Just how intelligent are Trump supporters?

Your business is booming since Trump's election. Right?

You complaining about the negative effect of immigrants on your industry and community ( which must thrive for you to get new business ) is fucking weird. It cannot be your bottom line. It must be something else. I wonder what it could be.
View attachment 253301
we need a national ID card, this is all crap. GOP crap by the way. Democrats bring up the ID card every once in awhile but ARe fear-mongered as Communists or something stupid. The wall is a joke and will not work
Yes, the Republicons who ranted about big government intruding into our lives are now on board for a national ID card. The same clowns who ranted about seat belt laws. Funny how that works.
Quote someone on this board whining about seatbelts you stupid fucking noob.

Then knock down the fake dominoes you just set up and proclaim victory.

Man I really despise dumbfucks like you

What kills me is that a lot of Trump's voters used to be democrats who voted for Obama! They were brilliant people then, but now they are dumbasses. You can always tell when the Left is losing and have run out of answers when they start resorting to questioning the intelligence of half the nation simply because the voted for the opposing party, which only goes to show their real goal is to have only one party in power---- THEM.

The reader will be allowed to answer that question.

Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration.


The economic impact would be enormous. The San Ysidro crossing is the biggest passenger land port in the Western hemisphere -- closing it alone would be hugely disruptive. Every day, an average of 120,000 commuter vehicles, 6,000 trucks and 63,000 pedestrians use the border gateway, many to go to and from their jobs in the U.S.

Sealing the entire border between the countries, meanwhile, would cause economic chaos. In 2017, about $558 billion in goods flowed across the U.S.- Mexico border in both directions, making Mexico our third-biggest trading partner for goods behind Canada and China. U.S. goods exported to Mexico totaled $243.3 billion, while trade in services accounted for another $58 billion.

How did Trump's supporters in Michigan react to Trump's strident declaration that foretold of economic chaos? They cheered mightily.

Trump yelled out at the crowd of cheering admirers, "I am not kidding around."

They cheered enthusiastically again at the impending economic doom.

“It could mean all trade” with Mexico, Trump said when questioned by reporters in Florida. “We will close it for a long time.”

No doubt Trump's fans are thrilled with this statement. After all, to them, Trump can do no wrong.
They are dumber than the bagger nation.
brothers and sisters: George Pataki promised voters another cold war with russia and he went down in flames in 2016. it was trump promising a good relationship with russia who won.

Trump does not have a consensual relationship with russia in terms of collusion!
we need a national ID card, this is all crap. GOP crap by the way. Democrats bring up the ID card every once in awhile but ARe fear-mongered as Communists or something stupid. The wall is a joke and will not work
Yes, the Republicons who ranted about big government intruding into our lives are now on board for a national ID card. The same clowns who ranted about seat belt laws. Funny how that works.
Quote someone on this board whining about seatbelts you stupid fucking noob.

Then knock down the fake dominoes you just set up and proclaim victory.

Man I really despise dumbfucks like you

What kills me is that a lot of Trump's voters used to be democrats who voted for Obama! They were brilliant people then, but now they are dumbasses. You can always tell when the Left is losing and have run out of answers when they start resorting to questioning the intelligence of half the nation simply because the voted for the opposing party, which only goes to show their real goal is to have only one party in power---- THEM.
I don't question Republicans intelligence, just their information which comes from Rupert Murdoch and other Rich assholes LOL. Hateful character assassination phony scandals fake news. Fox primetime and Rush Limbaugh are a disgrace and they are the best.
But you're okay with the rich assholes who own liberal media?
There is more to the world than this single thread, you absolute cabbage.

The Left doesn't want illegal immigrants to face any consequences. You can deny this, but you'll only look stupider.

So don't start whining about how the rule of law is important to the left. It isn't. Period. End of story.

"So don't start whining about how the rule of law is important to the left. It isn't. Period. End of story. "

You don't get to dictate the narrative and nobody is whining.

"The Left doesn't want illegal immigrants to face any consequences." Where did you get this shit from? Hannity? You POTUS apologists just make this shit up to support your Hannity arguments.
Hint: It's not conservatives who declare their cities and states to be sanctuaries, protecting illegals from the law. It's not conservatives who refuse to report illegals to ICE. It's not conservatives who want to reward illegals with citizenship.

