Just a thought for Republicans that dislike Trump.

Consumers pay all taxes, businesses pass them on, they don't eat them. It's bizarre how the left grasp that if the cost of steel goes up that's a cost and companies pass it on. Then when you point out that taxes are a cost, they pass it on, the left is like what? That makes no sense

You know what else companies pass on to consumers? Their profit.

Now for some reason some people think that if only companies didn't have to pay taxes, the companies would be so glad to lower their prices and thereby lower their profit. Just to help the consumers.

Then again, some people think republicans make good leaders.

You need to take an econ 101 course and learn about profits in a free market. The government has failed you badly, my friend. You don't even know what competition is or how it drives pricing and profits. Econ should be basic in high school just like English and Math
Republicans have broken voter turnout records in every state so far. I'm pretty sure that is the result of the Trump phenomenon. I'm also pretty sure a lot of his supporters will disappear with him if he loses the nomination. I know how much a lot of you dislike Trump, but at this point he is probably the best bet for a Republican win.
Then it's a bet republicans will lose.
I agree, the RNC is going to pick who they want, not who the people want, and thats not Trump. Just like the DNC is going to pick Hillary even though its clear the people want Bernie.

They could. But then they would have to look forward to Trump running as an Independent and shutting out the Republican party entirely. Hillary wins.
When imported steel started to be a problem under Bush, he instituted a tariff. Our trading partners in return put a tariff on our goods being shipped there, so it was a wash and Bush had to back down.

Tariffs don't solve anything. I think what might help is if we Americans were more supportive of our own workers. Let's face it, do any of us look on the packaging of our goods to see where it was made? I don't, and I'm willing to bet that you don't either

Recently Obama signed getting rid of Country of Origin Labeling after we lost in a WTO Court against Mexico and Canada..............After losing the Court allowed Tariffs for compensation to Mexico and Canada. So if we do as you say they will file suit against us again and then order us to change our laws again. As we get hit with tariffs again by the World Court.

Under these free trade agreements, the World tells us how to trade and in this case tells us to change our laws. I have a serious problem with that. If they want to do business here they must obey our laws. Just as we must obey their laws when doing business there.

You talk about the steel..........but cases were filed in the WTO and Bush didn't counter their tariffs after they countered ours...........we could quota their asses and hurt them economically if we are negotiating with them to try and reverse our Trade deficits................and one example doesn't make all of them wrong anyway........

In auto manufacturing, Tariffs in the past caused foreign investment here to avoid them...........I'm not talking Detroit but the South in companies like Nissan and Toyota.

It is a give an take deal to get the best Trade position possible to prevent all the jobs from hauling ass............worked for 200 plus years until someone said it was broken.

But you have to ask yourself who ultimately pays these tariffs? Yes, that would be us, the US consumer.

That is the basic lie of the left economically. Consumers pay all taxes, businesses pass them on, they don't eat them. It's bizarre how the left grasp that if the cost of steel goes up that's a cost and companies pass it on. Then when you point out that taxes are a cost, they pass it on, the left is like what? That makes no sense
I'm hardly a leftist and every time we get on this issue I am called that...............so be it.............our jobs are leaving...........one aspect is the regulations nightmare and high taxes of this country...........the other is we don't have a level playing field............Since we have higher standards of income, Regulations, and etc......Free Trade Agreements with countries like Mexico and China give them the advantage as they don't play by the same rules...........Many call this Fair Trade.........In regards to Canada.........we have similar laws and regs so the field is level................China has virtually no EPA standards and Regs whatsoever............

Free Trade has cost us MILLIONS of jobs...............so have high taxes and regulations............If you are in favor of Cheap foreign goods at the DESTRUCTION of our industrial base..........then you favor Free Trade.

Perhaps you like the United States being told to change it's laws from a Foreign court as well................

I remember your statements in the past Kaz.............If I were to do work on your electrical I would CHARGE you triple the price for the new age of America................Because back on that thread you took a dump on Blue Collar Workers.........saying oh well if those jobs get hammered.

We can't allow the jobs to go out of country at the levels happening now without destroying the American Worker.

I don't remember calling you a leftist, but here's the thing. Liberals want to punish American companies for leaving. I want to level the playing field. The by far best way to do that is the Fair Tax, but no matter how you do it, punishing them for leaving either makes them just be more clever or fold when they can't compete.

