Just for those inflicted with TDS. A very real allfiction, and I love it.

Interesting interview with "hitler."

Been in the public eye for 40 years and the first time we heard anything of racism was about 5 minutes after that ride down the escalator.

So those times Trump was charged with racial discrimination in those federal charges they filed back in the 1970's for refusing to rent apartments to blacks must have completely slipped his mind.

Was he refusing to rent to blacks persae or was he refusing to rent to welfare recipients or poor folks because of their track record or habbits of destroying their dwellings in which has gone on to this very day ?????

That's easy. They were refusing to rent to blacks per se. That was already proven forty-plus years ago.

>> A former Trump superintendent named Thomas Miranda testified that multiple Trump Management employees had instructed him to attach a separate piece of paper with a big letter “C” on it — for “colored” — to any application filed by a black apartment-seeker.

{case history: Mae Wiggins and Maxine Brown}
.... A 33-year-old nurse who was living at the Y.W.C.A. in Harlem, she had come to rent a one-bedroom at the still-unfinished Wilshire Apartments in the Jamaica Estates neighborhood of Queens. She filled out what the rental agent remembers as a “beautiful application.” She did not even want to look at the unit.

There was just one hitch: Maxine Brown was black.

Stanley Leibowitz, the rental agent, talked to his boss, Fred C. Trump.

“I asked him what to do and he says, ‘Take the application and put it in a drawer and leave it there,’” Mr. Leibowitz, now 88, recalled in an interview.

Rump made it clear that he shared the attitude personally:

... In 1969, a young black couple, Haywood and Rennell Cash, sued after being denied a home in Cincinnati at one of the first projects in which Donald Trump, fresh out of college, played an active role.

Mr. Cash was repeatedly rejected by the Trumps’ rental agent, according to court records and notes kept by Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Cincinnati, which sent in white testers posing as a young couple while Mr. Cash waited in the car.

After the agent, Irving Wolper, offered the testers an apartment, they brought in Mr. Cash. Mr. Wolper grew furious, shoving them out of the office and calling the young female tester, Maggie Durham, a “******-lover,” according to court records. “To this day I have not forgotten the fury in his voice and in his face,” Ms. Durham recalled recently, adding that she also remembered him calling her a “traitor to the race.”

.... At a campaign stop in Ohio recently, Mr. Trump shared warm memories of his time in Cincinnati, calling it one of the early successes of his career. And in “The Art of the Deal,” he praised Mr. Wolper, without using his surname, calling him a “fabulous man” and “an amazing manager.”
--- after the Trumps were forced to comply with the Equal Housing Act, kicking and screaming all the way, they were busted AGAIN:

>> A few years later, the government accused the Trumps of violating the consent decree. “We believe that an underlying pattern of discrimination continues to exist in the Trump Management organization,” a Justice Department lawyer wrote to Mr. Cohn in 1978.

Once again, the government marshaled numerous examples of blacks being denied Trump apartments. But this time, it also identified a pattern of racial steering.

While more black families were now renting in Trump-owned buildings, the government said, many had been confined to a small number of complexes. And tenants in some of these buildings had complained about the conditions, from falling plaster to rusty light fixtures to bloodstained floors. <<​

So there you are --- motives, means and opportunity. It's all here. And this has been out there for decades available for anyone who wanted to know. You're welcome. As explained thoroughly in the link, Rump's attitude was, rather than do the right thing, to resist, defame, obstruct, whine and then declare victory after capitulating --- and then to renege on the agreement he went into screaming and kicking and whining. As always he thinks he can just make his own rules. Read it and weep for this is your "Daddy" you've been drooling over.

The Cliff's Notes for all the above could read:

"Black people renting my apartments --- I hate it".

Do you deny that there has been a serious problem over time of welfare recipients and/or poor people destroying property that they occupied either in a low rent situation or as a government subsidized renter ????

If you act as if there hasn't been a serious problem over time of poor folks destroying the properties they were allowed to rent or worse not paying their rent, and the owner catching pure hell on evicting them, then you aren't being honest. If wanted to, the liberals could claim that all low rent housing owners are racist etc. All they gotta do is show up with camera's blazing as a poor family is being evicted, and start with the fake storyline that the owner was throwing them out for no reason at all or that he was just a racist etc. Never mind that these people might have destroyed their apt or caused trouble in the community etc. No, because the mere fact that they are a victimized beat down by the system family, who are living in a poor situation automatically makes them right, and the real estate owner the bad guy or gal everytime.

No accountability is the problem, and this goes for all involved.

You just got your great big steaming plate of accountability served above, after awarding yourself your own answer to a question that didn't go your way. All of this section is completely irrelevant.
Last edited:

Interesting interview with "hitler."

Been in the public eye for 40 years and the first time we heard anything of racism was about 5 minutes after that ride down the escalator.

So those times Trump was charged with racial discrimination in those federal charges they filed back in the 1970's for refusing to rent apartments to blacks must have completely slipped his mind.

Was he refusing to rent to blacks persae or was he refusing to rent to welfare recipients or poor folks because of their track record or habbits of destroying their dwellings in which has gone on to this very day ?????

That's easy. They were refusing to rent to blacks per se. That was already proven forty-plus years ago.

>> A former Trump superintendent named Thomas Miranda testified that multiple Trump Management employees had instructed him to attach a separate piece of paper with a big letter “C” on it — for “colored” — to any application filed by a black apartment-seeker.

{case history: Mae Wiggins and Maxine Brown}
.... A 33-year-old nurse who was living at the Y.W.C.A. in Harlem, she had come to rent a one-bedroom at the still-unfinished Wilshire Apartments in the Jamaica Estates neighborhood of Queens. She filled out what the rental agent remembers as a “beautiful application.” She did not even want to look at the unit.

There was just one hitch: Maxine Brown was black.

Stanley Leibowitz, the rental agent, talked to his boss, Fred C. Trump.

“I asked him what to do and he says, ‘Take the application and put it in a drawer and leave it there,’” Mr. Leibowitz, now 88, recalled in an interview.

Rump made it clear that he shared the attitude personally:

... In 1969, a young black couple, Haywood and Rennell Cash, sued after being denied a home in Cincinnati at one of the first projects in which Donald Trump, fresh out of college, played an active role.

Mr. Cash was repeatedly rejected by the Trumps’ rental agent, according to court records and notes kept by Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Cincinnati, which sent in white testers posing as a young couple while Mr. Cash waited in the car.

After the agent, Irving Wolper, offered the testers an apartment, they brought in Mr. Cash. Mr. Wolper grew furious, shoving them out of the office and calling the young female tester, Maggie Durham, a “******-lover,” according to court records. “To this day I have not forgotten the fury in his voice and in his face,” Ms. Durham recalled recently, adding that she also remembered him calling her a “traitor to the race.”

.... At a campaign stop in Ohio recently, Mr. Trump shared warm memories of his time in Cincinnati, calling it one of the early successes of his career. And in “The Art of the Deal,” he praised Mr. Wolper, without using his surname, calling him a “fabulous man” and “an amazing manager.”
--- after the Trumps were forced to comply with the Equal Housing Act, kicking and screaming all the way, they were busted AGAIN:

>> A few years later, the government accused the Trumps of violating the consent decree. “We believe that an underlying pattern of discrimination continues to exist in the Trump Management organization,” a Justice Department lawyer wrote to Mr. Cohn in 1978.

Once again, the government marshaled numerous examples of blacks being denied Trump apartments. But this time, it also identified a pattern of racial steering.

While more black families were now renting in Trump-owned buildings, the government said, many had been confined to a small number of complexes. And tenants in some of these buildings had complained about the conditions, from falling plaster to rusty light fixtures to bloodstained floors. <<​

So there you are --- motives, means and opportunity. It's all here. And this has been out there for decades available for anyone who wanted to know. You're welcome. As explained thoroughly in the link, Rump's attitude was, rather than do the right thing, to resist, defame, obstruct, whine and then declare victory after capitulating --- and then to renege on the agreement he went into screaming and kicking and whining. As always he thinks he can just make his own rules. Read it and weep for this is your "Daddy" you've been drooling over.

The Cliff's Notes for all the above could read:

"Black people renting my apartments --- I hate it".

