Just a thought for Republicans that dislike Trump.

The jobs belong to the companies, not you and not the government and not to the workers.
That is total bullshit.

Just as the radio waves dont belong to radio companies, companies who have their physical presence in the US, using our roads, our utilities, our educated population THEY HAVE A DEBT and a DUTY to employ American citizens first.

IF you dont realize even that much then you are not capable of remedy.

Gotcha Comrade. We may start businesses, put up all the money and take all the risk, but our objective is to benefit society.

So Comrade, if we're the ones who are supposed to be grateful for the roads, explain how roads would ever be funded without the jobs we provide for your beloved government to tax my employees and me to build them?

I always like how when communists are forced to defend your love of government, you run to things that even a small government libertarian like me supports, roads. OK, so I'll give you the first 5% of government spending. How do you justify the rest of it?

The relationship between the population, private business and the government is a reciprocal mutually dependent relationship. No one element of it can operate with disregard to the rest.

And recognizing that simple FACT does not make me a communist, water boy.
The jobs belong to the companies, not you and not the government and not to the workers.
That is total bullshit.

Just as the radio waves dont belong to radio companies, companies who have their physical presence in the US, using our roads, our utilities, our educated population THEY HAVE A DEBT and a DUTY to employ American citizens first.

IF you dont realize even that much then you are not capable of remedy.

Gotcha Comrade. We may start businesses, put up all the money and take all the risk, but our objective is to benefit society.

So Comrade, if we're the ones who are supposed to be grateful for the roads, explain how roads would ever be funded without the jobs we provide for your beloved government to tax my employees and me to build them?

I always like how when communists are forced to defend your love of government, you run to things that even a small government libertarian like me supports, roads. OK, so I'll give you the first 5% of government spending. How do you justify the rest of it?

The relationship between the population, private business and the government is a reciprocal mutually dependent relationship. No one element of it can operate with disregard to the rest.

And recognizing that simple FACT does not make me a communist, water boy.

No, but saying my first duty as a business man is to serve the "American people first" and that I should be grateful for things like roads and utilities that I'm the one funding does though.

The irony is that I benefit this country and it's citizens the most by focusing on economic efficiency. What you are advocating is mutually assured destruction where we all sing kumbaya and hold hands and go down together.

So in addition to owning an eight person business services company in North Carolina, I do management consulting for a US firm which owns a business in the Netherlands. The CFO of their Dutch buisness said their "primary role is to provide jobs."

So let's compare results. I'm a greedy capistalist, he's an employee loving socialist. How are our companies doing?

I've owned my business since 2009 when I bought a struggling business for next to nothing. I've never had a an employee quit. Though I've fired and forced out a bunch of them. We had six times the revenue last year that we had the first year I owned the business. I've trained and empowered my staff to the point I have so little to do I went back to my old life of management consulting I was so bored.

Now my client and the CFO who thinks their job is to provide jobs. Their Net Income was 2.5% of revenue last year. I'm working again for the American company that owns them. We're redoing their IT systems to better track costs, their management's under intense pressure to rebuild sales, and we're implementing massive layoffs to get their costs in line. It's not a fun place to be.

The bottom line, comrade, is that when you focus on running a company profitably, it works well for the employees that want to be a part of it. When you run the company for the employees, it doesn't. Employees benefit more under greedy capitalism than they do under your doting loving government. Blows your mind, doesn't it?
The jobs belong to the companies, not you and not the government and not to the workers.
That is total bullshit.

Just as the radio waves dont belong to radio companies, companies who have their physical presence in the US, using our roads, our utilities, our educated population THEY HAVE A DEBT and a DUTY to employ American citizens first.

IF you dont realize even that much then you are not capable of remedy.

Gotcha Comrade. We may start businesses, put up all the money and take all the risk, but our objective is to benefit society.

So Comrade, if we're the ones who are supposed to be grateful for the roads, explain how roads would ever be funded without the jobs we provide for your beloved government to tax my employees and me to build them?

I always like how when communists are forced to defend your love of government, you run to things that even a small government libertarian like me supports, roads. OK, so I'll give you the first 5% of government spending. How do you justify the rest of it?

The relationship between the population, private business and the government is a reciprocal mutually dependent relationship. No one element of it can operate with disregard to the rest.

And recognizing that simple FACT does not make me a communist, water boy.

I pay employees, I pay government, neither of them does anything for me that I didn't pay them to do. And if I don't make enough, I am the one who goes under. To call that a "reciprocal" relationship where I take all the risk is ridiculous.

