Just a thought for Republicans that dislike Trump.

Do you Lefties actually believe the polls? :cuckoo:

I am predicting here and now that the turnout to support ANY Democratic candidate will be very low. They just don't have anyone to excite them. Party workers will get out the buses from the Old Folk's Homes and Projects, along with those risen from the grave. :eek-52:

On the other hand, a whole lot of people will come out to support Trump - in record numbers. And entrance/exits polls will be worthless because many will simply keep their votes to themselves.

"Who are you voting for?"

:flameth: "Screw you! Bye."
I vote absentee. I voted in the Florida Primary already.
I don't know because I've heard and read so many predictions about Trump since the beginning and every one of them were wrong.

The first of course was that it was a publicity stunt and he's only throwing his name in there just like he did the last time. When he didn't drop out, he headed to the debates. It was predicted he wouldn't survive the first one. Along the way, he's hurled insults at just about everybody that challenged him, and his popularity only grew.

There are few who predicted he'd make it this far yet along the nomination. Of course we have a long way to go, but the point is your crystal ball is no better than mine. The voting public are an upset and strange people. Trump may very well be our next President.
Anything's possible but I think he will find his path a lot rougher in the general election. Democrats hate him with a passion. Only 8% to 11% of Democrats think he would make a good president. In California 85% of Latino voters say they would not vote for Trump. He fairs better among black voters, but the Democrats will still claim the Black vote. I think what would determine whether he goes all the way is how strongly Republicans come together to support him. A brokered convention would not bode well for Trump.

If the Democrat turnout for the primaries is any indication of how they will turn out for the general, you can almost guarantee the Republican nominee (whoever it may be) will be our next President.

Although Sanders can rile some people up, most are not too moved by either Democrat candidate. Neither candidate is Obama; neither will influence college kids to come out and vote; neither will have blacks crawling to their voter registration place if they have to in droves like before. There is just nothing to get excited about unless you happen to be a nursing home resident.

You can talk about Hispanics, or religious people, or Independents all you want. What really matters is how inspirational the candidate can be to draw in record number of voters.

That depends on how the Democrats can paint Trump. He's dangerous, he's arrogant, he's not likable. If the Democrats can push the whole personality thing, it could bite Trump in the ass.

He's dangerous, he's arrogant, he's not likable."

And Hilary or Uncle Bernie is?

Trump is dangerous because he's causing more alienation of Muslims, he's pushing more Muslims to hate the US, he's pushing for more Islamic extremism (in order that the right can then be tough on Islamic extremism and look like a strong leader, as Trump is playing right now).

Hillary wouldn't do that, nor would Sanders, and Obama isn't either. Obama pulled back from shouting out that Muslims were bad, when Bush was doing it a lot.

Yes, I noticed that. I took note how much Muslims and terrorists loved us before Trump.

Pissing off terrorists and getting more to join is becoming the default with you liberals. We were told the same thing when Bush was in Iraq; it will only create more terrorists. We were told the same thing when pictures were released of middle-eastern prisoners in dog collars.

I guess only Democrats know how to make terrorists happy. Maybe THAT'S why we should elect Hillary......LOL!
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Well if you want to pick one candidate that would be despised by the Republican Congress, that would be Cruz. From all I have read, he doesn't have one representative on his side. Each and every one of them hate the guy.

That's not to say it's a reason not to nominate him, but only to point out there are candidates that could work better with the Republicans in Congress more than others.
Neither party has a good set of contenders. However, the GOP is in a real mess with Trump. If he wins the nomination, he can't win the presidency with so many Republicans hating his guts. He will have to change his message and come up a real position statement. That will certainly disappoint his supporters and may or may not get the party really behind him.

Normally the party unites around the winner. I'm doubtful that will happen because Trump sorely lacks the support of any major political organization, not a single sitting governor has endorsed him, and he has the support of only one congressman. Most of these people would surely pledge to support the nominee but what form might that support be.

BTW, Cruz has the endorsement of 23 congressmen. Rubio has 41. Trump has 1. If Kasich follows Bush in dropping out, his support will go to Rubio. If Cruz dropped out, I think his support would go mostly to Rubio.

I don't know because I've heard and read so many predictions about Trump since the beginning and every one of them were wrong.

The first of course was that it was a publicity stunt and he's only throwing his name in there just like he did the last time. When he didn't drop out, he headed to the debates. It was predicted he wouldn't survive the first one. Along the way, he's hurled insults at just about everybody that challenged him, and his popularity only grew.

There are few who predicted he'd make it this far yet along the nomination. Of course we have a long way to go, but the point is your crystal ball is no better than mine. The voting public are an upset and strange people. Trump may very well be our next President.
Anything's possible but I think he will find his path a lot rougher in the general election. Democrats hate him with a passion. Only 8% to 11% of Democrats think he would make a good president. In California 85% of Latino voters say they would not vote for Trump. He fairs better among black voters, but the Democrats will still claim the Black vote. I think what would determine whether he goes all the way is how strongly Republicans come together to support him. A brokered convention would not bode well for Trump.

If the Democrat turnout for the primaries is any indication of how they will turn out for the general, you can almost guarantee the Republican nominee (whoever it may be) will be our next President.

