxes. In addition, his plan would:

  • Eliminate all deductions such as deductions for home mortgage interest, charitable giving and state and local taxes;
  • Eliminate tax credits including “refundable” credits that can be claimed regardless of a filer’s income tax liability.
  • Kill the death tax;
  • Eliminate the Alternative Minimum Tax under which certain filers are required to re-calculate their taxable income and liability under a different set of allowable exemptions, deductions, and credits.
  • Eliminate double taxation of capital gains, dividends and interest income at the personal level.
  • Reduce thecorporate tax rate from 35 percent to 14.9 percent.

You said you want a limited issue, but "not on every issue." Government is always corrupt, so whatever you want non-limited government for, you want the most corrupt solution to. So what is it? What do you want run corruptly?
Government has basic functions under the Constitution. Trade is one of those functions. Both in this country and abroad. I expect them to do their damned jobs.................

To the Military. Again........it is their damned job to do this..............

Clear it up for you anymore...............They are hired to do a job...............do it or get the fuck out.............Your Sarcasm is duly noted on this topic.

And who is going to stop a system run by politicians and bureaucrats from lining the pockets of companies that know what they are doing and funding their campaigns?

As for military spending though, I want to be able to attack our enemies, what I don't want is to be able to occupy foreign countries indefinitely. How's that working out for us? That's what I would cut.
Good question..............some are trying to fight it..........others not so much...........

Maintaining a strong military and how politicians use it are 2 different notions. You want to cut the hell out of it. Policy decisions versus maintaining it are different animals. I want a strong military..........because we live in a dangerous world.

Capital gains are just double taxation. The company already paid taxes on the gains. That is the inefficiency our tax code creates and the Fair Tax solves. Just tax the economy once and move on
The article I posted says yes and no...........hold on to the property instead of flipping it and you get lower rates...................hold on to it longer and pay virtually zero..................the markets would love your 0 RATES.....................the gambling casino's of Wall Street..............They love you.

I don't want the rates so high..........and Flat Lower rates.................

All taxes are corporate taxes.

Income tax: Your company has to pay you the income to live AFTER taxes, your taxes are in your salary

Dividends: Again have to be high enough in after tax money to get you to invest in the company

Bonds, CDs, obviously the taxes have to be built into the returns.

Tariffs/trade - obviously no one will import products without making enough to pay the taxes along the way

In fact the only tax that isn't effectively paid by business is the death tax, which is evil.

So again, you want a flat tax? So do I. the only true flat tax is the Fair Tax, it taxes the source of all taxes (except the death tax) once
Carson's Flat Tax Proposal

Dr. Carson would repeal the income tax code and replace it with a flat 14.9 percent tax. That rate would apply to all income above 150 percent of theFederal Poverty Level. Anyone earning at or below the that level would be required to pay an annual “de minimis tax payment,” however, the details on how much that would be are not yet available, and It is also unclear whether he would modify payroll taxes. In addition, his plan would:

  • Eliminate all deductions such as deductions for home mortgage interest, charitable giving and state and local taxes;
  • Eliminate tax credits including “refundable” credits that can be claimed regardless of a filer’s income tax liability.
  • Kill the death tax;
  • Eliminate the Alternative Minimum Tax under which certain filers are required to re-calculate their taxable income and liability under a different set of allowable exemptions, deductions, and credits.
  • Eliminate double taxation of capital gains, dividends and interest income at the personal level.
  • Reduce thecorporate tax rate from 35 percent to 14.9 percent.


So let's think about this. Flat tax on income instead of sales:

1) Why are we only taxing the income portion of sales?

2) Doesn't that artificially incentivize companies to automate, offshore and do without staff? Is that what we really want to incent, companies to have fewer onshore jobs because we tax that more than their other expenses?

3) Why should we help foreign companies or US companies with offshore operations by taxing them less than companies with significant staff in the US? Isn't that again incenting companies to do what we don't want them to do?

4) Why should tax cheats who work in cash businesses and don't report their income escape taxes that people legally employed have to pay?
All taxes are corporate taxes.
We don't agree. When I work for a company they pay me a value for my services. If they don't pay enough I'll go to someone who does..........They get what they pay for..........They don't OWN ME..........They may pay me, but without me and skilled labor their product will turn to shit, and no one will buy it. Moral of the story...you get what we pay for.........want the unskilled labor force your product line suffers.