Does your grocery store that you bought food from get to eat at your house? Or oops, did you buy the food?
I've been a stead fast supporter of Carson's tax plan for a reason. Because I've looked into the Flat Tax system over the years and believe it is the Fairest and most simplistic way to end the massive CFR's with the IRS. It honors the constitution on being uniform to all, and eliminates all the loop holes that everyone always bitches about. It would also stop the Inversion that limits investment capital horded overseas.

It is projected to lose revenues, but historically tax cuts have increased investments and created jobs which is exactly what this country needs. Our companies are hauling ass to over seas and if they keep going I believe the American Dream will go with it.

If his plan at 14.9% was incorporated with higher tariffs to countries like Mexico and China, by getting out of the Free Trade agreements, then it would pretty much not lead to less revenue coming into the Gov't. Or, as I studied this before, go to Flat rate of 18% and it would create growth in the economy and actually increase revenues as the tax code is now.

Details and Analysis of Dr. Ben Carson’s Tax Plan

This is Trumps plan, and it doesn't really end the problem with a massive tax code.


Cruz's tax plan is a VAT tax, and I've been against it from the get go. Especially when he dances on stage saying it's not a VAT. Well it is a VAT Tax Ted, by those looking at it.

Details and Analysis of Senator Ted Cruz’s Tax Plan

In grading their plans.........Carson's is the best plan of the Candidates. With a few percent more it would stop the supposed losses in revenues as the analysis's have shown. It would massively increase investment and bring back the Trillions being horded overseas...............

Sigh.............yet the people don't look at the issues.
I completely disagree with you in regard to stopping free trade, particularly with Mexico. The opposition to free trade is based on the belief that free trade cost us jobs. This misconception stems from the fact that while the greater benefits of free trade are often dispersed relatively evenly across an economy, losses tend to be concentrated in a few sectors or industries which attract huge media attention. Governments love protectionist tariffs because it produce huge amounts of revenue. The protected industry has less competition and can often increase revenue in spite of it's economic inefficiencies. The problem of course is that the other country will also apply protectionists tarries to their imports.

Once you start applying tarries they will spreads like wildfire in both countries. And both nations suffer. In the case of the US and Mexico, Mexican goods exported into the US increased by 39 billion after free tree. American goods exported to Mexico increased by 137 billion. Clearly the US is the beneficiary of free trade with Mexico.
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I've been a stead fast supporter of Carson's tax plan for a reason. Because I've looked into the Flat Tax system over the years and believe it is the Fairest and most simplistic way to end the massive CFR's with the IRS. It honors the constitution on being uniform to all, and eliminates all the loop holes that everyone always bitches about. It would also stop the Inversion that limits investment capital horded overseas.

It is projected to lose revenues, but historically tax cuts have increased investments and created jobs which is exactly what this country needs. Our companies are hauling ass to over seas and if they keep going I believe the American Dream will go with it.

If his plan at 14.9% was incorporated with higher tariffs to countries like Mexico and China, by getting out of the Free Trade agreements, then it would pretty much not lead to less revenue coming into the Gov't. Or, as I studied this before, go to Flat rate of 18% and it would create growth in the economy and actually increase revenues as the tax code is now.

Details and Analysis of Dr. Ben Carson’s Tax Plan

This is Trumps plan, and it doesn't really end the problem with a massive tax code.


Cruz's tax plan is a VAT tax, and I've been against it from the get go. Especially when he dances on stage saying it's not a VAT. Well it is a VAT Tax Ted, by those looking at it.

Details and Analysis of Senator Ted Cruz’s Tax Plan

In grading their plans.........Carson's is the best plan of the Candidates. With a few percent more it would stop the supposed losses in revenues as the analysis's have shown. It would massively increase investment and bring back the Trillions being horded overseas...............

Sigh.............yet the people don't look at the issues.
I completely disagree with you in regard to stopping free trade, particularly with Mexico. The opposition to free trade is based on the belief that free trade cost us jobs. This misconception stems from the fact that while the greater benefits of free trade are often dispersed relatively evenly across an economy, losses tend to be concentrated in a few sectors or industries which attract huge media attention. Governments love protectionist tariffs because it produce huge amounts of revenue. The protected industry has less competition and can often increase revenue in spite of it's economic inefficiencies. The problem of course is that the other country will also apply protectionists tarries to their imports.

Once you start applying tarries they will spreads like wildfire in both countries. And both nations suffer. In the case of the US and Mexico, Mexican goods exported into the US increased by 39 billion after free tree. American goods exported to Mexico increased by 137 billion. Clearly the US is the beneficiary of free trade with Mexico.
I disagree. We have a large trade deficit with Mexico. We have company after company leaving the U.S. and rebuilding in Mexico. It has cost us jobs. Some say over a Million jobs. Depends on which source.

