Just How Bad Does the Left Despise Conservatives

Serious question. How far are they willing to go? If one judges from their verbal attacks, it appears there are no bounds. Are they willing and able to take it to the next level? When words like Nazi and racist have been reduced to pedestrian status, what is the next domino to tumble?

It appears that is not POTUS, so what will be their next move?

Till the end of time if thats what it takes to rid ourselves of trump like pos
Can you be more specific?

Not much more Geaux except it's not even 2 years yet and the moron is on his way to destroying america He wants to punch some one in the face??
Serious question. How far are they willing to go? If one judges from their verbal attacks, it appears there are no bounds. Are they willing and able to take it to the next level? When words like Nazi and racist have been reduced to pedestrian status, what is the next domino to tumble?

It appears that is not POTUS, so what will be their next move?

Till the end of time if thats what it takes to rid ourselves of trump like pos
Can you be more specific?

Not much more Geaux except it's not even 2 years yet and the moron is on his way to destroying america He wants to punch some one in the face??
I don't see that Ed. Maybe you don't remember the America she was before Obama. If not, I stand corrected

The left will have to stop making threats and move up to actions. They have already tried murder. It will come easier the more they move into position.

The majority of democrat attacks have been on women. Who will be the first woman killed in pursuit of democrat feelings?
It's already happened. Las Vegas....59 killed and more than 500 wounded. A vehemently anti-Trump leftist, knowing a country-western concert would be filled with people who tend to be republicans, was just the target the left wanted. To add to it. The shooter really only needed one rifle with multiple magazines, yet deliberately displayed approximately 19 firearms. His actions were twofold, to kill all who perceived as right-wing voters and to get the government to disarm the populace so that the Marxist ideology could move forward.
The only way this can be resolved is if both sides come back to center on their politics....or....Civil War, and I'm in favor of the latter.
Serious question. How far are they willing to go? If one judges from their verbal attacks, it appears there are no bounds. Are they willing and able to take it to the next level? When words like Nazi and racist have been reduced to pedestrian status, what is the next domino to tumble?

It appears that is not POTUS, so what will be their next move?

Till the end of time if thats what it takes to rid ourselves of trump like pos
Can you be more specific?

Not much more Geaux except it's not even 2 years yet and the moron is on his way to destroying america He wants to punch some one in the face??
I don't see that Ed. Maybe you don't remember the America she was before Obama. If not, I stand corrected

I remember america being great for as long as I've been here ,,which is longer than most here and trump
Apparently a lot. Just look at the OP. No truth there.

It's really rich that they are now looking for their safe spaces...

Conservative Ass Hat Ted Nugent said the following...

Ted Nugent -- the proud gun-owner, poorly coiffed Michigander, and washed-up rocker -- has said some silly and offensive things in the past, and not just while performing "Cat Scratch Fever." In 2007, he said the following during a concert: "Obama, he's a piece of shit. I told him to suck on my machine gun. Hey Hillary [Clinton], you might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless bitch."

So that's his level of political discourse. Of course, he seems to be speaking figuratively if distastefully. But he made another rather appalling statement over the weekend at the NRA convention in St. Louis:

If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will be either be dead or in jail by this time next year.
He also recommends decapitating Democrats: "We need to ride onto that battlefield and chop their heads off in November." (The folks brandishing rifles in the background of the video above add another element of surrealism to the proceeding.)

So "the right" was the first to go there... I wonder if they'll apologize and "own up" to it?

Nah....I know better

Good to know there is another election cycle ahead with but......but.....but, they did it first.....

Well, you can “own up to it”, admit that conservatives are much more mean spirited than liberals and show us what a big person you are.

Don’t be part of the problem…be part of the solution!
Why would anyone "admit" to a big fat lie?
Well, it's not a lie. That's why

Therefore, you are somehow absolved.
It's really rich that they are now looking for their safe spaces...

Conservative Ass Hat Ted Nugent said the following...

Ted Nugent -- the proud gun-owner, poorly coiffed Michigander, and washed-up rocker -- has said some silly and offensive things in the past, and not just while performing "Cat Scratch Fever." In 2007, he said the following during a concert: "Obama, he's a piece of shit. I told him to suck on my machine gun. Hey Hillary [Clinton], you might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless bitch."

So that's his level of political discourse. Of course, he seems to be speaking figuratively if distastefully. But he made another rather appalling statement over the weekend at the NRA convention in St. Louis:

If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will be either be dead or in jail by this time next year.
He also recommends decapitating Democrats: "We need to ride onto that battlefield and chop their heads off in November." (The folks brandishing rifles in the background of the video above add another element of surrealism to the proceeding.)

So "the right" was the first to go there... I wonder if they'll apologize and "own up" to it?

Nah....I know better

Good to know there is another election cycle ahead with but......but.....but, they did it first.....

Well, you can “own up to it”, admit that conservatives are much more mean spirited than liberals and show us what a big person you are.

Don’t be part of the problem…be part of the solution!
Why would anyone "admit" to a big fat lie?
Well, it's not a lie. That's why

Therefore, you are somehow absolved.

