CDZ Just who can't pay their rent?

So.............why do you keep electing those who will continue to do that then............WHY? Do you enjoy regs.....and low you enjoy the higher power you enjoy the high property taxes........

Why do you need a minimum wage at already know that answer............and in law suites with low permit costs would help increase supplies............not to mention high rises for massive increases in supply............can't happen when the politicians force everythings price through the roof........and have to be bribed to get a building permit.
I don't vote for any leftist/Democrat scum, nor do I ever vote for anything that is going to cost money especially if it's 'for the children' or to throw more $$ at public education. That being said, most of these rules and regulations are facilitated by un-elected long-term fanny-sitting bureaucrats who apply policies mostly crafted by the environmental 'movement' that has stuck itself, like parasite, to our government development agencies. So called "enviornmental impact" studies can cost millions and are often the reason for high costs that have 0 to do with the actual economic market.
So.............why do you keep electing those who will continue to do that then............WHY? Do you enjoy regs.....and low you enjoy the higher power you enjoy the high property taxes........

Why do you need a minimum wage at already know that answer............and in law suites with low permit costs would help increase supplies............not to mention high rises for massive increases in supply............can't happen when the politicians force everythings price through the roof........and have to be bribed to get a building permit.
I don't vote for any leftist/Democrat scum. That being said, most of these rules and regulations facilitate by un-elected long-term bureaucrats who apply policies mostly crafted by the environmental 'movement' that has stuck itself, like parasite, to our government development agencies. So called "enviornmental impact" studies can cost millions and are often the reason for high costs that have 0 to do with the actual economic market.
The 4th tier of gov't ..........yes........who piss on the intent of the constitution daily...........and yes the politicians out there abuse the EPA laws and cause MISERY............

The DNC is the party of MISERY.........Misery IF THEY WIN.........Misery if they lose...........they are MISERABLE PEOPLE.

i SAY FUCK IT.......lets invade Mexico.........kill all the drug cartels..........take their money..........and Call it our Utopia........LOL

We are going to take the beer manufacturers there first.
The 4th tier of gov't ..........yes........who piss on the intent of the constitution daily...........and yes the politicians out there abuse the EPA laws and cause MISERY............

The DNC is the party of MISERY.........Misery IF THEY WIN.........Misery if they lose...........they are MISERABLE PEOPLE.

i SAY FUCK IT.......lets invade Mexico.........kill all the drug cartels..........take their money..........and Call it our Utopia........LOL

We are going to take the beer manufacturers there first.
Yeah the 4th tier supported by the Marxist 5th column who has also infiltrated the Democrat party and the MSM. Democrats will inflict more and more pain on the American people until, like screaming little babies, someone gives them their power 'binky."
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The 4th tier of gov't ..........yes........who piss on the intent of the constitution daily...........and yes the politicians out there abuse the EPA laws and cause MISERY............

The DNC is the party of MISERY.........Misery IF THEY WIN.........Misery if they lose...........they are MISERABLE PEOPLE.

i SAY FUCK IT.......lets invade Mexico.........kill all the drug cartels..........take their money..........and Call it our Utopia........LOL

We are going to take the beer manufacturers there first.
Yeah the 4th tier supported by the Marxist 5th column who has also infiltrated the Democrat party and the MSM. Democrats will inflict more and more pain on the American people until, like scraming little babies, someone gives them their power 'binky."
They did that shit in New Orleans after Katrina..........after murdering and raping people trying to shelter from the storm........women shit themselves rather than go to a bathroom.......because of gangs in places like the Superdome..............

|The Feds and swat unit.s...............well lets just say........they will not be missed.............just more deaths from the storm.......oh well.
Dem shithole cities with $2000 a month rent for a room the size of a small shed........LOL
That’s called supply and demand. Rents are high in areas where income is high.
hahahhahahahahahh-that's NOT supply and demand
supply and demand

/səˌplī ən dəˈmand/
phrase of supply

the amount of a commodity, product, or service available and the desire of buyers for it, considered as factors regulating its price

if the income is high and not much demand, rent goes down
the rental place can't look like shit, either
Yeah you are totally right... supply and demand has nothing to do with housing and rental prices :cuckoo:

I can’t argue with stupid so why even try?
you fkd up!! hahahahhahaha proved YOU are the stupid one--it's right there--and now you are trying to babblecrap out of it with insults
I’m fine letting the conversation stand where it is. Not that anybody else is paying attention or cares about who is right between the two of us. But my point of saying rent prices are a product of supply/demand and high income within communities vs. you saying it isn’t... well it pretty much speaks for itself.
...what you stated is NOT supply and demand --plain and simple
...even in poor areas, the price goes UP if the demand is UP
This is like arguing with a toddler about why 2+2=4. I’m sorry that you don’t understand but I’m not compelled to waste anymore time trying to explain the obvious.
This is like arguing with a toddler about why 2+2=4. I’m sorry that you don’t understand the simpleness of supply and demand.
...income is not in there
I didn’t say income was part of supply and demand. But both are factors in housing and rent prices
this is your post:
''''''That’s called supply and demand. Rents are high in areas where income is high.'''''
.....mmmmmmmmmm...sure does look like you did
..rents are low where income is low----???? No shit!!!!!!!!
..actually, that's no all of it and not necessarily true--
..if people with high income need a place to live and there is high demand--guess what? they ''HAVE'' to live in a poor area
..there are a lot of factors--crime, for one .....schools.....
Yeah no shit. But average income in SF and NY is 6 digit that’s why rents and housing are extraordinary high. As opposed Hicktown USA population 3000 where average wage is 40k, where the rents are obviously going to be lower. So income drives pricing as does supply/demand. Which is why we see higher prices in coastal regions and near city centers.