I believe in Fair Trade. Their wages are low, epa regs low, don't require retirement or medical insurance for employees...............no one can work like that here given our cost of living. It gives all the advantage for jobs to Mexico.........closes plants here................we lose............they win..........

We simply cannot let so many leave this country without destroying our own work force.

Looks Like Ross Perot Was Right About The “Giant Sucking Sound”
I've been a stead fast supporter of Carson's tax plan for a reason. Because I've looked into the Flat Tax system over the years and believe it is the Fairest and most simplistic way to end the massive CFR's with the IRS. It honors the constitution on being uniform to all, and eliminates all the loop holes that everyone always bitches about. It would also stop the Inversion that limits investment capital horded overseas.

It is projected to lose revenues, but historically tax cuts have increased investments and created jobs which is exactly what this country needs. Our companies are hauling ass to over seas and if they keep going I believe the American Dream will go with it.

If his plan at 14.9% was incorporated with higher tariffs to countries like Mexico and China, by getting out of the Free Trade agreements, then it would pretty much not lead to less revenue coming into the Gov't. Or, as I studied this before, go to Flat rate of 18% and it would create growth in the economy and actually increase revenues as the tax code is now.

Details and Analysis of Dr. Ben Carson’s Tax Plan

This is Trumps plan, and it doesn't really end the problem with a massive tax code.


Cruz's tax plan is a VAT tax, and I've been against it from the get go. Especially when he dances on stage saying it's not a VAT. Well it is a VAT Tax Ted, by those looking at it.

Details and Analysis of Senator Ted Cruz’s Tax Plan

In grading their plans.........Carson's is the best plan of the Candidates. With a few percent more it would stop the supposed losses in revenues as the analysis's have shown. It would massively increase investment and bring back the Trillions being horded overseas...............

Sigh.............yet the people don't look at the issues.
I completely disagree with you in regard to stopping free trade, particularly with Mexico. The opposition to free trade is based on the belief that free trade cost us jobs. This misconception stems from the fact that while the greater benefits of free trade are often dispersed relatively evenly across an economy, losses tend to be concentrated in a few sectors or industries which attract huge media attention. Governments love protectionist tariffs because it produce huge amounts of revenue. The protected industry has less competition and can often increase revenue in spite of it's economic inefficiencies. The problem of course is that the other country will also apply protectionists tarries to their imports.

Once you start applying tarries they will spreads like wildfire in both countries. And both nations suffer. In the case of the US and Mexico, Mexican goods exported into the US increased by 39 billion after free tree. American goods exported to Mexico increased by 137 billion. Clearly the US is the beneficiary of free trade with Mexico.
I disagree. We have a large trade deficit with Mexico. We have company after company leaving the U.S. and rebuilding in Mexico. It has cost us jobs. Some say over a Million jobs. Depends on which source.

I believe in Fair Trade. Their wages are low, epa regs low, don't require retirement or medical insurance for employees...............no one can work like that here given our cost of living. It gives all the advantage for jobs to Mexico.........closes plants here................we lose............they win..........

We simply cannot let so many leave this country without destroying our own work force.

Well it's a free country so you can't stop it.

Besides, is it better that Americans build plants in Mexico and hire Mexicans living there, or is it better they stay here and Mexicans sneak in at night to work here?
I've been a stead fast supporter of Carson's tax plan for a reason. Because I've looked into the Flat Tax system over the years and believe it is the Fairest and most simplistic way to end the massive CFR's with the IRS. It honors the constitution on being uniform to all, and eliminates all the loop holes that everyone always bitches about. It would also stop the Inversion that limits investment capital horded overseas.

It is projected to lose revenues, but historically tax cuts have increased investments and created jobs which is exactly what this country needs. Our companies are hauling ass to over seas and if they keep going I believe the American Dream will go with it.

If his plan at 14.9% was incorporated with higher tariffs to countries like Mexico and China, by getting out of the Free Trade agreements, then it would pretty much not lead to less revenue coming into the Gov't. Or, as I studied this before, go to Flat rate of 18% and it would create growth in the economy and actually increase revenues as the tax code is now.

Details and Analysis of Dr. Ben Carson’s Tax Plan

This is Trumps plan, and it doesn't really end the problem with a massive tax code.


Cruz's tax plan is a VAT tax, and I've been against it from the get go. Especially when he dances on stage saying it's not a VAT. Well it is a VAT Tax Ted, by those looking at it.

