just shoot em ..

The mightiest military on the face of the planet, and these people are trying to spin with ROCKS.

This just gets more and more insane.

This is what happens when you obediently relinquish your critical thinking faculties to an ideology. This should be a cautionary tale.
The troops won't have any interaction with the immigrants. They can't, it's against the Posse Comitatus Act.

And, I don't think there is much chance of someone throwing a rock at the military people, because the military is going to be in the background in a support role only.

If anyone thinks that the military is going to keep them from coming across, I'm willing to bet that they don't. The military is going to build tent cities, and they will be on the USA side of the border.
This wouldn't fall under posse comitatus would it? Since migration from a foreign country is an international issue, not domestic? I'm not sure, but I would assume posse comitatus would only apply to domestic policies on u.s. soil.

Is that incorrect?

Yes and No. The President has broad powers and he can act alone in
any special emergency to use troops on domestic soil.

It has been done before.
No. What the National Guard Can and Cannot Do on Mexico Border
President Trump on possibility of US military shooting migrants at the border: “I didn’t say shoot. But they do that with us [throw rocks] — they’re going to be arrested for a long time.”
The troops won't have any interaction with the immigrants. They can't, it's against the Posse Comitatus Act.

And, I don't think there is much chance of someone throwing a rock at the military people, because the military is going to be in the background in a support role only.

If anyone thinks that the military is going to keep them from coming across, I'm willing to bet that they don't. The military is going to build tent cities, and they will be on the USA side of the border.
This wouldn't fall under posse comitatus would it? Since migration from a foreign country is an international issue, not domestic? I'm not sure, but I would assume posse comitatus would only apply to domestic policies on u.s. soil.

Is that incorrect?

Posse Comitatus Act says that the US military cannot be used as law enforcement within the borders of the country, with only 3 exceptions...........

1) A request by either the state legislature or the state governor when they have lost control and need the military to help put down an insurrection or riot.

2) Whenever nuclear weapons or material go missing, the military is charged with recovery.

3) Whenever chemical or biological weapons go missing, the military is charged with recovery.

Any other use of the military, except in a support role, is not allowed.

That's the short version of it.
The mightiest military on the face of the planet, and these people are trying to spin with ROCKS.

This just gets more and more insane.

This is what happens when you obediently relinquish your critical thinking faculties to an ideology. This should be a cautionary tale.

Since we're the mightiest military in the world are you suggesting we use that might?

Tell us your solution. I think you'll find it's on par with most conservatives solutions.
Trump is just issuing a stern warning to the invaders. Of course the left is having a conniption
a pretty overly-stern warning. but the only thing that would be more stupid is for them to test him and see what happens. i hope to god we don't go there but if you're told "do 123 we'll do xyz" don't get pissed if they do, if you do.
The troops won't be arresting anyone. It's just more .... BOOOLSHIT AIMED AT YOU
The troops aren't allowed to arrest anyone are they? That's the border agents job. The troops will be cleaning the latrines and making chop suey.

No, the military will not be arresting anyone. It's against the Posse Commitatus Act to use the military as law enforcement inside of US borders.

And, our military doesn't have any jurisdiction in the country of Mexico, so they can't arrest them before they cross the border either.
Forgive me, but help me understand. If what you are saying is correct, then that would mean if we were invaded by an enemy force, our military could not act, due to posse comitatus?
Trump is just issuing a stern warning to the invaders. Of course the left is having a conniption
a pretty overly-stern warning. but the only thing that would be more stupid is for them to test him and see what happens. i hope to god we don't go there but if you're told "do 123 we'll do xyz" don't get pissed if they do, if you do.
The troops won't be arresting anyone. It's just more .... BOOOLSHIT AIMED AT YOU
The troops aren't allowed to arrest anyone are they? That's the border agents job. The troops will be cleaning the latrines and making chop suey.

No, the military will not be arresting anyone. It's against the Posse Commitatus Act to use the military as law enforcement inside of US borders.

And, our military doesn't have any jurisdiction in the country of Mexico, so they can't arrest them before they cross the border either.
Forgive me, but help me understand. If what you are saying is correct, then that would mean if we were invaded by an enemy force, our military could not act, due to posse comitatus?
What enemy force do you foresee?
There's a reason the Redcoats won the trial concerning the Boston Massacre...rocks kill too.

you got a link to that TRIAL?
It's well known that John Adams, our Second President of the United States, was retained by the Redcoats as their attorney, and convinced the jury to acquit the Redcoats.

