CDZ Just who can't pay their rent?

Dem shithole cities with $2000 a month rent for a room the size of a small shed........LOL
That’s called supply and demand. Rents are high in areas where income is high.

Not exactly. Desirable areas have higher rents. That can lead to supply and demand. Which will increase the price
Or..slumlords set the rent too high, commie goober!
I had a spacious place in the most desirable place in town around here for $550/mo.
It was a spacious garage apt (kinda like mine but twice the size) in the middle of Hyde Park by the theater.
2 full bathrooms, 2 bedrooms, loft, nice kitchen. Admittedly 1 shower was better..
What gives with fucking people over on the price for having a roof over their heads?
They sold that place for 1/2 million dollars. It is what it is. Graduated, we partied, they sold it.
I am happy for them. They made some money. I had a great place to live for cheap for quite some time to me, too. A bachelor pad, even. BIG living room. People in NY wish they ever had that much space.
I reckon here is a little bigger..just a smidgen. Okay, after tallying, I AM paying less now.
There was more open because all my junk wasn't around. The "living room" was as big as anybody would need it to be. And then 50%
The kitchen was small and cramped. Yet it had everything one would need.
The price was right! You're talking $2k/mo rent? Fuck off! That's not even doable for many, many people. Why would you even do that when you don't own anything, unless you're a retard?
Lemme give this guy $2k/mo every month forever for never ever owning anything. Derp!
Nothing should cost that much. S'cuse me, luxury peeps, but yeah.. that's bullshit.
I'll make a decent/nice place to live for $6-750/mo rent..dammit! My hand has been forced..grr!
I will make it nice, and with the blessings I had with that big apt. for $550/mo in mind.
The kitchen may be a tad bigger and have a longer bar. Middle bathroom might be fuller, too.
That end bathroom was kickass.. that was good!
Last edited:
Anyone who needs money to survive these times needs to look at their spending practices unless they're in their early 20's and just starting out.
The Wife and I have followed the rule of keeping at least six months of income on hand at all times.
Of course at our age now it doesnt matter and we could say fuck it and just go to ground.
Of course, things have been shut down damn near 6 months now!

That it has.
And people today dont save shit for the future or for hard times.
At this point in our lives it doesnt really matter since I'm retired and the Wife is just about ready to so no need for the six month cushion anymore.
We're set for the 20 year cushion at this point.
landlords whose tenants have figured out they can't be evicted for not paying rent.
They got a letter of intent to file a lien by certified mail. Turns out one of the tenants had complained about a drip in the ceiling, and the highest priced roofer in town showed up and re-roofed the entire apartment complex, it was a weekend, double time, couldn't wait till Monday morning, prevailing wage on the union payroll, because you know it's a public works project subject to the Miller Act and the Davis–Bacon Act.

So the rent doubled overnight, and the property management company is going out of business if they can't keep up occupancy rates.
I share an extremely large home, right on the water, with my brother. The house is about 5,600 square feet and three floors. It's got six bedrooms (one of which is my office and one his) and four and a half bathrooms. We could probably go a week without seeing each other. We're both single, so this is a good arrangement, but we've always been very close and have always been each other's best friend.

Front of house:

View attachment 378212

Back of house:

View attachment 378204

The dock:

View attachment 378206

There's no more mortgage on the place (paid off from the estate which we inherited from our aunt two years ago). We have utilities, taxes and trash service. That's about it. While we claim St. Augustine as the city where we live, we're actually out in an unincorporated area along the St. John's River.

We've had friends stay with us during this pandemic; folks who lost their jobs and couldn't pay rent, folks who were renting and the owners decided to sell, etc. My brother and I are fortunate to be pretty well off and don't need additional income from friends. Besides, when they start paying, they stop being friends and start being clients.

When the pandemic started, I didn't file for unemployment. I've worked for myself for years, I have money, so thought "fuck it". Then, one day, I jump onto my online banking and see that Uncle Sam had deposited $1,200 into my bank account. Talking to my Mom (who is long retired and turned 86 yesterday) I found out they deposited $1,200 into her bank account, as well.

We kept the money, of course, but I have to believe if they're really interested in helping the people who truly need it, they need to get a bit more on the stick.

I think spent my $1,200 on Maker's Mark...
Did your friends who stayed with you and couldn’t pay rent file for unemployment?

Two did, but Florida's been notoriously slow with getting things approved. I know people who filed back in April and are still waiting.

The longest anyone stayed with us was just shy of three weeks. While we didn't charge her anything, her appreciation was evident by the amount of cooking and cleaning she did around here...
You sound like good people. Thanks for sharing your story. All the best!