Details and Analysis of Senator Ted Cruz’s Tax Plan

In grading their plans.........Carson's is the best plan of the Candidates. With a few percent more it would stop the supposed losses in revenues as the analysis's have shown. It would massively increase investment and bring back the Trillions being horded overseas...............

Sigh.............yet the people don't look at the issues.
I completely disagree with you in regard to stopping free trade, particularly with Mexico. The opposition to free trade is based on the belief that free trade cost us jobs. This misconception stems from the fact that while the greater benefits of free trade are often dispersed relatively evenly across an economy, losses tend to be concentrated in a few sectors or industries which attract huge media attention. Governments love protectionist tariffs because it produce huge amounts of revenue. The protected industry has less competition and can often increase revenue in spite of it's economic inefficiencies. The problem of course is that the other country will also apply protectionists tarries to their imports.

Once you start applying tarries they will spreads like wildfire in both countries. And both nations suffer. In the case of the US and Mexico, Mexican goods exported into the US increased by 39 billion after free tree. American goods exported to Mexico increased by 137 billion. Clearly the US is the beneficiary of free trade with Mexico.
I disagree. We have a large trade deficit with Mexico. We have company after company leaving the U.S. and rebuilding in Mexico. It has cost us jobs. Some say over a Million jobs. Depends on which source.

I believe in Fair Trade. Their wages are low, epa regs low, don't require retirement or medical insurance for employees...............no one can work like that here given our cost of living. It gives all the advantage for jobs to Mexico.........closes plants here................we lose............they win..........

We simply cannot let so many leave this country without destroying our own work force.
I agree we need to encourage businesses to not just stay in the US but come to the US. This is not done with tariffs and quotas but rather by reducing corporate taxes. We can't reinvent this government but we can change tax rates.

When you speak of business going overseas, keep in mind there are three entirely separate issues here..

One, is moving the corporate office overseas which means the government looses some tax revenues but that does not mean the company is moving all their operations overseas just their headquarters and possibly selected decisions. Most companies that do this are multinationals moving to get a tax break or possibly to be closer to their largest market or their largest facilities. Reducing corporate taxes would probably stop some of this.

Second, is companies that are packing up their entire operation in the US and heading oversea. These are usually smaller companies or single divisions of larger companies that have strong ties to some other country. Despite media attention, this is fairly rare. It is very difficult for most companies to just pack up and leave. Reduction in the corporate tax rate would certainly help.

Lastly, there is outsourcing jobs overseas. This has gone on for decades but the trend seems to be reversing. We're seeing in sourcing as labor rates have increased in a number of countries. There are many problems associating with outsourcing oversea, language and customs, time differences, employee training, coordination of activities, and dealing with different local, regional, national regulations and laws. It was certainly worth the cost and problems when the organization saved 75% of it's labor cost but as labor costs rose, regulations, taxes, and trade unions much of the allure of outsourcing overseas has been lost.
What is being shattered is the status quo of the GOP that is loaded with career fat cats and pundits who are scared shitless at the prospect of being summarily dismissed by the Trump wave. Trump won't get just 30% of the GOP and he will get Independents and Democrats and people who had given up but actually hear a glimmer of hope when Trump speaks.

6 out of 10 people don't want Trump anywhere close to the button. The far right and the far left have something in common this year. They've both gone bat shit crazy. The right with Donald Trump, the left with Bernie Sanders.

Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nation's history. Women rule today as the largest voting block. Republicans have a nasty history with women from 2012. They lost them by double digits, younger women by 36 points which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama. They have no reason to come back.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Trump and his supporters have chased off another 17% of the population, Hispanics, when the GOP nominee needs at least 46% of this block to win the White House. Trump is polling at a negative 75%. Even Republican Latino's say they're not going to vote or support Donald Trump.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

Republicans are the minority at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents are the largest today representing 40% of the entire electric.

The final nail for Republicans. Millions of Republicans won't vote for Donald Trump.

So you add in women, Hispanics, Republicans and all of the above stats, and it's fairly easy to see that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country BLUE from sea to shining sea on election night. Republicans ONLY hope is for a Bernie Sanders nominee who any GOP candidate would beat. This country would never elect a socialist.

Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS



I imagine the Republican party is going to go into an all out PANIC after Super Tuesday. They know they don't have a snowballs chance of defeating Hillary Clinton with Donald Trump as the nominee.
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What is being shattered is the status quo of the GOP that is loaded with career fat cats and pundits who are scared shitless at the prospect of being summarily dismissed by the Trump wave. Trump won't get just 30% of the GOP and he will get Independents and Democrats and people who had given up but actually hear a glimmer of hope when Trump speaks.

