Just as a reminder of how shitty our healthcare system is

Having a baby can be very threatening to the lives of the poor
Do you really expect me to read anything after this lol? I come from parents who grew up in the projects and ADOPTED KIDS! And my parents turned out good middle class bought a home in Boston etc...
I know so many families that grew up poor in the inner city and have made it..

You live in MAINE reading democrat literature all day.. lol
Your excuse to kill babies is easily defeated .. go crawl under a rock you troll.

I live in Canada where abortions are free and legal, and our abortion rate is HALF that of the USA because of universal healthcare, a $14 minimum wage, paid maternity leave and child family benefits.

I’m also adopted. Your family is hardly typical. Every year more and more children end up in foster care, many permanently. I’m concerned about the lack of support for poor families. Poverty in America is the real reason abortion rates are so high and you won’t deal with that issue at all.
Lol your country doesn’t let in as many as America does lol you protect your culture with your immigration.. America doesn’t we have open boarders we have let in low standard immigrants in, you can’t compare the two.. are you racist because of your immigration? Lol


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Ohh I must have had good substance grammar police lol

Not grammar...spelling.



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I don’t do either, but obviously a woman having an abortion isn’t killing a baby because a fetus isn’t a baby lol. All that really matters is letting a woman do what she wants with her own body.
It is a baby it has feelings nerves after a few weeks.. why would you snip a humans limbs off like that?
Lol it barely has a brain for it to matter. Either way, it’s a woman’s choice to do what she wants with her own body.
No if there is a human inside her.. that human has rights..The law will be change soon all the conservative new judges are all pro life
So the woman doesn’t have rights then?
Who has a right to kill?
Women have a right to choose.

You think Trump has the right to kill.
It is a baby it has feelings nerves after a few weeks.. why would you snip a humans limbs off like that?
Lol it barely has a brain for it to matter. Either way, it’s a woman’s choice to do what she wants with her own body.
No if there is a human inside her.. that human has rights..The law will be change soon all the conservative new judges are all pro life
So the woman doesn’t have rights then?
Who has a right to kill?
Women have a right to choose.

You think Trump has the right to kill.
You just Correlated choice with killing babies lol SICKKKKKKK DUDE
Republicans like to pretend our healthcare system is the best in the world, but obviously it isn’t if the poor can’t afford it.

Here’s a video of Brits reacting to our healthcare costs.

So you kill babies and have abortions but you care about health care of citizens? Huh
No one is killing babies.

Huh where are the body parts coming from outer space? Lol

Some come from aborted Fetuses.
Republicans like to pretend our healthcare system is the best in the world, but obviously it isn’t if the poor can’t afford it.

Here’s a video of Brits reacting to our healthcare costs.

So you kill babies and have abortions but you care about health care of citizens? Huh
No one is killing babies.

Huh where are the body parts coming from outer space? Lol

Some come from aborted Fetuses.

Which are arms and legs lol OF BABIES LOL
Lol it barely has a brain for it to matter. Either way, it’s a woman’s choice to do what she wants with her own body.
No if there is a human inside her.. that human has rights..The law will be change soon all the conservative new judges are all pro life
So the woman doesn’t have rights then?
Who has a right to kill?
Women have a right to choose.

You think Trump has the right to kill.
You just Correlated choice with killing babies lol SICKKKKKKK DUDE
Republicans like to pretend our healthcare system is the best in the world, but obviously it isn’t if the poor can’t afford it.

Here’s a video of Brits reacting to our healthcare costs.

So you kill babies and have abortions but you care about health care of citizens? Huh
No one is killing babies.

Huh where are the body parts coming from outer space? Lol

Some come from aborted Fetuses.

Which are arms and legs lol OF BABIES LOL

No, A baby is one that has been born.

A Fetus is in the wmb.
No if there is a human inside her.. that human has rights..The law will be change soon all the conservative new judges are all pro life
So the woman doesn’t have rights then?
Who has a right to kill?
Women have a right to choose.

You think Trump has the right to kill.
You just Correlated choice with killing babies lol SICKKKKKKK DUDE
So you kill babies and have abortions but you care about health care of citizens? Huh
No one is killing babies.
Huh where are the body parts coming from outer space? Lol

Some come from aborted Fetuses.
Which are arms and legs lol OF BABIES LOL
No, A baby is one that has been born.

A Fetus is in the wmb.
So first breath makes it ok to kill? Lol WTF
No one has a right to kill.

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Huh so if killed off your family and came for you next and you had a gun you wouldn’t shot me dead? But you would crack a baby’s head open and suck it’s brains out, and cut it’s limbs off?

