just shoot em ..

Okay bleeding heart, there's a couple billion people on the planet who would like to seek asylum in the USA so stop patting yourself on the back for allowing in a few thousand. We all know you would say no to 1 billion, you would say no to 500 million, 100 million, 50 million. So tell us how big is your bleeding heart really?
Whatever quota has been set lawfully by the government for the year.

Why don't you answer the question, how many are YOU willing to allow in? We already established that you don't want to spend a penny of your own money supporting them so clearly there is a limit to your generosity.
I pay taxes, so my money will support them in whatever way is necessary, but since nowhere close to 5,000 or 7,000 or 3,000 people will reach the border, it's not going to bankrupt the country; it will be hundreds of people who arrive. And asylum is granted to 12% of those who apply. So, let's say 500 people show at the border. 52 would get asylum.
WTF are you so wound up about? You don't even know.

You realize we have a $20 trillion dollar debt, so who's going to pay for YOUR illegals if not you? Come on lead by example, sell your house and give the money to the illegals.
I have to go. But if you're suddenly more upset about the cost than the 7,000 rapists on their way here, keep this in mind. When Bush had to call in 6,000 troops to help with a spike in illegal border crossings/asylum claims, it cost over a billion dollars. How much do you think it will cost now that Trump wants to send in 15,000, all these years later?
Maybe you need to sell your house and send the proceeds to Trump.
A billion dollars is much much less than what it will cost to take care of these people.
Democrats HATE that Trump has made illegals a major campaign issue. Hell Dem senator McCaskill came out yesterday saying she supports Trump 100% on border security and illegals.
You know rocks can kill; right?

this country employs RIOT SQUADS to handle RIOTS ...

do you know how much shit they've had thrown at them AND NEVER FIRED A SHOT IN RETURN ?

of course you dont - you''re a dumbass Trumpbot

Riot police are working on AMERICANS.
The military is working on a illegal invasion.
It’s just a little different

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Whatever quota has been set lawfully by the government for the year.

Why don't you answer the question, how many are YOU willing to allow in? We already established that you don't want to spend a penny of your own money supporting them so clearly there is a limit to your generosity.
I pay taxes, so my money will support them in whatever way is necessary, but since nowhere close to 5,000 or 7,000 or 3,000 people will reach the border, it's not going to bankrupt the country; it will be hundreds of people who arrive. And asylum is granted to 12% of those who apply. So, let's say 500 people show at the border. 52 would get asylum.
WTF are you so wound up about? You don't even know.

Its RW rhetoric trying to hammer home the fear factor before the election - these RW idiots know exactly wtf they're doing
Yep, just like Obama scaring people by telling them today that republicans are coming after their healthcare.

Yeah but its okay when Dem's use scare tactics.
Every election it's the same old crap.....republicans are going to take your Social Security, Medicare, and feed granny cat food.
Whatever quota has been set lawfully by the government for the year.

Why don't you answer the question, how many are YOU willing to allow in? We already established that you don't want to spend a penny of your own money supporting them so clearly there is a limit to your generosity.
I pay taxes, so my money will support them in whatever way is necessary, but since nowhere close to 5,000 or 7,000 or 3,000 people will reach the border, it's not going to bankrupt the country; it will be hundreds of people who arrive. And asylum is granted to 12% of those who apply. So, let's say 500 people show at the border. 52 would get asylum.
WTF are you so wound up about? You don't even know.

You realize we have a $20 trillion dollar debt, so who's going to pay for YOUR illegals if not you? Come on lead by example, sell your house and give the money to the illegals.
I have to go. But if you're suddenly more upset about the cost than the 7,000 rapists on their way here, keep this in mind. When Bush had to call in 6,000 troops to help with a spike in illegal border crossings/asylum claims, it cost over a billion dollars. How much do you think it will cost now that Trump wants to send in 15,000, all these years later?
Maybe you need to sell your house and send the proceeds to Trump.
A billion dollars is much much less than what it will cost to take care of these people.

Just one of the illegals tax refund scams cost American taxpayers $5 billion a year. 1/3 of all illegals were participating in this scam a few years back, its likely closer to 50% now. But the propaganda is these are hard working honest people, yeah right.
I have to go. But if you're suddenly more upset about the cost than the 7,000 rapists on their way here, keep this in mind. When Bush had to call in 6,000 troops to help with a spike in illegal border crossings/asylum claims, it cost over a billion dollars. How much do you think it will cost now that Trump wants to send in 15,000, all these years later?
Maybe you need to sell your house and send the proceeds to Trump.
Send the bill to Soros, Obama, and the DNC.
Its RW rhetoric trying to hammer home the fear factor before the election - these RW idiots know exactly wtf they're doing
And what will you and Old Lady say, when 15,000 of them arrive at the border and start streaming across it, en masse ? That's what they've said they're going to do. How do you get to say that won't happen ?

you have no idea what the border crossing at McAllen looks like do you?

15,000 streaming across the border -

they better grow some wings .

Okay bleeding heart, there's a couple billion people on the planet who would like to seek asylum in the USA so stop patting yourself on the back for allowing in a few thousand. We all know you would say no to 1 billion, you would say no to 500 million, 100 million, 50 million. So tell us how big is your bleeding heart really?
Whatever quota has been set lawfully by the government for the year.