Income tax: Your company has to pay you the income to live AFTER taxes, your taxes are in your salary
They pay me for my service and skills. That is my own personal company. I do a good job I get paid, don't then I'm a fired ass...........I'm not beholding to them...............

You want me to wire your house.......you will pay for it. It doesn't magically get built with pixie dust..........Business has to risk to make money..........I have no issue with businesses making money...........but don't piss on my back and tell me it's raining.

Dividends: Again have to be high enough in after tax money to get you to invest in the company

Bonds, CDs, obviously the taxes have to be built into the returns.

Tariffs/trade - obviously no one will import products without making enough to pay the taxes along the way

In fact the only tax that isn't effectively paid by business is the death tax, which is evil.

So again, you want a flat tax? So do I. the only true flat tax is the Fair Tax, it taxes the source of all taxes (except the death tax) once
I hate the death tax. I want a Flat Tax... we agree..............Tariffs are a consumption tax...........period...........to make FAIR TRADE not Free Trade...............Free Trade has NEVER BEEN FREE..............their are still duties on Trade under these Treaties............they are just lower...................
So let's think about this. Flat tax on income instead of sales:

1) Why are we only taxing the income portion of sales?
What else do you want taxed here..........LOL.......sales tax are a SALES TAX.............repeat the question

2) Doesn't that artificially incentivize companies to automate, offshore and do without staff? Is that what we really want to incent, companies to have fewer onshore jobs because we tax that more than their other expenses?
We lower the rate for that incentive. Alabama got auto makers here by giving them tax breaks but only X Amount of jobs................it created thousands of jobs in the process...........Tax break incentives...........but verifiable.............It worked.

3) Why should we help foreign companies or US companies with offshore operations by taxing them less than companies with significant staff in the US? Isn't that again incenting companies to do what we don't want them to do?
Ask the Globalist and Crony Capitalist that question.............the Flat tax lowers their rates.

4) Why should tax cheats who work in cash businesses and don't report their income escape taxes that people legally employed have to pay?
You want to tax the hedgers????????? Fine by me, they shovel other people's money and make no useful product.............Not to be confused with a business that builds your house or furniture.
The Flat Tax follows this principle.


The establishment doesn't want it simple..............they can't get their way and kick backs if we simplify the system...............End the 158 Billion a year in subsidies.........and the Earmarks for campaign cash......................and OMG the BRIBING for personal gain and favored status wouldn't work anymore.
All taxes are corporate taxes.
We don't agree. When I work for a company they pay me a value for my services. If they don't pay enough I'll go to someone who does..........They get what they pay for..........They don't OWN ME..........They may pay me, but without me and skilled labor their product will turn to shit, and no one will buy it. Moral of the story...you get what we pay for.........want the unskilled labor force your product line suffers.

Income tax: Your company has to pay you the income to live AFTER taxes, your taxes are in your salary
They pay me for my service and skills. That is my own personal company. I do a good job I get paid, don't then I'm a fired ass...........I'm not beholding to them...............

You want me to wire your house.......you will pay for it. It doesn't magically get built with pixie dust..........Business has to risk to make money..........I have no issue with businesses making money...........but don't piss on my back and tell me it's raining.

Dividends: Again have to be high enough in after tax money to get you to invest in the company

Bonds, CDs, obviously the taxes have to be built into the returns.

Tariffs/trade - obviously no one will import products without making enough to pay the taxes along the way

In fact the only tax that isn't effectively paid by business is the death tax, which is evil.

So again, you want a flat tax? So do I. the only true flat tax is the Fair Tax, it taxes the source of all taxes (except the death tax) once
I hate the death tax. I want a Flat Tax... we agree..............Tariffs are a consumption tax...........period...........to make FAIR TRADE not Free Trade...............Free Trade has NEVER BEEN FREE..............their are still duties on Trade under these Treaties............they are just lower...................

So you addressed a bunch of stuff I didn't say. I can only put when you say things like your company doesn't own you and that you're not beholden to them in that you're completely tripping if you think that has anything to do with anything I said.

