Just a thought for Republicans that dislike Trump.

When I say I "own what I paid them to do" you interpret that as:

1) Owning the employee
2) Owning the empoyee's time
3) Owning the time itself
4) Owning the source of the labor

That is all you CAN own, dumbass.

You use that meaningless phrase "own what I paid them to do" like Marxists use 'added value of labor'. There is no 'it' that you are talking about, just a figment of your imagination.

You never interpret it correctly as owning what I said, I own what I "paid them to do." Then you call me an idiot.

The fact that you cannot explain what the hell yo uare talking about pretty much narrows you down to 'idiot' status.

LOL, you're a hoot. And an angry, ranting little child as well

Lol, go piss up a rope, anarchist.
They use the massive IRS code to not pay in many cases anyway. The IRS code is massive for a reason.........under the Flat Tax plan...........like Carson's there are NO DEDUCTIONS...........NO LOOP HOLES................unlike the Swiss Cheese under the current code...................

And like I said they pass the cost on to the customer anyway............They don't eat it and never have.

No they often 'eat' the tax increases. They shop around to reduce the commodity costs that they pay, or thin it out, reduce QA, or renegotiate shipping and warehousing costs, for example. Another technique is to lower their profits which companies have done since the recognition of capitalism.
Or they stream line the production lines and automate to lower costs. I've installed some of these automations to reduce manpower doing it right next to the people who are gonna lose their jobs as a result. They may keep the same packaging but lower the amount of products in the package such as less potato chips in the bag.

Or they take an inch off the conduit and save that way..........That is something that pisses me off because I'm an electrician. We get conduit from one supplier that makes TRUE 10 foot sticks of conduit and the other supplier makes the length 119 inches............and I'll have a mixed batch..............It pisses me off because we match couplings and lengths to make the conduit runs even. Forcing me to measure every stick of conduit to make sure I have the same lengths or have to cut and thread the conduit to match lengths because we buy the conduit from the cheap assed supplier cutting an Inch off the product.

In the same deal they have gone cheap on the galvanization of the pipe.........and the cheap galvanization clogs up our threading machines and will no longer hold the pipe............Forcing us to stop and chip out and wire brush the machine to get the clogged galvanization out of it..............I know that is a personal issue, but I'd like to kick the living hell out of the manufacturers of that conduit.
They will maintain their profit margin rates at the final sale price. Irregardless of the cost of taxes...........They may not get it all, but they will get most of it passed on to the customer.

That is simply not true as an unqualified statement. Much depends on what their competition is able to do as well.

That is what competition is SUPPOSED to do; goad businesses into making their operations more efficient and thereby lowering their prices.

You seriously think that no businesses ever lower their prices?
It's all of the above............but they don't eat all those tax increases...............If they raise prices too much the competition will eat their lunch.............It's not an absolute................but they will get the highest price they can get without suffering loss of sales..........and that would include passing on the taxation.
Actually you're advocating giving the politicians more money to write favorable codes for the Corporations that fund their campaigns. You're just too clueless to know that's what you're doing.

Thsat is not what I said, moron. Why dontt you read what I said and respond to that instead of your neocon Talking Point sheet? Or is it libertarian? Not much difference.

You want the politicians on the take to write more tax code.

No, I dont, idiot.

And corporate taxes should be eliminated, any double tax is too high

No they should be brought back into line with what they have paid historically compared to the rest of the public, from the current 1:4 ratio with personal taxes, and back up to the 2:3 ration they have had prior to WW2.


Neocon? I'm a libertarian. Neocons are big government spending, I'm for cutting most of it and neocons are for big military that is actively used and I'm for slashing the military and making it defensive focused.

How stupid are you?
Neocon? I'm a libertarian. Neocons are big government spending, I'm for cutting most of it and neocons are for big military that is actively used and I'm for slashing the military and making it defensive focused.

I posted my comment before I read that you are a libertarian radical, i.e. an anarchist. And libertarianism is popular with many aspects of the neocon movement.

How stupid are you?