So, are you saying that “both sides” are equally to blame for the lack of civil discourse?
Good to know there is another election cycle ahead with but......but.....but, they did it first.....

Well, you can “own up to it”, admit that conservatives are much more mean spirited than liberals and show us what a big person you are.

Don’t be part of the problem…be part of the solution!
Why would anyone "admit" to a big fat lie?
Well, it's not a lie. That's why

Therefore, you are somehow absolved.

So, are you saying that “both sides” are equally to blame for the lack of civil discourse?

Not right now.
Well, you can “own up to it”, admit that conservatives are much more mean spirited than liberals and show us what a big person you are.

Don’t be part of the problem…be part of the solution!
Why would anyone "admit" to a big fat lie?
Well, it's not a lie. That's why

Therefore, you are somehow absolved.

So, are you saying that “both sides” are equally to blame for the lack of civil discourse?

Not right now.

Okay…well, if you’re not happy with the venom filled response, perhaps don’t issue the venom filled statement first then…okay? Put another way, don’t start none and there won’t be none.
Serious question. How far are they willing to go? If one judges from their verbal attacks, it appears there are no bounds. Are they willing and able to take it to the next level? When words like Nazi and racist have been reduced to pedestrian status, what is the next domino to tumble?

It appears that is not POTUS, so what will be their next move?


Well, Maxine Waters just encouraged her followers to approach and harass conservatives. They are targeting all congress people and anyone in the Trump administration. Only a matter of time before there is a violent encounter.

When libs cheer when Republicans are in car accidents, it's clear they have totally lost control. They aren't even pretending to be nice now. The same people who now and then call for an end to hate speech are actually the masters of spewing vitriol. And they seem okay with encouraging physical violence against their political foes.

Look at the different way they treat their own. Roseanne made a stupid remark, was condemned immediately, and had her show cancelled by the super-liberal Channing Dungey of ABC.

Peter Fonda said he wants to kidnap Baron Trump and put him in a cage with pedophiles yet his latest movie will still be released and I haven't heard libs condemning his hate speech. It's business as usual for Dems when they say such things. They are unhinged.

We don't know who is listening to the likes of Maxine 'Batshit Crazy' Waters, but don't expect any apologies when someone is hurt or killed by someone who takes her words seriously.

The ACLU, a left leaning group, investigated abuse of minor children at the border. They found many instances of neglect and abuse. The kicker is that the investigation covered years 2009 - 2014 and this rampant abuse happened under Obama. Obama also separated more families than anyone. Nary a complaint from the left. The media knew damn well what was going on but they weren't about to make him look bad by reporting on the huge mess at the border or the many protests by people begging him to stop. Now, Trump has been the first one to try and keep families together, as long as the parents are not criminals. Not one bit of credit, just more spreading false stories and bashing him.

The truth doesn't matter. Children don't matter unless they can use them to their advantage. Nothing matters but the agenda and gaining back power. Sadly, they have lots of useful idiots who will protest or riot on cue. That's what we are seeing now. It only takes a few reports and the leftists starting untrue memes and, all of a sudden, people are outraged. Most have no fucking clue what is actually going on but they are trained to attack Trump as soon as they are told to do so.

Look at the TIME cover. It's total bullshit. The girl was never separated from her mom but the magazine is part of the left's propaganda machine and they dutifully jumped in when called. Their correction to the lie was in small print somewhere in the magazine. Most of the useful idiots still aren't up to speed. They see a pic or meme and it triggers them to start trash talking and now they are making credible threats to ICE officials and their families. The left wouldn't give a shit if children actually got hurt. They want people angry and blindly following them. They've dumbed down so many. Seriously, those following the marching orders without question are complete morons.

Think back to what happened when the Obama administration started badmouthing cops. I've lost count of how many police officers were murdered. The left doesn't care. They will never take responsibility for their actions. While they once blamed rhetoric for the shooting of Gabbi Giffords (even though it was false), they now spread false news designed to anger people and get them to strike out. They want chaos in the street. I think the sight of burning police cars, angry rioters attacking people, and destruction of neighborhoods excites the left. It must because they encourage it time and time again.

Get ready for the next wave of violence, this time aimed at everyone on the right and anyone working border security.
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It's really rich that they are now looking for their safe spaces...

Conservative Ass Hat Ted Nugent said the following...

Ted Nugent -- the proud gun-owner, poorly coiffed Michigander, and washed-up rocker -- has said some silly and offensive things in the past, and not just while performing "Cat Scratch Fever." In 2007, he said the following during a concert: "Obama, he's a piece of shit. I told him to suck on my machine gun. Hey Hillary [Clinton], you might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless bitch."

So that's his level of political discourse. Of course, he seems to be speaking figuratively if distastefully. But he made another rather appalling statement over the weekend at the NRA convention in St. Louis:

If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will be either be dead or in jail by this time next year.
He also recommends decapitating Democrats: "We need to ride onto that battlefield and chop their heads off in November." (The folks brandishing rifles in the background of the video above add another element of surrealism to the proceeding.)