Reality does not support your bullshit.
It's cons who are enabling that knucklehead in the W.H. Change your MAGA hat to one that says "I'm With Stupid".
So...liberals refuse to enforce laws against illegals...and it's TRUMP'S fault.


What laws?
Immigration laws. Duh.
Wow.....if your livlihood is directly threatened by immigrants, you probably need to up your game anyway, loser.

Hospital beds, schools, roads and other resources which I pay for being consumed by the illegal invader is the concern.
10 states with the most illegal immigrants, impact on healthcare spending

According to The Center for Immigration Studies, the estimated cost of treating uninsured illegal immigrants is $4.3 billion a year, primarily at emergency rooms and free clinics. Some illegal immigrants even receive Medicaid benefits, despite the fact that they are not eligible to enroll in Medicaid plans, according to a Kaiser Health News report. Additionally, a 2007 report published by the Journal of the American Medical Association found that within a span of four years, about 99 percent of those who used emergency Medicaid were immigrants who entered the country illegally.
Care costs for undocumented immigrants absorbed by hospitals

The unreimbursed cost of providing care for all uninsured or underinsured patiets totaled a record-high $41.1 billion in 2011, according to the American Hospital Association.

In California alone, where approximately 2.5 million residents are undocumented immigrants, the annual cost of unpaid hospital care is between $1 billion and $1.5 billion estimates the Hospital Association of Southern California.
I say we bill liberals for all that money.
What kills me is that a lot of Trump's voters used to be democrats who voted for Obama! They were brilliant people then, but now they are dumbasses. You can always tell when the Left is losing and have run out of answers when they start resorting to questioning the intelligence of half the nation simply because the voted for the opposing party, which only goes to show their real goal is to have only one party in power---- THEM.
I don't question Republicans intelligence, just their information which comes from Rupert Murdoch and other Rich assholes LOL. Hateful character assassination phony scandals fake news. Fox primetime and Rush Limbaugh are a disgrace and they are the best.

Yet I never see you question where liberals get THEIR information. Have you listened to some of things they say? And just for your edification, I get my information by reading multiple independent sources then drawing my OWN conclusions, I don't "get" my information from anyone. I don't even get Fox or Rush, not to mention Alex Jones or any of the other usual places.
What did the liberals say? I think you have been misinformed on that. There is this thing called journalism with investigation and fact-finding and fact-checking, which all the around the world along with law enforcement agrees with Democrats. The right-wing propaganda machine is a disgrace and Trump is parroting them. poor America.

Apparently you live in some sort of globalist bubble. Now it matters what the whole world says when they have a vested interest in what the democrats are doing!
Yes it is called the world of reality, journalism, and law enforcement, as opposed to the biggest BS character assassination and misinformation propaganda machine in the world, the Rupert Murdoch Fox Rush Limbaugh etc etc and now Donald Trump etc garbage machine.
Has there ever been an instance when Trump, one of his henchmen or Fox Hate TV goons like Hannity have ever told the truth about anything?
I don't question Republicans intelligence, just their information which comes from Rupert Murdoch and other Rich assholes LOL. Hateful character assassination phony scandals fake news. Fox primetime and Rush Limbaugh are a disgrace and they are the best.

Yet I never see you question where liberals get THEIR information. Have you listened to some of things they say? And just for your edification, I get my information by reading multiple independent sources then drawing my OWN conclusions, I don't "get" my information from anyone. I don't even get Fox or Rush, not to mention Alex Jones or any of the other usual places.
What did the liberals say? I think you have been misinformed on that. There is this thing called journalism with investigation and fact-finding and fact-checking, which all the around the world along with law enforcement agrees with Democrats. The right-wing propaganda machine is a disgrace and Trump is parroting them. poor America.

Apparently you live in some sort of globalist bubble. Now it matters what the whole world says when they have a vested interest in what the democrats are doing!
Yes it is called the world of reality, journalism, and law enforcement, as opposed to the biggest BS character assassination and misinformation propaganda machine in the world, the Rupert Murdoch Fox Rush Limbaugh etc etc and now Donald Trump etc garbage machine.
Has there ever been an instance when Trump, one of his henchmen or Fox Hate TV goons like Hannity have ever told the truth about anything?
/——/ You pathetic worm. Get some buttsalve
Yet I never see you question where liberals get THEIR information. Have you listened to some of things they say? And just for your edification, I get my information by reading multiple independent sources then drawing my OWN conclusions, I don't "get" my information from anyone. I don't even get Fox or Rush, not to mention Alex Jones or any of the other usual places.
What did the liberals say? I think you have been misinformed on that. There is this thing called journalism with investigation and fact-finding and fact-checking, which all the around the world along with law enforcement agrees with Democrats. The right-wing propaganda machine is a disgrace and Trump is parroting them. poor America.

