just shoot em ..

But, the trouble is, the military isn't going to be anywhere near them. They can only be used in a support role, not as law enforcement.

So, what good is a military that can't play a role in enforcing our sovereignty? It's as easy as having a civilian (in other words, gentle) response and an armed response. In my mind, the Posse Comitatus Act needs to be modified to allow for military intervention in law enforcement activities which strictly pertain to the issue of illegal immigration only, with a prerequisite that they have permission of the state governments involved. I don't like it when we have our hands tied.

But, I guess some would prefer it that way.
You know, one of the problems the National Guard had when they went down wasn't so much the immigrants crossing the border, but rather they had a problem with AMERICANS stealing their gear!

One thing that scares me about all this inflammatory rhetoric about the caravan is that some people may decide to go to the border themselves and start shooting people crossing the border.

The National Guard has never left the area. They are still there
Hey, for over 20 years, I was one of those men and women in uniform. And, I have absolutely no problem with them defending themselves if they are attacked, but their response should be in line with the action against them.

Well if they try to hit you in the head with a rock or a stick... that is an attempt on life and limb and needs to be dealt with proportionally.
You know, one of the problems the National Guard had when they went down wasn't so much the immigrants crossing the border, but rather they had a problem with AMERICANS stealing their gear!

One thing that scares me about all this inflammatory rhetoric about the caravan is that some people may decide to go to the border themselves and start shooting people crossing the border.

The only inflammatory rhetoric is coming from the left and the hard left MSM. Again, go to the OP and check out Brian Williams claiming Trump is telling the military to 'empty a clip' if beset by rock throwing invaders. Trump never said that.
The mightiest military on the face of the planet, and these people are trying to spin with ROCKS. This just gets more and more insane. This is what happens when you obediently relinquish your critical thinking faculties to an ideology. This should be a cautionary tale.
Since we're the mightiest military in the world are you suggesting we use that might?
Tell us your solution. I think you'll find it's on par with most conservatives solutions.
1. Drop the politically-based Alex Jones-like conspiracy theories and the drama queen shit about an "invasion", which is the type of goofy hyperbole that makes us look, well, goofy. And inhumane. And stupid.
2. Offer incentives for both the people and countries south of the border to stop and/or turn around.
3. Set up centers at the border for anyone who actually makes it up here for processing, medical assistance and food.
4. Set up transportation back home.
5. Start actually enforcing employment laws here so that illegals are not so attracted to come here.
6. Loudly and clearly condemn these shit hole countries for creating hell holes from which decent people want to escape.
7. Stop pissing off every foreign neighbor and start working with them to minimize future caravans.

That would be a start. We could also start communicating and cooperating across the aisle to come up with new ideas. For a change. We used to do that before we lost our shit and went tribal.

This is embarrassing.
I see we have several traitors who are siding with the illegals, shocker.
Kiss my ass, you twisted bigot. If people are siding against unarmed people being shot, then yes. That does not mean we support illegals. It means we oppose murder.

goody --- according to you------a good way to get RID OF YOU----is
using an unarmed person-------keeping in mind that for idiots like
you a rock, a hatchet, a dagger, a Molotov cocktail does not qualify
as an armament. I got news for you------Miss Scarlet killed
Mrs White in the library with a candle stick
Great argument, except none of that has happened or will happen.
Oh liberal America haters. Quit twisting yourself into knots trying to cohjour up a way that America cannot protect itself from a criminal invasion
The mightiest military on the face of the planet, and these people are trying to spin with ROCKS. This just gets more and more insane. This is what happens when you obediently relinquish your critical thinking faculties to an ideology. This should be a cautionary tale.
Since we're the mightiest military in the world are you suggesting we use that might?
Tell us your solution. I think you'll find it's on par with most conservatives solutions.
1. Drop the politically-based Alex Jones-like conspiracy theories and the drama queen shit about an "invasion", which is the type of goofy hyperbole that makes us look, well, goofy. And inhumane. And stupid.
2. Offer incentives for both the people and countries south of the border to stop and/or turn around.
3. Set up centers at the border for anyone who actually makes it up here for processing, medical assistance and food.
4. Set up transportation back home.
5. Start actually enforcing employment laws here so that illegals are not so attracted to come here.
6. Loudly and clearly condemn these shit hole countries for creating hell holes from which decent people want to escape.
7. Stop pissing off every foreign neighbor and start working with them to minimize future caravans.