You couldnt figure out how I might have had some ambiguity regarding what particular kind of mental poison you are gulping and that makes *me* stupid?

I agree with ending Inversion. Our Corporate rates are too high............Both parties think it's a problem, but argue on how to deal with it.

Corporate taxes should be revised to provide a financial incentive to corporations to HIRE AMERICANS and that is all. Keep the rate where it is and allow the corporations to claim an additional 35% of their wages paid to American citizens as a deduction and NOTHING ELSE.

We would have true full employment within a year.

Corporate taxes should be eliminated, it's double taxation. And that would encourage US hiring.

And BTW, Virginia, politicians don't write the tax code to help anyone but themselves, they are for sale to the highest bidder. Vote for them to stop making decisions and just let consumers and producers make the best economic decisions, that again will spur hiring
I don't agree with eliminating them. I agree with lowering them to make it more business friendly. I do believe that they PASS THAT COST ON TO THE CONSUMER..............They add all costs to the final product.............so those massive taxes they pay eventually fall on the consumers...............Always has been that way.............which is why a lot of the world uses the VAT tax, which is also known as the HIDDEN TAX....................

Do you want the gov't out of Crony Capitalism...................which would mean eliminating the 158 Billion in subsidies to Corporations in this country in the form of subsidies?????????

Of course I want all subsidies eliminated, I'm a libertian.

And as for corporate taxes how much double tax is acceptable to you?
I just wanted to test your libertarian values..........I already knew you were libertarian...........I believe in the Constitution and limited gov't as well........but not on every issue.............

In regards to tariffs......it was the primary way to fund gov't up until 1913.............

Elaborate the double taxation? Are you equating to double taxation from the sale's tax on materials they have to buy to produce the product? Everyone pays sales taxes. Everyone pays a Federal Gas tax for every gallon of gas they buy. Explain the double taxation to me. They make x dollars profit and are taxed y amount on that profit minus deductions..........which include the costs of producing the product. That doesn't take into account those that lobby for subsidies, which are basically a tax rebate anyway...................which is the gov't picking and choosing the winners INSTEAD OF BEING THE REFEREE...............

Of course I want all subsidies eliminated, I'm a libertian.

That explains the source of your stupidity then. And I doubt you are just libertarian; you sound more like a Randian Objectivist.

Again using terms you don't understand. Give me one way that I'm a Randian Objectivist over being the small government libertarian that I claim I am.

Karnac says you'll curse and insult ... and not answer the question ...
Neocon? I'm a libertarian. Neocons are big government spending, I'm for cutting most of it and neocons are for big military that is actively used and I'm for slashing the military and making it defensive focused.

I posted my comment before I read that you are a libertarian radical, i.e. an anarchist. And libertarianism is popular with many aspects of the neocon movement.

How stupid are you?

You couldnt figure out how I might have had some ambiguity regarding what particular kind of mental poison you are gulping and that makes *me* stupid?


Why does my being a small government libertarian rather than a no government anarchist bother you so much? Why is it so disturbing to you?
Again using terms you don't understand. Give me one way that I'm a Randian Objectivist over being the small government libertarian that I claim I am.

You claim to own labor and oppose taxation in concept, arguing for a zero tax rate. All Randian Objectivist tenets.

Karnac says you'll curse and insult ... and not answer the question ...

Karnac must be as full of shit as you are then.
Actually you're advocating giving the politicians more money to write favorable codes for the Corporations that fund their campaigns. You're just too clueless to know that's what you're doing.

Thsat is not what I said, moron. Why dontt you read what I said and respond to that instead of your neocon Talking Point sheet? Or is it libertarian? Not much difference.

You want the politicians on the take to write more tax code.

No, I dont, idiot.

And corporate taxes should be eliminated, any double tax is too high

No they should be brought back into line with what they have paid historically compared to the rest of the public, from the current 1:4 ratio with personal taxes, and back up to the 2:3 ration they have had prior to WW2.