Apparently you live in some sort of globalist bubble. Now it matters what the whole world says when they have a vested interest in what the democrats are doing!
Yes it is called the world of reality, journalism, and law enforcement, as opposed to the biggest BS character assassination and misinformation propaganda machine in the world, the Rupert Murdoch Fox Rush Limbaugh etc etc and now Donald Trump etc garbage machine.
Has there ever been an instance when Trump, one of his henchmen or Fox Hate TV goons like Hannity have ever told the truth about anything?
/——/ You pathetic worm. Get some buttsalve
But, but hang on there! Pretty please? Didn't you hear the news? Dems like me want Donnie out because we love Pence so much that we want him as President! Plese spread the news, ok?
"So don't start whining about how the rule of law is important to the left. It isn't. Period. End of story. "

You don't get to dictate the narrative and nobody is whining.

"The Left doesn't want illegal immigrants to face any consequences." Where did you get this shit from? Hannity? You POTUS apologists just make this shit up to support your Hannity arguments.
Hint: It's not conservatives who declare their cities and states to be sanctuaries, protecting illegals from the law. It's not conservatives who refuse to report illegals to ICE. It's not conservatives who want to reward illegals with citizenship.

Reality does not support your bullshit.
It's cons who are enabling that knucklehead in the W.H. Change your MAGA hat to one that says "I'm With Stupid".
So...liberals refuse to enforce laws against illegals...and it's TRUMP'S fault.


What laws?
Immigration laws. Duh.

What laws aren't being enforced?
Hint: It's not conservatives who declare their cities and states to be sanctuaries, protecting illegals from the law. It's not conservatives who refuse to report illegals to ICE. It's not conservatives who want to reward illegals with citizenship.

Reality does not support your bullshit.
It's cons who are enabling that knucklehead in the W.H. Change your MAGA hat to one that says "I'm With Stupid".
So...liberals refuse to enforce laws against illegals...and it's TRUMP'S fault.


What laws?
Immigration laws. Duh.

What laws aren't being enforced?
Immigration laws, how slow do we have to type it. I'd post a link, but for you it's a waste if time.
It's cons who are enabling that knucklehead in the W.H. Change your MAGA hat to one that says "I'm With Stupid".
So...liberals refuse to enforce laws against illegals...and it's TRUMP'S fault.


What laws?
Immigration laws. Duh.

What laws aren't being enforced?
Immigration laws, how slow do we have to type it. I'd post a link, but for you it's a waste if time.

Try reading slower then try again.
Its a simple question.
What laws aren't being enforced by liberals?
Where I come from smart people earn more and ignorant people earn the least. That said, what would the graphic below tell you?


College-educated people are going to make more in their lifetimes, on average, than people without a college degree. College-educated people were greatly in favor of Democrat than Republican. See the first graph.

What your graph doesn't take into consideration is AGE. There was a significant AGE difference between Democrat and Republican voters. See the link below the first graph where the age graph matches pretty well with the salary graph you presented.

Comparing the salary of a 60-year-old Republican truck driver and a 23-year-old Democrat engineer graduate student isn't effective at determining which one is smarter. One is further into their career and will have a bigger salary because of that.


Election 2016 exit polls: votes by age | Statistic
I have long maintained that Trump is a national security risk. That was proven again today.

The Washington Post reports, "A White House whistleblower told lawmakers that more than two dozen denials for security clearances have been overturned during the Trump administration, calling Congress her “last hope” for addressing what she considers improper conduct that has left the nation’s secrets exposed.

"Tricia Newbold, a longtime White House security adviser, told the House Oversight and Reform Committee that she and her colleagues issued “dozens” of denials for security clearance applications that were later approved despite their concerns about blackmail, foreign influence or other red flags, according to panel documents released Monday.

"Newbold, an 18-year veteran of the security clearance process who has served under both Republican and Democratic presidents, said she warned her superiors that clearances “were not always adjudicated in the best interest of national security” — and was retaliated against for doing so.

"Newbold alleged that 25 individuals were given clearances or access to national security information since 2018 despite concerns about ties to foreign influence, conflicts of interests, questionable or criminal conduct, financial problems, or drug abuse.