6 out of 10 people don't want Trump anywhere close to the button. The far right and the far left have something in common this year. They've both gone bat shit crazy. The right with Donald Trump, the left with Bernie Sanders.

Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nation's history. Women rule today as the largest voting block. Republicans have a nasty history with women from 2012. They lost them by double digits, younger women by 36 points which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama. They have no reason to come back.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Trump and his supporters have chased off another 17% of the population, Hispanics, when the GOP nominee needs at least 46% of this block to win the White House. Trump is polling at a negative 75%. Even Republican Latino's say they're not going to vote or support Donald Trump.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

Republicans are the minority at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents are the largest today representing 40% of the entire electric.

The final nail for Republicans. Millions of Republicans won't vote for Donald Trump.

So you add in women, Hispanics, Republicans and all of the above stats, and it's fairly easy to see that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country BLUE from sea to shining sea on election night.

Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS


This country is stupid. But not that fuckin stupid.
I've been a stead fast supporter of Carson's tax plan for a reason. Because I've looked into the Flat Tax system over the years and believe it is the Fairest and most simplistic way to end the massive CFR's with the IRS. It honors the constitution on being uniform to all, and eliminates all the loop holes that everyone always bitches about. It would also stop the Inversion that limits investment capital horded overseas.

It is projected to lose revenues, but historically tax cuts have increased investments and created jobs which is exactly what this country needs. Our companies are hauling ass to over seas and if they keep going I believe the American Dream will go with it.

If his plan at 14.9% was incorporated with higher tariffs to countries like Mexico and China, by getting out of the Free Trade agreements, then it would pretty much not lead to less revenue coming into the Gov't. Or, as I studied this before, go to Flat rate of 18% and it would create growth in the economy and actually increase revenues as the tax code is now.

Details and Analysis of Dr. Ben Carson’s Tax Plan

This is Trumps plan, and it doesn't really end the problem with a massive tax code.


Cruz's tax plan is a VAT tax, and I've been against it from the get go. Especially when he dances on stage saying it's not a VAT. Well it is a VAT Tax Ted, by those looking at it.

Details and Analysis of Senator Ted Cruz’s Tax Plan

In grading their plans.........Carson's is the best plan of the Candidates. With a few percent more it would stop the supposed losses in revenues as the analysis's have shown. It would massively increase investment and bring back the Trillions being horded overseas...............

Sigh.............yet the people don't look at the issues.
I completely disagree with you in regard to stopping free trade, particularly with Mexico. The opposition to free trade is based on the belief that free trade cost us jobs. This misconception stems from the fact that while the greater benefits of free trade are often dispersed relatively evenly across an economy, losses tend to be concentrated in a few sectors or industries which attract huge media attention. Governments love protectionist tariffs because it produce huge amounts of revenue. The protected industry has less competition and can often increase revenue in spite of it's economic inefficiencies. The problem of course is that the other country will also apply protectionists tarries to their imports.

Once you start applying tarries they will spreads like wildfire in both countries. And both nations suffer. In the case of the US and Mexico, Mexican goods exported into the US increased by 39 billion after free tree. American goods exported to Mexico increased by 137 billion. Clearly the US is the beneficiary of free trade with Mexico.
I disagree. We have a large trade deficit with Mexico. We have company after company leaving the U.S. and rebuilding in Mexico. It has cost us jobs. Some say over a Million jobs. Depends on which source.

I believe in Fair Trade. Their wages are low, epa regs low, don't require retirement or medical insurance for employees...............no one can work like that here given our cost of living. It gives all the advantage for jobs to Mexico.........closes plants here................we lose............they win..........

We simply cannot let so many leave this country without destroying our own work force.

Well it's a free country so you can't stop it.

Besides, is it better that Americans build plants in Mexico and hire Mexicans living there, or is it better they stay here and Mexicans sneak in at night to work here?
It's better that they employ Americans and pay a living wage.
I've been a stead fast supporter of Carson's tax plan for a reason. Because I've looked into the Flat Tax system over the years and believe it is the Fairest and most simplistic way to end the massive CFR's with the IRS. It honors the constitution on being uniform to all, and eliminates all the loop holes that everyone always bitches about. It would also stop the Inversion that limits investment capital horded overseas.

It is projected to lose revenues, but historically tax cuts have increased investments and created jobs which is exactly what this country needs. Our companies are hauling ass to over seas and if they keep going I believe the American Dream will go with it.