Do you deny that there has been a serious problem over time of welfare recipients and/or poor people destroying property that they occupied either in a low rent situation or as a government subsidized renter ????

If you act as if there hasn't been a serious problem over time of poor folks destroying the properties they were allowed to rent or worse not paying their rent, and the owner catching pure hell on evicting them, then you aren't being honest. If wanted to, the liberals could claim that all low rent housing owners are racist etc. All they gotta do is show up with camera's blazing as a poor family is being evicted, and start with the fake storyline that the owner was throwing them out for no reason at all or that he was just a racist etc. Never mind that these people might have destroyed their apt or caused trouble in the community etc. No, because the mere fact that they are a victimized beat down by the system family, who are living in a poor situation automatically makes them right, and the real estate owner the bad guy or gal everytime.

No accountability is the problem, and this goes for all involved.

You just got your great big steaming plate of accountability served above, after awarding yourself your own answer to a question that didn't go your way. All of this section is completely irrelevant.

Ok, and so let's talk about this time period that was remembered so long, long ago or even upon what is going on today, otherwise when many poor (including a large number of blacks), are or were struggling and living in poverty sadly enough during these time periods, and clashes between blacks and whites on everything from housing to jobs was a major problem back then in which was well known about between these various time periods...

So I ask, was it found by real estate owners, developers, and rental managers in the older time, that they might have found that many poor people for whom just so happened to be "black in larger numbers" and poor in large numbers "unfortunately" at various times in question, (for whom were found in this nation's struggling racial devide, and transitional periods taking place), were somehow being seen as being a very high risk to property values, and the properties themselves ???

Otherwise was this a problem being seen by the property owners in the situation back then and now ???

Did this concern make them racist or just wise business men trying to make sure that them and their properties or investments didn't get caught up in the bullcrap going on in it all ??

Was it because of what might happen or did happen into the future to those properties as a proof of those fears coming true in that the property owners may have had during the time periods talked about ????

Were there a large number of poor people back in the day (blacks in the larger context), for whom were being rebellious, defiant, destructive, and bitter against the system, where as they felt that the whitey system in the case of being a black, was against them, hated them, discriminated against them as was found in the job markets and etc, therefore causing them to live in ways that showed their dissatisfaction by not taking care of the dwellings or communities for which they lived in, and might have been owned mostly by whites at the time ????

We still see alot of this today in America, so the work is going to have to continue in order to heal and get people better of course, but would you not agree that it would have been a more common and normal thing to have seen people that weren't nessesarily racist, but for whom owned properties in which they had a goal to keep the value of such properties at a profitable level, and to protect those properties from becoming the subject of rebellion and destruction that was running rampant at the time, trying to protect their properties and their values from the political crap storms that were taking place in it all ?????

So of course they didn't want to rent to some whom they figured would destroy their properties due to various reasons if was the case found in other locations right ???

Was it right to decide not to have their properties caught up in such problems that would inturn destroy the value of the properties, and the actual structures themselves over time ???

During the period alot of things were going on, and people who looked to protect their assets from getting caught up in the mess, could of course at any given time been accused by some who were being denide, to be that of a racist when in reality it just came down to business, and the business of not getting caught up in the problems that were going on between the races in which would eventually destroy ones property and property values if the war between the poor and the rich was involved.

That was the trial of the day, and the trials of today.

These days poverty and blight, the destruction of property, and values of rentals are still going on and going down.. They are still going through very bad times for the owners, the tennant's, and the government, because the attitudes and blame game just keeps on going and going and going among the poor who blame the rich (not nessesarily the whites), and the blight, poverty, and destruction just continues.

Right now we have accusations of racism or just discrimination accusations that are running rampant if a property owner refuses to rent to those whom might have a dismal track record of destroying properties or dwellings in which they were allowed to rent in the past or currently rent to date.

The only thing different today, is that it is no longer the blacks that are a majority offender on the issues of property destruction, and for whom are living in poverty that creates these attitudes... The blacks were understandably being rebellious and bitter about living in poverty at the time periods due to yes a racist attitude of people that was brought on by a complex time period that spanned so many years before in which placed the owners on the defence when it came to their investments, and the blacks on the war path because of the situations found in the periods gone through...

It is now encompassing many races that are caught up in the poverty trap, and it is no longer a majority black like it once was who are poor for whatever reasons there is now or for whatever reason it was back then.

No one is ignorant of the past, but the new generation of race baiters like using the past to cause trouble for those living today, and they want to use the past on issues today that might not even apply, but you think that stops them ??

Now was Trump being a businessman or a racist when he was looking at trends taking place in America, and thus sought to protect his assets from troubles that could arrise if made the wrong decisions concerning his properties at various times ??

Are their developer's and rental property owners right now today, that regret renting to those who destroyed their properties and property values over time ?? Yes there is.

If black Tennant's are involved, and a white owner is involved, is it more likely that the owner gets accused of being racist for trying to evict the tennant's if were destroying the property in such a case ?? How rampant is this stuff today in America ?

Hopefully everything is changing rapidly for the better for all races, and all Americans.

Trump's economy is making a huge dent in this stuff, but the crats are doing their level best to push it all backwards.

I do think that there are racist, and then you have business people not wanting to get caught up in the racist trap, so they try their level best to not rent to those whom would destroy their properties, and then would claim racism on them if anything is said about it afterwards.

These things need to be worked out.

No excuse in the destroying of properties by Tennant's who live there or the property owners drawing checks from the government, and then not putting a portion of the money back into the property. Both are wrong.

Claiming racism at every turn is wrong also, because if real racist issues arise, then it could be drowned out by the crying of wolf when no wolf is around.

Interesting interview with "hitler."

Been in the public eye for 40 years and the first time we heard anything of racism was about 5 minutes after that ride down the escalator.

So those times Trump was charged with racial discrimination in those federal charges they filed back in the 1970's for refusing to rent apartments to blacks must have completely slipped his mind.

Was he refusing to rent to blacks persae or was he refusing to rent to welfare recipients or poor folks because of their track record or habbits of destroying their dwellings in which has gone on to this very day ?????

That's easy. They were refusing to rent to blacks per se. That was already proven forty-plus years ago.

>> A former Trump superintendent named Thomas Miranda testified that multiple Trump Management employees had instructed him to attach a separate piece of paper with a big letter “C” on it — for “colored” — to any application filed by a black apartment-seeker.

{case history: Mae Wiggins and Maxine Brown}
.... A 33-year-old nurse who was living at the Y.W.C.A. in Harlem, she had come to rent a one-bedroom at the still-unfinished Wilshire Apartments in the Jamaica Estates neighborhood of Queens. She filled out what the rental agent remembers as a “beautiful application.” She did not even want to look at the unit.

There was just one hitch: Maxine Brown was black.

Stanley Leibowitz, the rental agent, talked to his boss, Fred C. Trump.

“I asked him what to do and he says, ‘Take the application and put it in a drawer and leave it there,’” Mr. Leibowitz, now 88, recalled in an interview.

Rump made it clear that he shared the attitude personally:

... In 1969, a young black couple, Haywood and Rennell Cash, sued after being denied a home in Cincinnati at one of the first projects in which Donald Trump, fresh out of college, played an active role.

Mr. Cash was repeatedly rejected by the Trumps’ rental agent, according to court records and notes kept by Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Cincinnati, which sent in white testers posing as a young couple while Mr. Cash waited in the car.

After the agent, Irving Wolper, offered the testers an apartment, they brought in Mr. Cash. Mr. Wolper grew furious, shoving them out of the office and calling the young female tester, Maggie Durham, a “******-lover,” according to court records. “To this day I have not forgotten the fury in his voice and in his face,” Ms. Durham recalled recently, adding that she also remembered him calling her a “traitor to the race.”

.... At a campaign stop in Ohio recently, Mr. Trump shared warm memories of his time in Cincinnati, calling it one of the early successes of his career. And in “The Art of the Deal,” he praised Mr. Wolper, without using his surname, calling him a “fabulous man” and “an amazing manager.”
--- after the Trumps were forced to comply with the Equal Housing Act, kicking and screaming all the way, they were busted AGAIN:

>> A few years later, the government accused the Trumps of violating the consent decree. “We believe that an underlying pattern of discrimination continues to exist in the Trump Management organization,” a Justice Department lawyer wrote to Mr. Cohn in 1978.