"Among them was presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner."

Were Trump a civilian seeking a security clearance, he would probably be denied. According to his own lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, Trump was negotiating with the Russian government for a Moscow Trump Tower during the entire Presidential campaign of 2016.

His supporters argue the President can grant a security clearance to anyone he wishes, which is, of course, beside the point. It is not a question of could. It is a question of should.

One thing is perfectly clear. When the Framers were writing the Constitution, when past members of Congress were considering the granting of powers to the President, none of them envisioned a President like Trump.
Trump loves to shut down things. He "proudly" shut down the government, causing the longest government shutdown in our history. He is threatening to shut down the border this week. And he has shut down all financial aid to Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvadore, making the Central American caravans even more of a threat to our southern border.

Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan said Wednesday that the "breaking point has arrived this week" for the US immigration system. Speaking from El Paso, Texas, the head of the US border security agency said that on Monday, CBP encountered the highest total number of migrants in years, with more than 4,000 in a single day, the vast majority of which were apprehensions of people illegally crossing the border.

Who is saying this? Well, the Trump administration, of course. McAleenan and Kirstjen Nielson, the head of DHS, work for Trump. Trump is a prolific liar. Even his fans admit that. At a rally, nearly every other sentence is a lie, particular if he is talking about Democrats or the Mueller Report. He will eyeball a reporter directly and lie. Trump is proud of his talent for lying. He has even given it a name. He calls it truthful hyperbole.

Just how intelligent is it for a President to have the reputation of a creative liar? Why in the world should we be believe the statistics given out the border patrol or the DHS? Did they close facilities down to make the remaining facilities overburdened. The current statistics are very convenient to Trump's arguments. That always makes an informed observer suspicious. Why should we believe anything put out by the Trump administration? Trump is a liar and proud of it.

Which, of course, brings us to Trump's wall, and the Constitution crisis Trump has created by his attempt to usurp the powers of Congress.

A White House whistleblower told lawmakers that more than two dozen denials for security clearances have been overturned by Trump. Among those denied a security clearance by intelligence officials, but granted one by Trump is his daughter and son-in-law.

Putin is enormously pleased with his protege. Chaos abounds within the American government.
Hint: It's not conservatives who declare their cities and states to be sanctuaries, protecting illegals from the law. It's not conservatives who refuse to report illegals to ICE. It's not conservatives who want to reward illegals with citizenship.

Reality does not support your bullshit.
It's cons who are enabling that knucklehead in the W.H. Change your MAGA hat to one that says "I'm With Stupid".
So...liberals refuse to enforce laws against illegals...and it's TRUMP'S fault.


What laws?
Immigration laws. Duh.

What laws aren't being enforced?
Immigration laws. Duh.
So...liberals refuse to enforce laws against illegals...and it's TRUMP'S fault.


What laws?
Immigration laws. Duh.

What laws aren't being enforced?
Immigration laws, how slow do we have to type it. I'd post a link, but for you it's a waste if time.

Try reading slower then try again.
Its a simple question.
What laws aren't being enforced by liberals?

Ok, sounds like you need some pictures to help. How about we start with this.
The reader will be allowed to answer that question.

Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration.


The economic impact would be enormous. The San Ysidro crossing is the biggest passenger land port in the Western hemisphere -- closing it alone would be hugely disruptive. Every day, an average of 120,000 commuter vehicles, 6,000 trucks and 63,000 pedestrians use the border gateway, many to go to and from their jobs in the U.S.

Sealing the entire border between the countries, meanwhile, would cause economic chaos. In 2017, about $558 billion in goods flowed across the U.S.- Mexico border in both directions, making Mexico our third-biggest trading partner for goods behind Canada and China. U.S. goods exported to Mexico totaled $243.3 billion, while trade in services accounted for another $58 billion.

How did Trump's supporters in Michigan react to Trump's strident declaration that foretold of economic chaos? They cheered mightily.

Trump yelled out at the crowd of cheering admirers, "I am not kidding around."

They cheered enthusiastically again at the impending economic doom.

“It could mean all trade” with Mexico, Trump said when questioned by reporters in Florida. “We will close it for a long time.”

No doubt Trump's fans are thrilled with this statement. After all, to them, Trump can do no wrong.
How intelligent am I, a person who supports Trump's policies?

Come to the Bull Ring and find out.

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