Just When You Thought They Couldn't Get Any Funnier

The NRA is digging it's own grave.
The only thing they do wrong is not battle the totalitarians hard enough.
The NRA are pussies compared to what they should be.
I am not generally supportive of gun bans yet I'll be damned if I am on the same side as those ultra-corrupt, ultra-partisan assholes. Their absolute refusal to deal with their side of the gun argument realistically will eventually cost the gun rights movement dearly.
Lol you think the gun grabbers deal with it realistically?
And you call them ultra partisan? Lol
The NRA tries to protect a constitutional right. There are many groups that do it.
Their primary purpose is to serve the arms manufacturers and get you to buy more of their products. They mischaracterize everything knowing that you are so easy to scare into panic buying. Look over there! It's a democrat talking about gun violence, better go buy some more guns and ammo while you can!!!!! Sound familiar?
Your dear Obama was the best gun seller in U.S. history. You gonna call him a terrorist?
Generally the terrorists are the ones who want you to be terrified. The NRA definitely wants you to be scared. It does not matter to them if you are scared of anything real as long as it sells guns and ammo. You just knew that "Kenyan commie" was just going to take your shit. You knew it for a fact because the NRA told you so.
The only thing they do wrong is not battle the totalitarians hard enough.
The NRA are pussies compared to what they should be.
I am not generally supportive of gun bans yet I'll be damned if I am on the same side as those ultra-corrupt, ultra-partisan assholes. Their absolute refusal to deal with their side of the gun argument realistically will eventually cost the gun rights movement dearly.
Lol you think the gun grabbers deal with it realistically?
And you call them ultra partisan? Lol
The NRA tries to protect a constitutional right. There are many groups that do it.
Their primary purpose is to serve the arms manufacturers and get you to buy more of their products. They mischaracterize everything knowing that you are so easy to scare into panic buying. Look over there! It's a democrat talking about gun violence, better go buy some more guns and ammo while you can!!!!! Sound familiar?
Your dear Obama was the best gun seller in U.S. history. You gonna call him a terrorist?
Generally the terrorists are the ones who want you to be terrified. The NRA definitely wants you to be scared. It does not matter to them if you are scared of anything real as long as it sells guns and ammo. You just knew that "Kenyan commie" was just going to take your shit. You knew it for a fact because the NRA told you so.
No fast and furious proved Obama was willing to break the law to scare you dumbasses. To get strict gun control passed.
Just build the wall around CA and deed it back to Me-he-co. The democrat Party needs their own One Party Rule country
No. You don't give away your seacoast. I am sure their are some would like it if the rest of the country gave it up. Just start cleaning it up along with the rest of the states.
That's like calling for sensible gun laws. What does that even mean? Clean it up how? The scourge of democrats is what is causing it.
Applying the existing laws would be a really good start. The Republicans and Democrats both played a piece and a portion of getting California to the shape it is in currently. People act like it wasn't intentional allowing it to be invaded. It was either intentional or intentionally ignored. A good example is that there are a lot of people in California currently who have been fighting for the right to decide what is best for their children.

A simple solution for lefturd Colleges encouraging communist and violent activity like antifa is break their dependency on the federal tit if they persist in pushing communist agendas.

Calling for or allowing an invasion of foreigners is a seditious act and there are many on record who have already done this and assisted in it. We have law enforcers and prosecutors why have they ignored what has been going down? Freedom of speech is good but if you say something in public to undermine the very laws by calling for criminal acts against the nation there are laws on the books to deal with that. If the KKK peeps call for it and laws are broken because of their vocal encouragement to break specific laws they can be prosecuted also.

And the FCC. They do not have to renew broadcasting licenses. I want to know why they allowed foreign interest to get such a toehold on the ownership of the MSM outlets?

Why is the CDC its own entity calling for children of this country to be vaccinated into oblivion?