Although Sanders can rile some people up, most are not too moved by either Democrat candidate. Neither candidate is Obama; neither will influence college kids to come out and vote; neither will have blacks crawling to their voter registration place if they have to in droves like before. There is just nothing to get excited about unless you happen to be a nursing home resident.

You can talk about Hispanics, or religious people, or Independents all you want. What really matters is how inspirational the candidate can be to draw in record number of voters.
People turn out for primaries when they feel their candidate is far superior to the rest of the pack or they believe the nomination is really up for grabs. Few democrats believe that is the case. Most democrats have always believed Hillary would win the nomination. A Trump nomination would certainly rally Democrats and probably push her campaign chest to 2.5 billion dollars because Trump is very unpopular with Democrats. Bush in 2005 was more popular with Democrats than Trump is today.

You mean the Democrat nomination ISN'T up for grabs? Have you been watching the news this election????
I don't know because I've heard and read so many predictions about Trump since the beginning and every one of them were wrong.

The first of course was that it was a publicity stunt and he's only throwing his name in there just like he did the last time. When he didn't drop out, he headed to the debates. It was predicted he wouldn't survive the first one. Along the way, he's hurled insults at just about everybody that challenged him, and his popularity only grew.

There are few who predicted he'd make it this far yet along the nomination. Of course we have a long way to go, but the point is your crystal ball is no better than mine. The voting public are an upset and strange people. Trump may very well be our next President.
Anything's possible but I think he will find his path a lot rougher in the general election. Democrats hate him with a passion. Only 8% to 11% of Democrats think he would make a good president. In California 85% of Latino voters say they would not vote for Trump. He fairs better among black voters, but the Democrats will still claim the Black vote. I think what would determine whether he goes all the way is how strongly Republicans come together to support him. A brokered convention would not bode well for Trump.

If the Democrat turnout for the primaries is any indication of how they will turn out for the general, you can almost guarantee the Republican nominee (whoever it may be) will be our next President.

Although Sanders can rile some people up, most are not too moved by either Democrat candidate. Neither candidate is Obama; neither will influence college kids to come out and vote; neither will have blacks crawling to their voter registration place if they have to in droves like before. There is just nothing to get excited about unless you happen to be a nursing home resident.

You can talk about Hispanics, or religious people, or Independents all you want. What really matters is how inspirational the candidate can be to draw in record number of voters.

That depends on how the Democrats can paint Trump. He's dangerous, he's arrogant, he's not likable. If the Democrats can push the whole personality thing, it could bite Trump in the ass.

He's dangerous, he's arrogant, he's not likable."

And Hilary or Uncle Bernie is?

Trump is dangerous because he's causing more alienation of Muslims, he's pushing more Muslims to hate the US, he's pushing for more Islamic extremism (in order that the right can then be tough on Islamic extremism and look like a strong leader, as Trump is playing right now).

Hillary wouldn't do that, nor would Sanders, and Obama isn't either. Obama pulled back from shouting out that Muslims were bad, when Bush was doing it a lot.
Republicans have broken voter turnout records in every state so far. I'm pretty sure that is the result of the Trump phenomenon. I'm also pretty sure a lot of his supporters will disappear with him if he loses the nomination. I know how much a lot of you dislike Trump, but at this point he is probably the best bet for a Republican win.

Only against Clinton, Against Sanders Trump will lose by a Landslide.
Republicans have broken voter turnout records in every state so far. I'm pretty sure that is the result of the Trump phenomenon. I'm also pretty sure a lot of his supporters will disappear with him if he loses the nomination. I know how much a lot of you dislike Trump, but at this point he is probably the best bet for a Republican win.

If it is Trump vs Hillary, he might lose, and I do mean might. A LOT of disappointed democrats will stay home giving him the edge, but a lot of republicans will also stay home. It will come down to how hated Hillary is. The independents might not vote for either.

If it's Trump vs Sanders then Trump wins no problem. Few Americans except the radical left will vote a socialist into office.

Rubio would beat both DNC candidates. Therefor I would have to disagree that Trump is the best bet.

According to Fox's own polling Sanders beats trump by landslides but sure whatever ya say.
Anything's possible but I think he will find his path a lot rougher in the general election. Democrats hate him with a passion. Only 8% to 11% of Democrats think he would make a good president. In California 85% of Latino voters say they would not vote for Trump. He fairs better among black voters, but the Democrats will still claim the Black vote. I think what would determine whether he goes all the way is how strongly Republicans come together to support him. A brokered convention would not bode well for Trump.

If the Democrat turnout for the primaries is any indication of how they will turn out for the general, you can almost guarantee the Republican nominee (whoever it may be) will be our next President.

Although Sanders can rile some people up, most are not too moved by either Democrat candidate. Neither candidate is Obama; neither will influence college kids to come out and vote; neither will have blacks crawling to their voter registration place if they have to in droves like before. There is just nothing to get excited about unless you happen to be a nursing home resident.

You can talk about Hispanics, or religious people, or Independents all you want. What really matters is how inspirational the candidate can be to draw in record number of voters.

That depends on how the Democrats can paint Trump. He's dangerous, he's arrogant, he's not likable. If the Democrats can push the whole personality thing, it could bite Trump in the ass.

He's dangerous, he's arrogant, he's not likable."

And Hilary or Uncle Bernie is?

