just shoot em ..

These people are going to bring a mess down upon their own heads. They are where the blame and responsibility lies for anything that comes back at them
I see we have several traitors who are siding with the illegals, shocker.
disagreeing with you is NOT siding with them.

Good one. You are correct.
BoozLegend doesn't understand that there are many who don't think people with rocks are a match against 15,000 with automatic weapons.

How many American citizens are you willing to allow illegals to RAPE and KILL? Pick a number, how many should be sacrificed so you can be all sympathetic towards illegals? There is a price to pay for allowing illegals to flood into our country by the thousands.
Explain what he did mean, then, when he said "consider it a rifle." That means consider them armed and engaged in fire. What do you really think he meant?
I think he meant they should be shot, if they throw rocks, and I agree. A thrown rock could kill you.

I'd say they should be shot even if they don't throw rocks, but invade the country by storming across the border by the thousands.
Ah no. The troops will not be arresting anyone .... even if the caravan gets here during our lifetimes. LOL
We'll be into the Christmas season by then. There will be strains of Silent Night in the background as pictures of the caravan trudge forward in the darkness, looking for a room in the inn.
You just wait.

Are you planning to let 20 of the live at your house, pay for their food, clothing, education?
No. Why the fuck should I?
Then why should we let them in our country? Idiot.
I don't know....they are seeking asylum from a violent situation at home? Because that is what we have always done for those seeking safe haven and a chance to get on with their lives?
Because that is what America does, has always done and if I've got anything to say about it, always will.

Okay bleeding heart, there's a couple billion people on the planet who would like to seek asylum in the USA so stop patting yourself on the back for allowing in a few thousand. We all know you would say no to 1 billion, you would say no to 500 million, 100 million, 50 million. So tell us how big is your bleeding heart really?
Yes and No. The President has broad powers and he can act alone in
any special emergency to use troops on domestic soil.

It has been done before.
No. What the National Guard Can and Cannot Do on Mexico Border

You are 100% Incorrect. Go back and read the final paragraph, especially
the last sentence.
Are you suggesting congress is going authorize military force on civilians?
What's the response when you are being hit with rocks?
that was from your bullshit
Answer the question. What's your response when you're being pummeled with rocks?
I see we have several traitors who are siding with the illegals, shocker.
Kiss my ass, you twisted bigot. If people are siding against unarmed people being shot, then yes. That does not mean we support illegals. It means we oppose murder.

goody --- according to you------a good way to get RID OF YOU----is
using an unarmed person-------keeping in mind that for idiots like
you a rock, a hatchet, a dagger, a Molotov cocktail does not qualify
as an armament. I got news for you------Miss Scarlet killed
Mrs White in the library with a candle stick
Great argument, except none of that has happened or will happen.

no Miss Scarlet?
We'll be into the Christmas season by then. There will be strains of Silent Night in the background as pictures of the caravan trudge forward in the darkness, looking for a room in the inn.
You just wait.

Are you planning to let 20 of the live at your house, pay for their food, clothing, education?
No. Why the fuck should I?
Then why should we let them in our country? Idiot.
I don't know....they are seeking asylum from a violent situation at home? Because that is what we have always done for those seeking safe haven and a chance to get on with their lives?
Because that is what America does, has always done and if I've got anything to say about it, always will.

Okay bleeding heart, there's a couple billion people on the planet who would like to seek asylum in the USA so stop patting yourself on the back for allowing in a few thousand. We all know you would say no to 1 billion, you would say no to 500 million, 100 million, 50 million. So tell us how big is your bleeding heart really?
Whatever quota has been set lawfully by the government for the year.
I see we have several traitors who are siding with the illegals, shocker.
Kiss my ass, you twisted bigot. If people are siding against unarmed people being shot, then yes. That does not mean we support illegals. It means we oppose murder.

goody --- according to you------a good way to get RID OF YOU----is
using an unarmed person-------keeping in mind that for idiots like
you a rock, a hatchet, a dagger, a Molotov cocktail does not qualify
as an armament. I got news for you------Miss Scarlet killed
Mrs White in the library with a candle stick
Great argument, except none of that has happened or will happen.

no Miss Scarlet?
sorry, no
Colonel Mustard is a whole 'nother matter though
Good one. You are correct.
BoozLegend doesn't understand that there are many who don't think people with rocks are a match against 15,000 with automatic weapons.
Match ? What do you think this is ? A tennis game ? we're talking about thousands of people defying our laws and sovereignty, and busting their way into our country.

What would you if a bunch of thugs were trying to bust into your home ? Do nothing, and let them bust their way in ?
The mightiest military on the face of the planet, and these people are trying to spin with ROCKS. This just gets more and more insane. This is what happens when you obediently relinquish your critical thinking faculties to an ideology. This should be a cautionary tale.
Since we're the mightiest military in the world are you suggesting we use that might?
Tell us your solution. I think you'll find it's on par with most conservatives solutions.
1. Drop the politically-based Alex Jones-like conspiracy theories and the drama queen shit about an "invasion", which is the type of goofy hyperbole that makes us look, well, goofy. And inhumane. And stupid.
2. Offer incentives for both the people and countries south of the border to stop and/or turn around.
3. Set up centers at the border for anyone who actually makes it up here for processing, medical assistance and food.
4. Set up transportation back home.
5. Start actually enforcing employment laws here so that illegals are not so attracted to come here.
6. Loudly and clearly condemn these shit hole countries for creating hell holes from which decent people want to escape.
7. Stop pissing off every foreign neighbor and start working with them to minimize future caravans.