Here is the deal. The current laws in this nation which govern our rights as citizens and the limited power of government are simply being ignored. If those in power who make up the supposed government of the people by the people and for the people impotent there is a cure for that. However, if the government is in bed with mega-corporations who insist on governing against the will of the people, thereby it becomes incumbent on the people to not only reject but to overthrow such tyrannical government. If that entails the downfall of mega-coporations and their conglomerates then so be it. There is no other recourse left for the people to pursue.
I am not generally supportive of gun bans yet I'll be damned if I am on the same side as those ultra-corrupt, ultra-partisan assholes. Their absolute refusal to deal with their side of the gun argument realistically will eventually cost the gun rights movement dearly.
Lol you think the gun grabbers deal with it realistically?
And you call them ultra partisan? Lol
The NRA tries to protect a constitutional right. There are many groups that do it.
Their primary purpose is to serve the arms manufacturers and get you to buy more of their products. They mischaracterize everything knowing that you are so easy to scare into panic buying. Look over there! It's a democrat talking about gun violence, better go buy some more guns and ammo while you can!!!!! Sound familiar?
Your dear Obama was the best gun seller in U.S. history. You gonna call him a terrorist?
Generally the terrorists are the ones who want you to be terrified. The NRA definitely wants you to be scared. It does not matter to them if you are scared of anything real as long as it sells guns and ammo. You just knew that "Kenyan commie" was just going to take your shit. You knew it for a fact because the NRA told you so.
No fast and furious proved Obama was willing to break the law to scare you dumbasses. To get strict gun control passed.
Obama somehow left office without taking your shit, you probably think it's entirely because the NRA fought tirelessly to thwart his evil schemes. No wonder they spend your donations like it's a personal slush fund, they know you will never doubt them.
Lol you think the gun grabbers deal with it realistically?
And you call them ultra partisan? Lol
The NRA tries to protect a constitutional right. There are many groups that do it.
Their primary purpose is to serve the arms manufacturers and get you to buy more of their products. They mischaracterize everything knowing that you are so easy to scare into panic buying. Look over there! It's a democrat talking about gun violence, better go buy some more guns and ammo while you can!!!!! Sound familiar?
Your dear Obama was the best gun seller in U.S. history. You gonna call him a terrorist?
Generally the terrorists are the ones who want you to be terrified. The NRA definitely wants you to be scared. It does not matter to them if you are scared of anything real as long as it sells guns and ammo. You just knew that "Kenyan commie" was just going to take your shit. You knew it for a fact because the NRA told you so.
No fast and furious proved Obama was willing to break the law to scare you dumbasses. To get strict gun control passed.
Obama somehow left office without taking your shit

Who cares? We took his legacy.
Has the NRA ever claimed not to be a terrorist organization?
The only thing they do wrong is not battle the totalitarians hard enough.
The NRA are pussies compared to what they should be.
I am not generally supportive of gun bans yet I'll be damned if I am on the same side as those ultra-corrupt, ultra-partisan assholes. Their absolute refusal to deal with their side of the gun argument realistically will eventually cost the gun rights movement dearly.
Lol you think the gun grabbers deal with it realistically?
And you call them ultra partisan? Lol
The NRA tries to protect a constitutional right. There are many groups that do it.
Their primary purpose is to serve the arms manufacturers and get you to buy more of their products. They mischaracterize everything knowing that you are so easy to scare into panic buying. Look over there! It's a democrat talking about gun violence, better go buy some more guns and ammo while you can!!!!! Sound familiar?
Your dear Obama was the best gun seller in U.S. history. You gonna call him a terrorist?
Generally the terrorists are the ones who want you to be terrified. The NRA definitely wants you to be scared. It does not matter to them if you are scared of anything real as long as it sells guns and ammo. You just knew that "Kenyan commie" was just going to take your shit. You knew it for a fact because the NRA told you so.
No, I'm not scared. All my friends, well almost all do. I'm not scared. Imagine that?

Oh, is that all...I thought this was going to be a thread about Trump altering a hurricane map with a sharpie thinking nobody would notice because he cannot ever admit to making a mistake.

Now, that was funny!

Yet another LefTarded post by the guy who swears he’s not LefTarded...so fucking weird.

Oh, is that all...I thought this was going to be a thread about Trump altering a hurricane map with a sharpie thinking nobody would notice because he cannot ever admit to making a mistake.

Now, that was funny!

Yet another LefTarded post by the guy who swears he’s not LefTarded...so fucking weird.

There is nothing “lefty” about laughing at a pathetic old man that cannot admit when he makes a mistake and then makes it worse by showing a fake map!!

Every real American laughed at it

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