Trump is dangerous because he's causing more alienation of Muslims, he's pushing more Muslims to hate the US, he's pushing for more Islamic extremism (in order that the right can then be tough on Islamic extremism and look like a strong leader, as Trump is playing right now).

Hillary wouldn't do that, nor would Sanders, and Obama isn't either. Obama pulled back from shouting out that Muslims were bad, when Bush was doing it a lot.
You think we should appease the terrorist, get them to like us by knowing our place in the world like good infidels. Fuck you.

Wow, now, that's emotion and nothing else. Let me guess, you're a conservative.

In the UK during Thatcher's time, she refused to deal with terrorists, and bomb after bomb after bomb went off.
Labour came into power and they got agreements that stopped the bombs because they actually dealt with the terrorists.

The reality of the situation was that the UK govt did more harm than the terrorists did. The only reason the terrorists were called terrorists is because they weren't the government of any country.

Terrorism often happens because people are being treated so badly by governments that they feel they should take up arms to fight against this threat.

In the US this exists. People who take up arms. The ranch in Oregon in January/February was an example. However the NRA says you won't take our guns unless it's from our cold dead hands.

That's an example of when people think terrorism is good. However they don't call it terrorism.

Also, I didn't say to appease terrorists. I said to appease those who could become terrorists because of the rhetoric the US comes out with. There are far more terrorists because of Bush's actions in Iraq. he made them.

I'm talking about a US foreign policy that doesn't act like the US gets to decide everything, doesn't tell others how to live and doesn't piss them off that they take up arms and become terrorists.

But then this would involve using your brain, rather than just trying to act like a school yard bully and being tough on fucking everything. So fuck off.
Anything's possible but I think he will find his path a lot rougher in the general election. Democrats hate him with a passion. Only 8% to 11% of Democrats think he would make a good president. In California 85% of Latino voters say they would not vote for Trump. He fairs better among black voters, but the Democrats will still claim the Black vote. I think what would determine whether he goes all the way is how strongly Republicans come together to support him. A brokered convention would not bode well for Trump.

If the Democrat turnout for the primaries is any indication of how they will turn out for the general, you can almost guarantee the Republican nominee (whoever it may be) will be our next President.

Although Sanders can rile some people up, most are not too moved by either Democrat candidate. Neither candidate is Obama; neither will influence college kids to come out and vote; neither will have blacks crawling to their voter registration place if they have to in droves like before. There is just nothing to get excited about unless you happen to be a nursing home resident.

You can talk about Hispanics, or religious people, or Independents all you want. What really matters is how inspirational the candidate can be to draw in record number of voters.

That depends on how the Democrats can paint Trump. He's dangerous, he's arrogant, he's not likable. If the Democrats can push the whole personality thing, it could bite Trump in the ass.

He's dangerous, he's arrogant, he's not likable."

And Hilary or Uncle Bernie is?

Trump is dangerous because he's causing more alienation of Muslims, he's pushing more Muslims to hate the US, he's pushing for more Islamic extremism (in order that the right can then be tough on Islamic extremism and look like a strong leader, as Trump is playing right now).

Hillary wouldn't do that, nor would Sanders, and Obama isn't either. Obama pulled back from shouting out that Muslims were bad, when Bush was doing it a lot.

Yes, I noticed that. I took note how much Muslims and terrorists loved us before Trump.

Pissing off terrorists and getting more to join is becoming the default with you liberals. We were told the same thing when Bush was in Iraq; it will only create more terrorists. We were told the same thing when pictures were released of middle-eastern prisoners in dog collars.

I guess only Democrats know how to make terrorists happy. Maybe THAT'S why we should elect Hillary......LOL!

Trump isn't the beginning. Bush wasn't even the beginning. Dubya was the catalyst for making things much worse than they had been. The beginning started with the British and the French, the US took on that mantle after WW2, supporting Israel and getting involved in places, especially the Middle East.

Trump is just trying to push this up to another level.

You say it's becoming the default. Sounds like you're trying to trivialize it so that people won't talk about something that is actually important and true. You can accept that it is true, or you can ignore it, that's your choice. I can merely make an argument and hope you understand. I can't make you understand.

Anger makes people take up guns.

The NRA said that if the US govt tried to take their guns, they'd pick up their weapons and fight the US govt. There's not much difference between that and the US going into Iraq and then people getting annoyed at the US.

You're just not looking at the situation from the point of view of people in the Middle East, and how they see it. You're insulating yourself from that, and trying to make arguments that fit for Americans. Sorry, it doesn't work like that.

Why do you think the number of terrorists grew massively since 2003? Why do you think the IS can recruit thousands and thousands of people willing to die for their cause? Because they're bored????
Republicans have broken voter turnout records in every state so far. I'm pretty sure that is the result of the Trump phenomenon. I'm also pretty sure a lot of his supporters will disappear with him if he loses the nomination. I know how much a lot of you dislike Trump, but at this point he is probably the best bet for a Republican win.

Only against Clinton, Against Sanders Trump will lose by a Landslide.

