Just in case you forgot

Unless you can show me where it says "get Flynn to lie"?
FBI was there obviously to get Flynn to lie. They had been listening to his phone calls so they knew the facts before they got there. Also Priestap memo has been all over news for last week, He said to FBI agents "is our objective to get him to lie"!!

you are a fool who knows nothing about case and yet you started thread about it. TDS!!

And the answer to his question was "play it by the book". Of course, the right wing and Fox forgot to mention that part of it.
Just a reminder he was set up by Obama
Lol, no.
very true Obama hated Flynn and Susan Rice memos prove he had launched investigation that was later picked up by Mueller
Not true.

Fake news.
very true Obama hated Flynn and Susan Rice memos prove he had launched investigation that was later picked up by Mueller

Grassley and Graham were struck by the context and timing of this email, and sent a follow up letter to Ambassador Rice. The letter reads in part:

“It strikes us as odd that, among your activities in the final moments on the final day of the Obama administration, you would feel the need to send yourself such an unusual email purporting to document a conversation involving President Obama and his interactions with the FBI regarding the Trump/Russia investigation. In addition, despite your claim that President Obama repeatedly told Mr. Comey to proceed ‘by the book,’ substantial questions have arisen about whether officials at the FBI, as well as at the Justice Department and the State Department, actually did proceed ‘by the book.’”
Just a reminder he was set up by Obama
Lol, no.
According to the FBI notes he was
No, he wasn't.

Unless you can show me where it says "get Flynn to lie"?
Can do that as well as this-




  • 54ECDFFF-FC39-4656-A31E-8B2035CD3EF3.png
    112.6 KB · Views: 31
Here's an explanation of Flynn's crimes.

He wasn't coerced into lying. The FBI didn't force him to lie. There was no trap. It was not a deep state plot.

It was a real crime.

He wasn't coerced into lying.

Coerced into pleading guilty.

It was a real crime.

The misstatement was not material or relevant.
LMAO! The first line of the OP article:
"Russian intelligence services intervened in the 2016 U.S. election to help elect Donald Trump."

Now post where the proof that's what happened is. Tell me exactly what they did and post the proof of it.
Did. Not. Happen.

Total BS. GTFO here with that garbage!

That is Fake News! All the way.

Butthurt propagangist writes a butthurt article for "The Atlantic" and instead of having integrity, they publish it.
No proof, no nothing. Garbage! Grah!

Our entire intelligence community disagrees with you. Of course, Putin says you are right.
Of course you have proof of that, correct? There is no link to proof in that article, that's for sure.
You love the article for the confirmation bias, but I dislike it for the lying BS propaganda it is.
That article is the epitome of "Fake News", the gold standard.
It should be used as an example of such in schools.
He engaged Kislyak twice regarding the sanctions Obama was imposing. That was Obama's job at that point. And when he was asked about it, first he lied. Then he admitted it.

it was trivial matter of no consequence since it was Flynn's job to talk to his Russian counterpart during transition. All he did was repeat what Trump said on campaign trail. Makes sense now?
In case you forgot? You almost gotta laugh at the left wing now pretending to be law and order right wingers when it comes to a poor old 70 year old retired General entrapped by the FBI. In case you forgot, Barry Hussein's business partner and political adviser and mover and shaker in Chicago democrat politics, Bill Ayers was a domestic terrorist who never spent a day in jail. Lefties celebrate the fact that Ayers found a friendly federal judge who blamed everything on the FBI even though he was guilty of about a thousand charges including the deaths of his girlfriend and other gang members who were killed by the premature detonation of a bomb intended for Ft. Dix. Soldiers.
The FBI didn't force him to lie.
Anyone can be accused of lying under section 1001. But Flynn did not even lie, why would he? It was fine to talk to Russia. It was his job. He plead guilty only because he loved his son and wanted to protect him from deeply corrupt FBI agents trying to collect on their insurance policy to remove Trump from office in a coup .

If Flynn did nothing wrong, why did Trump fire him?
The FBI didn't force him to lie.
Anyone can be accused of lying under section 1001. But Flynn did not even lie, why would he? It was fine to talk to Russia. It was his job. He plead guilty only because he loved his son and wanted to protect him from deeply corrupt FBI agents trying to collect on their insurance policy to remove Trump from office in a coup .

If Flynn did nothing wrong, why did Trump fire him?
Because Brennan told Pence Flynn had lied to him! The same ones setting Flynn up!
Thanks for the reminder. Kind of laying it on thick in the article, but the basic facts are there.
what is most important basic fact?
He engaged Kislyak twice regarding the sanctions Obama was imposing. That was Obama's job at that point. And when he was asked about it, first he lied. Then he admitted it.

He engaged Kislyak twice regarding the sanctions Obama was imposing.

It's true, incoming administrations can talk to foreign officials.
Here's an explanation of Flynn's crimes.

He wasn't coerced into lying. The FBI didn't force him to lie. There was no trap. It was not a deep state plot.

It was a real crime.

Oh give it up FFS. Your ship has sailed.

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