If his plan at 14.9% was incorporated with higher tariffs to countries like Mexico and China, by getting out of the Free Trade agreements, then it would pretty much not lead to less revenue coming into the Gov't. Or, as I studied this before, go to Flat rate of 18% and it would create growth in the economy and actually increase revenues as the tax code is now.

Details and Analysis of Dr. Ben Carson’s Tax Plan

This is Trumps plan, and it doesn't really end the problem with a massive tax code.


Cruz's tax plan is a VAT tax, and I've been against it from the get go. Especially when he dances on stage saying it's not a VAT. Well it is a VAT Tax Ted, by those looking at it.

Details and Analysis of Senator Ted Cruz’s Tax Plan

In grading their plans.........Carson's is the best plan of the Candidates. With a few percent more it would stop the supposed losses in revenues as the analysis's have shown. It would massively increase investment and bring back the Trillions being horded overseas...............

Sigh.............yet the people don't look at the issues.
I completely disagree with you in regard to stopping free trade, particularly with Mexico. The opposition to free trade is based on the belief that free trade cost us jobs. This misconception stems from the fact that while the greater benefits of free trade are often dispersed relatively evenly across an economy, losses tend to be concentrated in a few sectors or industries which attract huge media attention. Governments love protectionist tariffs because it produce huge amounts of revenue. The protected industry has less competition and can often increase revenue in spite of it's economic inefficiencies. The problem of course is that the other country will also apply protectionists tarries to their imports.

Once you start applying tarries they will spreads like wildfire in both countries. And both nations suffer. In the case of the US and Mexico, Mexican goods exported into the US increased by 39 billion after free tree. American goods exported to Mexico increased by 137 billion. Clearly the US is the beneficiary of free trade with Mexico.
I disagree. We have a large trade deficit with Mexico. We have company after company leaving the U.S. and rebuilding in Mexico. It has cost us jobs. Some say over a Million jobs. Depends on which source.

I believe in Fair Trade. Their wages are low, epa regs low, don't require retirement or medical insurance for employees...............no one can work like that here given our cost of living. It gives all the advantage for jobs to Mexico.........closes plants here................we lose............they win..........

We simply cannot let so many leave this country without destroying our own work force.
I agree we need to encourage businesses to not just stay in the US but come to the US. This is not done with tariffs and quotas but rather by reducing corporate taxes. We can't reinvent this government but we can change tax rates.

When you speak of business going overseas, keep in mind there are three entirely separate issues here..

One, is moving the corporate office overseas which means the government looses some tax revenues but that does not mean the company is moving all their operations overseas just their headquarters and possibly selected decisions. Most companies that do this are multinationals moving to get a tax break or possibly to be closer to their largest market or their largest facilities. Reducing corporate taxes would probably stop some of this.

Second, is companies that are packing up their entire operation in the US and heading oversea. These are usually smaller companies or single divisions of larger companies that have strong ties to some other country. Despite media attention, this is fairly rare. It is very difficult for most companies to just pack up and leave. Reduction in the corporate tax rate would certainly help.

Lastly, there is outsourcing jobs overseas. This has gone on for decades but the trend seems to be reversing. We're seeing in sourcing as labor rates have increased in a number of countries. There are many problems associating with outsourcing oversea, language and customs, time differences, employee training, coordination of activities, and dealing with different local, regional, national regulations and laws. It was certainly worth the cost and problems when the organization saved 75% of it's labor cost but as labor costs rose, regulations, taxes, and trade unions much of the allure of outsourcing overseas has been lost.
I agree with ending Inversion. Our Corporate rates are too high............Both parties think it's a problem, but argue on how to deal with it. Simplifying the code would do so, as would the Flat Tax proposals. Companies aren't hording money in 3rd world countries..............they are hording it in countries like Canada, the UK, and Scotland................Who's rate is 12 to 12.5% while ours is 36% I believe............they have no incentive to bring the money back here. Not when the gov't is going to punish them at those rates.

I agree with killing off the massive job killing regulations as well.

If we do this, then we'll see if business comes back or not. Hopefully it will, but if it doesn't then YES I would tariff products. Tariff's would counter some of the revenue lost via the simplified codes. It is a consumption tax that could actually keep jobs here. Ted Cruz is proposing a VAT, even though he tries to call it something different. A VAT at 16%, which would raise all of our prices across the board..........Why would some say that is acceptable over a tariff.

Finally, I don't like the WTO courts telling us to change our laws or else. This is our country and I see that as being ruled by a foreign entity.
I've been a stead fast supporter of Carson's tax plan for a reason. Because I've looked into the Flat Tax system over the years and believe it is the Fairest and most simplistic way to end the massive CFR's with the IRS. It honors the constitution on being uniform to all, and eliminates all the loop holes that everyone always bitches about. It would also stop the Inversion that limits investment capital horded overseas.