I agree. I think now Trump is targeting those in the Republican Party. If he ever got started on Sanders, he'd eat him for breakfast. Trump would just call him a Communist every day. That sort of thing sticks.
Anything's possible but I think he will find his path a lot rougher in the general election. Democrats hate him with a passion. Only 8% to 11% of Democrats think he would make a good president. In California 85% of Latino voters say they would not vote for Trump. He fairs better among black voters, but the Democrats will still claim the Black vote. I think what would determine whether he goes all the way is how strongly Republicans come together to support him. A brokered convention would not bode well for Trump.

If the Democrat turnout for the primaries is any indication of how they will turn out for the general, you can almost guarantee the Republican nominee (whoever it may be) will be our next President.

Although Sanders can rile some people up, most are not too moved by either Democrat candidate. Neither candidate is Obama; neither will influence college kids to come out and vote; neither will have blacks crawling to their voter registration place if they have to in droves like before. There is just nothing to get excited about unless you happen to be a nursing home resident.

You can talk about Hispanics, or religious people, or Independents all you want. What really matters is how inspirational the candidate can be to draw in record number of voters.

That depends on how the Democrats can paint Trump. He's dangerous, he's arrogant, he's not likable. If the Democrats can push the whole personality thing, it could bite Trump in the ass.

He's dangerous, he's arrogant, he's not likable."

And Hilary or Uncle Bernie is?

Trump is dangerous because he's causing more alienation of Muslims, he's pushing more Muslims to hate the US, he's pushing for more Islamic extremism (in order that the right can then be tough on Islamic extremism and look like a strong leader, as Trump is playing right now).

Hillary wouldn't do that, nor would Sanders, and Obama isn't either. Obama pulled back from shouting out that Muslims were bad, when Bush was doing it a lot.

Is that an argument? Or just an attempted insult? You know what they say about people who use insults as arguments....?
If the Democrat turnout for the primaries is any indication of how they will turn out for the general, you can almost guarantee the Republican nominee (whoever it may be) will be our next President.

Although Sanders can rile some people up, most are not too moved by either Democrat candidate. Neither candidate is Obama; neither will influence college kids to come out and vote; neither will have blacks crawling to their voter registration place if they have to in droves like before. There is just nothing to get excited about unless you happen to be a nursing home resident.

You can talk about Hispanics, or religious people, or Independents all you want. What really matters is how inspirational the candidate can be to draw in record number of voters.

That depends on how the Democrats can paint Trump. He's dangerous, he's arrogant, he's not likable. If the Democrats can push the whole personality thing, it could bite Trump in the ass.

He's dangerous, he's arrogant, he's not likable."

And Hilary or Uncle Bernie is?

Trump is dangerous because he's causing more alienation of Muslims, he's pushing more Muslims to hate the US, he's pushing for more Islamic extremism (in order that the right can then be tough on Islamic extremism and look like a strong leader, as Trump is playing right now).

Hillary wouldn't do that, nor would Sanders, and Obama isn't either. Obama pulled back from shouting out that Muslims were bad, when Bush was doing it a lot.

Yes, I noticed that. I took note how much Muslims and terrorists loved us before Trump.

Pissing off terrorists and getting more to join is becoming the default with you liberals. We were told the same thing when Bush was in Iraq; it will only create more terrorists. We were told the same thing when pictures were released of middle-eastern prisoners in dog collars.

I guess only Democrats know how to make terrorists happy. Maybe THAT'S why we should elect Hillary......LOL!

Trump isn't the beginning. Bush wasn't even the beginning. Dubya was the catalyst for making things much worse than they had been. The beginning started with the British and the French, the US took on that mantle after WW2, supporting Israel and getting involved in places, especially the Middle East.

Trump is just trying to push this up to another level.

You say it's becoming the default. Sounds like you're trying to trivialize it so that people won't talk about something that is actually important and true. You can accept that it is true, or you can ignore it, that's your choice. I can merely make an argument and hope you understand. I can't make you understand.

Anger makes people take up guns.

The NRA said that if the US govt tried to take their guns, they'd pick up their weapons and fight the US govt. There's not much difference between that and the US going into Iraq and then people getting annoyed at the US.

You're just not looking at the situation from the point of view of people in the Middle East, and how they see it. You're insulating yourself from that, and trying to make arguments that fit for Americans. Sorry, it doesn't work like that.

Why do you think the number of terrorists grew massively since 2003? Why do you think the IS can recruit thousands and thousands of people willing to die for their cause? Because they're bored????

Let me put it this way: Clinton just arrested the people that conducted the first WTC attack, and what happened? Secondly, under Bush, we were attacked once on our soil, and that was 911. No successful terrorist attacks after that. How many have we had under Obama these last seven years?

There is no truth that anybody created any terrorists via their policies. It's just more liberal lies.

Liberals like to think that their reverse psychology works on Republicans regardless how many times they've failed. That's why this nonsense about creating more terrorists is a default of Democrats; because they want to get their way.

Yes, we created more terrorists by waterboarding, we created more terrorists by Iraq, we created more terrorists with Gitmo. Gee, now what do all these things have in common? They are despised by Democrats.

But Americans are getting smarter by now. More and more we are seeing through this BS just like we are about going against DumBama because of his race.

It's the boy that cried wolf, the unfortunate thing is only Democrats can't see it.
Well if you want to pick one candidate that would be despised by the Republican Congress, that would be Cruz. From all I have read, he doesn't have one representative on his side. Each and every one of them hate the guy.