Neocon? I'm a libertarian. Neocons are big government spending, I'm for cutting most of it and neocons are for big military that is actively used and I'm for slashing the military and making it defensive focused.

How stupid are you?
Which is why I'm not a libertarian....................I'm for ending the BS spending and kick backs used in the military but not massive reductions of the military. This is a dangerous world and we need to maintain that military edge because in the modern world........if the shit hits the fan.........we don't get to yell time out while trying to build it back up when we need it now............modern warfare means you got to have the stuff now and not a strategy of hoping you can build it back quick enough if a major War starts up.

I don't like being the world's policeman.............never have..................but their is evil in this world and we need a military that is capable of dealing with it when it is needed...................and under the Constitution it is one of the primary functions of our gov't to MAINTAIN A STANDING ARMY.
Why does my being a small government libertarian rather than a no government anarchist bother you so much? Why is it so disturbing to you?
For Objectivists, 'small government' means getting certain government functions for free, like police and fire protection that they then do everything they can to not pay taxes to support.
Self centered narcissistic fools and they relish it.
I just wanted to test your libertarian values..........I already knew you were libertarian...........I believe in the Constitution and limited gov't as well........but not on every issue............
What do you think is worth having a corrupt, inefficient government run exactly? The irony in both parties is you want the worst solution to any problem, government, to run the issues that are the most important to you.

In regards to tariffs......it was the primary way to fund gov't up until 1913.............
I support the fair tax. In the end, all taxes are taxes on the economy. It's most economically efficient because it's a direct tax, once on the source of all taxes. Complex taxes create

Elaborate the double taxation? Are you equating to double taxation from the sale's tax on materials they have to buy to produce the product? Everyone pays sales taxes. Everyone pays a Federal Gas tax for every gallon of gas they buy. Explain the double taxation to me. They make x dollars profit and are taxed y amount on that profit minus deductions..........which include the costs of producing the product. That doesn't take into account those that lobby for subsidies, which are basically a tax rebate anyway...................which is the gov't picking and choosing the winners INSTEAD OF BEING THE REFEREE...............


Yes, government is picking and choosing winners. The only proposal I've heard to remove that is the Fair Tax on the government revenue side. As for subsidies, we just have to end them.

And by double taxation I am not referring to sales tax. I am referring to that if you make an investment and I make an investment, we each pay taxes once. If we pool our money, the pool is taxed and then we both get taxed individually again for the same earnings
Why does my being a small government libertarian rather than a no government anarchist bother you so much? Why is it so disturbing to you?
For Objectivists, 'small government' means getting certain government functions for free, like police and fire protection that they then do everything they can to not pay taxes to support.
Self centered narcissistic fools and they relish it.

That wasn't the question. The question was how am I an Objectivist where I am not a small government libertarian.

Can you read?
That wasn't the question. The question was how am I an Objectivist where I am not a small government libertarian.

Can you read?

Minarchism does not demand an end to taxes, stupid ass, which I pointed out by inference when I stated that it is an item of Objectivism, which was in contrast to minarchism.

You are thicker than sludge.
I just wanted to test your libertarian values..........I already knew you were libertarian...........I believe in the Constitution and limited gov't as well........but not on every issue............
What do you think is worth having a corrupt, inefficient government run exactly? The irony in both parties is you want the worst solution to any problem, government, to run the issues that are the most important to you.

In regards to tariffs......it was the primary way to fund gov't up until 1913.............
I support the fair tax. In the end, all taxes are taxes on the economy. It's most economically efficient because it's a direct tax, once on the source of all taxes. Complex taxes create

Elaborate the double taxation? Are you equating to double taxation from the sale's tax on materials they have to buy to produce the product? Everyone pays sales taxes. Everyone pays a Federal Gas tax for every gallon of gas they buy. Explain the double taxation to me. They make x dollars profit and are taxed y amount on that profit minus deductions..........which include the costs of producing the product. That doesn't take into account those that lobby for subsidies, which are basically a tax rebate anyway...................which is the gov't picking and choosing the winners INSTEAD OF BEING THE REFEREE...............


