Just a thought for Republicans that dislike Trump.

I agree with ending Inversion. Our Corporate rates are too high............Both parties think it's a problem, but argue on how to deal with it.

Corporate taxes should be revised to provide a financial incentive to corporations to HIRE AMERICANS and that is all. Keep the rate where it is and allow the corporations to claim an additional 35% of their wages paid to American citizens as a deduction and NOTHING ELSE.

We would have true full employment within a year.
I pay employees, I pay government, neither of them does anything for me that I didn't pay them to do.

You paid for roads, utiities, law enforcement, the currency, the education of your workers, etc and SO DID EVERYBODY ELSE.

Just because you cant wrap your brain around it doesnt mean it doesnt exist, doofus.

And if I don't make enough, I am the one who goes under. To call that a "reciprocal" relationship where I take all the risk is ridiculous.

It is completely reciprocal as I have already described. Your workers provide you with labor and you pay them. The community improves the ability and efficiency of businesses to make profit and you pay local taxes. The federal government provides supporting infrastructure, etc, and you pay federal taxes.

And the only thing ridiculous about the topic is your ideological blindness.

Does your grocery store that you bought food from get to eat at your house? Or oops, did you buy the food?

Stupid analogy. The grocer made its profit from my purchase and they have no more moral claim to my purchase.

When you fuck over the American public by hiring illegals, you lower wages, harm the tax base and cripple the ability of the local government to provide the fire department, police department, sewage department and other services we all pitch into through local taxes.

By hiring illegals you are not only breaking the law, but cheating the rest of us by not paying what you should for the labor you are getting.

Stop sniffing glue, I didn't hire any illegals, most businesses don't. We are harmed if our competition hires them. It's like blaming women for wife beaters. Enforce the law, Che, I want you to.

And logical you are not. So if I buy a peach from my grocer, I own it. But if I pay my employees for work, and I think I own what I paid them to do, not, it's a "stupid analogy."
I agree with ending Inversion. Our Corporate rates are too high............Both parties think it's a problem, but argue on how to deal with it.

Corporate taxes should be revised to provide a financial incentive to corporations to HIRE AMERICANS and that is all. Keep the rate where it is and allow the corporations to claim an additional 35% of their wages paid to American citizens as a deduction and NOTHING ELSE.

We would have true full employment within a year.

Corporate taxes should be eliminated, it's double taxation. And that would encourage US hiring.

And BTW, Virginia, politicians don't write the tax code to help anyone but themselves, they are for sale to the highest bidder. Vote for them to stop making decisions and just let consumers and producers make the best economic decisions, that again will spur hiring
Stop sniffing glue, I didn't hire any illegals, most businesses don't. We are harmed if our competition hires them. It's like blaming women for wife beaters. Enforce the law, Che, I want you to.

Oh, I want the laws enforced, dickface. I want to see businesses that hire illegals to be prosecuted under RICO laws and their property seized and mandatory jail time.

And logical you are not. So if I buy a peach from my grocer, I own it. But if I pay my employees for work, and I think I own what I paid them to do, not, it's a "stupid analogy."

You dont own labor, dumbass, you pay for the time of the labor. If you owned the labor you would be engaging in slavery, though that would probably be peachy keen to you anyway.
I agree with ending Inversion. Our Corporate rates are too high............Both parties think it's a problem, but argue on how to deal with it.

Corporate taxes should be revised to provide a financial incentive to corporations to HIRE AMERICANS and that is all. Keep the rate where it is and allow the corporations to claim an additional 35% of their wages paid to American citizens as a deduction and NOTHING ELSE.

We would have true full employment within a year.
Lower the rates to a simplified Flat rate....................incentive is there..............Inversion ends.............then if they say Viva La Mexico or sing the Chinese National Anthem Tariff their asses...................

I'm showing the data from even the Fed that is showing that we are getting our asses handed to us. We need to get more Job friendly and our regulations and tax rates are Killing us..............If we want true job growth we need to do this. If they then still move for the cheap labor as we've lost over 6 million jobs due to this Free Trade crap then Tariff their asses.