That's not to say it's a reason not to nominate him, but only to point out there are candidates that could work better with the Republicans in Congress more than others.
Neither party has a good set of contenders. However, the GOP is in a real mess with Trump. If he wins the nomination, he can't win the presidency with so many Republicans hating his guts. He will have to change his message and come up a real position statement. That will certainly disappoint his supporters and may or may not get the party really behind him.

Normally the party unites around the winner. I'm doubtful that will happen because Trump sorely lacks the support of any major political organization, not a single sitting governor has endorsed him, and he has the support of only one congressman. Most of these people would surely pledge to support the nominee but what form might that support be.

BTW, Cruz has the endorsement of 23 congressmen. Rubio has 41. Trump has 1. If Kasich follows Bush in dropping out, his support will go to Rubio. If Cruz dropped out, I think his support would go mostly to Rubio.

I don't know because I've heard and read so many predictions about Trump since the beginning and every one of them were wrong.

The first of course was that it was a publicity stunt and he's only throwing his name in there just like he did the last time. When he didn't drop out, he headed to the debates. It was predicted he wouldn't survive the first one. Along the way, he's hurled insults at just about everybody that challenged him, and his popularity only grew.

There are few who predicted he'd make it this far yet along the nomination. Of course we have a long way to go, but the point is your crystal ball is no better than mine. The voting public are an upset and strange people. Trump may very well be our next President.
Anything's possible but I think he will find his path a lot rougher in the general election. Democrats hate him with a passion. Only 8% to 11% of Democrats think he would make a good president. In California 85% of Latino voters say they would not vote for Trump. He fairs better among black voters, but the Democrats will still claim the Black vote. I think what would determine whether he goes all the way is how strongly Republicans come together to support him. A brokered convention would not bode well for Trump.

If the Democrat turnout for the primaries is any indication of how they will turn out for the general, you can almost guarantee the Republican nominee (whoever it may be) will be our next President.

Although Sanders can rile some people up, most are not too moved by either Democrat candidate. Neither candidate is Obama; neither will influence college kids to come out and vote; neither will have blacks crawling to their voter registration place if they have to in droves like before. There is just nothing to get excited about unless you happen to be a nursing home resident.

You can talk about Hispanics, or religious people, or Independents all you want. What really matters is how inspirational the candidate can be to draw in record number of voters.

That depends on how the Democrats can paint Trump. He's dangerous, he's arrogant, he's not likable. If the Democrats can push the whole personality thing, it could bite Trump in the ass.
If you like Trump, the chances are very good you have an authoritarian personally or strong inclinations thereof. If you have had the pleasure or displeasure of sitting through a Trump rally, notice what sets the crowd off, carpet bombing in Syria, burning or taking away the oil fields, waterboarding, they all must go, I'll send government agents knocking on their doors, I will root them out, it only makes sense to stop people that hate us from entering the country, You can tell them to go fuck themselves. I will make this country great again. They're stupid. I'm going to kick their ass, and on and on. His supporters love it. The more aggressive, the better On the few occasions, he actually reveals any details of his plan, the crowd doesn't seem to be that interested.

A book was written about 60 years ago addressing the authoritarian personality and it fits Trump and his followers to the tee, authoritarian aggression, authoritarian submission, anti-intellectualism, stereotyping, destructiveness, and cynicism. In the book the author developed an authoritarian scale, the F-Scale, F for fascist.

It's pretty clear that Trump's core supporter ranks pretty high on the F-scale and they are unshakable. They believe that force is the answer to most of our problems. Diplomacy and cooperative effort is the at heart of the problem.

The good news is most people are not very authoritarian. They believe in authority but also in people working together to solve problems, smiles not frowns, and leaders that speak softly but carry a big stick.
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That depends on how the Democrats can paint Trump. He's dangerous, he's arrogant, he's not likable. If the Democrats can push the whole personality thing, it could bite Trump in the ass.

He's dangerous, he's arrogant, he's not likable."

And Hilary or Uncle Bernie is?

Trump is dangerous because he's causing more alienation of Muslims, he's pushing more Muslims to hate the US, he's pushing for more Islamic extremism (in order that the right can then be tough on Islamic extremism and look like a strong leader, as Trump is playing right now).

Hillary wouldn't do that, nor would Sanders, and Obama isn't either. Obama pulled back from shouting out that Muslims were bad, when Bush was doing it a lot.

Yes, I noticed that. I took note how much Muslims and terrorists loved us before Trump.

Pissing off terrorists and getting more to join is becoming the default with you liberals. We were told the same thing when Bush was in Iraq; it will only create more terrorists. We were told the same thing when pictures were released of middle-eastern prisoners in dog collars.

I guess only Democrats know how to make terrorists happy. Maybe THAT'S why we should elect Hillary......LOL!

Trump isn't the beginning. Bush wasn't even the beginning. Dubya was the catalyst for making things much worse than they had been. The beginning started with the British and the French, the US took on that mantle after WW2, supporting Israel and getting involved in places, especially the Middle East.

Trump is just trying to push this up to another level.

You say it's becoming the default. Sounds like you're trying to trivialize it so that people won't talk about something that is actually important and true. You can accept that it is true, or you can ignore it, that's your choice. I can merely make an argument and hope you understand. I can't make you understand.

Anger makes people take up guns.