Yes, government is picking and choosing winners. The only proposal I've heard to remove that is the Fair Tax on the government revenue side. As for subsidies, we just have to end them.

And by double taxation I am not referring to sales tax. I am referring to that if you make an investment and I make an investment, we each pay taxes once. If we pool our money, the pool is taxed and then we both get taxed individually again for the same earnings
I want the corrupt gov't gone to your first point. To the point that I want the WORST solution to any problem..............LOL............I want a small gov't and more power to the states............I want a simplified and fair tax code....................How the hell is that wanting the WORST SOLUTION to you?

The Government to run the issues that our most important to you..................Under the Constitution the GOV'TS JOB IS TO REGULATE TRADE.....................I want FAIR TRADE NOT FREE TRADE..............Their purpose is to do the bidding in the best interest of the American People..........and offshoring 6 million jobs the 3rd World shit holes is not in the BEST INTEREST of this nation. Nor is picking and choosing the winners who pay their CORRUPT ASSES OFF....................

In regards to the military...............THAT IS THEIR JOB.............PERIOD......Not to reward those that pad their pockets with money with GOLDEN CONTRACTS that fuck the tax payers..........I've seen this with my own eyes while in the Navy and working on gov't projects............Our gov't allows themselves to be raked over the coals by the bidding process, and warranty agreements that make the costs explode.

To the other issues............we agree subsidies need to end.

Capital Gains taxation should be lowered but not eliminated. This is directly tied to Inversion. Investments in the markets for short term flips should get taxed at a rate............It is not the same as building a business that actually PRODUCES SOMETHING.............
That wasn't the question. The question was how am I an Objectivist where I am not a small government libertarian.

Can you read?

Minarchism does not demand an end to taxes, stupid ass, which I pointed out by inference when I stated that it is an item of Objectivism, which was in contrast to minarchism.

You are thicker than sludge.

Um...I haven't advocated an end to taxes, I don't support ending taxes. Never said that, Holmes.

So I'm an Objectivist because of my positions you are hallucinating? Is that why you're so afraid of small government rather than anarchy? Is it another hallucination? or is it just that you can only process black and white. Your Marxist government or no government?
Tax Analysts -- Are Capital Gains Double Taxed?


It is technically correct in some situations but misleading as a generalization to claim that capital gains are double taxed. The effective tax rate on capital gains can be zero, or it can be twice the top individual rate. When high effective capital gains rates do occur, the main culprit is the corporate tax (assuming the burden of the tax falls on shareholders). Instead of providing special relief for capital gains, it would be far better to address this problem by reducing the corporate tax rate or by integrating the corporate and individual income taxes. We have a corporate tax problem, not a capital gains problem. If high levels of inflation return, tax relief for all types of capital income should be considered -- with capital gains receiving the lowest priority.
Um...I haven't advocated an end to taxes, I don't support ending taxes. Never said that, Holmes.

So I'm an Objectivist because of my positions you are hallucinating? Is that why you're so afraid of small government rather than anarchy? Is it another hallucination? or is it just that you can only process black and white. Your Marxist government or no government?

Corporate taxes should be eliminated, it's double taxation.

Lol, so only the corporations should be so special in your view?

And why not the rest of us, after five decades of corporations having their taxes lowered while the rest of us have had taxes go up?


It is hilarious to see ideologues like you retreat into absurdity in order to avoid an ideological embarrassment.
I just wanted to test your libertarian values..........I already knew you were libertarian...........I believe in the Constitution and limited gov't as well........but not on every issue............
What do you think is worth having a corrupt, inefficient government run exactly? The irony in both parties is you want the worst solution to any problem, government, to run the issues that are the most important to you.