So Eagle, I'm not sure what you're saying, I'm asking you. You're not for just punishing American companies for wanting to leave, are you? Let's remove their incentives for leaving.
I want the job killing regulations and taxes gone first to try and get investment here first............I also want Fair Trade versus Free Trade.................

I don't want our Trade disputes decided in a WTO court......No foreign court should be telling us to change our laws or else.............enacting fines on us via tariffs for compensation............

We should negotiate this ourselves and decide when and if we are going to change our laws.
For instance if given the choice, I would rather deal with a company that has American workers on the end of the phone instead of foreigners that I can't understand, or phone systems where you have to push ten different buttons to get to the person you want to discuss an issue wit

Americans always complain about leg room on planes. I think it was Continental decided to take out a row of seats and a little bit of leg room for a tiny ticket price increase. They got no benefit from it, people just kept picking the cheapest tickets. So they gave up and put the extra row of seats back in to get back the money they were losing from the missing seats.

In the end, it's not what customers "say" they want, it's what they will spend money on. Customers won't pay for Customer Service that they can understand. Though Indians are generally improving with their accents. Maybe you would pay a little more. I'm just saying most people won't. And as long as they don't, companies are actually listening to their customers. People get what they are willing to pay for. And they don't get what they won't, at least not for long

Agreed, I'm a guy leading a one man battle. But every little bit helps.

We Americans have sold our souls to get the cheapest price of everything including customer service. Of course young people would rather deal with internet sites than struggle on the phone. After all, there are no accents with IM customer service.
Consumers pay all taxes, businesses pass them on, they don't eat them. It's bizarre how the left grasp that if the cost of steel goes up that's a cost and companies pass it on. Then when you point out that taxes are a cost, they pass it on, the left is like what? That makes no sense

You know what else companies pass on to consumers? Their profit.

Now for some reason some people think that if only companies didn't have to pay taxes, the companies would be so glad to lower their prices and thereby lower their profit. Just to help the consumers.

Then again, some people think republicans make good leaders.

You need to take an econ 101 course and learn about profits in a free market. The government has failed you badly, my friend. You don't even know what competition is or how it drives pricing and profits. Econ should be basic in high school just like English and Math
Common core economics = why communism, marxism, and socialism are the answers for today's dependent society.
d. You don't even know what competition is or how it drives pricing and profits. Econ should be basic in high school just like English and Math
Common core economics = why communism, marxism, and socialism are the answers for today's dependent society.[/QUOTE]
Recently Obama signed getting rid of Country of Origin Labeling after we lost in a WTO Court against Mexico and Canada..............After losing the Court allowed Tariffs for compensation to Mexico and Canada. So if we do as you say they will file suit against us again and then order us to change our laws again. As we get hit with tariffs again by the World Court.

Under these free trade agreements, the World tells us how to trade and in this case tells us to change our laws. I have a serious problem with that. If they want to do business here they must obey our laws. Just as we must obey their laws when doing business there.

You talk about the steel..........but cases were filed in the WTO and Bush didn't counter their tariffs after they countered ours...........we could quota their asses and hurt them economically if we are negotiating with them to try and reverse our Trade deficits................and one example doesn't make all of them wrong anyway........

In auto manufacturing, Tariffs in the past caused foreign investment here to avoid them...........I'm not talking Detroit but the South in companies like Nissan and Toyota.

It is a give an take deal to get the best Trade position possible to prevent all the jobs from hauling ass............worked for 200 plus years until someone said it was broken.

But you have to ask yourself who ultimately pays these tariffs? Yes, that would be us, the US consumer.

That is the basic lie of the left economically. Consumers pay all taxes, businesses pass them on, they don't eat them. It's bizarre how the left grasp that if the cost of steel goes up that's a cost and companies pass it on. Then when you point out that taxes are a cost, they pass it on, the left is like what? That makes no sense
I'm hardly a leftist and every time we get on this issue I am called that...............so be it.............our jobs are leaving...........one aspect is the regulations nightmare and high taxes of this country...........the other is we don't have a level playing field............Since we have higher standards of income, Regulations, and etc......Free Trade Agreements with countries like Mexico and China give them the advantage as they don't play by the same rules...........Many call this Fair Trade.........In regards to Canada.........we have similar laws and regs so the field is level................China has virtually no EPA standards and Regs whatsoever............

Free Trade has cost us MILLIONS of jobs...............so have high taxes and regulations............If you are in favor of Cheap foreign goods at the DESTRUCTION of our industrial base..........then you favor Free Trade.