I did say your company has to pay you enough to pay your taxes and still live in a style relative to your skills. You're not going to work harder than someone who pumps gas if you don't make more than the guy who pumps gas AFTER taxes. If government just takes whatever more you earn, you'll stop working harder. Companies are well aware of that.

And you didn't address any of the points I did make regarding that the incentives that putting taxes on what onshore employed people make are not what we want companies to do or that we're pulling tax evaders (e.g., in cash businesses) into tax payers if they pay taxes when they spend the money
He's speaking clearly and honestly. He's the only candidate doing that. I love his stance on Illegal Immigration especially. He doesn't give a shite how much it pisses Mexico off. Mexico's done nothing to help get the situation under control. In fact, it's intentionally made it worse. So now something will be done whether it likes it or not. That's if Trump wins anyway. He has my support.
The Flat Tax follows this principle.


The establishment doesn't want it simple..............they can't get their way and kick backs if we simplify the system...............End the 158 Billion a year in subsidies.........and the Earmarks for campaign cash......................and OMG the BRIBING for personal gain and favored status wouldn't work anymore.

Not as simple as the fair tax. The fair tax is collected at POS. With the flat tax, you still have to define what you're taxing and measure it and you still have tax cheats who evade taxes, particularly in cash businesses.

I'll add an R to your KISS, Keep It REALLY Simple, Stupid
All taxes are corporate taxes.
We don't agree. When I work for a company they pay me a value for my services. If they don't pay enough I'll go to someone who does..........They get what they pay for..........They don't OWN ME..........They may pay me, but without me and skilled labor their product will turn to shit, and no one will buy it. Moral of the story...you get what we pay for.........want the unskilled labor force your product line suffers.

Income tax: Your company has to pay you the income to live AFTER taxes, your taxes are in your salary
They pay me for my service and skills. That is my own personal company. I do a good job I get paid, don't then I'm a fired ass...........I'm not beholding to them...............

You want me to wire your house.......you will pay for it. It doesn't magically get built with pixie dust..........Business has to risk to make money..........I have no issue with businesses making money...........but don't piss on my back and tell me it's raining.

Dividends: Again have to be high enough in after tax money to get you to invest in the company

Bonds, CDs, obviously the taxes have to be built into the returns.

Tariffs/trade - obviously no one will import products without making enough to pay the taxes along the way

In fact the only tax that isn't effectively paid by business is the death tax, which is evil.

So again, you want a flat tax? So do I. the only true flat tax is the Fair Tax, it taxes the source of all taxes (except the death tax) once
I hate the death tax. I want a Flat Tax... we agree..............Tariffs are a consumption tax...........period...........to make FAIR TRADE not Free Trade...............Free Trade has NEVER BEEN FREE..............their are still duties on Trade under these Treaties............they are just lower...................

So you addressed a bunch of stuff I didn't say. I can only put when you say things like your company doesn't own you and that you're not beholden to them in that you're completely tripping if you think that has anything to do with anything I said.

I did say your company has to pay you enough to pay your taxes and still live in a style relative to your skills. You're not going to work harder than someone who pumps gas if you don't make more than the guy who pumps gas AFTER taxes. If government just takes whatever more you earn, you'll stop working harder. Companies are well aware of that.

And you didn't address any of the points I did make regarding that the incentives that putting taxes on what onshore employed people make are not what we want companies to do or that we're pulling tax evaders (e.g., in cash businesses) into tax payers if they pay taxes when they spend the money
I watched you say OWN too many times................I was responding to that..............You make it sound like you OWN people in your comments.............maybe not your intent, but it sure sounded like it..............so I responded in kind..............................

Anyone who wants to Own me better bring a gun.......I believe in the 2nd Amendment..............PUN INTENDED..............

They have to pay for the taxes in my wages.............well duh.............so what.............I've been saying they pass the cost of business on to the final product..............which would include taxes...............They pass the overhead on to the consumer or service............

I'll put it the CRUZ WAY.................Services rendered add a value to the job..............So my service to wire your house forces me to pay a 16% tax...........It's a big house..........so the cost that used to be $10,000 will now be $11,600 for the job plus my 20% profit margin...........That will be $13,900 please.................Half up front..........
The Flat Tax follows this principle.