In regards to illegal labor..............they use the hell out of them and lower our wages.........which is why they don't fix the Fucking border or enforce our laws anymore.
Corporate taxes should be eliminated, it's double taxation. And that would encourage US hiring.

In 1950 corporate taxes paid in at the federal level were at a 3:2 ratio with personal taxes. Now it is 1:4 and they are whining for more tax reduction.

Fuck them and double their taxes, and let them hire AMericans to get out from under their 'awful tax burden' that they have been skating on compared to the rest of us.

And BTW, Virginia, politicians don't write the tax code to help anyone but themselves, they are for sale to the highest bidder. Vote for them to stop making decisions and just let consumers and producers make the best economic decisions, that again will spur hiring

Corporations are making such thick and heavy profits that they can afford to spend millions annually to lobby Congress.

We need to cut that off at the knees.

The public is sick of this shit, and I am ready to build some guillotines.
Lower the rates to a simplified Flat rate....................incentive is there..............Inversion ends.............then if they say Viva La Mexico or sing the Chinese National Anthem Tariff their asses...................

I'm showing the data from even the Fed that is showing that we are getting our asses handed to us. We need to get more Job friendly and our regulations and tax rates are Killing us..............If we want true job growth we need to do this. If they then still move for the cheap labor as we've lost over 6 million jobs due to this Free Trade crap then Tariff their asses.

In regards to illegal labor..............they use the hell out of them and lower our wages.........which is why they don't fix the Fucking border or enforce our laws anymore.

We dont need to lower the official rate if we provide means to lower the effective rate through American employee based deductions.

What a scam to lower corporate taxes when the rest of us have seen our taxes climb for decades.
I agree with ending Inversion. Our Corporate rates are too high............Both parties think it's a problem, but argue on how to deal with it.

Corporate taxes should be revised to provide a financial incentive to corporations to HIRE AMERICANS and that is all. Keep the rate where it is and allow the corporations to claim an additional 35% of their wages paid to American citizens as a deduction and NOTHING ELSE.

We would have true full employment within a year.

Corporate taxes should be eliminated, it's double taxation. And that would encourage US hiring.

And BTW, Virginia, politicians don't write the tax code to help anyone but themselves, they are for sale to the highest bidder. Vote for them to stop making decisions and just let consumers and producers make the best economic decisions, that again will spur hiring
I don't agree with eliminating them. I agree with lowering them to make it more business friendly. I do believe that they PASS THAT COST ON TO THE CONSUMER..............They add all costs to the final product.............so those massive taxes they pay eventually fall on the consumers...............Always has been that way.............which is why a lot of the world uses the VAT tax, which is also known as the HIDDEN TAX....................

Do you want the gov't out of Crony Capitalism...................which would mean eliminating the 158 Billion in subsidies to Corporations in this country in the form of subsidies?????????
Stop sniffing glue, I didn't hire any illegals, most businesses don't. We are harmed if our competition hires them. It's like blaming women for wife beaters. Enforce the law, Che, I want you to.

Oh, I want the laws enforced, dickface. I want to see businesses that hire illegals to be prosecuted under RICO laws and their property seized and mandatory jail time.

Yet again you bring this to me. Try to focus through the dim fog of stupidity for just one brief moment. Companies that break the law to lower their costs harm me. They can artificially lower their prices. What about that confuses you?

And logical you are not. So if I buy a peach from my grocer, I own it. But if I pay my employees for work, and I think I own what I paid them to do, not, it's a "stupid analogy."

You dont own labor, dumbass, you pay for the time of the labor. If you owned the labor you would be engaging in slavery, though that would probably be peachy keen to you anyway.

I said I "own what I paid them to do". I don't, Karl?
I don't agree with eliminating them. I agree with lowering them to make it more business friendly. I do believe that they PASS THAT COST ON TO THE CONSUMER..............They add all costs to the final product.............so those massive taxes they pay eventually fall on the consumers...............Always has been that way.............which is why a lot of the world uses the VAT tax, which is also known as the HIDDEN TAX....................