Once again, the government marshaled numerous examples of blacks being denied Trump apartments. But this time, it also identified a pattern of racial steering.

While more black families were now renting in Trump-owned buildings, the government said, many had been confined to a small number of complexes. And tenants in some of these buildings had complained about the conditions, from falling plaster to rusty light fixtures to bloodstained floors. <<​

So there you are --- motives, means and opportunity. It's all here. And this has been out there for decades available for anyone who wanted to know. You're welcome. As explained thoroughly in the link, Rump's attitude was, rather than do the right thing, to resist, defame, obstruct, whine and then declare victory after capitulating --- and then to renege on the agreement he went into screaming and kicking and whining. As always he thinks he can just make his own rules. Read it and weep for this is your "Daddy" you've been drooling over.

The Cliff's Notes for all the above could read:

"Black people renting my apartments --- I hate it".

Do you deny that there has been a serious problem over time of welfare recipients and/or poor people destroying property that they occupied either in a low rent situation or as a government subsidized renter ????

If you act as if there hasn't been a serious problem over time of poor folks destroying the properties they were allowed to rent or worse not paying their rent, and the owner catching pure hell on evicting them, then you aren't being honest. If wanted to, the liberals could claim that all low rent housing owners are racist etc. All they gotta do is show up with camera's blazing as a poor family is being evicted, and start with the fake storyline that the owner was throwing them out for no reason at all or that he was just a racist etc. Never mind that these people might have destroyed their apt or caused trouble in the community etc. No, because the mere fact that they are a victimized beat down by the system family, who are living in a poor situation automatically makes them right, and the real estate owner the bad guy or gal everytime.

No accountability is the problem, and this goes for all involved.

You just got your great big steaming plate of accountability served above, after awarding yourself your own answer to a question that didn't go your way. All of this section is completely irrelevant.

Ok, and so let's talk about this time period that was remembered so long, long ago or even upon what is going on today, otherwise when many poor (including a large number of blacks), are or were struggling and living in poverty sadly enough during these time periods, and clashes between blacks and whites on everything from housing to jobs was a major problem back then in which was well known about between these various time periods...

So I ask, was it found by real estate owners, developers, and rental managers in the older time, that they might have found that many poor people for whom just so happened to be "black in larger numbers" and poor in large numbers "unfortunately" at various times in question, (for whom were found in this nation's struggling racial devide, and transitional periods taking place), were somehow being seen as being a very high risk to property values, and the properties themselves ???

Otherwise was this a problem being seen by the property owners in the situation back then and now ???

Did this concern make them racist or just wise business men trying to make sure that them and their properties or investments didn't get caught up in the bullcrap going on in it all ??

Was it because of what might happen or did happen into the future to those properties as a proof of those fears coming true in that the property owners may have had during the time periods talked about ????

Were there a large number of poor people back in the day (blacks in the larger context), for whom were being rebellious, defiant, destructive, and bitter against the system, where as they felt that the whitey system in the case of being a black, was against them, hated them, discriminated against them as was found in the job markets and etc, therefore causing them to live in ways that showed their dissatisfaction by not taking care of the dwellings or communities for which they lived in, and might have been owned mostly by whites at the time ????

We still see alot of this today in America, so the work is going to have to continue in order to heal and get people better of course, but would you not agree that it would have been a more common and normal thing to have seen people that weren't nessesarily racist, but for whom owned properties in which they had a goal to keep the value of such properties at a profitable level, and to protect those properties from becoming the subject of rebellion and destruction that was running rampant at the time, trying to protect their properties and their values from the political crap storms that were taking place in it all ?????

So of course they didn't want to rent to some whom they figured would destroy their properties due to various reasons if was the case found in other locations right ???

Was it right to decide not to have their properties caught up in such problems that would inturn destroy the value of the properties, and the actual structures themselves over time ???

During the period alot of things were going on, and people who looked to protect their assets from getting caught up in the mess, could of course at any given time been accused by some who were being denide, to be that of a racist when in reality it just came down to business, and the business of not getting caught up in the problems that were going on between the races in which would eventually destroy ones property and property values if the war between the poor and the rich was involved.

That was the trial of the day, and the trials of today.

These days poverty and blight, the destruction of property, and values of rentals are still going on and going down.. They are still going through very bad times for the owners, the tennant's, and the government, because the attitudes and blame game just keeps on going and going and going among the poor who blame the rich (not nessesarily the whites), and the blight, poverty, and destruction just continues.

Right now we have accusations of racism or just discrimination accusations that are running rampant if a property owner refuses to rent to those whom might have a dismal track record of destroying properties or dwellings in which they were allowed to rent in the past or currently rent to date.

The only thing different today, is that it is no longer the blacks that are a majority offender on the issues of property destruction, and for whom are living in poverty that creates these attitudes... The blacks were understandably being rebellious and bitter about living in poverty at the time periods due to yes a racist attitude of people that was brought on by a complex time period that spanned so many years before in which placed the owners on the defence when it came to their investments, and the blacks on the war path because of the situations found in the periods gone through...

It is now encompassing many races that are caught up in the poverty trap, and it is no longer a majority black like it once was who are poor for whatever reasons there is now or for whatever reason it was back then.

No one is ignorant of the past, but the new generation of race baiters like using the past to cause trouble for those living today, and they want to use the past on issues today that might not even apply, but you think that stops them ??

Now was Trump being a businessman or a racist when he was looking at trends taking place in America, and thus sought to protect his assets from troubles that could arrise if made the wrong decisions concerning his properties at various times ??

Are their developer's and rental property owners right now today, that regret renting to those who destroyed their properties and property values over time ?? Yes there is.

If black Tennant's are involved, and a white owner is involved, is it more likely that the owner gets accused of being racist for trying to evict the tennant's if were destroying the property in such a case ?? How rampant is this stuff today in America ?

Hopefully everything is changing rapidly for the better for all races, and all Americans.

Trump's economy is making a huge dent in this stuff, but the crats are doing their level best to push it all backwards.

I do think that there are racist, and then you have business people not wanting to get caught up in the racist trap, so they try their level best to not rent to those whom would destroy their properties, and then would claim racism on them if anything is said about it afterwards.

These things need to be worked out.

No excuse in the destroying of properties by Tennant's who live there or the property owners drawing checks from the government, and then not putting a portion of the money back into the property. Both are wrong.

Claiming racism at every turn is wrong also, because if real racist issues arise, then it could be drowned out by the crying of wolf when no wolf is around.

That's a lot of wordage just to escape the point.

The point, again, was to correct the record about WHAT WENT DOWN. Not a treatise on "who else did it" or "what it might mean" or "what's going on now" ---- a simple historical correction of what happened, on the record, there and then.

There was *NO* element of anybody "destroying property" in those records. That idea was brought in out of some poster's ass without any evidence as a way to try to excuse it away. It's a simple case of a real estate company barring black people from renting the same spaces into which they welcomed white people with the same background and application. That was proven and litigated, multiple times. Period. Somebody here tried to revise history, and they got spanked.
Now was Trump being a businessman or a racist when he was looking at trends taking place in America, and thus sought to protect his assets from troubles that could arrise if made the wrong decisions concerning his properties at various times ??

Was he being a businessman or a racist when he took out a full page ad calling for the execution of the Central Park Five, and then doubled down on it even after they were cleared by DNA?

Was he being a businessman or a racist when he sneered, "black guys counting my money --- I hate it"?

Only he knows. Even that isn't enough to go on to make a judgment since we can't trust a goddam thing he says. And that's a far more problematic trait than the question of whether or not he's a racist.

Interesting interview with "hitler."

Been in the public eye for 40 years and the first time we heard anything of racism was about 5 minutes after that ride down the escalator.

So those times Trump was charged with racial discrimination in those federal charges they filed back in the 1970's for refusing to rent apartments to blacks must have completely slipped his mind.

Was he refusing to rent to blacks persae or was he refusing to rent to welfare recipients or poor folks because of their track record or habbits of destroying their dwellings in which has gone on to this very day ?????

That's easy. They were refusing to rent to blacks per se. That was already proven forty-plus years ago.