The establishment doesn't want it simple..............they can't get their way and kick backs if we simplify the system...............End the 158 Billion a year in subsidies.........and the Earmarks for campaign cash......................and OMG the BRIBING for personal gain and favored status wouldn't work anymore.

Not as simple as the fair tax. The fair tax is collected at POS. With the flat tax, you still have to define what you're taxing and measure it and you still have tax cheats who evade taxes, particularly in cash businesses.

I'll add an R to your KISS, Keep It REALLY Simple, Stupid
aka a VAT........................no deal.........
So let's think about this. Flat tax on income instead of sales:

1) Why are we only taxing the income portion of sales?
What else do you want taxed here..........LOL.......sales tax are a SALES TAX.............repeat the question

Why do you only want to tax income companies pay their employees? Why not just a flat tax on sales. As I pointed out, when you only tax the income companies pay their employees, you incent them artificially to automate, move jobs offshore and do without. Why do you want to give companies tax cuts to cut jobs by only taxing them on the jobs they provide?

2) Doesn't that artificially incentivize companies to automate, offshore and do without staff? Is that what we really want to incent, companies to have fewer onshore jobs because we tax that more than their other expenses?
We lower the rate for that incentive. Alabama got auto makers here by giving them tax breaks but only X Amount of jobs................it created thousands of jobs in the process...........Tax break incentives...........but verifiable.............It worked.
Not giving incentives to do what we don't want companies to do is a lot simpler than giving them incentives for what we want them to do. And in the end, politicians will use your positive incentives to pad their campaign funds

3) Why should we help foreign companies or US companies with offshore operations by taxing them less than companies with significant staff in the US? Isn't that again incenting companies to do what we don't want them to do?
Ask the Globalist and Crony Capitalist that question.............the Flat tax lowers their rates.

That doesn't even make sense. By taxing sales which foreign companies have rather than employees in the US, which they have less of, that helps them? Taxing them more?

And I don't get your "crony capitalist" point at all, neither do you, it doesn't make sense. Crony capitalists want government favors. How is a flat tax on sales a favor?

4) Why should tax cheats who work in cash businesses and don't report their income escape taxes that people legally employed have to pay?
You want to tax the hedgers????????? Fine by me, they shovel other people's money and make no useful product.............Not to be confused with a business that builds your house or furniture.

No idea what that means. People who deal in cash businesses and don't pay taxes or underpay them aren't "hedgers" they're tax cheats. If we tax them when they spend it, they are automatically tax payers
[ watched you say OWN too many times................I was responding to that..............You make it sound like you OWN people in your comments.............

Bull crap. I challenge you to back this up with quotes
The Flat Tax follows this principle.


The establishment doesn't want it simple..............they can't get their way and kick backs if we simplify the system...............End the 158 Billion a year in subsidies.........and the Earmarks for campaign cash......................and OMG the BRIBING for personal gain and favored status wouldn't work anymore.

Not as simple as the fair tax. The fair tax is collected at POS. With the flat tax, you still have to define what you're taxing and measure it and you still have tax cheats who evade taxes, particularly in cash businesses.

I'll add an R to your KISS, Keep It REALLY Simple, Stupid
aka a VAT........................no deal.........
So you can't back it up with content.

And BTW, the Fair Tax is completely different than a VAT. A VAT taxes at every level. That like the current income tax code provides disincentives to efficiency. The Fair Tax is a single tax on the end product. Those are fundamentally different things
Why do you only want to tax income companies pay their employees? Why not just a flat tax on sales. As I pointed out, when you only tax the income companies pay their employees, you incent them artificially to automate, move jobs offshore and do without. Why do you want to give companies tax cuts to cut jobs by only taxing them on the jobs they provide?
VAT taxes are what you are implying..................I believe 158 countries use them............and all of them keep raising them.................. It is also known as the Hidden Tax.

Doesn't matter anyway...........the establishment will never do it anyway and the people keep putting them into office.

Not giving incentives to do what we don't want companies to do is a lot simpler than giving them incentives for what we want them to do. And in the end, politicians will use your positive incentives to pad their campaign funds
This is a State matter and in this case the incentives with TAX BREAKS got them to invest Billions.............created jobs..............Not a Federal Issue but a State one..............could this cause kick backs in the deals..........of course that can happen on a State Level just as well as a Federal one..................