The NRA said that if the US govt tried to take their guns, they'd pick up their weapons and fight the US govt. There's not much difference between that and the US going into Iraq and then people getting annoyed at the US.

You're just not looking at the situation from the point of view of people in the Middle East, and how they see it. You're insulating yourself from that, and trying to make arguments that fit for Americans. Sorry, it doesn't work like that.

Why do you think the number of terrorists grew massively since 2003? Why do you think the IS can recruit thousands and thousands of people willing to die for their cause? Because they're bored????

Let me put it this way: Clinton just arrested the people that conducted the first WTC attack, and what happened? Secondly, under Bush, we were attacked once on our soil, and that was 911. No successful terrorist attacks after that. How many have we had under Obama these last seven years?

There is no truth that anybody created any terrorists via their policies. It's just more liberal lies.

Liberals like to think that their reverse psychology works on Republicans regardless how many times they've failed. That's why this nonsense about creating more terrorists is a default of Democrats; because they want to get their way.

Yes, we created more terrorists by waterboarding, we created more terrorists by Iraq, we created more terrorists with Gitmo. Gee, now what do all these things have in common? They are despised by Democrats.

But Americans are getting smarter by now. More and more we are seeing through this BS just like we are about going against DumBama because of his race.

It's the boy that cried wolf, the unfortunate thing is only Democrats can't see it.

Your first point about Clinton suggests that presidents are responsible for things that happen after their presidency, as a result of their actions during their presidency. But your second seems to deny this.

Is it possible that the anger and hatred that built up over Bush's term, managed to spill out into Obama's term?
Is it possible that US foreign policy prior to Bush's term, led to 9/11?

You'd think the answer is yes to both.

However I think you're wrong about other attacks post 9/11 before the end of Bush's term.

There was an anthrax attack. Killed five people between September to November 2001.
July 4th 2002 there was an Egyptian who killed some Israelis in LAX.
Beltway Sniper attacks Oct 2002
UNC-Chapel Hill 2006, someone drove an SUV into people

Skip forward through all those in the meantime.

March 6th 2008, pipe bomb similar to those in Afghanistan and Iraq goes off in San Diego.

But still, Islamic extremism hasn't slowed down under Obama. He doesn't have the ability to slow it down. These things generally get started because of events and slow down with time, and we're talking decades to centuries on this one. Policies can be put in place to slow it down, and you'll see the impact a few decades down the line. You don't see people NOT BEING CONVERTED to Jihad. It just doesn't happen. But you do see people being converted to Jihad.

You say it's "liberal lie" that terrorists weren't created by policies like the Iraq War. Are you joking me?

ISIS is made up of mostly Iraqis and other local people.


Why do British people go and fight Jihad? It's not hard. They're angry at the USA.

Anti-Americanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unfavorable, the most unfavorable to the US are Jordan, Pakistan, Russia, Palestine, Turkey, Lebanon. And this doesn't include most Muslim countries. Why do Muslim countries hate the US so much? It's because of US policies in the region for a long time, but especially now.

Anti-Americanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"According to Tamim Ansary, in Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World Through Islamic Eyes (2009) early views of America in the Middle East and the Muslim World were mostly positive."

"Like elsewhere in the world, spikes in anti-Americanism in the region correlate with the adoption or reiteration of certain policies by the US government, in special its support for Israel in the occupation of Palestine and the Iraq War."

Simply coming out and pretending it's a Liberal thing to say is just ridiculous and ignores almost all of the facts and the reality of what has happened. The belief that you can go around the world warring and there are NO CONSEQUENCES just defies belief.

Waterboarding and Camp X-Ray are only small parts in why people hate the USA. People hate the USA for man of the reasons why Americans hate the US govt. It's funny, you have Trump doing well on the back of being anti-establishment, but then when you talk foreign affairs, he's all establishment.

The emotion is "I'm American, the US govt is bad and needs to be weaker and smaller" but "I'm American, criticize my country, it's great, it needs to be strong and powerful so we can kick people's butts."

Do you see any logic there? Demanding stronger government abroad but weak govt at home? The logic is, don't let the US govt kick my ass, but let it kick other people's ass.

The problem is, you're ignoring that if you make enemies, you then suffer at the hands of those enemies.

Americans aren't getting smarter. Sorry, it's not happening. What you call smart is not smart. What you call smart is making more and more problems for yourself, but without seeing it.

It's like saying the refrigerator is broke, so I'm just going to kick it until it works. That's not sensible.
Neither party has a good set of contenders. However, the GOP is in a real mess with Trump. If he wins the nomination, he can't win the presidency with so many Republicans hating his guts. He will have to change his message and come up a real position statement. That will certainly disappoint his supporters and may or may not get the party really behind him.

Normally the party unites around the winner. I'm doubtful that will happen because Trump sorely lacks the support of any major political organization, not a single sitting governor has endorsed him, and he has the support of only one congressman. Most of these people would surely pledge to support the nominee but what form might that support be.

BTW, Cruz has the endorsement of 23 congressmen. Rubio has 41. Trump has 1. If Kasich follows Bush in dropping out, his support will go to Rubio. If Cruz dropped out, I think his support would go mostly to Rubio.

I don't know because I've heard and read so many predictions about Trump since the beginning and every one of them were wrong.