>> A former Trump superintendent named Thomas Miranda testified that multiple Trump Management employees had instructed him to attach a separate piece of paper with a big letter “C” on it — for “colored” — to any application filed by a black apartment-seeker.

{case history: Mae Wiggins and Maxine Brown}
.... A 33-year-old nurse who was living at the Y.W.C.A. in Harlem, she had come to rent a one-bedroom at the still-unfinished Wilshire Apartments in the Jamaica Estates neighborhood of Queens. She filled out what the rental agent remembers as a “beautiful application.” She did not even want to look at the unit.

There was just one hitch: Maxine Brown was black.

Stanley Leibowitz, the rental agent, talked to his boss, Fred C. Trump.

“I asked him what to do and he says, ‘Take the application and put it in a drawer and leave it there,’” Mr. Leibowitz, now 88, recalled in an interview.

Rump made it clear that he shared the attitude personally:

... In 1969, a young black couple, Haywood and Rennell Cash, sued after being denied a home in Cincinnati at one of the first projects in which Donald Trump, fresh out of college, played an active role.

Mr. Cash was repeatedly rejected by the Trumps’ rental agent, according to court records and notes kept by Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Cincinnati, which sent in white testers posing as a young couple while Mr. Cash waited in the car.

After the agent, Irving Wolper, offered the testers an apartment, they brought in Mr. Cash. Mr. Wolper grew furious, shoving them out of the office and calling the young female tester, Maggie Durham, a “******-lover,” according to court records. “To this day I have not forgotten the fury in his voice and in his face,” Ms. Durham recalled recently, adding that she also remembered him calling her a “traitor to the race.”

.... At a campaign stop in Ohio recently, Mr. Trump shared warm memories of his time in Cincinnati, calling it one of the early successes of his career. And in “The Art of the Deal,” he praised Mr. Wolper, without using his surname, calling him a “fabulous man” and “an amazing manager.”
--- after the Trumps were forced to comply with the Equal Housing Act, kicking and screaming all the way, they were busted AGAIN:

>> A few years later, the government accused the Trumps of violating the consent decree. “We believe that an underlying pattern of discrimination continues to exist in the Trump Management organization,” a Justice Department lawyer wrote to Mr. Cohn in 1978.

Once again, the government marshaled numerous examples of blacks being denied Trump apartments. But this time, it also identified a pattern of racial steering.

While more black families were now renting in Trump-owned buildings, the government said, many had been confined to a small number of complexes. And tenants in some of these buildings had complained about the conditions, from falling plaster to rusty light fixtures to bloodstained floors. <<​

So there you are --- motives, means and opportunity. It's all here. And this has been out there for decades available for anyone who wanted to know. You're welcome. As explained thoroughly in the link, Rump's attitude was, rather than do the right thing, to resist, defame, obstruct, whine and then declare victory after capitulating --- and then to renege on the agreement he went into screaming and kicking and whining. As always he thinks he can just make his own rules. Read it and weep for this is your "Daddy" you've been drooling over.

The Cliff's Notes for all the above could read:

"Black people renting my apartments --- I hate it".

Do you deny that there has been a serious problem over time of welfare recipients and/or poor people destroying property that they occupied either in a low rent situation or as a government subsidized renter ????

If you act as if there hasn't been a serious problem over time of poor folks destroying the properties they were allowed to rent or worse not paying their rent, and the owner catching pure hell on evicting them, then you aren't being honest. If wanted to, the liberals could claim that all low rent housing owners are racist etc. All they gotta do is show up with camera's blazing as a poor family is being evicted, and start with the fake storyline that the owner was throwing them out for no reason at all or that he was just a racist etc. Never mind that these people might have destroyed their apt or caused trouble in the community etc. No, because the mere fact that they are a victimized beat down by the system family, who are living in a poor situation automatically makes them right, and the real estate owner the bad guy or gal everytime.

No accountability is the problem, and this goes for all involved.

You just got your great big steaming plate of accountability served above, after awarding yourself your own answer to a question that didn't go your way. All of this section is completely irrelevant.

Ok, and so let's talk about this time period that was remembered so long, long ago or even upon what is going on today, otherwise when many poor (including a large number of blacks), are or were struggling and living in poverty sadly enough during these time periods, and clashes between blacks and whites on everything from housing to jobs was a major problem back then in which was well known about between these various time periods...

So I ask, was it found by real estate owners, developers, and rental managers in the older time, that they might have found that many poor people for whom just so happened to be "black in larger numbers" and poor in large numbers "unfortunately" at various times in question, (for whom were found in this nation's struggling racial devide, and transitional periods taking place), were somehow being seen as being a very high risk to property values, and the properties themselves ???

Otherwise was this a problem being seen by the property owners in the situation back then and now ???

Did this concern make them racist or just wise business men trying to make sure that them and their properties or investments didn't get caught up in the bullcrap going on in it all ??

Was it because of what might happen or did happen into the future to those properties as a proof of those fears coming true in that the property owners may have had during the time periods talked about ????

Were there a large number of poor people back in the day (blacks in the larger context), for whom were being rebellious, defiant, destructive, and bitter against the system, where as they felt that the whitey system in the case of being a black, was against them, hated them, discriminated against them as was found in the job markets and etc, therefore causing them to live in ways that showed their dissatisfaction by not taking care of the dwellings or communities for which they lived in, and might have been owned mostly by whites at the time ????

We still see alot of this today in America, so the work is going to have to continue in order to heal and get people better of course, but would you not agree that it would have been a more common and normal thing to have seen people that weren't nessesarily racist, but for whom owned properties in which they had a goal to keep the value of such properties at a profitable level, and to protect those properties from becoming the subject of rebellion and destruction that was running rampant at the time, trying to protect their properties and their values from the political crap storms that were taking place in it all ?????

So of course they didn't want to rent to some whom they figured would destroy their properties due to various reasons if was the case found in other locations right ???

Was it right to decide not to have their properties caught up in such problems that would inturn destroy the value of the properties, and the actual structures themselves over time ???

During the period alot of things were going on, and people who looked to protect their assets from getting caught up in the mess, could of course at any given time been accused by some who were being denide, to be that of a racist when in reality it just came down to business, and the business of not getting caught up in the problems that were going on between the races in which would eventually destroy ones property and property values if the war between the poor and the rich was involved.

That was the trial of the day, and the trials of today.

These days poverty and blight, the destruction of property, and values of rentals are still going on and going down.. They are still going through very bad times for the owners, the tennant's, and the government, because the attitudes and blame game just keeps on going and going and going among the poor who blame the rich (not nessesarily the whites), and the blight, poverty, and destruction just continues.

Right now we have accusations of racism or just discrimination accusations that are running rampant if a property owner refuses to rent to those whom might have a dismal track record of destroying properties or dwellings in which they were allowed to rent in the past or currently rent to date.

The only thing different today, is that it is no longer the blacks that are a majority offender on the issues of property destruction, and for whom are living in poverty that creates these attitudes... The blacks were understandably being rebellious and bitter about living in poverty at the time periods due to yes a racist attitude of people that was brought on by a complex time period that spanned so many years before in which placed the owners on the defence when it came to their investments, and the blacks on the war path because of the situations found in the periods gone through...

It is now encompassing many races that are caught up in the poverty trap, and it is no longer a majority black like it once was who are poor for whatever reasons there is now or for whatever reason it was back then.

No one is ignorant of the past, but the new generation of race baiters like using the past to cause trouble for those living today, and they want to use the past on issues today that might not even apply, but you think that stops them ??

Now was Trump being a businessman or a racist when he was looking at trends taking place in America, and thus sought to protect his assets from troubles that could arrise if made the wrong decisions concerning his properties at various times ??

Are their developer's and rental property owners right now today, that regret renting to those who destroyed their properties and property values over time ?? Yes there is.

If black Tennant's are involved, and a white owner is involved, is it more likely that the owner gets accused of being racist for trying to evict the tennant's if were destroying the property in such a case ?? How rampant is this stuff today in America ?

Hopefully everything is changing rapidly for the better for all races, and all Americans.

Trump's economy is making a huge dent in this stuff, but the crats are doing their level best to push it all backwards.

I do think that there are racist, and then you have business people not wanting to get caught up in the racist trap, so they try their level best to not rent to those whom would destroy their properties, and then would claim racism on them if anything is said about it afterwards.

