Just How Bad Does the Left Despise Conservatives

Yet here you are responding....

Nugent threatens the life of the President and got a free pass. Now some lame brained Dems do it and your calling them out?


I pitched a fit about Nugent. Again. It's not necessary to so again for you.

You know how to run a search.

Figures….since you can’t put up…you now must shut up.

Fuck off. Talking to you is like talking to a child. Enough with your douchebaggery.

You lie.
You get called out.
You get upset.

Mankind’s oldest tale.
I pitched a fit about Nugent. Again. It's not necessary to so again for you.

You know how to run a search.

Figures….since you can’t put up…you now must shut up.

Fuck off. Talking to you is like talking to a child. Enough with your douchebaggery.

You lie.
You get called out.
You get upset.

Mankind’s oldest tale.

I told you it wasn't necessary for me to prove it to you. You know how to use the search function---unless you're more of an idiot than I suspected. No reason to be upset. You're still a douche bag.

You know how to run a search.

Figures….since you can’t put up…you now must shut up.

Fuck off. Talking to you is like talking to a child. Enough with your douchebaggery.

You lie.
You get called out.
You get upset.

Mankind’s oldest tale.

I told you it wasn't necessary for me to prove it to you. You know how to use the search function---unless you're more of an idiot than I suspected. No reason to be upset. You're still a douche bag.

You lie
You get called out.
You get upset.
And you start calling people names.

Mankind’s oldest tale.
Serious question. How far are they willing to go? If one judges from their verbal attacks, it appears there are no bounds. Are they willing and able to take it to the next level? When words like Nazi and racist have been reduced to pedestrian status, what is the next domino to tumble?

It appears that is not POTUS, so what will be their next move?

Maybe if you & your orange buddy would stop making racist & bigoted comments, you would not be called a racist & bigot.

Trump is paralleling many of Hitler's practices.

You make it mighty hard not to call you DoucheLord McFaggot.

Do provide proof of the way Trump parallels Hitler's practices, or STFU, Douchelord McFaggot.
Greedy Liberals demand that the US be a socialist shithole so they can get a nice fat welfare check (until the money made by capitalism runs out). Conservatives are the only thing standing in their way. No wonder they have so much hate in their hearts.
Serious question. How far are they willing to go? If one judges from their verbal attacks, it appears there are no bounds. Are they willing and able to take it to the next level? When words like Nazi and racist have been reduced to pedestrian status, what is the next domino to tumble?

It appears that is not POTUS, so what will be their next move?

Maybe if you & your orange buddy would stop making racist & bigoted comments, you would not be called a racist & bigot.

Trump is paralleling many of Hitler's practices.
Much like you gun grabbers eh?

Serious question. How far are they willing to go? If one judges from their verbal attacks, it appears there are no bounds. Are they willing and able to take it to the next level? When word like Nazi and racist have been reduced to pedestrian status, what is the next domino to tumble?

It appears that is not POTUS, so what will be their next move?

They have already shot Republican members of Congress.

7 years after a crazy RWNJ shot Gabby.
Serious question. How far are they willing to go? If one judges from their verbal attacks, it appears there are no bounds. Are they willing and able to take it to the next level? When word like Nazi and racist have been reduced to pedestrian status, what is the next domino to tumble?

It appears that is not POTUS, so what will be their next move?

They have already shot Republican members of Congress.

7 years after a crazy RWNJ shot Gabby.
he wasn't right wing, moron.
Serious question. How far are they willing to go? If one judges from their verbal attacks, it appears there are no bounds. Are they willing and able to take it to the next level? When words like Nazi and racist have been reduced to pedestrian status, what is the next domino to tumble?

It appears that is not POTUS, so what will be their next move?


If the left gains sufficient power, white people and Christians are headed to death camps, and we ALL know it.
Serious question. How far are they willing to go? If one judges from their verbal attacks, it appears there are no bounds. Are they willing and able to take it to the next level? When words like Nazi and racist have been reduced to pedestrian status, what is the next domino to tumble?

