Just how intelligent are Trump supporters?

It's common knowledge that Trumpbots generally lack education and intelligence.

Why are white, uneducated voters voting for Trump?

They are largely 'white', male, middle aged/older, middle/lower class, rural, xenophobic, semi-racist, chauvinistic/misogynistic.

In other words, the ignorant masses.

Few paid attention to them before Trump and even fewer will pay attention to them when Trump is gone (barring a war) by 2021.

White, male middle to lower class pro-second amendment American citizens. -The same demographic that represents the lion's share of enlistments in the Armed services. Approximately 40 million of them.

Yes, it's safe to ignore them.

These guys equal 10 percent of the American population.
No, that's not why. We are about to get the Trump economy. Trump has taken credit for an economy he didn't create.

Trump cut taxes and regulations, which greatly helped economic growth.

The first step to being honest with others is to begin being honest with yourself. Why do you support politicians that don't support you? Why would you vote for someone like Obama and Hillary who view you with contempt as one of the "little people"? And while we're at it, Trump has been the greatest president for black Americans since Lincoln. So why do you oppose Trump?
The 8 years you talk about did not happen.

Hillary lost the swing-state vote because the economy was stagnant and those voters wanted a president that could deliver positive economic results, for a change. It was an indictment of the Obama economy. If the economy was like it is now, Hillary would have won.

No, that's not why. We are about to get the Trump economy. Trump has taken credit for an economy he didn't create.

For shits and giggles who created it?

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A bunch of people that did not allow people of color or women to help create it.
No, that's not why. We are about to get the Trump economy. Trump has taken credit for an economy he didn't create.

Trump cut taxes and regulations, which greatly helped economic growth.

The first step to being honest with others is to begin being honest with yourself. Why do you support politicians that don't support you? Why would you vote for someone like Obama and Hillary who view you with contempt as one of the "little people"? And while we're at it, Trump has been the greatest president for black Americans since Lincoln. So why do you oppose Trump?

Look, we had 70 plus months of growth before Trump. And black unemployment was declining for 7 years before Trump. Black unemployment is double that of whites under Trump. He hasn't done shit for blacks and it would be really nice if your white asses would quit telling us that lie. Trump stood up in a crowd of whites and spewed lies about the black community. And the first black president was damn sure not a fucking republican. Your party is the party of racists. And what's equally bad is how you lie.
And what's equally bad is how you lie.

LOL, what "lie" did I tell? In fact, aren't YOU the liar for accusing me of being a liar?

You accuse us of being racists while your posts seethe with racial hatred.

You are a fascinating fellow, I'll give you that.
And what's equally bad is how you lie.

LOL, what "lie" did I tell? In fact, aren't YOU the liar for accusing me of being a liar?

You accuse us of being racists while your posts seethe with racial hatred.

You are a fascinating fellow, I'll give you that.

I've said nothing racist.

How does it help poor Americans (of all colors) to have unlimited immigration? Economics 101 tells us that immigrants take jobs from Americans and drives their wages DOWN. So why do you support it?

How does it help poor Americans (of all colors) to have unlimited immigration? Economics 101 tells us that immigrants take jobs from Americans and drives their wages DOWN. So why do you support it?

Again, whites have no moral right to oppose unlimited immigration.
There was nothing wrong with her using private server (was not against law or policy).

Oh, is it legal for government employees to transmit classified materials through their private server or through Yahoo?

Well if someone sends you an email and doesn't properly mark it as classified in the subject how are you going to prevent transmission?

It's called spillover and if we were putting people in jail for it we'd have barely any government workers left.
He only hates whites that refuse to pander to his delusions.

He is unwilling to argue his beliefs because he has no good argument. All he knows is that he hates white people, he hates Republicans and he hates Trump. Therefore, anything that we're for, he's automatically against. And then, when Trump delivers positive economic news for poor blacks and whites, he gives Obama credit. Trump recently signed a justice-reform bill, which will help blacks the most, yet he still claims Trump is a "racist". Truth and facts are irrelevant for this guy. All that matters is his delusional narrative.

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