Just in Time for the Christmas Season

Oh, wait. It was 54 TREES. Not 26.

Count them!

Oh, maybe the Obamination family calls them "holiday trees," but still 54 trees for the White House.

War on Christmas, right there. Hatin' on the CHRISTMAS trees. And making shit up, too, with the "holiday trees" strawman when Obama clearly said "Merry Christmas" in the first 10 seconds of his video.

The darkie just won't live down to the manufactured bullshit strawmen about him! Mother FUCK!
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I do not believe in any god, and I will wish dozens of people a Merry Christmas....and a Happy Holidays...Happy New Year. No prob. Idiots.

Did you miss my video? I am sorry, you do not get to be Merry :eusa_angel:

Most people who are atheist will say happy Holidays without understanding that they are wishing people Happy Holy Days. Looks like the joke is on you :lol:

No joke on me. I say them all. What you won't hear me say is " god bless you" or " praise god". Those are ridiculous comments in the real world.
Oh, wait. It was 54 TREES. Not 26.

Count them!

Oh, maybe the Obamination family calls them "holiday trees," but still 54 trees for the White House.

War on Christmas, right there. Hatin' on the CHRISTMAS trees. And making shit up, too, with the "holiday trees" strawman when Obama clearly said "Merry Christmas" in the first 10 seconds of his video.

The darkie just won't live down to the manufactured bullshit strawmen about him! Mother FUCK!

There's the meth talking again...

You mean you've decided to grow up and not act like you are a victim if someone wishes you a happy birthday?

If you don't want to celebrate Christmas, don't. Just don't pretend the rest of us are guilty of a heinous crime when we do.
I do not believe in any god, and I will wish dozens of people a Merry Christmas....and a Happy Holidays...Happy New Year. No prob. Idiots.

Did you miss my video? I am sorry, you do not get to be Merry :eusa_angel:

Most people who are atheist will say happy Holidays without understanding that they are wishing people Happy Holy Days. Looks like the joke is on you :lol:

No joke on me. I say them all. What you won't hear me say is " god bless you" or " praise god". Those are ridiculous comments in the real world.

I take a special delight in saying God Bless you to someone I know is an unbeliever. It's one of those small acts of rebellion I try to practice every day.
Oh, wait. It was 54 TREES. Not 26.

Count them!

Oh, maybe the Obamination family calls them "holiday trees," but still 54 trees for the White House.

War on Christmas, right there. Hatin' on the CHRISTMAS trees. And making shit up, too, with the "holiday trees" strawman when Obama clearly said "Merry Christmas" in the first 10 seconds of his video.

The darkie just won't live down to the manufactured bullshit strawmen about him! Mother FUCK!

There's the meth talking again...


It's a sure thing the hack media will get the partisan parrots in a tizzy over something about Obama and Christmas this year, just like they do every year.

"He didn't say GOD bless you when someone sneezed!!! I tole ya Soetero's a Muslim!"
Did you miss my video? I am sorry, you do not get to be Merry :eusa_angel:

Most people who are atheist will say happy Holidays without understanding that they are wishing people Happy Holy Days. Looks like the joke is on you :lol:

No joke on me. I say them all. What you won't hear me say is " god bless you" or " praise god". Those are ridiculous comments in the real world.

I take a special delight in saying God Bless you to someone I know is an unbeliever. It's one of those small acts of rebellion I try to practice every day.

You say those words as an act of protest? You must be a real Christian. Do you see their reaction? What do you see?

I just say thanks and smile.
I do not believe in any god, and I will wish dozens of people a Merry Christmas....and a Happy Holidays...Happy New Year. No prob. Idiots.

Did you miss my video? I am sorry, you do not get to be Merry :eusa_angel:

Most people who are atheist will say happy Holidays without understanding that they are wishing people Happy Holy Days. Looks like the joke is on you :lol:

No joke on me. I say them all. What you won't hear me say is " god bless you" or " praise god". Those are ridiculous comments in the real world.

Well bless your heart.
I take a great deal of satisfaction in saying Merry Christmas to EVERYONE and let them be offended.

I went to a Christmas party at a Hindu family's house. Papa Hindu dressed up like Santa Clause and everything.

In Tehrangeles, that part of Los Angeles settled by muslim immigrants, the Christmas decorations are already going up.

Of course you do...because you believe in using "Merry Christmas" as a verbal weapon. I know quite a few silly people like you...they say it with vitrole in their tone.

With the same tone as FUCK YOU. And many more!

Sort of like saying happy anniversary to a homosexual couple. How DARE they say it, in that tone!
Did you miss my video? I am sorry, you do not get to be Merry :eusa_angel:

Most people who are atheist will say happy Holidays without understanding that they are wishing people Happy Holy Days. Looks like the joke is on you :lol:

No joke on me. I say them all. What you won't hear me say is " god bless you" or " praise god". Those are ridiculous comments in the real world.

I take a special delight in saying God Bless you to someone I know is an unbeliever. It's one of those small acts of rebellion I try to practice every day.

When someone sneezes I don't say "God Bless You"
I prefer "Gesundheit" which is German for "Stop sneezing so fucking much"
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Atheists celebrate christmas.... :lmao:

Why not?

It is Santas birthday

Long ago, when I was much younger, and much dumber, I was an athiest, as were many of my friends. We would tell jokes like: "What was the hit tune of 0040? Why, it was Ponius Pilot and his nail driving five, singing Rock around the cross." We never intended to offend anyone, we were just having fun.

As I got a little older, I became an agnostic. Why? Because a Godless world did not make any sense. It defied logic and it defied the science of mathamatics. Then, a highly religious friend suggested that I should actually read the Bible before I condemned it as fiction. That I did, and then spent a couple of years working out the seemingly mixed signals and contradictions. I became a believer.

None of the many athiest and agnostic friends and acquaintances, of my youth, ever mentioned being offended by religious people practicing their beliefs. We all enjoyed Christmas and Thanksgiving, and offered a merry Christmas as gladly as we received them. If people wanted to believe in the Easter Bunny, it would not take any skin off of my back.

That leads me to the firm belief that all of this indignation over Christians celebrating a holiday is manufactured bullcrap of the worst kind.
the whole idea of a "war on christmas" is beyond ridiculous.

There are many non-christians (myself included) who do not care to greeted with "merry chirstmas".

the jewish community does need to hear it.

the muslim community does not need to hear it.

the buddhist community does not need to hear it.

the diest community (myself included) do not need to hear it.

the hindu community does not need to hear it.

the wiccan community does not need to hear it.

Christmas itself was a winter celebration, taken over by christians, as is easter.

If the damn the christians are so damn pissed off about the non-existant "war on christmas", then why don't they prove it by demanding the end to "black friday", are the holidays about "family values" or christmas sales?
merry christmas

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