Perhaps you like the United States being told to change it's laws from a Foreign court as well................

I remember your statements in the past Kaz.............If I were to do work on your electrical I would CHARGE you triple the price for the new age of America................Because back on that thread you took a dump on Blue Collar Workers.........saying oh well if those jobs get hammered.

We can't allow the jobs to go out of country at the levels happening now without destroying the American Worker.

I don't remember calling you a leftist, but here's the thing. Liberals want to punish American companies for leaving. I want to level the playing field. The by far best way to do that is the Fair Tax, but no matter how you do it, punishing them for leaving either makes them just be more clever or fold when they can't compete.

So Eagle, I'm not sure what you're saying, I'm asking you. You're not for just punishing American companies for wanting to leave, are you? Let's remove their incentives for leaving.
I want the job killing regulations and taxes gone first to try and get investment here first............I also want Fair Trade versus Free Trade.................

I don't want our Trade disputes decided in a WTO court......No foreign court should be telling us to change our laws or else.............enacting fines on us via tariffs for compensation............

We should negotiate this ourselves and decide when and if we are going to change our laws.

The only part I don't know what you mean by is you want fair trade, not free trade. You don't think government is going to help us (business), do you? No one harms us more than the American government. The less they do the better.
But you have to ask yourself who ultimately pays these tariffs? Yes, that would be us, the US consumer.

That is the basic lie of the left economically. Consumers pay all taxes, businesses pass them on, they don't eat them. It's bizarre how the left grasp that if the cost of steel goes up that's a cost and companies pass it on. Then when you point out that taxes are a cost, they pass it on, the left is like what? That makes no sense
I'm hardly a leftist and every time we get on this issue I am called that...............so be it.............our jobs are leaving...........one aspect is the regulations nightmare and high taxes of this country...........the other is we don't have a level playing field............Since we have higher standards of income, Regulations, and etc......Free Trade Agreements with countries like Mexico and China give them the advantage as they don't play by the same rules...........Many call this Fair Trade.........In regards to Canada.........we have similar laws and regs so the field is level................China has virtually no EPA standards and Regs whatsoever............

Free Trade has cost us MILLIONS of jobs...............so have high taxes and regulations............If you are in favor of Cheap foreign goods at the DESTRUCTION of our industrial base..........then you favor Free Trade.

Perhaps you like the United States being told to change it's laws from a Foreign court as well................

I remember your statements in the past Kaz.............If I were to do work on your electrical I would CHARGE you triple the price for the new age of America................Because back on that thread you took a dump on Blue Collar Workers.........saying oh well if those jobs get hammered.

We can't allow the jobs to go out of country at the levels happening now without destroying the American Worker.

I don't remember calling you a leftist, but here's the thing. Liberals want to punish American companies for leaving. I want to level the playing field. The by far best way to do that is the Fair Tax, but no matter how you do it, punishing them for leaving either makes them just be more clever or fold when they can't compete.

So Eagle, I'm not sure what you're saying, I'm asking you. You're not for just punishing American companies for wanting to leave, are you? Let's remove their incentives for leaving.
I want the job killing regulations and taxes gone first to try and get investment here first............I also want Fair Trade versus Free Trade.................

I don't want our Trade disputes decided in a WTO court......No foreign court should be telling us to change our laws or else.............enacting fines on us via tariffs for compensation............

We should negotiate this ourselves and decide when and if we are going to change our laws.

The only part I don't know what you mean by is you want fair trade, not free trade. You don't think government is going to help us (business), do you? No one harms us more than the American government. The less they do the better.
I'm implying getting out of the Free Trade agreements..............and tariffs if the jobs keep leaving if the less regulations fail.

Gov't is deciding the winners and losers now...........Crony Capitalism..........deciding who wins and who loses................that was never a founding principle...................

They were only supposed to be the referee.............
The only part I don't know what you mean by is you want fair trade, not free trade.

Without 'fair trade' you cannot have 'free trade'. Retaining the fairness and even handedness of the global market is critical to real free trade.

What we have now and are negotiating into long term trade treaties like the TPP, is a system that allows corporations to remove their companies and jobs to other third world countries and exploit their cheap labor Adam Smith a Ricardo regarded jobs as fixed and immobile and said that exporting labor is fatal to an economy. So the people bringing us this dismantling of our nation from the inside are not following fair or free trade. They are dismantling and auctioning off our industry and our childrens future to foreign governments AND THEY KNOW THAT THEY ARE.

Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan couldnt care less about Americas future or the welfare of the American Middle Class as they are too busy acquiring power and lining their pocket with corporate lobbyist payoffs. How else do you think that politicians how make around $200k annually amass the million dollar fortunes that they do?
'The Economist' Misses the Point on Crony Capitalism - Breitbart

This bizarre methodology suffers numerous limitations (three of which even The Economist recognizes) and misses the broader point of what the oft-used phrase “crony capitalism” even means and why lovers of free markets despise its rise.

At the Government Accountability Institute, we define “cronyism” or “crony capitalism” as those instances when government gives certain companies favorable rules or taxpayer monies others don’t enjoy. The reason we investigate and expose cronyism is that when government gives an unfair advantage to a politically-connected business it ends up undermining true competition, which is the heartbeat of economic freedom.

Put simply, when government picks winners and losers it disrupts free markets, doles out taxpayers’ money in the form of corporate welfare, and sets up incentives for politicians and companies to engage in corruption and kickbacks.

[What we have now and are negotiating into long term trade treaties like the TPP, is a system that allows corporations to remove their companies and jobs to other third world countries and exploit their cheap labor

The jobs belong to the companies, not you and not the government and not to the workers. The workers are paid for what they do whether the company makes money or not. All the government does is screw us. That somehow we then are owned by government still as if they've in any way helped us is ridiculous. They help us like a parasite helps it's host. This is the attitude why our corporations are going through a revolving door to countries that will treat them better.

And if that doesn't scare you, the countries they are going to are the who's who of international socialism. Think about that, Canada, Ireland, those socialist countries are attracting American businesses from the land of the formerly free. So cut the socialist rhetoric and stop punishing companies for staying.

BTW, you might want to take an econ class along the way. Companies cutting costs net benefits the economy. All the truly greedy, the politicians, are doing is continuing to repeat the drivel coming out of your mouth rather than addressing the real issue, why companies want to leave here and go to European socialist countries.
What is being shattered is the status quo of the GOP that is loaded with career fat cats and pundits who are scared shitless at the prospect of being summarily dismissed by the Trump wave. Trump won't get just 30% of the GOP and he will get Independents and Democrats and people who had given up but actually hear a glimmer of hope when Trump speaks.

The only glimmer of hope I hear when Trump speaks is that somehow people will realize what a disaster this man is by actually listening to what he says. The man is a con artist.
What is being shattered is the status quo of the GOP that is loaded with career fat cats and pundits who are scared shitless at the prospect of being summarily dismissed by the Trump wave. Trump won't get just 30% of the GOP and he will get Independents and Democrats and people who had given up but actually hear a glimmer of hope when Trump speaks.

The only glimmer of hope I hear when Trump speaks is that somehow people will realize what a disaster this man is by actually listening to what he says. The man is a con artist.

They elected the card board cutout Obama, I wouldn't hold your breath
The jobs belong to the companies, not you and not the government and not to the workers.
That is total bullshit.

Just as the radio waves dont belong to radio companies, companies who have their physical presence in the US, using our roads, our utilities, our educated population THEY HAVE A DEBT and a DUTY to employ American citizens first.

IF you dont realize even that much then you are not capable of remedy.
The only glimmer of hope I hear when Trump speaks is that somehow people will realize what a disaster this man is by actually listening to what he says. The man is a con artist.

You have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

And Gay Crusier Rubio is not a conman? The guy who claims he can win the general election and yet has not won even ONE SINGLE STATE?

Dude, get off the meth.
The jobs belong to the companies, not you and not the government and not to the workers.
That is total bullshit.

Just as the radio waves dont belong to radio companies, companies who have their physical presence in the US, using our roads, our utilities, our educated population THEY HAVE A DEBT and a DUTY to employ American citizens first.

IF you dont realize even that much then you are not capable of remedy.

Gotcha Comrade. We may start businesses, put up all the money and take all the risk, but our objective is to benefit society.

So Comrade, if we're the ones who are supposed to be grateful for the roads, explain how roads would ever be funded without the jobs we provide for your beloved government to tax my employees and me to build them?

I always like how when communists are forced to defend your love of government, you run to things that even a small government libertarian like me supports, roads. OK, so I'll give you the first 5% of government spending. How do you justify the rest of it?

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