So "the right" was the first to go there... I wonder if they'll apologize and "own up" to it?

Nah....I know better

Good to know there is another election cycle ahead with but......but.....but, they did it first.....

Well, you can “own up to it”, admit that conservatives are much more mean spirited than liberals and show us what a big person you are.

Don’t be part of the problem…be part of the solution!
Why would anyone "admit" to a big fat lie?
Well, it's not a lie. That's why

Therefore, you are somehow absolved.
Lol whut?
Why would anyone "admit" to a big fat lie?
Well, it's not a lie. That's why

Therefore, you are somehow absolved.

So, are you saying that “both sides” are equally to blame for the lack of civil discourse?

Not right now.

Okay…well, if you’re not happy with the venom filled response, perhaps don’t issue the venom filled statement first then…okay? Put another way, don’t start none and there won’t be none.

And........you are still not absolved but that is a really nice try. But, you did that the last election cycle. Subsequently, the American public came to the realization that you are never responsible for anything. Ever.
Last edited:
Serious question. How far are they willing to go? If one judges from their verbal attacks, it appears there are no bounds. Are they willing and able to take it to the next level? When words like Nazi and racist have been reduced to pedestrian status, what is the next domino to tumble?

It appears that is not POTUS, so what will be their next move?

They have already initiated serious violence.

I suspect they will kill and or rape someone during the 2020 elections
Well, it's not a lie. That's why

Therefore, you are somehow absolved.

So, are you saying that “both sides” are equally to blame for the lack of civil discourse?

Not right now.

Okay…well, if you’re not happy with the venom filled response, perhaps don’t issue the venom filled statement first then…okay? Put another way, don’t start none and there won’t be none.

And........you are still not absolved but that is a really nice try. But, you did that the last election cycle. Subsequently, the American public came to the realization that you are never responsible for anything. Ever.

He he he...in over 30 states there are GOP governors, the GOP controls the Congress and the Oval...,and you guys blame the democrats for everything. Your post is garbage
Therefore, you are somehow absolved.

So, are you saying that “both sides” are equally to blame for the lack of civil discourse?

Not right now.

Okay…well, if you’re not happy with the venom filled response, perhaps don’t issue the venom filled statement first then…okay? Put another way, don’t start none and there won’t be none.

And........you are still not absolved but that is a really nice try. But, you did that the last election cycle. Subsequently, the American public came to the realization that you are never responsible for anything. Ever.

He he he...in over 30 states there are GOP governors, the GOP controls the Congress and the Oval...,and you guys blame the democrats for everything. Your post is garbage

I'm a liberal. You can bullshit some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Had you listened to your base under Bush then you wouldn't be having these problems now. Oh, well.
So, are you saying that “both sides” are equally to blame for the lack of civil discourse?

Not right now.

Okay…well, if you’re not happy with the venom filled response, perhaps don’t issue the venom filled statement first then…okay? Put another way, don’t start none and there won’t be none.

And........you are still not absolved but that is a really nice try. But, you did that the last election cycle. Subsequently, the American public came to the realization that you are never responsible for anything. Ever.

He he he...in over 30 states there are GOP governors, the GOP controls the Congress and the Oval...,and you guys blame the democrats for everything. Your post is garbage

I'm a liberal. You can bullshit some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Had you listened to your base under Bush then you wouldn't be having these problems now. Oh, well.

I report the truth. Your post was garbage
Good question, I want to see if their are any good answers.
We dislike your leadership as much as you disliked bill barrack and the thought of Hillary.

Like under Reagan and bush the middle class is disappearing with trump despite the $30 more a week he put in our paycheck.
Not right now.

Okay…well, if you’re not happy with the venom filled response, perhaps don’t issue the venom filled statement first then…okay? Put another way, don’t start none and there won’t be none.

And........you are still not absolved but that is a really nice try. But, you did that the last election cycle. Subsequently, the American public came to the realization that you are never responsible for anything. Ever.

He he he...in over 30 states there are GOP governors, the GOP controls the Congress and the Oval...,and you guys blame the democrats for everything. Your post is garbage

I'm a liberal. You can bullshit some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Had you listened to your base under Bush then you wouldn't be having these problems now. Oh, well.

I report the truth. Your post was garbage

Once again.........you got nothing.
Okay…well, if you’re not happy with the venom filled response, perhaps don’t issue the venom filled statement first then…okay? Put another way, don’t start none and there won’t be none.

And........you are still not absolved but that is a really nice try. But, you did that the last election cycle. Subsequently, the American public came to the realization that you are never responsible for anything. Ever.

He he he...in over 30 states there are GOP governors, the GOP controls the Congress and the Oval...,and you guys blame the democrats for everything. Your post is garbage

I'm a liberal. You can bullshit some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Had you listened to your base under Bush then you wouldn't be having these problems now. Oh, well.

I report the truth. Your post was garbage

Once again.........you got nothing.

Yet here you are responding....

Nugent threatens the life of the President and got a free pass. Now some lame brained Dems do it and your calling them out?


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