The first of course was that it was a publicity stunt and he's only throwing his name in there just like he did the last time. When he didn't drop out, he headed to the debates. It was predicted he wouldn't survive the first one. Along the way, he's hurled insults at just about everybody that challenged him, and his popularity only grew.

There are few who predicted he'd make it this far yet along the nomination. Of course we have a long way to go, but the point is your crystal ball is no better than mine. The voting public are an upset and strange people. Trump may very well be our next President.
Anything's possible but I think he will find his path a lot rougher in the general election. Democrats hate him with a passion. Only 8% to 11% of Democrats think he would make a good president. In California 85% of Latino voters say they would not vote for Trump. He fairs better among black voters, but the Democrats will still claim the Black vote. I think what would determine whether he goes all the way is how strongly Republicans come together to support him. A brokered convention would not bode well for Trump.

If the Democrat turnout for the primaries is any indication of how they will turn out for the general, you can almost guarantee the Republican nominee (whoever it may be) will be our next President.

Although Sanders can rile some people up, most are not too moved by either Democrat candidate. Neither candidate is Obama; neither will influence college kids to come out and vote; neither will have blacks crawling to their voter registration place if they have to in droves like before. There is just nothing to get excited about unless you happen to be a nursing home resident.

You can talk about Hispanics, or religious people, or Independents all you want. What really matters is how inspirational the candidate can be to draw in record number of voters.

That depends on how the Democrats can paint Trump. He's dangerous, he's arrogant, he's not likable. If the Democrats can push the whole personality thing, it could bite Trump in the ass.
If you like Trump, the chances are very good you have an authoritarian personally or strong inclinations thereof. If you have had the pleasure or displeasure of sitting through a Trump rally, notice what sets the crowd off, carpet bombing in Syria, burning or taking away the oil fields, waterboarding, they all must go, I'll send government agents knocking on their doors, I will root them out, it only makes sense to stop people that hate us from entering the country, You can tell them to go fuck themselves. I will make this country great again. They're stupid. I'm going to kick their ass, and on and on. His supporters love it. The more aggressive, the better On the few occasions, he actually reveals any details of his plan, the crowd doesn't seem to be that interested.

A book was written about 60 years ago addressing the authoritarian personality and it fits Trump and his followers to the tee, authoritarian aggression, authoritarian submission, anti-intellectualism, stereotyping, destructiveness, and cynicism. In the book the author developed an authoritarian scale, the F-Scale, F for fascist.

It's pretty clear that Trump's core supporter ranks pretty high on the F-scale and they are unshakable. They believe that force is the answer to most of our problems. Diplomacy and cooperative effort is the at heart of the problem.

The good news is most people are not very authoritarian. They believe in authority but also in people working together to solve problems, smiles not frowns, and leaders that speak softly but carry a big stick.

The funny thing is, these people want smaller govt, but Trump is calling for larger government. Both militarily and at home, with his boycott of Apple.

The problem is, most people in the US are swayed by advertising, by the message being sold to them. The presidential election has become the be all and end all of advertising.
I don't know because I've heard and read so many predictions about Trump since the beginning and every one of them were wrong.

The first of course was that it was a publicity stunt and he's only throwing his name in there just like he did the last time. When he didn't drop out, he headed to the debates. It was predicted he wouldn't survive the first one. Along the way, he's hurled insults at just about everybody that challenged him, and his popularity only grew.

There are few who predicted he'd make it this far yet along the nomination. Of course we have a long way to go, but the point is your crystal ball is no better than mine. The voting public are an upset and strange people. Trump may very well be our next President.
Anything's possible but I think he will find his path a lot rougher in the general election. Democrats hate him with a passion. Only 8% to 11% of Democrats think he would make a good president. In California 85% of Latino voters say they would not vote for Trump. He fairs better among black voters, but the Democrats will still claim the Black vote. I think what would determine whether he goes all the way is how strongly Republicans come together to support him. A brokered convention would not bode well for Trump.

If the Democrat turnout for the primaries is any indication of how they will turn out for the general, you can almost guarantee the Republican nominee (whoever it may be) will be our next President.

Although Sanders can rile some people up, most are not too moved by either Democrat candidate. Neither candidate is Obama; neither will influence college kids to come out and vote; neither will have blacks crawling to their voter registration place if they have to in droves like before. There is just nothing to get excited about unless you happen to be a nursing home resident.

You can talk about Hispanics, or religious people, or Independents all you want. What really matters is how inspirational the candidate can be to draw in record number of voters.

That depends on how the Democrats can paint Trump. He's dangerous, he's arrogant, he's not likable. If the Democrats can push the whole personality thing, it could bite Trump in the ass.
If you like Trump, the chances are very good you have an authoritarian personally or strong inclinations thereof. If you have had the pleasure or displeasure of sitting through a Trump rally, notice what sets the crowd off, carpet bombing in Syria, burning or taking away the oil fields, waterboarding, they all must go, I'll send government agents knocking on their doors, I will root them out, it only makes sense to stop people that hate us from entering the country, You can tell them to go fuck themselves. I will make this country great again. They're stupid. I'm going to kick their ass, and on and on. His supporters love it. The more aggressive, the better On the few occasions, he actually reveals any details of his plan, the crowd doesn't seem to be that interested.