here I am explaining the obvious right after I said I wasn’t going to waste my time. I guess your trolling got me. Congrats.
...rents are high in Cali because it's the most populated state!!!!! with mucho immigrants and illegals..the immigrant capital of the US
...NYC has the largest population density
NY high population
more people = higher prices
...if there were a great supply of rental properties in NYC and less demand [ even if they were rich!!!! ] the prices would go down
You literally just made the supply/demand case that you argued with me about. Go to sleep, you need a nap. I’m done with this stupidity
but you have provided nothing but babble crap--while I provided evidence
You’re evidence backed up my original argument
your original argument is income is supply and demand
No that wasn’t my argument.... that’s what you’re trying to make it so you can win some fake battle with a lib. Grow up
I've already won--I destroyed you with evidence .....
you put income in your post --stop trying to deny it
Good for you. Treat yourself to a cookie. If you need to make up a statement, claim I made the statement and then prove it wrong to pretend like you won an argument to boost your fragile ego, then go right ahead. Congrats on your victory
I love
Dem shithole cities with $2000 a month rent for a room the size of a small shed........LOL
That’s called supply and demand. Rents are high in areas where income is high.
It's called not in my back yard policies...............It's called excessive regulations for building more housing.............It's called excessive taxation for land...............

In the past I read studies that it cost another 100k to build a home in Cali for regulations and permitting........face it....the corrupt politicians are fleecing the people of that state wanting their dang cut on anything.............I don't care how you try to spin it..............You have a fucked up state when people have to pay that kind of money for something I call a shed..........enjoy..........stay the fuck out of our state.
I live in California and the costs and time expenditures associated with building permits is absurd. In my community they use these regulations to stifle growth which is good in the fact that we aren’t easily getting over run by outside money and conjesting the community that we love but on the other side it it’s a huge pain in the ass to get anything done and it prices out the younger generation who want to build a home and life here.
And you wonder why people live on the streets............your politicians have ensured low you end up with 2 classes of people...........elitist upper class...........a poor class with the MIDDLE CLASS gone.........because they have to spend everything to have a roof over their head and have food..............

Is that the American Dream???????????? That is done via policy..........not supply and demand because the supply has been purposely lowered by politicians.
That happens in some areas like mine but I live in a rich little rural town. It’s quite the opposite in cities when they are trying to build affordable housing all over the place... and then I hear the right complain about that. So what side do you land on?
I love
Dem shithole cities with $2000 a month rent for a room the size of a small shed........LOL
That’s called supply and demand. Rents are high in areas where income is high.
It's called not in my back yard policies...............It's called excessive regulations for building more housing.............It's called excessive taxation for land...............

In the past I read studies that it cost another 100k to build a home in Cali for regulations and permitting........face it....the corrupt politicians are fleecing the people of that state wanting their dang cut on anything.............I don't care how you try to spin it..............You have a fucked up state when people have to pay that kind of money for something I call a shed..........enjoy..........stay the fuck out of our state.
I live in California and the costs and time expenditures associated with building permits is absurd. In my community they use these regulations to stifle growth which is good in the fact that we aren’t easily getting over run by outside money and conjesting the community that we love but on the other side it it’s a huge pain in the ass to get anything done and it prices out the younger generation who want to build a home and life here.
And you wonder why people live on the streets............your politicians have ensured low you end up with 2 classes of people...........elitist upper class...........a poor class with the MIDDLE CLASS gone.........because they have to spend everything to have a roof over their head and have food..............

Is that the American Dream???????????? That is done via policy..........not supply and demand because the supply has been purposely lowered by politicians.
That happens in some areas like mine but I live in a rich little rural town. It’s quite the opposite in cities when they are trying to build affordable housing all over the place... and then I hear the right complain about that. So what side do you land on?
We have cheap rent here.............I'm for less gov't...........less regulation........less taxation....aka theft............Cali has done this to itself.............the prices are insane...............for the price of a 3 bedroom old home in many places there........I can have 10 built here.............

Gov't is the problem and they have forced the prices through the roof.........and the poor can barely get by......and then people wonder why they leave................

Fire the politicians............smaller gov't...................and restore the constitution there..........that is where I fall..........

Portland is those who escaped the high prices only to do it again..........thinking this time it will be better..........LOL

simple...............brand new............for a fraction of the cost of Cali.............
With all of the stimulus checks and bonus unemployment benefits, just who is it who can't pay their rent? Most people in that category are financially better of than they were before the economic shut down, so why are we manufacturing this myth?

