Just What Does Hillary Clinton think She has to offer America?


What the hell - He's lied about everything else.
Human rights
Superiority as a world power

What the fuck do you conservatives have to offer besides forcing your god down everyones throat. fascist pieces of shit.
Hillary doesn't think she has anything to offer. She is so narcissistic she just thinks no one else is on her level and the world needs her magnificence. The only ones left defending her are the true LWNJs.
For some reason MSM must feel she is still relevant. I found it ironic when I heard her briefly on the middle eastern dudes show this morning on CNN. Out of all things, she was talking about women's rights and how she and Obama had much in common growing up.

So what gives? Why is she on the 'other' networks? Is she relevant? Do we actually benefit in any way based on her words?


Much more so than anything you've posted, that for certain.

I take that to mean you don't understand why either. Why does what she say matter?


She's accomplished, experienced, very well educated and last but not least has empathy. You exude hate and are deliberately (?) ignorant and old-fashioned.
For some reason MSM must feel she is still relevant. I found it ironic when I heard her briefly on the middle eastern dudes show this morning on CNN. Out of all things, she was talking about women's rights and how she and Obama had much in common growing up.

So what gives? Why is she on the 'other' networks? Is she relevant? Do we actually benefit in any way based on her words?


Well, she has a lot to offer Wall Street, she has those 'public' policies' and then those 'special private policies' for her friends and Goldman Sachs, according to her own words, and she has a lot to offer Red China, and certainly every Islamic terrorist regime who 'donated' to her slush fund AKA 'Foundation', she would have continued Obama's 'great legacy' there, and of course she would line every race baiting fraudster in 'the imaginary 'Black Community' and 'La Raza' scam big bucks for their votes as well.

What's not to like, by the 'standards' of her sicko sociopathic deviant base?
For some reason MSM must feel she is still relevant. I found it ironic when I heard her briefly on the middle eastern dudes show this morning on CNN. Out of all things, she was talking about women's rights and how she and Obama had much in common growing up.

So what gives? Why is she on the 'other' networks? Is she relevant? Do we actually benefit in any way based on her words?

Dude, I agree with you, I am so sick of hearing from Hillary...what the fuck is up with old white people thinking this country hasn't had enough of them...its time to move on, Trump, HIllary and all of congress and the senate...its time for newer younger blood to run this country.
For some reason MSM must feel she is still relevant. I found it ironic when I heard her briefly on the middle eastern dudes show this morning on CNN. Out of all things, she was talking about women's rights and how she and Obama had much in common growing up.

So what gives? Why is she on the 'other' networks? Is she relevant? Do we actually benefit in any way based on her words?


Well, she has a lot to offer Wall Street, she has those 'public' policies' and then those 'special private policies' for her friends and Goldman Sachs, according to her own words, and she has a lot to offer Red China, and certainly every Islamic terrorist regime who 'donated' to her slush fund AKA 'Foundation', she would have continued Obama's 'great legacy' there, and of course she would line every race baiting fraudster in 'the imaginary 'Black Community' and 'La Raza' scam big bucks for their votes as well.

What's not to like, by the 'standards' of her sicko sociopathic deviant base?

The Meme's of yesterday never seems to die. The hate for the Clinton's, devised and developed by the right wing (vast right wing conspiracy) lives on in the rhetoric promulgated ad nausea by the echo chamber, as seen in the post above.

And what did all this hate produced? The most incompetent President of the United States and the most Plutocratic Administration in our nation's long history.

How's that swamp draining going? How successfully is the domestic and foreign policy doing? Health Care, Tax Reform, Mexico's payment for the wall?

Sen. Sect. Clinton is a target and will continue to be as long as the current Congress and the Current President and his administration continue to prove THEY CANNOT GOVERN, WILL NOT REPRESENT ALL OF THE PEOPLE AND CONTINUE TO RULE BY FIAT.
I don't think there is really any way to accurately measure or comprehend the egos or motivations of national politicians.
For some reason MSM must feel she is still relevant. I found it ironic when I heard her briefly on the middle eastern dudes show this morning on CNN. Out of all things, she was talking about women's rights and how she and Obama had much in common growing up.

So what gives? Why is she on the 'other' networks? Is she relevant? Do we actually benefit in any way based on her words?

Dude, I agree with you, I am so sick of hearing from Hillary...what the fuck is up with old white people thinking this country hasn't had enough of them...its time to move on, Trump, HIllary and all of congress and the senate...its time for newer younger blood to run this country.

I'm an old white guy and must disagree. There is much to consider when someone like me lived through the JFK Assassination, MLK's Assassination, RFK's Assassination, the moon landing, the Vietnam Fiasco and the Nixon Administration; Ford and Stagflation, OPEC and the oil boycott, The Iranian Revolution and the Hostage Crisis, the murders of Israeli Athletes at the Olympics and on and on...!

With those events and many more our nation has survived, but no event in my life history is more disturbing and worrisome than Trump, and the far right's influence on our lives today.
I don't think there is really any way to accurately measure or comprehend the egos or motivations of national politicians.

Sure there is! Watch their feet, not their lips (or tweets). It's not what they say, it's what they do.
For some reason MSM must feel she is still relevant. I found it ironic when I heard her briefly on the middle eastern dudes show this morning on CNN. Out of all things, she was talking about women's rights and how she and Obama had much in common growing up.

So what gives? Why is she on the 'other' networks? Is she relevant? Do we actually benefit in any way based on her words?