Why don't you answer the question, how many are YOU willing to allow in? We already established that you don't want to spend a penny of your own money supporting them so clearly there is a limit to your generosity.
I pay taxes, so my money will support them in whatever way is necessary, but since nowhere close to 5,000 or 7,000 or 3,000 people will reach the border, it's not going to bankrupt the country; it will be hundreds of people who arrive. And asylum is granted to 12% of those who apply. So, let's say 500 people show at the border. 52 would get asylum.
WTF are you so wound up about? You don't even know.

You realize we have a $20 trillion dollar debt, so who's going to pay for YOUR illegals if not you? Come on lead by example, sell your house and give the money to the illegals.

You have to admit, it’s quite fascinating to listen to these ignorant fools take such great pride in being suckered. I’m sure OldLady raised amazing children, I’m certain her parental skills were / are top notch.

If 1,000 illegals squatted in her neighborhood we both know she'd be on the phone demanding the police drive them away.
I see we have several traitors who are siding with the illegals, shocker.
disagreeing with you is NOT siding with them.

Okay, illegals are RAPING and KILLING Americans, more than were killed on 9/11. So who side are you on?
the side that says punish those who do it.

saying THEY ALL DO is a cop out. it's using an extreme situation and trying to "normalize it" OF WHICH is part of our overall problems these days. we've lost sight of how to judge things and everything has become extreme.
I see we have several traitors who are siding with the illegals, shocker.
disagreeing with you is NOT siding with them.

Good one. You are correct.
BoozLegend doesn't understand that there are many who don't think people with rocks are a match against 15,000 with automatic weapons.

How many American citizens are you willing to allow illegals to RAPE and KILL? Pick a number, how many should be sacrificed so you can be all sympathetic towards illegals? There is a price to pay for allowing illegals to flood into our country by the thousands.
well then - how many are you going to let get shot in chicago before you go fix chicago? why are you not so concerned about what we do to ourselves along the way?

segmented extreme arguments like this can go a lot of ways, man.
I see we have several traitors who are siding with the illegals, shocker.
disagreeing with you is NOT siding with them.

Okay, illegals are RAPING and KILLING Americans, more than were killed on 9/11. So who side are you on?
the side that says punish those who do it.

saying THEY ALL DO is a cop out. it's using an extreme situation and trying to "normalize it" OF WHICH is part of our overall problems these days. we've lost sight of how to judge things and everything has become extreme.

If illegals were kept out of our country not a single American citizen would be raped or killed by an illegal.
They're not stupid. They know that our poor live like kings compared to the rest of the world's welfare recipients.
Whatever quota has been set lawfully by the government for the year.

Why don't you answer the question, how many are YOU willing to allow in? We already established that you don't want to spend a penny of your own money supporting them so clearly there is a limit to your generosity.
I pay taxes, so my money will support them in whatever way is necessary, but since nowhere close to 5,000 or 7,000 or 3,000 people will reach the border, it's not going to bankrupt the country; it will be hundreds of people who arrive. And asylum is granted to 12% of those who apply. So, let's say 500 people show at the border. 52 would get asylum.
WTF are you so wound up about? You don't even know.

Its RW rhetoric trying to hammer home the fear factor before the election - these RW idiots know exactly wtf they're doing
Yep, just like Obama scaring people by telling them today that republicans are coming after their healthcare.

he doesnt need to tell anyone - everyone already knows that
Of course. Republicans have had a majority in the House and Senate since 2010, and a republican President for 2 years. Tell us when they're going to take away our Social Security, Medicare, and feed granny cat food. Idiot.
I see we have several traitors who are siding with the illegals, shocker.
disagreeing with you is NOT siding with them.

Okay, illegals are RAPING and KILLING Americans, more than were killed on 9/11. So who side are you on?
the side that says punish those who do it.

saying THEY ALL DO is a cop out. it's using an extreme situation and trying to "normalize it" OF WHICH is part of our overall problems these days. we've lost sight of how to judge things and everything has become extreme.

If illegals were kept out of our country not a single American citizen would be raped or killed by an illegal.
i've already said we need to stop them from coming in ILLEGALLY.

you're twisting this into a segmented argument of an extreme nature so you can be right about said extremes while others are looking at an entire picture. at this point you're punishing thousands for the POTENTIAL actions of a few.
I see we have several traitors who are siding with the illegals, shocker.
disagreeing with you is NOT siding with them.

Okay, illegals are RAPING and KILLING Americans, more than were killed on 9/11. So who side are you on?
the side that says punish those who do it.

saying THEY ALL DO is a cop out. it's using an extreme situation and trying to "normalize it" OF WHICH is part of our overall problems these days. we've lost sight of how to judge things and everything has become extreme.

If illegals were kept out of our country not a single American citizen would be raped or killed by an illegal.
i've already said we need to stop them from coming in ILLEGALLY.

you're twisting this into a segmented argument of an extreme nature so you can be right about said extremes while others are looking at an entire picture. at this point you're punishing thousands for the POTENTIAL actions of a few.
Life isn't fair.
you have no idea what the border crossing at McAllen looks like do you?

15,000 streaming across the border -

they better grow some wings .
That's just one tiny spot along a 1000+ mile border.

theyre headed for McAllen idiotboi

or now they're splitting up and walking 1000's of miles (more) looking for somewhere else ..
theyre headed for McAllen idiotboi

or now they're splitting up and walking 1000's of miles (more) looking for somewhere else ..
You DON'T KNOW where they will wind up at the border (if they reach it at all). Lots of things could happen. Lots of scenarios.

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