A book was written about 60 years ago addressing the authoritarian personality and it fits Trump and his followers to the tee, authoritarian aggression, authoritarian submission, anti-intellectualism, stereotyping, destructiveness, and cynicism. In the book the author developed an authoritarian scale, the F-Scale, F for fascist.

It's pretty clear that Trump's core supporter ranks pretty high on the F-scale and they are unshakable. They believe that force is the answer to most of our problems. Diplomacy and cooperative effort is the at heart of the problem.

The good news is most people are not very authoritarian. They believe in authority but also in people working together to solve problems, smiles not frowns, and leaders that speak softly but carry a big stick.

The funny thing is, these people want smaller govt, but Trump is calling for larger government. Both militarily and at home, with his boycott of Apple.

The problem is, most people in the US are swayed by advertising, by the message being sold to them. The presidential election has become the be all and end all of advertising.
Of course he is. He is no more conservative than I am. His tax plan will cost 10 trillion dollars over 10 years in lost revenue. How does he plan to cut cost. He will eliminate the Dept of Education and Dept Environmental Protection which will save less that 700 billion dollars and no funds to expand the military, nor other actions he's promised.

What Trump and other candidates fails to mention is you can not remove a function of government before removing the legislation that mandated that function otherwise the courts would block any such action..

To remove the Dept of Environmental Protection, Congress would have to repeal 38 pieces of legislation, almost half of which were sponsored by Republicans, legislation such as the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, Nuclear Waste Management, Rivers and Harbors Act, and dozens of others. The chance of this happening is somewhere between zero and minus one.
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I've been a stead fast supporter of Carson's tax plan for a reason. Because I've looked into the Flat Tax system over the years and believe it is the Fairest and most simplistic way to end the massive CFR's with the IRS. It honors the constitution on being uniform to all, and eliminates all the loop holes that everyone always bitches about. It would also stop the Inversion that limits investment capital horded overseas.

It is projected to lose revenues, but historically tax cuts have increased investments and created jobs which is exactly what this country needs. Our companies are hauling ass to over seas and if they keep going I believe the American Dream will go with it.

If his plan at 14.9% was incorporated with higher tariffs to countries like Mexico and China, by getting out of the Free Trade agreements, then it would pretty much not lead to less revenue coming into the Gov't. Or, as I studied this before, go to Flat rate of 18% and it would create growth in the economy and actually increase revenues as the tax code is now.

Details and Analysis of Dr. Ben Carson’s Tax Plan

This is Trumps plan, and it doesn't really end the problem with a massive tax code.


Cruz's tax plan is a VAT tax, and I've been against it from the get go. Especially when he dances on stage saying it's not a VAT. Well it is a VAT Tax Ted, by those looking at it.

Details and Analysis of Senator Ted Cruz’s Tax Plan

In grading their plans.........Carson's is the best plan of the Candidates. With a few percent more it would stop the supposed losses in revenues as the analysis's have shown. It would massively increase investment and bring back the Trillions being horded overseas...............

Sigh.............yet the people don't look at the issues.
These tax plans have been platform issues forever..............promising great New Tax plans and they never happen.........we've had tax cuts in the past and historically they haven't lost the revenues that everyone said would happen. Revenues actually historically went up do to increased investment.......primarily in the Markets and not on main street.

It is possible that once Inversion is ended........it will not all go to creation of jobs......and it is possible that the Lion's share of the money would go to the casino of Wall Street.

Bottom line for me.............I want a simplified code..........that maintains revenue...........that causes job growth..............and stops the companies from hauling ass............

I have no problem at all with ending the Free Trade Horse Hockey plans.............and negotiating on a 1 on 1 between countries to hammer out the losses in the Trade balances where we are getting hammered......If that means Tariffs.............then so be it..............It worked before someone said it was broken, and will work again..........as a matter of fact..........before the creation of the IRS it was the primary means of Federal Revenue for this country.
These tax plans have been platform issues forever..............promising great New Tax plans and they never happen.........we've had tax cuts in the past and historically they haven't lost the revenues that everyone said would happen. Revenues actually historically went up do to increased investment.......primarily in the Markets and not on main street.

It is possible that once Inversion is ended........it will not all go to creation of jobs......and it is possible that the Lion's share of the money would go to the casino of Wall Street.

Bottom line for me.............I want a simplified code..........that maintains revenue...........that causes job growth..............and stops the companies from hauling ass............

I have no problem at all with ending the Free Trade Horse Hockey plans.............and negotiating on a 1 on 1 between countries to hammer out the losses in the Trade balances where we are getting hammered......If that means Tariffs.............then so be it..............It worked before someone said it was broken, and will work again..........as a matter of fact..........before the creation of the IRS it was the primary means of Federal Revenue for this country.

When imported steel started to be a problem under Bush, he instituted a tariff. Our trading partners in return put a tariff on our goods being shipped there, so it was a wash and Bush had to back down.

Tariffs don't solve anything. I think what might help is if we Americans were more supportive of our own workers. Let's face it, do any of us look on the packaging of our goods to see where it was made? I don't, and I'm willing to bet that you don't either.

I think that if I were a presidential advisor, I would have the President put a law in that all goods made in the USA have a large Made In America emblem on the package so that it's hard to miss where the product was manufactured.

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