It's what friends do. It's how we were raised...
Agreed. I live in California in a small town which is currently on fire and under evacuation. I’m 2 miles from the mandatory evacuation zone so we have our stuff packed and ready to go should the winds shift. But I’ve spend most the week in the hot zone helping people gather their belongings. 4 people I know have lost everything. But it is heartening to see this community pull together to help eachother and to support the firemen who are risking their lives out there.

I wish our country could have done the same with the COVID situation. But the political infighting that has resulted in this time of crisis is so disgusting. I don’t know where we go from here as a country if we can’t come together in times of crisis. That’s where the sole of America should shine. I’m worried for our country.I know there are good people out there. We just need to shine a spotlight on them and away from the wingnut trolls

I lived in San Diego's east county area during the Cedar Fire in 2003. We evacuated to my brother-in-law's place. The local fire captain defied his orders and left his station (which was manned to handle traffic accidents, etc) to save homes; over 100 total.

The city fired him.

About three weeks later there was a city council meeting and over 1,000 people showed up at city hall to demand the resignations of everyone on the city council, including the mayor.

The city hired him back.

I bought him a case of Maker's Mark...
Supply and demand ...

When supply is low, not enough housing ... and demand is high, great paying jobs ... then rents go UP ...

The solution is build more housing ... even if that housing is high end, these folks will move out of their older home and either sell or rent ... increasing supply and settling rents ...

The problem is when a community runs out of room to build, but high paying jobs are on the upswing ... like San Francisco ... all 49 square miles are all build on, there's no more lots to be had ... but any hippy-wanna-be with a million dollars in his pocket is going to want to move there, and pay whatever he has to to rent a place just off Gerry St or down by the Panhandle ... low supply, high demand, rents should be out the roof except for rent control ... and rent control causes landlords to sell out pulling units off the market ... lower supply, higher demand ... gentrification soon follows ...

Are you ready for THE TRUTH ... can you even handle THE TRUTH ... stop reading here because you can't handle THE TRUTH ...

Lawyers have to lawyer all day, and then pay a lobbyist to get the laws written in lawyers' favor ...
Doctors have to doctor all day, and then pay a lobbyist to get the laws written in doctors' favor ...
Accountants have to account all day, and then pay a lobbyist to get the laws written in accountants' favor ...

Landlords collect rent on the 1st, pay bills on the 2nd ... and has the rest of the month free to serve on the legislature ... and just simply write the laws themselves in landlords' favor ... no lobbyist needed, landlords infiltrate state legislatures ... more than landlords writing landlord/tenant laws ... they write all the laws ...

From another angle ... rental real estate is a very important part of any diversified portfolio ... high returns with only really liquidity risk ... just about any rich person is going to have a position in rentals ... including most if not all elected officials ... yeah, we all know each other from the Rental Owner's Country Club ...

Judges too ... remember that next time your landlord threatens to have you thrown out on your ass ... the judge, the sheriff, the congressman and your landlord play bridge every Thursday night ...

It's us against you ... and you're going to lose ... and there's a $100 rent increase in three months ... landlords don't have to sit down and agree to this, we all know what to do, and all of us raise rents at once ... October 1st, after all the college kids suck up any available vacancies ... whatcha gonna do? ... sue us in the landlord's court? ...

1/3 of US households are renters ... who pay 1/3 their income every month in rent ... that's one hell of a lot of money ...

This is world wide (except in socialist states) ... and historically, landlords where vested with the crown's judiciary powers ... no rent, no head ... it's put on a pike in the town square to remind others the dangers of not paying rent ... this was common as late as 1917 Russia ... socialism is better than serfdom ...

There you go ... landlords run the country, all countries ... political parties are for entertainment, a distraction, the opiate for the masses ... it doesn't matter who you vote for, they will serve their fellow landlord's first and foremost ... first thing The Donald did was pressure Congress to pass tax breaks for landlords ... the Obama administration shined in January 2013, cut landlord taxes by 20% ... Republicans and Democrats want the same thing, more profits for landlords ...

World Government™ ... we operate out in the open ... for all to see ... there's no deep state, there's no secret societies ... they're up against landlords, and they'll all fail ... we're too powerful, and we've been this powerful for thousands of years ...

Great story, just one, endure ... the World Trade Center when down in September, my insurance premium was due in October, and it had doubled ... I'm in the same pool ... next year, doubled again, 9/11 was expensive ... my agent was near tears telling me in his office, honestly distraught at the fourfold increase in just over a year ... I smiled, giggled a bit, wrote the check ... "You sure are taking this well" ... I take the increase and calculate the per unit per month cost ... double that ... and raise rents that new amount ... insurance compny gets a big wad of cash, I get a big wad of cash ... I felt like dancing in the streets ...