These things need to be worked out.

No excuse in the destroying of properties by Tennant's who live there or the property owners drawing checks from the government, and then not putting a portion of the money back into the property. Both are wrong.

Claiming racism at every turn is wrong also, because if real racist issues arise, then it could be drowned out by the crying of wolf when no wolf is around.

That's a lot of wordage just to escape the point.

The point, again, was to correct the record about WHAT WENT DOWN. Not a treatise on "who else did it" or "what it might mean" or "what's going on now" ---- a simple historical correction of what happened, on the record, there and then.

There was *NO* element of anybody "destroying property" in those records. That idea was brought in out of some poster's ass without any evidence as a way to try to excuse it away. It's a simple case of a real estate company barring black people from renting the same spaces into which they welcomed white people with the same background and application. That was proven and litigated, multiple times. Period. Somebody here tried to revise history, and they got spanked.

And you have an answer for the property destruction and blight that has been a crisis in the country for how long now ?? It all ties together, and if you say it doesn't, then you are being dishonest.
So those times Trump was charged with racial discrimination in those federal charges they filed back in the 1970's for refusing to rent apartments to blacks must have completely slipped his mind.

Was he refusing to rent to blacks persae or was he refusing to rent to welfare recipients or poor folks because of their track record or habbits of destroying their dwellings in which has gone on to this very day ?????

That's easy. They were refusing to rent to blacks per se. That was already proven forty-plus years ago.

>> A former Trump superintendent named Thomas Miranda testified that multiple Trump Management employees had instructed him to attach a separate piece of paper with a big letter “C” on it — for “colored” — to any application filed by a black apartment-seeker.

{case history: Mae Wiggins and Maxine Brown}
.... A 33-year-old nurse who was living at the Y.W.C.A. in Harlem, she had come to rent a one-bedroom at the still-unfinished Wilshire Apartments in the Jamaica Estates neighborhood of Queens. She filled out what the rental agent remembers as a “beautiful application.” She did not even want to look at the unit.

There was just one hitch: Maxine Brown was black.

Stanley Leibowitz, the rental agent, talked to his boss, Fred C. Trump.

“I asked him what to do and he says, ‘Take the application and put it in a drawer and leave it there,’” Mr. Leibowitz, now 88, recalled in an interview.

Rump made it clear that he shared the attitude personally:

... In 1969, a young black couple, Haywood and Rennell Cash, sued after being denied a home in Cincinnati at one of the first projects in which Donald Trump, fresh out of college, played an active role.

Mr. Cash was repeatedly rejected by the Trumps’ rental agent, according to court records and notes kept by Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Cincinnati, which sent in white testers posing as a young couple while Mr. Cash waited in the car.

After the agent, Irving Wolper, offered the testers an apartment, they brought in Mr. Cash. Mr. Wolper grew furious, shoving them out of the office and calling the young female tester, Maggie Durham, a “******-lover,” according to court records. “To this day I have not forgotten the fury in his voice and in his face,” Ms. Durham recalled recently, adding that she also remembered him calling her a “traitor to the race.”

.... At a campaign stop in Ohio recently, Mr. Trump shared warm memories of his time in Cincinnati, calling it one of the early successes of his career. And in “The Art of the Deal,” he praised Mr. Wolper, without using his surname, calling him a “fabulous man” and “an amazing manager.”
--- after the Trumps were forced to comply with the Equal Housing Act, kicking and screaming all the way, they were busted AGAIN:

>> A few years later, the government accused the Trumps of violating the consent decree. “We believe that an underlying pattern of discrimination continues to exist in the Trump Management organization,” a Justice Department lawyer wrote to Mr. Cohn in 1978.

Once again, the government marshaled numerous examples of blacks being denied Trump apartments. But this time, it also identified a pattern of racial steering.

While more black families were now renting in Trump-owned buildings, the government said, many had been confined to a small number of complexes. And tenants in some of these buildings had complained about the conditions, from falling plaster to rusty light fixtures to bloodstained floors. <<​

So there you are --- motives, means and opportunity. It's all here. And this has been out there for decades available for anyone who wanted to know. You're welcome. As explained thoroughly in the link, Rump's attitude was, rather than do the right thing, to resist, defame, obstruct, whine and then declare victory after capitulating --- and then to renege on the agreement he went into screaming and kicking and whining. As always he thinks he can just make his own rules. Read it and weep for this is your "Daddy" you've been drooling over.

The Cliff's Notes for all the above could read:

"Black people renting my apartments --- I hate it".

Do you deny that there has been a serious problem over time of welfare recipients and/or poor people destroying property that they occupied either in a low rent situation or as a government subsidized renter ????

If you act as if there hasn't been a serious problem over time of poor folks destroying the properties they were allowed to rent or worse not paying their rent, and the owner catching pure hell on evicting them, then you aren't being honest. If wanted to, the liberals could claim that all low rent housing owners are racist etc. All they gotta do is show up with camera's blazing as a poor family is being evicted, and start with the fake storyline that the owner was throwing them out for no reason at all or that he was just a racist etc. Never mind that these people might have destroyed their apt or caused trouble in the community etc. No, because the mere fact that they are a victimized beat down by the system family, who are living in a poor situation automatically makes them right, and the real estate owner the bad guy or gal everytime.

No accountability is the problem, and this goes for all involved.

You just got your great big steaming plate of accountability served above, after awarding yourself your own answer to a question that didn't go your way. All of this section is completely irrelevant.

Ok, and so let's talk about this time period that was remembered so long, long ago or even upon what is going on today, otherwise when many poor (including a large number of blacks), are or were struggling and living in poverty sadly enough during these time periods, and clashes between blacks and whites on everything from housing to jobs was a major problem back then in which was well known about between these various time periods...

So I ask, was it found by real estate owners, developers, and rental managers in the older time, that they might have found that many poor people for whom just so happened to be "black in larger numbers" and poor in large numbers "unfortunately" at various times in question, (for whom were found in this nation's struggling racial devide, and transitional periods taking place), were somehow being seen as being a very high risk to property values, and the properties themselves ???

Otherwise was this a problem being seen by the property owners in the situation back then and now ???

Did this concern make them racist or just wise business men trying to make sure that them and their properties or investments didn't get caught up in the bullcrap going on in it all ??

Was it because of what might happen or did happen into the future to those properties as a proof of those fears coming true in that the property owners may have had during the time periods talked about ????

Were there a large number of poor people back in the day (blacks in the larger context), for whom were being rebellious, defiant, destructive, and bitter against the system, where as they felt that the whitey system in the case of being a black, was against them, hated them, discriminated against them as was found in the job markets and etc, therefore causing them to live in ways that showed their dissatisfaction by not taking care of the dwellings or communities for which they lived in, and might have been owned mostly by whites at the time ????

We still see alot of this today in America, so the work is going to have to continue in order to heal and get people better of course, but would you not agree that it would have been a more common and normal thing to have seen people that weren't nessesarily racist, but for whom owned properties in which they had a goal to keep the value of such properties at a profitable level, and to protect those properties from becoming the subject of rebellion and destruction that was running rampant at the time, trying to protect their properties and their values from the political crap storms that were taking place in it all ?????

So of course they didn't want to rent to some whom they figured would destroy their properties due to various reasons if was the case found in other locations right ???

Was it right to decide not to have their properties caught up in such problems that would inturn destroy the value of the properties, and the actual structures themselves over time ???

During the period alot of things were going on, and people who looked to protect their assets from getting caught up in the mess, could of course at any given time been accused by some who were being denide, to be that of a racist when in reality it just came down to business, and the business of not getting caught up in the problems that were going on between the races in which would eventually destroy ones property and property values if the war between the poor and the rich was involved.

That was the trial of the day, and the trials of today.

These days poverty and blight, the destruction of property, and values of rentals are still going on and going down.. They are still going through very bad times for the owners, the tennant's, and the government, because the attitudes and blame game just keeps on going and going and going among the poor who blame the rich (not nessesarily the whites), and the blight, poverty, and destruction just continues.

Right now we have accusations of racism or just discrimination accusations that are running rampant if a property owner refuses to rent to those whom might have a dismal track record of destroying properties or dwellings in which they were allowed to rent in the past or currently rent to date.