Do you want the gov't out of Crony Capitalism...................which would mean eliminating the 158 Billion in subsidies to Corporations in this country in the form of subsidies?????????

Not all increased costs go into increased prices. Sometimes they cut production costs and sometimes they take cuts to their profits. If they have honest competition they cant just pass ALL the costs along to the customer.
Lower the rates to a simplified Flat rate....................incentive is there..............Inversion ends.............then if they say Viva La Mexico or sing the Chinese National Anthem Tariff their asses...................

I'm showing the data from even the Fed that is showing that we are getting our asses handed to us. We need to get more Job friendly and our regulations and tax rates are Killing us..............If we want true job growth we need to do this. If they then still move for the cheap labor as we've lost over 6 million jobs due to this Free Trade crap then Tariff their asses.

In regards to illegal labor..............they use the hell out of them and lower our wages.........which is why they don't fix the Fucking border or enforce our laws anymore.

We dont need to lower the official rate if we provide means to lower the effective rate through American employee based deductions.

What a scam to lower corporate taxes when the rest of us have seen our taxes climb for decades.
They use the massive IRS code to not pay in many cases anyway. The IRS code is massive for a reason.........under the Flat Tax plan...........like Carson's there are NO DEDUCTIONS...........NO LOOP HOLES................unlike the Swiss Cheese under the current code...................

And like I said they pass the cost on to the customer anyway............They don't eat it and never have.
I don't agree with eliminating them. I agree with lowering them to make it more business friendly. I do believe that they PASS THAT COST ON TO THE CONSUMER..............They add all costs to the final product.............so those massive taxes they pay eventually fall on the consumers...............Always has been that way.............which is why a lot of the world uses the VAT tax, which is also known as the HIDDEN TAX....................

Do you want the gov't out of Crony Capitalism...................which would mean eliminating the 158 Billion in subsidies to Corporations in this country in the form of subsidies?????????

Not all increased costs go into increased prices. Sometimes they cut production costs and sometimes they take cuts to their profits. If they have honest competition they cant just pass ALL the costs along to the customer.
They will maintain their profit margin rates at the final sale price. Irregardless of the cost of taxes...........They may not get it all, but they will get most of it passed on to the customer.
Yet again you bring this to me. Try to focus through the dim fog of stupidity for just one brief moment.

Dont project your mental issues onto me, fucktard.

Oh, I want the laws enforced, dickface. I want to see businesses that hire illegals to be prosecuted under RICO laws and their property seized and mandatory jail time.

Companies that break the law to lower their costs harm me. They can artificially lower their prices. What about that confuses you?

I did not disagree with you on that item, moron.

I said I "own what I paid them to do". I don't, Karl?

You dont own that either as that time is not an object to own. You may own a right to a period of time of labor IF they agree to sell it to you.

But you do not own the time itself nor the source of the labor, idiot.
They use the massive IRS code to not pay in many cases anyway. The IRS code is massive for a reason.........under the Flat Tax plan...........like Carson's there are NO DEDUCTIONS...........NO LOOP HOLES................unlike the Swiss Cheese under the current code...................

And like I said they pass the cost on to the customer anyway............They don't eat it and never have.

No they often 'eat' the tax increases. They shop around to reduce the commodity costs that they pay, or thin it out, reduce QA, or renegotiate shipping and warehousing costs, for example. Another technique is to lower their profits which companies have done since the recognition of capitalism.
Corporate taxes should be eliminated, it's double taxation. And that would encourage US hiring.

In 1950 corporate taxes paid in at the federal level were at a 3:2 ratio with personal taxes. Now it is 1:4 and they are whining for more tax reduction.

Fuck them and double their taxes, and let them hire AMericans to get out from under their 'awful tax burden' that they have been skating on compared to the rest of us.