John Adams got a lot of shit for that from Patriots, even after the Revolution, and it was used derisively against during his Presidential candidacy.

Trump is just issuing a stern warning to the invaders. Of course the left is having a conniption
a pretty overly-stern warning. but the only thing that would be more stupid is for them to test him and see what happens. i hope to god we don't go there but if you're told "do 123 we'll do xyz" don't get pissed if they do, if you do.
The troops won't be arresting anyone. It's just more .... BOOOLSHIT AIMED AT YOU
The troops aren't allowed to arrest anyone are they? That's the border agents job. The troops will be cleaning the latrines and making chop suey.

No, the military will not be arresting anyone. It's against the Posse Commitatus Act to use the military as law enforcement inside of US borders.

And, our military doesn't have any jurisdiction in the country of Mexico, so they can't arrest them before they cross the border either.
Forgive me, but help me understand. If what you are saying is correct, then that would mean if we were invaded by an enemy force, our military could not act, due to posse comitatus?

Actually, if we were invaded by an armed military force from another country, then yes, the military would be charged with defense. But, not in peacetime.

And..............hate to tell you, but no matter how much you wish it was so, a caravan of immigrants, many of (if not all) who are unarmed, does NOT qualify as an invading force.

He's never served in the military.
Neither of his sons have served.
Neither did his own father.
He has not fucking idea of how to handle the military.
But he's creating a national crisis because it's the only thing that gets him hard anymore.

The troops won't have any interaction with the immigrants. They can't, it's against the Posse Comitatus Act.

And, I don't think there is much chance of someone throwing a rock at the military people, because the military is going to be in the background in a support role only.

If anyone thinks that the military is going to keep them from coming across, I'm willing to bet that they don't. The military is going to build tent cities, and they will be on the USA side of the border.
This wouldn't fall under posse comitatus would it? Since migration from a foreign country is an international issue, not domestic? I'm not sure, but I would assume posse comitatus would only apply to domestic policies on u.s. soil.

Is that incorrect?

Yes and No. The President has broad powers and he can act alone in
any special emergency to use troops on domestic soil.

It has been done before.
No. What the National Guard Can and Cannot Do on Mexico Border

You are 100% Incorrect. Go back and read the final paragraph, especially
the last sentence.
The troops won't have any interaction with the immigrants. They can't, it's against the Posse Comitatus Act.

And, I don't think there is much chance of someone throwing a rock at the military people, because the military is going to be in the background in a support role only.

If anyone thinks that the military is going to keep them from coming across, I'm willing to bet that they don't. The military is going to build tent cities, and they will be on the USA side of the border.

As soon as it was declared a foreign invasion posse comitatus became a dead letter.
No, he's not. Trump said that.

He did indeed.
The Trumpanzees have their heads so far up Trump's ass they can't hear what he's saying.

Here, I've highlighted the text for those like DuhTex who have comprehension problems.

"""""President Donald Trump said members of the U.S. military sent to the southern border to keep out thousands in a migrant caravan would "fight back" if immigrants throw stones and suggested soldiers might open fire on the group because there's "not much difference" between a rock or gun. """"

Migrant caravan: Trump suggests immigrants could be shot if they throw rocks at military
Oh so you would rather see out troops killed or hurt by rocks??

Good to know just how little you think about the safety of our men and women in uniform.

You just said to open fire into a crowd of Women and children because one person threw a rock...

If this happens it would be one of the most tragic days for the armed forces...

Bloody Sunday (1972) - Wikipedia - Britian is still apologising for this...

The Boston Massacre stirred up quite a bit of trouble, too.
The troops won't have any interaction with the immigrants. They can't, it's against the Posse Comitatus Act.

And, I don't think there is much chance of someone throwing a rock at the military people, because the military is going to be in the background in a support role only.

If anyone thinks that the military is going to keep them from coming across, I'm willing to bet that they don't. The military is going to build tent cities, and they will be on the USA side of the border.

As soon as it was declared a foreign invasion posse comitatus became a dead letter.

Really? It has been declared a foreign invasion? When did Congress pass a resolution saying as much?

The only people who are scaring everyone by calling it an invasion is Trump and his cult members. If it was an armed military force, you'd have a point, but it's not, so you don't.

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