I hear more about Hillary from people on here, on the right, than I do from the media.
For some reason MSM must feel she is still relevant. I found it ironic when I heard her briefly on the middle eastern dudes show this morning on CNN. Out of all things, she was talking about women's rights and how she and Obama had much in common growing up.

So what gives? Why is she on the 'other' networks? Is she relevant? Do we actually benefit in any way based on her words?


I hear more about Hillary from people on here, on the right, than I do from the media.

The people on the right, aka trumpanzees, will forever continue to demean HRC because she won the popular vote and Trump is the most incompetent and unfit person to every occupy the oval office.
For some reason MSM must feel she is still relevant. I found it ironic when I heard her briefly on the middle eastern dudes show this morning on CNN. Out of all things, she was talking about women's rights and how she and Obama had much in common growing up.

So what gives? Why is she on the 'other' networks? Is she relevant? Do we actually benefit in any way based on her words?

Dude, I agree with you, I am so sick of hearing from Hillary...what the fuck is up with old white people thinking this country hasn't had enough of them...its time to move on, Trump, HIllary and all of congress and the senate...its time for newer younger blood to run this country.

I'm an old white guy and must disagree. There is much to consider when someone like me lived through the JFK Assassination, MLK's Assassination, RFK's Assassination, the moon landing, the Vietnam Fiasco and the Nixon Administration; Ford and Stagflation, OPEC and the oil boycott, The Iranian Revolution and the Hostage Crisis, the murders of Israeli Athletes at the Olympics and on and on...!

With those events and many more our nation has survived, but no event in my life history is more disturbing and worrisome than Trump, and the far right's influence on our lives today.
Dude, I'm old too, almost 62.....and unlike you, I want us you and me to step aside and allow a new generation to direct this country....I'm soooooo sick of lets cut taxes and wait for the trickle effect and I'm sick of the what about me syndrome old people can't let go of.
For some reason MSM must feel she is still relevant. I found it ironic when I heard her briefly on the middle eastern dudes show this morning on CNN. Out of all things, she was talking about women's rights and how she and Obama had much in common growing up.

So what gives? Why is she on the 'other' networks? Is she relevant? Do we actually benefit in any way based on her words?

Dude, I agree with you, I am so sick of hearing from Hillary...what the fuck is up with old white people thinking this country hasn't had enough of them...its time to move on, Trump, HIllary and all of congress and the senate...its time for newer younger blood to run this country.

I'm an old white guy and must disagree. There is much to consider when someone like me lived through the JFK Assassination, MLK's Assassination, RFK's Assassination, the moon landing, the Vietnam Fiasco and the Nixon Administration; Ford and Stagflation, OPEC and the oil boycott, The Iranian Revolution and the Hostage Crisis, the murders of Israeli Athletes at the Olympics and on and on...!

With those events and many more our nation has survived, but no event in my life history is more disturbing and worrisome than Trump, and the far right's influence on our lives today.
Dude, I'm old too, almost 62.....and unlike you, I want us you and me to step aside and allow a new generation to direct this country....I'm soooooo sick of lets cut taxes and wait for the trickle effect and I'm sick of the what about me syndrome old people can't let go of.

We need to keep working to better our country. Standing against the New Right; their bigotry, racism, misogyny, war on women, minorities, the infirm, the working poor, and live up to these words:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
So, to sum up, we need to hear from Hillary because Trump, and stuff?

Not because she has anything inspiring to say?
For some reason MSM must feel she is still relevant. I found it ironic when I heard her briefly on the middle eastern dudes show this morning on CNN. Out of all things, she was talking about women's rights and how she and Obama had much in common growing up.

So what gives? Why is she on the 'other' networks? Is she relevant? Do we actually benefit in any way based on her words?

It doesn't matter what she has to offer because she deserves to be president. It was her turn
For some reason MSM must feel she is still relevant. I found it ironic when I heard her briefly on the middle eastern dudes show this morning on CNN. Out of all things, she was talking about women's rights and how she and Obama had much in common growing up.

So what gives? Why is she on the 'other' networks? Is she relevant? Do we actually benefit in any way based on her words?

Dude, I agree with you, I am so sick of hearing from Hillary...what the fuck is up with old white people thinking this country hasn't had enough of them...its time to move on, Trump, HIllary and all of congress and the senate...its time for newer younger blood to run this country.

I'm an old white guy and must disagree. There is much to consider when someone like me lived through the JFK Assassination, MLK's Assassination, RFK's Assassination, the moon landing, the Vietnam Fiasco and the Nixon Administration; Ford and Stagflation, OPEC and the oil boycott, The Iranian Revolution and the Hostage Crisis, the murders of Israeli Athletes at the Olympics and on and on...!

With those events and many more our nation has survived, but no event in my life history is more disturbing and worrisome than Trump, and the far right's influence on our lives today.
Dude, I'm old too, almost 62.....and unlike you, I want us you and me to step aside and allow a new generation to direct this country....I'm soooooo sick of lets cut taxes and wait for the trickle effect and I'm sick of the what about me syndrome old people can't let go of.

We need to keep working to better our country. Standing against the New Right; their bigotry, racism, misogyny, war on women, minorities, the infirm, the working poor, and live up to these words:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Thank you for confirming what we already knew. Her Thighness Clinton couldn't even beat someone as bad as you described Mr Trump to be in your mind. What does that say about her? I doubt she could have been elected dog catcher.

Maybe if she had found Wisconsin and Michigan on a map, things would have been different but I doubt that. It would have made things worse I suppose when the voters of that state actually heard what she had to offer,.... which was not much

She should just focus on wiping Slick Willies rear and cleaning up the drool he drops when looking at other women


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