It appears that is not POTUS, so what will be their next move?


If the left gains sufficient power, white people and Christians are headed to death camps, and we ALL know it.

You know that's crazy, right?

7 years after a crazy RWNJ shot Gabby.

Ohh look, a commie who is a fucking liar!

Say fucking liar, wasn't Jared Lee Loughner a volunteer on Giffords staff? Yep, he sure was. The crazy fuck was obsessed with her, the same way you are obsessed with being a fucking liar....
Serious question. How far are they willing to go? If one judges from their verbal attacks, it appears there are no bounds. Are they willing and able to take it to the next level? When words like Nazi and racist have been reduced to pedestrian status, what is the next domino to tumble?

It appears that is not POTUS, so what will be their next move?


If the left gains sufficient power, white people and Christians are headed to death camps, and we ALL know it.

You know that's crazy, right?

You know that's 100% true.

The deep hatred you have for America doesn't end with you walking off saying "well, never mind..."

7 years after a crazy RWNJ shot Gabby.

Ohh look, a commie who is a fucking liar!

Say fucking liar, wasn't Jared Lee Loughner a volunteer on Giffords staff? Yep, he sure was. The crazy fuck was obsessed with her, the same way you are obsessed with being a fucking liar....
The left is so desparate to find a right wing homicidal maniac that they will coopt anyone who strays from the leftwing plantation even a few inches.
Serious question. How far are they willing to go? If one judges from their verbal attacks, it appears there are no bounds. Are they willing and able to take it to the next level? When words like Nazi and racist have been reduced to pedestrian status, what is the next domino to tumble?

It appears that is not POTUS, so what will be their next move?


If the left gains sufficient power, white people and Christians are headed to death camps, and we ALL know it.

You know that's crazy, right?

You know that's 100% true.

The deep hatred you have for America doesn't end with you walking off saying "well, never mind..."

You'll be fine as long as you keep that tinfoil hat on, and watch lots of TV preachers and fox. You think you will be raptured before or after Trump's impeachment?
Serious question. How far are they willing to go? If one judges from their verbal attacks, it appears there are no bounds. Are they willing and able to take it to the next level? When words like Nazi and racist have been reduced to pedestrian status, what is the next domino to tumble?

It appears that is not POTUS, so what will be their next move?


If the left gains sufficient power, white people and Christians are headed to death camps, and we ALL know it.

You know that's crazy, right?

You know that's 100% true.

The deep hatred you have for America doesn't end with you walking off saying "well, never mind..."

You'll be fine as long as you keep that tinfoil hat on, and watch lots of TV preachers and fox. You think you will be raptured before or after Trump's impeachment?

I'll be fine as long as I keep my rifle well oiled and lots of ammunition.

You Communists become more violent by the day. You have your rulers openly calling you to riot and attack enemies of the party.

The level of hatred you Stalinists have for Americans only leads to violence.
Serious question. How far are they willing to go? If one judges from their verbal attacks, it appears there are no bounds. Are they willing and able to take it to the next level? When words like Nazi and racist have been reduced to pedestrian status, what is the next domino to tumble?

It appears that is not POTUS, so what will be their next move?

Our hate isn’t that bad. In fact our numbers go down and our hatred subsides when a Republican President doesn’t fuck up the economy. The last time that happened was Reagan. And even he was a dick. So right now we aren’t that mad because the economy is good. As soon as it’s not we will wonder why those tax breaks to the rich failed
Serious question. How far are they willing to go? If one judges from their verbal attacks, it appears there are no bounds. Are they willing and able to take it to the next level? When words like Nazi and racist have been reduced to pedestrian status, what is the next domino to tumble?

It appears that is not POTUS, so what will be their next move?


To understand them, understand the different governments. Many try to falsely claim that the right wants to control people. That could not be further from the truth.