That would be a start. We could also start communicating and cooperating across the aisle to come up with new ideas. For a change. We used to do that before we lost our shit and went tribal.

This is embarrassing.

You're close.
When you say fix the countries they come from are you advocating nation building?

I fully support fining the living shit out of companies that hire illegals.

But how do you stop the caravans from entering the country?
I don't know what form it would take. We would certainly need the full approval of a neighboring country to partner with them. That might have to include permission to go in and eradicate or cripple the drug cartels.

For example, off the top of my head, set up a GSE (Government-sponsored enterprise) to work with South American countries and set up low-end manufacturing facilities that would not work here to employ their people. To hell with China, keep these massive dollars all in the Americas. The GSE component would be important so that they couldn't just take over or nationalize a private company if the shit hits the fan.

I'm sick of band-aids. That's all we ever do. Like this. Like the wall. Like a thousand other fucking things. It's time to start addressing root causes, not symptoms.
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When the left defend illegals its not about the illegals, its about the left. Look at me look how compassionate I am look at how I defend illegals me me me. That underage illegals are being raped during the journey, that underage illegals once they arrive are forced in the sex trade, and underage illegal boys are forced into drug trafficking, you never hear any concern from the left about this. So long as they can strut around like peacocks all full of themselves that's all they really care about.

Trump never said 'just shoot 'em'......Brian Williams (in the OPs link) inferred that meant to 'empty a clip' if rocks are thrown, which is NOT what Trump said. Trump said when they viciously throw rocks (like they did with the Mexican military) consider it a rifle. He DID NOT say 'shoot 'em' or 'empty a clip' into them.
Explain what he did mean, then, when he said "consider it a rifle." That means consider them armed and engaged in fire. What do you really think he meant?

I am not here to claim I know what Trump meant I am merely pointing out that the OP and Brian Williams are providing their opinions not hard news. Frankly, the very first thing one does when confronted with an assault is get out of the line of fire. Trump could have meant that.
Are you planning to let 20 of the live at your house, pay for their food, clothing, education?
No. Why the fuck should I?
Then why should we let them in our country? Idiot.
I don't know....they are seeking asylum from a violent situation at home? Because that is what we have always done for those seeking safe haven and a chance to get on with their lives?
Because that is what America does, has always done and if I've got anything to say about it, always will.

Okay bleeding heart, there's a couple billion people on the planet who would like to seek asylum in the USA so stop patting yourself on the back for allowing in a few thousand. We all know you would say no to 1 billion, you would say no to 500 million, 100 million, 50 million. So tell us how big is your bleeding heart really?
Whatever quota has been set lawfully by the government for the year.

Why don't you answer the question, how many are YOU willing to allow in? We already established that you don't want to spend a penny of your own money supporting them so clearly there is a limit to your generosity.
Are you planning to let 20 of the live at your house, pay for their food, clothing, education?
No. Why the fuck should I?
Then why should we let them in our country? Idiot.
I don't know....they are seeking asylum from a violent situation at home? Because that is what we have always done for those seeking safe haven and a chance to get on with their lives?
Because that is what America does, has always done and if I've got anything to say about it, always will.

Okay bleeding heart, there's a couple billion people on the planet who would like to seek asylum in the USA so stop patting yourself on the back for allowing in a few thousand. We all know you would say no to 1 billion, you would say no to 500 million, 100 million, 50 million. So tell us how big is your bleeding heart really?
Whatever quota has been set lawfully by the government for the year.
The quota set by the government is for those that apply LEGALLY and are in line. These people don't meet that criteria. You're confused.
Little Trumpsters or now known as Trump's Little Nationalist White Supremacists, would love to see unarmed migrants shot. Why? Because their exalted leader mentioned that as a major tool to stoke up the fire with his ever loyal base.
Now read their posts. Trump's trick worked. :2up:
No. Why the fuck should I?
Then why should we let them in our country? Idiot.
I don't know....they are seeking asylum from a violent situation at home? Because that is what we have always done for those seeking safe haven and a chance to get on with their lives?
Because that is what America does, has always done and if I've got anything to say about it, always will.

Okay bleeding heart, there's a couple billion people on the planet who would like to seek asylum in the USA so stop patting yourself on the back for allowing in a few thousand. We all know you would say no to 1 billion, you would say no to 500 million, 100 million, 50 million. So tell us how big is your bleeding heart really?
Whatever quota has been set lawfully by the government for the year.
The quota set by the government is for those that apply LEGALLY and are in line. These people don't meet that criteria. You're confused.

I'm happy to allow legal immigrants in who meet our requirements for immigrating to the USA. None of these illegals do, that's why they are trying to sneak in illegally. You have to prove you can support yourself without relying on government handouts. You have to be educated, in good health free of disease. We are not looking for losers, we are looking for winners.
Little Trumpsters or now known as Trump's Little Nationalist White Supremacists, would love to see unarmed migrants shot. Why? Because their exalted leader mentioned that as a major tool to stoke up the fire with his ever loyal base.
Now read their posts. Trump's trick worked. :2up:

Here I rated your post :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
Little Trumpsters or now known as Trump's Little Nationalist White Supremacists, would love to see unarmed migrants shot. Why? Because their exalted leader mentioned that as a major tool to stoke up the fire with his ever loyal base.
Now read their posts. Trump's trick worked. :2up:
I swear, it's like they'd be cheering as the bodies dropped.

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