The only thing different today, is that it is no longer the blacks that are a majority offender on the issues of property destruction, and for whom are living in poverty that creates these attitudes... The blacks were understandably being rebellious and bitter about living in poverty at the time periods due to yes a racist attitude of people that was brought on by a complex time period that spanned so many years before in which placed the owners on the defence when it came to their investments, and the blacks on the war path because of the situations found in the periods gone through...

It is now encompassing many races that are caught up in the poverty trap, and it is no longer a majority black like it once was who are poor for whatever reasons there is now or for whatever reason it was back then.

No one is ignorant of the past, but the new generation of race baiters like using the past to cause trouble for those living today, and they want to use the past on issues today that might not even apply, but you think that stops them ??

Now was Trump being a businessman or a racist when he was looking at trends taking place in America, and thus sought to protect his assets from troubles that could arrise if made the wrong decisions concerning his properties at various times ??

Are their developer's and rental property owners right now today, that regret renting to those who destroyed their properties and property values over time ?? Yes there is.

If black Tennant's are involved, and a white owner is involved, is it more likely that the owner gets accused of being racist for trying to evict the tennant's if were destroying the property in such a case ?? How rampant is this stuff today in America ?

Hopefully everything is changing rapidly for the better for all races, and all Americans.

Trump's economy is making a huge dent in this stuff, but the crats are doing their level best to push it all backwards.

I do think that there are racist, and then you have business people not wanting to get caught up in the racist trap, so they try their level best to not rent to those whom would destroy their properties, and then would claim racism on them if anything is said about it afterwards.

These things need to be worked out.

No excuse in the destroying of properties by Tennant's who live there or the property owners drawing checks from the government, and then not putting a portion of the money back into the property. Both are wrong.

Claiming racism at every turn is wrong also, because if real racist issues arise, then it could be drowned out by the crying of wolf when no wolf is around.

That's a lot of wordage just to escape the point.

The point, again, was to correct the record about WHAT WENT DOWN. Not a treatise on "who else did it" or "what it might mean" or "what's going on now" ---- a simple historical correction of what happened, on the record, there and then.

There was *NO* element of anybody "destroying property" in those records. That idea was brought in out of some poster's ass without any evidence as a way to try to excuse it away. It's a simple case of a real estate company barring black people from renting the same spaces into which they welcomed white people with the same background and application. That was proven and litigated, multiple times. Period. Somebody here tried to revise history, and they got spanked.
And you have an answer for the property destruction and blight that has been a crisis in the country for how long now ?? It all ties together, and if you say it doesn't, then you are being dishonest.

What's "dishonest" is introducing a bunch of shit about "property destruction and blight" that was never any part of the question in the first place, just to try to take the spotlight off what the question was. And what's "stupid" is doing it again expecting different results after such deflection has been exposed.

Not even Rump or his father made any point about not renting to black people because of " property destruction and blight" concerns. What Rump DID say was "come on Elyse --- you don't want to live with them either". That doesn't sound like any kind of concern about "property destruction and blight", does it. What Rump DID say was a bunch of whining about how the government --- the source of Fred's money in the first place --- was using "Gestapo-like tactics" in enforcing the law that was common knowledge. What Rump DID say was high praise for his manager in Cincinnati who got busted screening out a black couple and then screamed "******-lover" and "race traitor" at the tester who busted him.
Now was Trump being a businessman or a racist when he was looking at trends taking place in America, and thus sought to protect his assets from troubles that could arrise if made the wrong decisions concerning his properties at various times ??

Was he being a businessman or a racist when he took out a full page ad calling for the execution of the Central Park Five, and then doubled down on it even after they were cleared by DNA?

Was he being a businessman or a racist when he sneered, "black guys counting my money --- I hate it"?

Only he knows. Even that isn't enough to go on to make a judgment since we can't trust a goddam thing he says. And that's a far more problematic trait than the question of whether or not he's a racist.
Can you post the add he took out please ?

In what context was he speaking about someone counting his money ? Was it in a racial/racist context ? Post the entire speak if you will. Thanks.

Did the actions of groups or individuals back in the day, cause the mis-understandings that were found in stereotyping, opinions, and in the thinking among other groups or individuals that joined in on the profiling of an entire group being based upon what was coming out of a group that was seemingly primitive and not understood at the time ?????

Yes it was racism, but what caused the racism or opinions of those throughout time in which fell into the racism trap ??

Did they see this very intelligent people for whom they marvelled at, and yet decided that they would hate them and discriminate against them ? Wouldn't make much sense would it ?

No, unfortunately they saw an uneducated primitive culture of people whom were held back due to slavery, and thought to themselves that such a people couldn't be educated or lifted to a status that would make those seeing them in this light as anything otherwise.

Otherwise, it wasn't known as to the potential of a group if we're given the chances that was given them over time, where as the group could be just as smart and productive as they even were over time in which they finally have found that out thank God.

It is why you see these people who were of course racist in the past, asking for forgiveness for that past in which so many were caught up in, and have since been educated and have been proven of to know better about.

Of course the racist/race baiters who use the past as a way to destroy one living in the present for whom has since learned the error of his or her ways, are doing it for power purposes, and for racist purposes themselves as a vengence they seek after.

It's time everyone is educated better about these things, and forgiveness leads us all on to a higher plain together.
Now was Trump being a businessman or a racist when he was looking at trends taking place in America, and thus sought to protect his assets from troubles that could arrise if made the wrong decisions concerning his properties at various times ??

Was he being a businessman or a racist when he took out a full page ad calling for the execution of the Central Park Five, and then doubled down on it even after they were cleared by DNA?

Was he being a businessman or a racist when he sneered, "black guys counting my money --- I hate it"?

Only he knows. Even that isn't enough to go on to make a judgment since we can't trust a goddam thing he says. And that's a far more problematic trait than the question of whether or not he's a racist.
Can you post the add he took out please ?

Sure. Looked like this -- ran in FOUR NYC newspapers.


Matter o' fact here's a sum-up of the whole thing including Rump's refusal to accept the exoneration:

Remember also that fake-news tweet he sent about black crime? Reminiscent of that shit. He infamously said, "maybe hate is what we need" And he's been doing everything possible to provide that "need".

In what context was he speaking about someone counting his money ? Was it in a racial/racist context ? Post the entire speak if you will. Thanks.

The context was observing some of the workers in his casinos (the ones that went under in AC). It went, “I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”. Inasmuch as he specifies "black guys" it's pretty clear he's referring to a race.

Now let's be clear --- I don't know if he's saying that as a racist, or saying that as a gadfly to make himself LOOK LIKE a racist, which he certainly does. In other words I can't tell (nobody can) whether he's expressing what he really believes, or whether he's playing a part. But why would anybody want to play the part of a dick? Again --- only he knows, and that complete mystery as to what he's saying or thinking is far more problematic than being a racist. At least with a genuine racist, you know where he stands.

So if Rump had had his way these five kids could have been executed, for a crime they provably did not commit. And even now, thirty years later, after a confession by the real assailent AND DNA evidence exonerating them, he STILL can't find the balls to say he was wrong.

That's a serious, SERIOUS character flaw. DEADly serious.

And while we're on the subject of racism, disparaging ethnicities and fake news, there's that matter of Rump running all those anti-Indian ads in upstate New York when they were looking to get into the same casino business. He was fined a quarter-million for that sleazy little stunt.


This is the same klown who decided Elizabeth Warren "didn't look like Indians" and referred to her as "Pocahontas".

Did the actions of groups or individuals back in the day, cause the mis-understandings that were found in stereotyping, opinions, and in the thinking among other groups or individuals that joined in on the profiling of an entire group being based upon what was coming out of a group that was seemingly primitive and not understood at the time ?????

Yes it was racism, but what caused the racism or opinions of those throughout time in which fell into the racism trap ??

Did they see this very intelligent people for whom they marvelled at, and yet decided that they would hate them and discriminate against them ? Wouldn't make much sense would it ?

No, unfortunately they saw an uneducated primitive culture of people whom were held back due to slavery, and thought to themselves that such a people couldn't be educated or lifted to a status that would make those seeing them in this light as anything otherwise.