We call politicians left, right or center. The far right of the spectrum would be no government, or anarchy. That is where people would not have any rules and individuals would do as the please. Move a little to the left, towards center, and you have small government like ours was meant to be. You have a constitutional Republic where people have inalienable rights, liberty and freedom. We have laws. Government's role is to uphold the laws and protect our freedom. The far left is an oligarchy. This is where a small group of people rule the country. Even in a Monarchy, a group of people rule the country but have a King or Queen as a figurehead.

Our forefathers were quite familiar with all types and how miserable it was living under them. We were the first to guarantee liberty by declaring that each person had inalienable rights. This means no government can take them away. The left disagrees and seems to want government to decide what to "give" us.

So, we never want to go to the far right and have no government and we don't want to go left where we lose our freedoms.

Our forefathers got it right. They also warned that we would have to continue to fight to keep our Republic because there would always be those who would seek to destroy it.

No doubt that the left has an innate need to control people. They want to limit free speech to that which the state approves as appropriate. They want to limit capitalism, even destroy it. They seek to control healthcare, energy and food supplies. Nothing in their agenda promotes or embraces true freedom.

What we are seeing now across the country are repeated attempts at creating anarchy. The left, funded by Soros, is continuing to incite violent protests. Even politicians, like Maxine Waters, is joining in. While true anarchy would be far right, this is an illusion.

The plan is to make people feel scared.

The left has long encouraged illegal immigration, claiming it's a humanitarian effort. In reality, it puts undue burden on our welfare system and increases crime.

Our failed education system and total lack of concern for minority violence in Dem-run cities allows gangs to run rampant. Drugs given to children for ADHD and other things have long-term effects, which we are seeing now. Most mass shooters were treated with drugs for depression or ADHD. All the root causes are ignored and the left twists things to blame guns for the violence.

We see millions each year lured onto welfare, which will eventually bring our economy down.

Kids are being indoctrinated in schools and are graduating with a poor understanding of history. Much has been rewritten to convince this generation that socialism is a good thing and capitalism is bad. Government taking over student loans caused colleges to sharply increase tuition costs. This happens anytime governments promises to steal from tax payers to insure profits for some.

We've had government interference in health insurers that controlled how they operated and then offered government insurance, which caused medical costs to rise. After overreaching regulations made healthcare more expensive and harder to get, the left deemed it a right and blamed doctors, hospitals and insurance companies.

The left places blame for everything on capitalism and our rights. They need look no further than their own policies that are working exactly as designed.

All these things are straight from the Cloward-Piven strategy and Rules for Radicals.

Once it appears to enough people that things are out of control, they insist that moving to the far left of the political spectrum is the only way to be safe. They blame our constitutional Republic and tout the virtues of socialism. Socialism always leads to communism.

Fact is, sticking to our constitution is the best way to survive and the fairest for everyone. This includes the 1st and 2nd amendment.

We were always intended to be as well-armed as the government. It's the best plan for preventing tyranny. It's also the biggest roadblock to those seeking and Oligarchy.

Much like Hitler, a socialist/communist, the left is using children to elicit emotional (and unreasonable) reactions from people. Let them control or ban guns and no one will get killed by one again. It's easier to believe in unicorns. The left doesn't want people thinking critically about things. They play on emotions and instill fear. The media has mastered it's ability to manipulate people with what they present as factual news.

The ultimate ruse to instill fear was the plot to push global warming. It allowed leftists an excuse to take control of all energy sources and another excuse to redistribute wealth. That is the real goal, and it has nothing to do with the climate.

The more afraid people become, the more attractive big government becomes. As our forefathers warned, those who would give up their freedom for security, will get nor deserve either.

A look back at history tells you all you need to know about what happens when countries move too far left or too far right. There is either chaos or complete oppression. Neither is acceptable.

Those who want socialism.Marxism/communism don't seem to understand that they are basically saying that it's okay for a small group to run the world. The politicians who want it intend to remain among the elite, who will surrender nothing the way the rest of the population will. It's a mental illness to believe one is capable of ruling people.
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