Couple of years later the reinsurance stabilized ... my premium came down to about 50% higher than before 9/11 ... and rents never go down ... [ka'ching] ...

And that's how the woodcutter framed the wolf ... Little Red was three months along and grandmother had to die ...
Supply and demand ...

When supply is low, not enough housing ... and demand is high, great paying jobs ... then rents go UP ...

The solution is build more housing ... even if that housing is high end, these folks will move out of their older home and either sell or rent ... increasing supply and settling rents ...

The problem is when a community runs out of room to build, but high paying jobs are on the upswing ... like San Francisco ... all 49 square miles are all build on, there's no more lots to be had ... but any hippy-wanna-be with a million dollars in his pocket is going to want to move there, and pay whatever he has to to rent a place just off Gerry St or down by the Panhandle ... low supply, high demand, rents should be out the roof except for rent control ... and rent control causes landlords to sell out pulling units off the market ... lower supply, higher demand ... gentrification soon follows ...

Are you ready for THE TRUTH ... can you even handle THE TRUTH ... stop reading here because you can't handle THE TRUTH ...

Lawyers have to lawyer all day, and then pay a lobbyist to get the laws written in lawyers' favor ...
Doctors have to doctor all day, and then pay a lobbyist to get the laws written in doctors' favor ...
Accountants have to account all day, and then pay a lobbyist to get the laws written in accountants' favor ...

Landlords collect rent on the 1st, pay bills on the 2nd ... and has the rest of the month free to serve on the legislature ... and just simply write the laws themselves in landlords' favor ... no lobbyist needed, landlords infiltrate state legislatures ... more than landlords writing landlord/tenant laws ... they write all the laws ...

From another angle ... rental real estate is a very important part of any diversified portfolio ... high returns with only really liquidity risk ... just about any rich person is going to have a position in rentals ... including most if not all elected officials ... yeah, we all know each other from the Rental Owner's Country Club ...

Judges too ... remember that next time your landlord threatens to have you thrown out on your ass ... the judge, the sheriff, the congressman and your landlord play bridge every Thursday night ...

It's us against you ... and you're going to lose ... and there's a $100 rent increase in three months ... landlords don't have to sit down and agree to this, we all know what to do, and all of us raise rents at once ... October 1st, after all the college kids suck up any available vacancies ... whatcha gonna do? ... sue us in the landlord's court? ...

1/3 of US households are renters ... who pay 1/3 their income every month in rent ... that's one hell of a lot of money ...

This is world wide (except in socialist states) ... and historically, landlords where vested with the crown's judiciary powers ... no rent, no head ... it's put on a pike in the town square to remind others the dangers of not paying rent ... this was common as late as 1917 Russia ... socialism is better than serfdom ...

There you go ... landlords run the country, all countries ... political parties are for entertainment, a distraction, the opiate for the masses ... it doesn't matter who you vote for, they will serve their fellow landlord's first and foremost ... first thing The Donald did was pressure Congress to pass tax breaks for landlords ... the Obama administration shined in January 2013, cut landlord taxes by 20% ... Republicans and Democrats want the same thing, more profits for landlords ...

World Government™ ... we operate out in the open ... for all to see ... there's no deep state, there's no secret societies ... they're up against landlords, and they'll all fail ... we're too powerful, and we've been this powerful for thousands of years ...

Great story, just one, endure ... the World Trade Center when down in September, my insurance premium was due in October, and it had doubled ... I'm in the same pool ... next year, doubled again, 9/11 was expensive ... my agent was near tears telling me in his office, honestly distraught at the fourfold increase in just over a year ... I smiled, giggled a bit, wrote the check ... "You sure are taking this well" ... I take the increase and calculate the per unit per month cost ... double that ... and raise rents that new amount ... insurance compny gets a big wad of cash, I get a big wad of cash ... I felt like dancing in the streets ...

Couple of years later the reinsurance stabilized ... my premium came down to about 50% higher than before 9/11 ... and rents never go down ... [ka'ching] ...

And that's how the woodcutter framed the wolf ... Little Red was three months along and grandmother had to die ...
You're starting to sound like cultsmasher, but I don't think you're on his level. That's sad.