Otherwise, it wasn't known as to the potential of a group if we're given the chances that was given them over time, where as the group could be just as smart and productive as they even were over time in which they finally have found that out thank God.

It is why you see these people who were of course racist in the past, asking for forgiveness for that past in which so many were caught up in, and have since been educated and have been proven of to know better about.

Of course the racist/race baiters who use the past as a way to destroy one living in the present for whom has since learned the error of his or her ways, are doing it for power purposes, and for racist purposes themselves as a vengence they seek after.

It's time everyone is educated better about these things, and forgiveness leads us all on to a higher plain together.

Aaaaand back to deflection about times past. And you're apparently willing to ascribe motivations to Rump far in excess of what I am. Well at least Robert Byrd approves this message.
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Now was Trump being a businessman or a racist when he was looking at trends taking place in America, and thus sought to protect his assets from troubles that could arrise if made the wrong decisions concerning his properties at various times ??

Was he being a businessman or a racist when he took out a full page ad calling for the execution of the Central Park Five, and then doubled down on it even after they were cleared by DNA?

Was he being a businessman or a racist when he sneered, "black guys counting my money --- I hate it"?

Only he knows. Even that isn't enough to go on to make a judgment since we can't trust a goddam thing he says. And that's a far more problematic trait than the question of whether or not he's a racist.
Can you post the add he took out please ?

Sure. Looked like this -- ran in FOUR NYC newspapers.


Matter o' fact here's a sum-up of the whole thing including Rump's refusal to accept the exoneration:

Remember also that fake-news tweet he sent about black crime? Reminiscent of that shit. He infamously said, "maybe hate is what we need" And he's been doing everything possible to provide that "need".

In what context was he speaking about someone counting his money ? Was it in a racial/racist context ? Post the entire speak if you will. Thanks.

The context was observing some of the workers in his casinos (the ones that went under in AC). It went, “I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”. Inasmuch as he specifies "black guys" it's pretty clear he's referring to a race.

Now let's be clear --- I don't know if he's saying that as a racist, or saying that as a gadfly to make himself LOOK LIKE a racist, which he certainly does. In other words I can't tell (nobody can) whether he's expressing what he really believes, or whether he's playing a part. But why would anybody want to play the part of a dick? Again --- only he knows, and that complete mystery as to what he's saying or thinking is far more problematic than being a racist. At least with a genuine racist, you know where he stands.

So if Rump had had his way these five kids could have been executed, for a crime they provably did not commit. And even now, thirty years later, after a confession by the real assailent AND DNA evidence exonerating them, he STILL can't find the balls to say he was wrong.

That's a serious, SERIOUS character flaw. DEADly serious.

And while we're on the subject of racism, disparaging ethnicities and fake news, there's that matter of Rump running all those anti-Indian ads in upstate New York when they were looking to get into the same casino business. He was fined a quarter-million for that stunt.

Did the actions of groups or individuals back in the day, cause the mis-understandings that were found in stereotyping, opinions, and in the thinking among other groups or individuals that joined in on the profiling of an entire group being based upon what was coming out of a group that was seemingly primitive and not understood at the time ?????

Yes it was racism, but what caused the racism or opinions of those throughout time in which fell into the racism trap ??

Did they see this very intelligent people for whom they marvelled at, and yet decided that they would hate them and discriminate against them ? Wouldn't make much sense would it ?

No, unfortunately they saw an uneducated primitive culture of people whom were held back due to slavery, and thought to themselves that such a people couldn't be educated or lifted to a status that would make those seeing them in this light as anything otherwise.

Otherwise, it wasn't known as to the potential of a group if we're given the chances that was given them over time, where as the group could be just as smart and productive as they even were over time in which they finally have found that out thank God.

It is why you see these people who were of course racist in the past, asking for forgiveness for that past in which so many were caught up in, and have since been educated and have been proven of to know better about.

Of course the racist/race baiters who use the past as a way to destroy one living in the present for whom has since learned the error of his or her ways, are doing it for power purposes, and for racist purposes themselves as a vengence they seek after.

It's time everyone is educated better about these things, and forgiveness leads us all on to a higher plain together.

Aaaaand back to deflection about times past. And you're apparently willing to ascribe motivations to Rump far in excess of what I am. Well at least Robert Byrd approves this message.

Answer me this honestly if you can.. Do the actions of individuals or groups ever cause any of the problems that lead to stereotyping them, and as well the profiling of these individuals or groups (at different times in our history), if they committed henious acts in the name of their so called people out of hatred for the sins of the past, otherwise when grouping together to commit such acts either in the singular or within a group ?? Otherwise can white people not ever decry the crimes being committed by blacks without being labeled as racist ?

Or is it all just dumb straight out racism by whites who never were affected negatively by it all, where as the profiling isn't based upon the acts either seen with one's own eyes or read about in the papers or seen on the news, but instead it is based upon whites just being dumb aces by profiling or stereotyping people out of thin air, otherwise to be based only upon the color of ones skin only, and never on the actions in which one takes ????

The posting of the cry for the death penalty didn't look or read racist to me unless I missed something, but rather it was a cry for justice to bring back order to the streets that once was peaceful, but had become dangerous.

The case of people being found guilty when innocent is a serious problem for sure, and I bet if Trump was presented with the evidence of their innocence in a proper way today, then surely he would say that he was glad that the penalty of death wasn't carried out on these innocents, but for those individuals that are guilty of henious crimes, then fry them is my opinion.
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Now was Trump being a businessman or a racist when he was looking at trends taking place in America, and thus sought to protect his assets from troubles that could arrise if made the wrong decisions concerning his properties at various times ??

Was he being a businessman or a racist when he took out a full page ad calling for the execution of the Central Park Five, and then doubled down on it even after they were cleared by DNA?

Was he being a businessman or a racist when he sneered, "black guys counting my money --- I hate it"?

Only he knows. Even that isn't enough to go on to make a judgment since we can't trust a goddam thing he says. And that's a far more problematic trait than the question of whether or not he's a racist.
Can you post the add he took out please ?

Sure. Looked like this -- ran in FOUR NYC newspapers.


Matter o' fact here's a sum-up of the whole thing including Rump's refusal to accept the exoneration:

Remember also that fake-news tweet he sent about black crime? Reminiscent of that shit. He infamously said, "maybe hate is what we need" And he's been doing everything possible to provide that "need".

In what context was he speaking about someone counting his money ? Was it in a racial/racist context ? Post the entire speak if you will. Thanks.

The context was observing some of the workers in his casinos (the ones that went under in AC). It went, “I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”. Inasmuch as he specifies "black guys" it's pretty clear he's referring to a race.

Now let's be clear --- I don't know if he's saying that as a racist, or saying that as a gadfly to make himself LOOK LIKE a racist, which he certainly does. In other words I can't tell (nobody can) whether he's expressing what he really believes, or whether he's playing a part. But why would anybody want to play the part of a dick? Again --- only he knows, and that complete mystery as to what he's saying or thinking is far more problematic than being a racist. At least with a genuine racist, you know where he stands.

So if Rump had had his way these five kids could have been executed, for a crime they provably did not commit. And even now, thirty years later, after a confession by the real assailent AND DNA evidence exonerating them, he STILL can't find the balls to say he was wrong.

That's a serious, SERIOUS character flaw. DEADly serious.

And while we're on the subject of racism, disparaging ethnicities and fake news, there's that matter of Rump running all those anti-Indian ads in upstate New York when they were looking to get into the same casino business. He was fined a quarter-million for that stunt.

Did the actions of groups or individuals back in the day, cause the mis-understandings that were found in stereotyping, opinions, and in the thinking among other groups or individuals that joined in on the profiling of an entire group being based upon what was coming out of a group that was seemingly primitive and not understood at the time ?????

Yes it was racism, but what caused the racism or opinions of those throughout time in which fell into the racism trap ??

Did they see this very intelligent people for whom they marvelled at, and yet decided that they would hate them and discriminate against them ? Wouldn't make much sense would it ?

No, unfortunately they saw an uneducated primitive culture of people whom were held back due to slavery, and thought to themselves that such a people couldn't be educated or lifted to a status that would make those seeing them in this light as anything otherwise.

Otherwise, it wasn't known as to the potential of a group if we're given the chances that was given them over time, where as the group could be just as smart and productive as they even were over time in which they finally have found that out thank God.