That would be a start. We could also start communicating and cooperating across the aisle to come up with new ideas. For a change. We used to do that before we lost our shit and went tribal.

This is embarrassing.
Except for #6, which negates #7, all excellent ideas.
Man, I can't even remember the last time I walked 1000 miles looking for a better opportunity.
This wouldn't fall under posse comitatus would it? Since migration from a foreign country is an international issue, not domestic? I'm not sure, but I would assume posse comitatus would only apply to domestic policies on u.s. soil.

Is that incorrect?

Yes and No. The President has broad powers and he can act alone in
any special emergency to use troops on domestic soil.

It has been done before.
No. What the National Guard Can and Cannot Do on Mexico Border

You are 100% Incorrect. Go back and read the final paragraph, especially
the last sentence.
Are you suggesting congress is going authorize military force on civilians?
What's the response when you are being hit with rocks?
that was from your bullshit
Yes and No. The President has broad powers and he can act alone in
any special emergency to use troops on domestic soil.

It has been done before.
No. What the National Guard Can and Cannot Do on Mexico Border

You are 100% Incorrect. Go back and read the final paragraph, especially
the last sentence.
Are you suggesting congress is going authorize military force on civilians?
What's the response when you are being hit with rocks?
that was from your bullshit

You got something wrong with facts?
this country employs RIOT SQUADS to handle RIOTS ...

do you know how much shit they've had thrown at them AND NEVER FIRED A SHOT IN RETURN ?

of course you dont - you''re a dumbass Trumpbot

Rocks can kill you, dumbass, so yes, if they start throwing big rocks at our soldiers they have every right to fire back.

I have no problem with these people coming into the country if they are going to start working and not jump on our welfare system, but you seem to forget that this is our country, not their's. They have the privilege to enter only through our generosity. They have no right whatsoever. I'm not sure why it's so hard for people like you to understand that.
Regarding asylum and the like-it is sought in bordering countries, you don’t waltz over to one 5 countries away.

Trump never said 'just shoot 'em'......Brian Williams (in the OPs link) inferred that meant to 'empty a clip' if rocks are thrown, which is NOT what Trump said. Trump said when they viciously throw rocks (like they did with the Mexican military) consider it a rifle. He DID NOT say 'shoot 'em' or 'empty a clip' into them.
Explain what he did mean, then, when he said "consider it a rifle." That means consider them armed and engaged in fire. What do you really think he meant?
The mightiest military on the face of the planet, and these people are trying to spin with ROCKS. This just gets more and more insane. This is what happens when you obediently relinquish your critical thinking faculties to an ideology. This should be a cautionary tale.
Since we're the mightiest military in the world are you suggesting we use that might?
Tell us your solution. I think you'll find it's on par with most conservatives solutions.
1. Drop the politically-based Alex Jones-like conspiracy theories and the drama queen shit about an "invasion", which is the type of goofy hyperbole that makes us look, well, goofy. And inhumane. And stupid.
2. Offer incentives for both the people and countries south of the border to stop and/or turn around.
3. Set up centers at the border for anyone who actually makes it up here for processing, medical assistance and food.
4. Set up transportation back home.
5. Start actually enforcing employment laws here so that illegals are not so attracted to come here.
6. Loudly and clearly condemn these shit hole countries for creating hell holes from which decent people want to escape.
7. Stop pissing off every foreign neighbor and start working with them to minimize future caravans.

That would be a start. We could also start communicating and cooperating across the aisle to come up with new ideas. For a change. We used to do that before we lost our shit and went tribal.

This is embarrassing.

You're close.
When you say fix the countries they come from are you advocating nation building?

I fully support fining the living shit out of companies that hire illegals.

But how do you stop the caravans from entering the country?

You are 100% Incorrect. Go back and read the final paragraph, especially
the last sentence.
Are you suggesting congress is going authorize military force on civilians?
What's the response when you are being hit with rocks?
that was from your bullshit

You got something wrong with facts?
You mean the caravan poses some kind of real threat?

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