In regards to tariffs......it was the primary way to fund gov't up until 1913.............
I support the fair tax. In the end, all taxes are taxes on the economy. It's most economically efficient because it's a direct tax, once on the source of all taxes. Complex taxes create

Elaborate the double taxation? Are you equating to double taxation from the sale's tax on materials they have to buy to produce the product? Everyone pays sales taxes. Everyone pays a Federal Gas tax for every gallon of gas they buy. Explain the double taxation to me. They make x dollars profit and are taxed y amount on that profit minus deductions..........which include the costs of producing the product. That doesn't take into account those that lobby for subsidies, which are basically a tax rebate anyway...................which is the gov't picking and choosing the winners INSTEAD OF BEING THE REFEREE...............


Yes, government is picking and choosing winners. The only proposal I've heard to remove that is the Fair Tax on the government revenue side. As for subsidies, we just have to end them.

And by double taxation I am not referring to sales tax. I am referring to that if you make an investment and I make an investment, we each pay taxes once. If we pool our money, the pool is taxed and then we both get taxed individually again for the same earnings
I want the corrupt gov't gone to your first point. To the point that I want the WORST solution to any problem..............LOL............I want a small gov't and more power to the states............I want a simplified and fair tax code....................How the hell is that wanting the WORST SOLUTION to you?

You said you want a limited issue, but "not on every issue." Government is always corrupt, so whatever you want non-limited government for, you want the most corrupt solution to. So what is it? What do you want run corruptly?

The Government to run the issues that our most important to you..................Under the Constitution the GOV'TS JOB IS TO REGULATE TRADE.....................I want FAIR TRADE NOT FREE TRADE..............Their purpose is to do the bidding in the best interest of the American People..........and offshoring 6 million jobs the 3rd World shit holes is not in the BEST INTEREST of this nation. Nor is picking and choosing the winners who pay their CORRUPT ASSES OFF....................

In regards to the military...............THAT IS THEIR JOB.............PERIOD......Not to reward those that pad their pockets with money with GOLDEN CONTRACTS that fuck the tax payers..........I've seen this with my own eyes while in the Navy and working on gov't projects............Our gov't allows themselves to be raked over the coals by the bidding process, and warranty agreements that make the costs explode.

And who is going to stop a system run by politicians and bureaucrats from lining the pockets of companies that know what they are doing and funding their campaigns?

As for military spending though, I want to be able to attack our enemies, what I don't want is to be able to occupy foreign countries indefinitely. How's that working out for us? That's what I would cut.

[To the other issues............we agree subsidies need to end.

Capital Gains taxation should be lowered but not eliminated. This is directly tied to Inversion. Investments in the markets for short term flips should get taxed at a rate............It is not the same as building a business that actually PRODUCES SOMETHING.............

Capital gains are just double taxation. The company already paid taxes on the gains. That is the inefficiency our tax code creates and the Fair Tax solves. Just tax the economy once and move on
You said you want a limited issue, but "not on every issue." Government is always corrupt, so whatever you want non-limited government for, you want the most corrupt solution to. So what is it? What do you want run corruptly?
Government has basic functions under the Constitution. Trade is one of those functions. Both in this country and abroad. I expect them to do their damned jobs.................

To the Military. Again........it is their damned job to do this..............

Clear it up for you anymore...............They are hired to do a job...............do it or get the fuck out.............Your Sarcasm is duly noted on this topic.

And who is going to stop a system run by politicians and bureaucrats from lining the pockets of companies that know what they are doing and funding their campaigns?

As for military spending though, I want to be able to attack our enemies, what I don't want is to be able to occupy foreign countries indefinitely. How's that working out for us? That's what I would cut.
Good question..............some are trying to fight it..........others not so much...........

Maintaining a strong military and how politicians use it are 2 different notions. You want to cut the hell out of it. Policy decisions versus maintaining it are different animals. I want a strong military..........because we live in a dangerous world.

Capital gains are just double taxation. The company already paid taxes on the gains. That is the inefficiency our tax code creates and the Fair Tax solves. Just tax the economy once and move on
The article I posted says yes and no...........hold on to the property instead of flipping it and you get lower rates...................hold on to it longer and pay virtually zero..................the markets would love your 0 RATES.....................the gambling casino's of Wall Street..............They love you.

I don't want the rates so high..........and Flat Lower rates.................

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