It is why you see these people who were of course racist in the past, asking for forgiveness for that past in which so many were caught up in, and have since been educated and have been proven of to know better about.

Of course the racist/race baiters who use the past as a way to destroy one living in the present for whom has since learned the error of his or her ways, are doing it for power purposes, and for racist purposes themselves as a vengence they seek after.

It's time everyone is educated better about these things, and forgiveness leads us all on to a higher plain together.

Aaaaand back to deflection about times past. And you're apparently willing to ascribe motivations to Rump far in excess of what I am. Well at least Robert Byrd approves this message.

Answer me this honestly if you can.. Do the actions of individuals or groups ever cause any of the problems that lead to stereotyping them, and as well the profiling of these individuals or groups (at different times in our history), if they committed henious acts in the name of their so called people out of hatred for the sins of the past, otherwise when grouping together to commit such acts either in the singular or within a group ?? Otherwise can white people not ever decry the crimes being committed by blacks without being labeled as racist ?

Once AGAIN there WAS NO "CRIME COMMITTED BY BLACKS" here. There was absolutely a crime but it was committed by somebody else. Whelp, Rump wanted the blacks executed and when they were exonerated he threw one of his hissyfits --- EVEN AFTER they were proven innocent. Because he doesn't have the cojones to admit how he fucked up.

Not only did he fuck up on a grand scale but he KNOWS he fucked up, did it deliberately, and went on to actually BRAG about it.

>> D’Antonio, the biographer, met with Trump shortly after the settlement was announced. The billionaire was once again considering a shot at the presidency and would, this time, actually run.

Trump was asked if he worried that his publicly confrontational style would affect his political prospects. He retorted instantly with a reference to the Central Park Five.

“I think it will help me,” he said. “I think people are tired of politically correct. I just attacked the Central Park Five settlement. Who’s going to do that?”

The biographer was shocked by what he heard. “His insensitivity and inability to adjust to reality is sometimes shocking,” D’Antonio said of Trump. “But I don’t think that he is necessarily interested in reality as others experience it or as it’s determined by the courts.

“There have been few cases of injustice that are as clear and profound as this one is, but he’s not able to consider that.” <<​

Get that? "I just attacked the Central Park Five settlement --- who's going to do that?" Nothing about their innocence, nothing about how he stirred up hate and called for their execution, just "who's going to do that?" WHO has the disconnection from reality enough to utterly ignore the fact that none of them were involved, to utterly ignore that he just called for the execution of five innocent kids, to utterly ignore that he's ignoring Reality itself ---- here's a guy who's so massively hung up on his own narcissistic masturbation that he thinks the fact that he's more disconnected from Reality than anyone else makes him stand out.

That right there is SERIOUS mental illness.

If you were found to be massively wrong about something and you were proven wrong by both the law and science, would you then double down, call that proof the "biggest heist ever" and then go "see what I just did, denying Reality? Who's going to do that?"??? Fuck no, NOBODY would do that.

We might add that the black guys counting his money committed no "crime" either --- they were in fact working FOR him. And then on top of that the Indians looking to open a casino, also committed no "crime". And finally that bogus Googly Image fake-news Rump sent out on Tweeter --- once again a reference to a vast swath of an entire race that had committed no "crime" because it was made-up crap.
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Now was Trump being a businessman or a racist when he was looking at trends taking place in America, and thus sought to protect his assets from troubles that could arrise if made the wrong decisions concerning his properties at various times ??

Was he being a businessman or a racist when he took out a full page ad calling for the execution of the Central Park Five, and then doubled down on it even after they were cleared by DNA?

Was he being a businessman or a racist when he sneered, "black guys counting my money --- I hate it"?

Only he knows. Even that isn't enough to go on to make a judgment since we can't trust a goddam thing he says. And that's a far more problematic trait than the question of whether or not he's a racist.
Can you post the add he took out please ?

Sure. Looked like this -- ran in FOUR NYC newspapers.


Matter o' fact here's a sum-up of the whole thing including Rump's refusal to accept the exoneration:

Remember also that fake-news tweet he sent about black crime? Reminiscent of that shit. He infamously said, "maybe hate is what we need" And he's been doing everything possible to provide that "need".

In what context was he speaking about someone counting his money ? Was it in a racial/racist context ? Post the entire speak if you will. Thanks.

The context was observing some of the workers in his casinos (the ones that went under in AC). It went, “I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”. Inasmuch as he specifies "black guys" it's pretty clear he's referring to a race.

Now let's be clear --- I don't know if he's saying that as a racist, or saying that as a gadfly to make himself LOOK LIKE a racist, which he certainly does. In other words I can't tell (nobody can) whether he's expressing what he really believes, or whether he's playing a part. But why would anybody want to play the part of a dick? Again --- only he knows, and that complete mystery as to what he's saying or thinking is far more problematic than being a racist. At least with a genuine racist, you know where he stands.

So if Rump had had his way these five kids could have been executed, for a crime they provably did not commit. And even now, thirty years later, after a confession by the real assailent AND DNA evidence exonerating them, he STILL can't find the balls to say he was wrong.

That's a serious, SERIOUS character flaw. DEADly serious.

And while we're on the subject of racism, disparaging ethnicities and fake news, there's that matter of Rump running all those anti-Indian ads in upstate New York when they were looking to get into the same casino business. He was fined a quarter-million for that stunt.

Did the actions of groups or individuals back in the day, cause the mis-understandings that were found in stereotyping, opinions, and in the thinking among other groups or individuals that joined in on the profiling of an entire group being based upon what was coming out of a group that was seemingly primitive and not understood at the time ?????

Yes it was racism, but what caused the racism or opinions of those throughout time in which fell into the racism trap ??

Did they see this very intelligent people for whom they marvelled at, and yet decided that they would hate them and discriminate against them ? Wouldn't make much sense would it ?

No, unfortunately they saw an uneducated primitive culture of people whom were held back due to slavery, and thought to themselves that such a people couldn't be educated or lifted to a status that would make those seeing them in this light as anything otherwise.

Otherwise, it wasn't known as to the potential of a group if we're given the chances that was given them over time, where as the group could be just as smart and productive as they even were over time in which they finally have found that out thank God.

It is why you see these people who were of course racist in the past, asking for forgiveness for that past in which so many were caught up in, and have since been educated and have been proven of to know better about.

Of course the racist/race baiters who use the past as a way to destroy one living in the present for whom has since learned the error of his or her ways, are doing it for power purposes, and for racist purposes themselves as a vengence they seek after.

It's time everyone is educated better about these things, and forgiveness leads us all on to a higher plain together.

Aaaaand back to deflection about times past. And you're apparently willing to ascribe motivations to Rump far in excess of what I am. Well at least Robert Byrd approves this message.

Answer me this honestly if you can.. Do the actions of individuals or groups ever cause any of the problems that lead to stereotyping them, and as well the profiling of these individuals or groups (at different times in our history), if they committed henious acts in the name of their so called people out of hatred for the sins of the past, otherwise when grouping together to commit such acts either in the singular or within a group ?? Otherwise can white people not ever decry the crimes being committed by blacks without being labeled as racist ?

Or is it all just dumb straight out racism by whites who never were affected negatively by it all, where as the profiling isn't based upon the acts either seen with one's own eyes or read about in the papers or seen on the news, but instead it is based upon whites just being dumb aces by profiling or stereotyping people out of thin air, otherwise to be based only upon the color of ones skin only, and never on the actions in which one takes ????

The posting of the cry for the death penalty didn't look or read racist to me unless I missed something, but rather it was a cry for justice to bring back order to the streets that once was peaceful, but had become dangerous.

The case of people being found guilty when innocent is a serious problem for sure, and I bet if Trump was presented with the evidence of their innocence in a proper way today, then surely he would say that he was glad that the penalty of death wasn't carried out on these innocents, but for those individuals that are guilty of henious crimes, then fry them is my opinion.

You are engaging in the myth of Sisyphus. You will not get anywhere with these fucking losers. Especially that one.

He will cling to his fucking bumper sticker cookie cutter narrative.

Does not matter what well thought out facts you present.

Trump white republican.

He racist.

All black people good.

All black people innocent.

That's it.

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