It is projected to lose revenues, but historically tax cuts have increased investments and created jobs which is exactly what this country needs. Our companies are hauling ass to over seas and if they keep going I believe the American Dream will go with it.

If his plan at 14.9% was incorporated with higher tariffs to countries like Mexico and China, by getting out of the Free Trade agreements, then it would pretty much not lead to less revenue coming into the Gov't. Or, as I studied this before, go to Flat rate of 18% and it would create growth in the economy and actually increase revenues as the tax code is now.

Details and Analysis of Dr. Ben Carson’s Tax Plan

This is Trumps plan, and it doesn't really end the problem with a massive tax code.


Cruz's tax plan is a VAT tax, and I've been against it from the get go. Especially when he dances on stage saying it's not a VAT. Well it is a VAT Tax Ted, by those looking at it.

Details and Analysis of Senator Ted Cruz’s Tax Plan

In grading their plans.........Carson's is the best plan of the Candidates. With a few percent more it would stop the supposed losses in revenues as the analysis's have shown. It would massively increase investment and bring back the Trillions being horded overseas...............

Sigh.............yet the people don't look at the issues.
I completely disagree with you in regard to stopping free trade, particularly with Mexico. The opposition to free trade is based on the belief that free trade cost us jobs. This misconception stems from the fact that while the greater benefits of free trade are often dispersed relatively evenly across an economy, losses tend to be concentrated in a few sectors or industries which attract huge media attention. Governments love protectionist tariffs because it produce huge amounts of revenue. The protected industry has less competition and can often increase revenue in spite of it's economic inefficiencies. The problem of course is that the other country will also apply protectionists tarries to their imports.

Once you start applying tarries they will spreads like wildfire in both countries. And both nations suffer. In the case of the US and Mexico, Mexican goods exported into the US increased by 39 billion after free tree. American goods exported to Mexico increased by 137 billion. Clearly the US is the beneficiary of free trade with Mexico.
I disagree. We have a large trade deficit with Mexico. We have company after company leaving the U.S. and rebuilding in Mexico. It has cost us jobs. Some say over a Million jobs. Depends on which source.

I believe in Fair Trade. Their wages are low, epa regs low, don't require retirement or medical insurance for employees...............no one can work like that here given our cost of living. It gives all the advantage for jobs to Mexico.........closes plants here................we lose............they win..........

We simply cannot let so many leave this country without destroying our own work force.

Well it's a free country so you can't stop it.

Besides, is it better that Americans build plants in Mexico and hire Mexicans living there, or is it better they stay here and Mexicans sneak in at night to work here?
How is this better? How is it better when millions have lost their jobs to this?

Immigration is another issue. We need to secure that border because those illegals ARE driving down our wages.............not to mention they are ILLEGAL.............or first responsibility is not to Mexico, but the United States...............

To Mexico.........move up your standards to ours and you get Free Trade...........don't you get a tariff.......that's my position.
I've been a stead fast supporter of Carson's tax plan for a reason. Because I've looked into the Flat Tax system over the years and believe it is the Fairest and most simplistic way to end the massive CFR's with the IRS. It honors the constitution on being uniform to all, and eliminates all the loop holes that everyone always bitches about. It would also stop the Inversion that limits investment capital horded overseas.

It is projected to lose revenues, but historically tax cuts have increased investments and created jobs which is exactly what this country needs. Our companies are hauling ass to over seas and if they keep going I believe the American Dream will go with it.

If his plan at 14.9% was incorporated with higher tariffs to countries like Mexico and China, by getting out of the Free Trade agreements, then it would pretty much not lead to less revenue coming into the Gov't. Or, as I studied this before, go to Flat rate of 18% and it would create growth in the economy and actually increase revenues as the tax code is now.

Details and Analysis of Dr. Ben Carson’s Tax Plan

This is Trumps plan, and it doesn't really end the problem with a massive tax code.


Cruz's tax plan is a VAT tax, and I've been against it from the get go. Especially when he dances on stage saying it's not a VAT. Well it is a VAT Tax Ted, by those looking at it.

Details and Analysis of Senator Ted Cruz’s Tax Plan

In grading their plans.........Carson's is the best plan of the Candidates. With a few percent more it would stop the supposed losses in revenues as the analysis's have shown. It would massively increase investment and bring back the Trillions being horded overseas...............