This was an Alabama issue and not the Feds........which we weren't talking about. Lowering taxes gives INCENTIVES TO INVEST.............NO?

That doesn't even make sense. By taxing sales which foreign companies have rather than employees in the US, which they have less of, that helps them? Taxing them more?

And I don't get your "crony capitalist" point at all, neither do you, it doesn't make sense. Crony capitalists want government favors. How is a flat tax on sales a favor?
It's income tax..............and business tax............FLAT.............You don't think the lobbyist made the code 75,000 pages long without a reason....................:cuckoo:........They love the loop holes..............Flat tax ends those...........so it helps end their influence.............

We've both stated we agree with ending the influence and corruption in Gov't.............Crony Capitalism is when the Gov't decides the winners and losers...............the TAX CODE IS PART OF THAT.

No idea what that means. People who deal in cash businesses and don't pay taxes or underpay them aren't "hedgers" they're tax cheats. If we tax them when they spend it, they are automatically tax payers
Aka you want VAT................I want FLAT...................
And logical you are not. So if I buy a peach from my grocer, I own it. But if I pay my employees for work, and I think I own what I paid them to do, not, it's a "stupid analogy."

I said I "own what I paid them to do". I don't, Karl?

and so OWN.............your use of the term OWN.............sounded like you think you OWN PEOPLE..............probably not but it was enough to take notice.........................

The OWN argument Kept going forward................to a point to me that you want those you hire to bow to you......................

Perhaps not............but I've heard kinda talk like you before...................didn't turn out well...............Perhaps you aren't that bad.................and perhaps you are one that I would have a serious disagreement with will playing JOHNNY PAYCHECK..............
You don't think the lobbyist made the code 75,000 pages long without a reason....................:cuckoo:

Um..yeah...I argued for 75,000 pages of income tax code because I don't realize that they had a reason to create that, that's why I'm for our current income based tax system.

Sometimes you seem aware of what I'm saying and other times you seem like you're debating the voices in your head
And logical you are not. So if I buy a peach from my grocer, I own it. But if I pay my employees for work, and I think I own what I paid them to do, not, it's a "stupid analogy."

I said I "own what I paid them to do". I don't, Karl?

and so OWN.............your use of the term OWN.............sounded like you think you OWN PEOPLE..............probably not but it was enough to take notice.........................

The OWN argument Kept going forward................to a point to me that you want those you hire to bow to you......................

Perhaps not............but I've heard kinda talk like you before...................didn't turn out well...............Perhaps you aren't that bad.................and perhaps you are one that I would have a serious disagreement with will playing JOHNNY PAYCHECK..............

So you don't know the difference between that if I pay an employee to do work, I "own WHAT I PAID THEM TO DO," and owning the employee? Seriously?

So you said you're an electrician? Do you tell your customers that. OK, if I wire this, you don't own the fixed wiring. That would mean you own me, and no one owns me.

They'd call a psycho ward
The Flat Tax follows this principle.


The establishment doesn't want it simple..............they can't get their way and kick backs if we simplify the system...............End the 158 Billion a year in subsidies.........and the Earmarks for campaign cash......................and OMG the BRIBING for personal gain and favored status wouldn't work anymore.

Not as simple as the fair tax. The fair tax is collected at POS. With the flat tax, you still have to define what you're taxing and measure it and you still have tax cheats who evade taxes, particularly in cash businesses.

I'll add an R to your KISS, Keep It REALLY Simple, Stupid
aka a VAT........................no deal.........
So you can't back it up with content.

And BTW, the Fair Tax is completely different than a VAT. A VAT taxes at every level. That like the current income tax code provides disincentives to efficiency. The Fair Tax is a single tax on the end product. Those are fundamentally different things
BS....................I looked at the tax policy analysis on it...............It is taxed in stages until it is at the final product stage.........each paying a portion of the tax on the ladder...............and EACH PASSING ON THE COST UP THE LADDER.............which is EXACTLY why it is a HIDDEN TAX..............

It is liked because business will keep it honest because they will refuse to pay the taxes by the lower chain. Because they get a Credit for taxes already paid.


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