People getting fucked for their housing costs is not a joke.
What's an average studio cost in San Francisco? I used to charge $375/mo.
'Sup? Mine was well-appointed as well..
Lord knows I had to come up with an air conditioner within 2 days as well
Not sure but, if it is subject to rent control it could be the same price today but only for the current occupant. Also, you can't sell a place you rented to someone under rent control until they move out or other different costly criteria is met.
Yeah, I live in FL, no.
Anyone who needs money to survive these times needs to look at their spending practices unless they're in their early 20's and just starting out.
The Wife and I have followed the rule of keeping at least six months of income on hand at all times.
Of course at our age now it doesnt matter and we could say fuck it and just go to ground.
Of course, things have been shut down damn near 6 months now!

That it has.
And people today dont save shit for the future or for hard times.
At this point in our lives it doesnt really matter since I'm retired and the Wife is just about ready to so no need for the six month cushion anymore.
We're set for the 20 year cushion at this point.

My neighbor has crawled into a bottle. The lockdown is going to cost him his business, his house, and his life savings. He owns a restaurant...his single biggest revenue generator for almost 20 years now is March Madness. (Biggest DAY is the Super Bowl, but the place was packed almost every night for three weeks for basketball.) He was then shut down and has been since. Late April, he started pouring down booze and has not stopped. I'm pretty sure he is TRYING to drink himself to death.
Anyone who needs money to survive these times needs to look at their spending practices unless they're in their early 20's and just starting out.
The Wife and I have followed the rule of keeping at least six months of income on hand at all times.
Of course at our age now it doesnt matter and we could say fuck it and just go to ground.
Of course, things have been shut down damn near 6 months now!

That it has.
And people today dont save shit for the future or for hard times.
At this point in our lives it doesnt really matter since I'm retired and the Wife is just about ready to so no need for the six month cushion anymore.
We're set for the 20 year cushion at this point.

My neighbor has crawled into a bottle. The lockdown is going to cost him his business, his house, and his life savings. He owns a restaurant...his single biggest revenue generator for almost 20 years now is March Madness. (Biggest DAY is the Super Bowl, but the place was packed almost every night for three weeks for basketball.) He was then shut down and has been since. Late April, he started pouring down booze and has not stopped. I'm pretty sure he is TRYING to drink himself to death.

And this kind of thing is going on all over the country due to the dem shutdowns.
I share an extremely large home, right on the water, with my brother. The house is about 5,600 square feet and three floors. It's got six bedrooms (one of which is my office and one his) and four and a half bathrooms. We could probably go a week without seeing each other. We're both single, so this is a good arrangement, but we've always been very close and have always been each other's best friend.

Front of house:

View attachment 378212

Back of house:

View attachment 378204

The dock:

View attachment 378206

There's no more mortgage on the place (paid off from the estate which we inherited from our aunt two years ago). We have utilities, taxes and trash service. That's about it. While we claim St. Augustine as the city where we live, we're actually out in an unincorporated area along the St. John's River.

We've had friends stay with us during this pandemic; folks who lost their jobs and couldn't pay rent, folks who were renting and the owners decided to sell, etc. My brother and I are fortunate to be pretty well off and don't need additional income from friends. Besides, when they start paying, they stop being friends and start being clients.

When the pandemic started, I didn't file for unemployment. I've worked for myself for years, I have money, so thought "fuck it". Then, one day, I jump onto my online banking and see that Uncle Sam had deposited $1,200 into my bank account. Talking to my Mom (who is long retired and turned 86 yesterday) I found out they deposited $1,200 into her bank account, as well.

We kept the money, of course, but I have to believe if they're really interested in helping the people who truly need it, they need to get a bit more on the stick.

I think spent my $1,200 on Maker's Mark...
Did your friends who stayed with you and couldn’t pay rent file for unemployment?

Two did, but Florida's been notoriously slow with getting things approved. I know people who filed back in April and are still waiting.

The longest anyone stayed with us was just shy of three weeks. While we didn't charge her anything, her appreciation was evident by the amount of cooking and cleaning she did around here...
You sound like good people. Thanks for sharing your story. All the best!

It's what friends do. It's how we were raised...
Agreed. I live in California in a small town which is currently on fire and under evacuation. I’m 2 miles from the mandatory evacuation zone so we have our stuff packed and ready to go should the winds shift. But I’ve spend most the week in the hot zone helping people gather their belongings. 4 people I know have lost everything. But it is heartening to see this community pull together to help eachother and to support the firemen who are risking their lives out there.