Sigh.............yet the people don't look at the issues.
I completely disagree with you in regard to stopping free trade, particularly with Mexico. The opposition to free trade is based on the belief that free trade cost us jobs. This misconception stems from the fact that while the greater benefits of free trade are often dispersed relatively evenly across an economy, losses tend to be concentrated in a few sectors or industries which attract huge media attention. Governments love protectionist tariffs because it produce huge amounts of revenue. The protected industry has less competition and can often increase revenue in spite of it's economic inefficiencies. The problem of course is that the other country will also apply protectionists tarries to their imports.

Once you start applying tarries they will spreads like wildfire in both countries. And both nations suffer. In the case of the US and Mexico, Mexican goods exported into the US increased by 39 billion after free tree. American goods exported to Mexico increased by 137 billion. Clearly the US is the beneficiary of free trade with Mexico.

WTF, you get free trade?
Why yes.....you get Free Trade.


Bottomline: The key elements of the TPP text that affect jobs and wages literally replicate and expand on the worst elements of past “free trade” agreements. And, those deals have destroyed millions of good American jobs and pushed down our wages over the last two decades. Nearly 5 million U.S. manufacturing jobs – one out of every four – have been lost, and more than 55,000 American manufacturing facilities have closed, since the implementation of NAFTA and NAFTA expansion deals:  The U.S. Department of Labor has certified millions of trade-related job losses. More than 2.7 million specific U.S. workers have been certified under the Department of Labor’s Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program as losing their jobs to offshoring or imports since NAFTA and NAFTA expansion pacts have taken effect. This number significantly undercounts trade-related job loss as TAA only covers a subset of jobs lost to trade.  Under President Obama’s 2012 Korea Free Trade Agreement (FTA), trade deficits have surged, gutting job creation promises. In the first three years of the Korea FTA, which U.S. negotiators literally used as the U.S. template for the TPP, the U.S. goods trade deficit with Korea has ballooned 90 percent, or $13.6 billion. According to the trade-jobs ratio that the Obama administration used to promise job gains from the deal, this trade deficit surge with Korea implies the loss of more than 90,000 American jobs in the FTA’s first three years. Sadly, that is not surprising because the agreement is based on the same old failed trade agreement model.

TAA Database
Ford investing $2.5 billion in two new plants in Mexico

Automobile production keeps ramping up in Mexico. Last week alone, Toyota announced a new plant it's building south of the border, and news broke that Hyundai is looking into the same. Now Ford has announced a multi-billion-dollar initiative that will see it building two new facilities in Mexico, as well.

Though neither will be a final assembly plant, both promise to break new ground for the automotive industry in Mexico – at least as far as Ford is concerned.

The first is a new engine facility to be built at Ford's existing plant in Chihuahua. The fruit of a $1.1-billion investment will see the Blue Oval produce new gasoline engines for use in North America, South America and Asia-Pacific, creating 1,300 new jobs in the process.

Ford will also be investing another $200 million to expand its inline-four and diesel engine production lines at the same plant. The move will create another 500 new jobs and make Ford's Chihuahua engine plant the largest in Mexico, according to the company's press release.

Ford has also announced the building of its first transmission facility in Mexico, to be constructed within Getrag's plant in Irapuato in the state of Guanajuato. The $1.2-billion investment will create 2,000 new jobs and be charged with exporting two new automatic transmissions to markets around the world.
I pay employees, I pay government, neither of them does anything for me that I didn't pay them to do.

You paid for roads, utiities, law enforcement, the currency, the education of your workers, etc and SO DID EVERYBODY ELSE.

Just because you cant wrap your brain around it doesnt mean it doesnt exist, doofus.

And if I don't make enough, I am the one who goes under. To call that a "reciprocal" relationship where I take all the risk is ridiculous.

It is completely reciprocal as I have already described. Your workers provide you with labor and you pay them. The community improves the ability and efficiency of businesses to make profit and you pay local taxes. The federal government provides supporting infrastructure, etc, and you pay federal taxes.

And the only thing ridiculous about the topic is your ideological blindness.

Does your grocery store that you bought food from get to eat at your house? Or oops, did you buy the food?

Stupid analogy. The grocer made its profit from my purchase and they have no more moral claim to my purchase.

When you fuck over the American public by hiring illegals, you lower wages, harm the tax base and cripple the ability of the local government to provide the fire department, police department, sewage department and other services we all pitch into through local taxes.

By hiring illegals you are not only breaking the law, but cheating the rest of us by not paying what you should for the labor you are getting.
Why is Trump doing so well...............well the American people are investing in Commodities...............these commodities................................


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