You do know it’s impossible for me to have an abortion, right?

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Your support of abortion is impossible?? HUH????

Look, moron. These are your words:

But you would crack a baby’s head open and suck it’s brains out, and cut it’s limbs off?

Nothing in that question said anything about supporting a woman’s RIGHT TO CHOOSE.
You accused me of wanting to have an abortion which is impossible.

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Are you brain dead!? Lol you do want abortion do you not?? You have to be able to have an abortion to support abortions? Lol

you you democrats ever got voted in is beyond me

How you managed to achieve gainful employment is beyond me.

No one “supports” abortion. We support the rights of women to choose to have a baby - the most life altering and personal decision a woman can make.

The birth rate in the USA is declining well below replacement levels. That’s because women can’t afford to raise children. I’m told by my daughter that child for one baby is $275 per week. There are no discounts for multiple children.

American young people graduate from university with, on average, $40,000 in debt. Because of this, they are marrying later and many are opting not to have children because It’s just too expensive.

With corporations and the wealthy flatlining wages for 40 years, the people are fighting back by whatever means necessary. No health care mandate, no women’s reproductive health in your employer based health care, if your employer so chooses. No mandated maternity leave or job security for pregnant women.

Because health insurance is tied to your job in the USA, if a woman who is pregnant is fired, she loses her health insurance, just when she needs it most.

So if your country and your labour laws aren’t going to help and protect women at this most vulnerable time in their lives, the women aren’t having babies as a way of protecting their lives and job security.

They did that in Romania. How did that work out for the country?
So the woman doesn’t have rights then?
Who has a right to kill?
Women have a right to choose.

You think Trump has the right to kill.
You just Correlated choice with killing babies lol SICKKKKKKK DUDE
No one is killing babies.
Huh where are the body parts coming from outer space? Lol

Some come from aborted Fetuses.
Which are arms and legs lol OF BABIES LOL
No, A baby is one that has been born.

A Fetus is in the wmb.
So first breath makes it ok to kill? Lol WTF

Careful Alexi. When you lose your shit, your English syntax goes to hell and your pretence of being American is thinner than Twiggy.
That’s because women can’t afford to raise children. I’m told by my daughter that child for one baby is $275 per week. There are no discounts for multiple children.
I can’t read any more past this..



Who has a right to kill?
Women have a right to choose.

You think Trump has the right to kill.
You just Correlated choice with killing babies lol SICKKKKKKK DUDE
Huh where are the body parts coming from outer space? Lol

Some come from aborted Fetuses.
Which are arms and legs lol OF BABIES LOL
No, A baby is one that has been born.

A Fetus is in the wmb.
So first breath makes it ok to kill? Lol WTF

Careful Alexi. When you lose your shit, your English syntax goes to hell and your pretence of being American is thinner than Twiggy.
You have a pea brain .. please think before you post
And yet their poverty rate is much lower than ours.

They have a different type of poverty... poverty of morals and poverty of sovereignty; both of which I find far more important than financial poverty.

I do not trust ANY Government to have my best interests at heart.
And yet their poverty rate is much lower than ours.

They have a different type of poverty... poverty of morals and poverty of sovereignty; both of which I find far more important than financial poverty.

I do not trust ANY Government to have my best interests at heart.
You have no idea what you are talking about lol. You’re just pulling shit from your ass.
Our health care system isn't shitty, it's just put together like a jigsaw puzzle with pieces that don't fit.

In fact, it's not even really a "system".
Whatever it is, it is too expensive for sure.
That’s because women can’t afford to raise children. I’m told by my daughter that child for one baby is $275 per week. There are no discounts for multiple children.
I can’t read any more past this..




I’m sorry I keep providing you with facts that upset you so much. If your labour laws and practices are so anti-family and anti-woman, that women stop having children, your country is fucked!

It’s not the women lack incentives you stupid tool, it’s because labour law makes it impossible to work and have a baby. And if you don’t work, you don’t have health insurance and you can’t afford the medical costs.
And yet their poverty rate is much lower than ours.

They have a different type of poverty... poverty of morals and poverty of sovereignty; both of which I find far more important than financial poverty.

I do not trust ANY Government to have my best interests at heart.

The government is like any of your other employees or contractors. If they don’t work in your interests, you get rid of them.

The difference between American and Canadians is that we don’t vote for people who screw us over. We destroy their party. We’ve done it twice in the last 30 years. Fear of the voters kept Stephen Harper in line for 8 years.

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