And BTW, Virginia, politicians don't write the tax code to help anyone but themselves, they are for sale to the highest bidder. Vote for them to stop making decisions and just let consumers and producers make the best economic decisions, that again will spur hiring

Corporations are making such thick and heavy profits that they can afford to spend millions annually to lobby Congress.

We need to cut that off at the knees.

The public is sick of this shit, and I am ready to build some guillotines.

Actually you're advocating giving the politicians more money to write favorable codes for the Corporations that fund their campaigns. You're just too clueless to know that's what you're doing.

You want the politicians on the take to write more tax code. What do you think they are going to do when they do that? Don't think too hard though, you're not used to it. Oh, and do a lot of stretching first.

And corporate taxes should be eliminated, any double tax is too high
They will maintain their profit margin rates at the final sale price. Irregardless of the cost of taxes...........They may not get it all, but they will get most of it passed on to the customer.

That is simply not true as an unqualified statement. Much depends on what their competition is able to do as well.

That is what competition is SUPPOSED to do; goad businesses into making their operations more efficient and thereby lowering their prices.

You seriously think that no businesses ever lower their prices?
I agree with ending Inversion. Our Corporate rates are too high............Both parties think it's a problem, but argue on how to deal with it.

Corporate taxes should be revised to provide a financial incentive to corporations to HIRE AMERICANS and that is all. Keep the rate where it is and allow the corporations to claim an additional 35% of their wages paid to American citizens as a deduction and NOTHING ELSE.

We would have true full employment within a year.

Corporate taxes should be eliminated, it's double taxation. And that would encourage US hiring.

And BTW, Virginia, politicians don't write the tax code to help anyone but themselves, they are for sale to the highest bidder. Vote for them to stop making decisions and just let consumers and producers make the best economic decisions, that again will spur hiring
I don't agree with eliminating them. I agree with lowering them to make it more business friendly. I do believe that they PASS THAT COST ON TO THE CONSUMER..............They add all costs to the final product.............so those massive taxes they pay eventually fall on the consumers...............Always has been that way.............which is why a lot of the world uses the VAT tax, which is also known as the HIDDEN TAX....................

Do you want the gov't out of Crony Capitalism...................which would mean eliminating the 158 Billion in subsidies to Corporations in this country in the form of subsidies?????????

Of course I want all subsidies eliminated, I'm a libertian.

And as for corporate taxes how much double tax is acceptable to you?
Actually you're advocating giving the politicians more money to write favorable codes for the Corporations that fund their campaigns. You're just too clueless to know that's what you're doing.

Thsat is not what I said, moron. Why dontt you read what I said and respond to that instead of your neocon Talking Point sheet? Or is it libertarian? Not much difference.

You want the politicians on the take to write more tax code.

No, I dont, idiot.

And corporate taxes should be eliminated, any double tax is too high

No they should be brought back into line with what they have paid historically compared to the rest of the public, from the current 1:4 ratio with personal taxes, and back up to the 2:3 ration they have had prior to WW2.

Yet again you bring this to me. Try to focus through the dim fog of stupidity for just one brief moment.

Dont project your mental issues onto me, fucktard.

Oh, I want the laws enforced, dickface. I want to see businesses that hire illegals to be prosecuted under RICO laws and their property seized and mandatory jail time.

Companies that break the law to lower their costs harm me. They can artificially lower their prices. What about that confuses you?

I did not disagree with you on that item, moron.

I said I "own what I paid them to do". I don't, Karl?

You dont own that either as that time is not an object to own. You may own a right to a period of time of labor IF they agree to sell it to you.

But you do not own the time itself nor the source of the labor, idiot.

When I say I "own what I paid them to do" you interpret that as:

1) Owning the employee
2) Owning the empoyee's time
3) Owning the time itself
4) Owning the source of the labor

You never interpret it correctly as owning what I said, I own what I "paid them to do." Then you call me an idiot.

LOL, you're a hoot. And an angry, ranting little child as well

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