The people we should feel sorry for are individuals who have lost their businesses and landlords whose tenants have figured out they can't be evicted for not paying rent. These are the people who are truly suffering from the economic shut down. The rest just collect extra money from the government and want more of it.
How would you know anyone's financial situation but your own or maybe a family member?
I love
Dem shithole cities with $2000 a month rent for a room the size of a small shed........LOL
That’s called supply and demand. Rents are high in areas where income is high.
It's called not in my back yard policies...............It's called excessive regulations for building more housing.............It's called excessive taxation for land...............

In the past I read studies that it cost another 100k to build a home in Cali for regulations and permitting........face it....the corrupt politicians are fleecing the people of that state wanting their dang cut on anything.............I don't care how you try to spin it..............You have a fucked up state when people have to pay that kind of money for something I call a shed..........enjoy..........stay the fuck out of our state.
I live in California and the costs and time expenditures associated with building permits is absurd. In my community they use these regulations to stifle growth which is good in the fact that we aren’t easily getting over run by outside money and conjesting the community that we love but on the other side it it’s a huge pain in the ass to get anything done and it prices out the younger generation who want to build a home and life here.
And you wonder why people live on the streets............your politicians have ensured low you end up with 2 classes of people...........elitist upper class...........a poor class with the MIDDLE CLASS gone.........because they have to spend everything to have a roof over their head and have food..............

Is that the American Dream???????????? That is done via policy..........not supply and demand because the supply has been purposely lowered by politicians.
That happens in some areas like mine but I live in a rich little rural town. It’s quite the opposite in cities when they are trying to build affordable housing all over the place... and then I hear the right complain about that. So what side do you land on?
We have cheap rent here.............I'm for less gov't...........less regulation........less taxation....aka theft............Cali has done this to itself.............the prices are insane...............for the price of a 3 bedroom old home in many places there........I can have 10 built here.............

Gov't is the problem and they have forced the prices through the roof.........and the poor can barely get by......and then people wonder why they leave................

Fire the politicians............smaller gov't...................and restore the constitution there..........that is where I fall..........

Portland is those who escaped the high prices only to do it again..........thinking this time it will be better..........LOL
That’s a fair perspective. I agree for the most part
What makes an area desirable?
The factors vary and it depends on the Market, that is what buyers favor. Some favor traditional neighborhoods and subdivisions with low crime and good schools. Other buyers like to own property in more rural areas. Each RE Market can be quite different. However, I would say generally, low crime, conforming improvements. (Homes built to safety standards) and, as I said, schools are pretty important especially for buyers with children.
Anyone who needs money to survive these times needs to look at their spending practices unless they're in their early 20's and just starting out.
The Wife and I have followed the rule of keeping at least six months of income on hand at all times.
Of course at our age now it doesnt matter and we could say fuck it and just go to ground.
Of course, things have been shut down damn near 6 months now!
What makes an area desirable?
The factors vary and it depends on the Market, that is what buyers favor. Some favor traditional neighborhoods and subdivisions with low crime and good schools. Other buyers like to own property in more rural areas. Each RE Market can be quite different. However, I would say generally, low crime, conforming improvements. (Homes built to safety standards) and, as I said, schools are pretty important especially for buyers with children.
You agree that cities tend to have higher rents than rural despite higher crime rates and lower rated schools right?
Dem shithole cities with $2000 a month rent for a room the size of a small shed........LOL
That’s called supply and demand. Rents are high in areas where income is high.

Not exactly. Desirable areas have higher rents. That can lead to supply and demand. Which will increase the price
What makes an area desirable?
Coastline, scenery, jobs, landmarks, resources...
You agree that cities tend to have higher rents than rural despite higher crime rates and lower rated schools right?
I would say it depends on the City. A City is an incorporated community. Some are large and some are quite small. In areas like SF, rent controls stagnate the cheap rental market. Cities like NY are where a lot of folks want to live but it is highly densely populated so land is at a premium.
Municipalities jacking up the cost of housing for everyone is no joke. People have to have a way to make it, and greedy local governments are taking that away from the people and I hate that.
You agree that cities tend to have higher rents than rural despite higher crime rates and lower rated schools right?
I would say it depends on the City. A City is an incorporated community. Some are large and some are quite small. In areas like SF, rent controls stagnate the cheap rental market so, in order to rent a place it almost has to be newer.
What's an average studio cost in San Francisco? I used to charge $375/mo.
'Sup? Mine was well-appointed as well..
Lord knows I had to come up with an air conditioner within 2 days as well.
3 burner stove with an oven, full sink in the kitchen, the bathroom..well full toilet..but the shower was a little hokey. Nothing wrong with baths. Eventually there was a full shower. In the meantime, you couldn't find a tub that deep these all.
Nowadays I think the target price is $450/ mo
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What's an average studio cost in San Francisco? I used to charge $375/mo.
'Sup? Mine was well-appointed as well..
Lord knows I had to come up with an air conditioner within 2 days as well
Not sure but, if it is subject to rent control it could be the same price today but only for the current occupant. Also, you can't sell a place you rented to someone under rent control until they move out or other different costly criteria is met.

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