I wish our country could have done the same with the COVID situation. But the political infighting that has resulted in this time of crisis is so disgusting. I don’t know where we go from here as a country if we can’t come together in times of crisis. That’s where the sole of America should shine. I’m worried for our country.I know there are good people out there. We just need to shine a spotlight on them and away from the wingnut trolls

I lived in San Diego's east county area during the Cedar Fire in 2003. We evacuated to my brother-in-law's place. The local fire captain defied his orders and left his station (which was manned to handle traffic accidents, etc) to save homes; over 100 total.

The city fired him.

About three weeks later there was a city council meeting and over 1,000 people showed up at city hall to demand the resignations of everyone on the city council, including the mayor.

The city hired him back.

I bought him a case of Maker's Mark...
Haha, I’d drink a Makers with ya! I was in SD for that fire. Sat on my roof with a hose and watching the fire go down 805. 2 houses caught fire in my neighborhood from embers falling on their rooftops. Crazy stuff
My neighbor has crawled into a bottle. The lockdown is going to cost him his business, his house, and his life savings. He owns a restaurant...his single biggest revenue generator for almost 20 years now is March Madness. (Biggest DAY is the Super Bowl, but the place was packed almost every night for three weeks for basketball.) He was then shut down and has been since. Late April, he started pouring down booze and has not stopped. I'm pretty sure he is TRYING to drink himself to death.
Sad to hear. What State?
Are you on some sort of drugs?

You must be a renter ... I feel for you ... the mortgage company should have told you exact why you were turned down ... fix those problem and re-apply ... with interest rates this low, your mortgage payment should be less than rent ... just remember to save to a new roof ...
I share an extremely large home, right on the water, with my brother. The house is about 5,600 square feet and three floors. It's got six bedrooms (one of which is my office and one his) and four and a half bathrooms. We could probably go a week without seeing each other. We're both single, so this is a good arrangement, but we've always been very close and have always been each other's best friend.

Front of house:

View attachment 378212

Back of house:

View attachment 378204

The dock:

View attachment 378206

There's no more mortgage on the place (paid off from the estate which we inherited from our aunt two years ago). We have utilities, taxes and trash service. That's about it. While we claim St. Augustine as the city where we live, we're actually out in an unincorporated area along the St. John's River.

We've had friends stay with us during this pandemic; folks who lost their jobs and couldn't pay rent, folks who were renting and the owners decided to sell, etc. My brother and I are fortunate to be pretty well off and don't need additional income from friends. Besides, when they start paying, they stop being friends and start being clients.

When the pandemic started, I didn't file for unemployment. I've worked for myself for years, I have money, so thought "fuck it". Then, one day, I jump onto my online banking and see that Uncle Sam had deposited $1,200 into my bank account. Talking to my Mom (who is long retired and turned 86 yesterday) I found out they deposited $1,200 into her bank account, as well.

We kept the money, of course, but I have to believe if they're really interested in helping the people who truly need it, they need to get a bit more on the stick.

I think spent my $1,200 on Maker's Mark...
Did your friends who stayed with you and couldn’t pay rent file for unemployment?

Two did, but Florida's been notoriously slow with getting things approved. I know people who filed back in April and are still waiting.

The longest anyone stayed with us was just shy of three weeks. While we didn't charge her anything, her appreciation was evident by the amount of cooking and cleaning she did around here...
You sound like good people. Thanks for sharing your story. All the best!

It's what friends do. It's how we were raised...
Agreed. I live in California in a small town which is currently on fire and under evacuation. I’m 2 miles from the mandatory evacuation zone so we have our stuff packed and ready to go should the winds shift. But I’ve spend most the week in the hot zone helping people gather their belongings. 4 people I know have lost everything. But it is heartening to see this community pull together to help eachother and to support the firemen who are risking their lives out there.

I wish our country could have done the same with the COVID situation. But the political infighting that has resulted in this time of crisis is so disgusting. I don’t know where we go from here as a country if we can’t come together in times of crisis. That’s where the sole of America should shine. I’m worried for our country.I know there are good people out there. We just need to shine a spotlight on them and away from the wingnut trolls

I lived in San Diego's east county area during the Cedar Fire in 2003. We evacuated to my brother-in-law's place. The local fire captain defied his orders and left his station (which was manned to handle traffic accidents, etc) to save homes; over 100 total.

The city fired him.

About three weeks later there was a city council meeting and over 1,000 people showed up at city hall to demand the resignations of everyone on the city council, including the mayor.

The city hired him back.

I bought him a case of Maker's Mark...
Haha, I’d drink a Makers with ya! I was in SD for that fire. Sat on my roof with a hose and watching the fire go down 805. 2 houses caught fire in my neighborhood from embers falling on their rooftops. Crazy stuff

You know, I like to believe there are few things which truly scare me.

I was genuinely scared, though, during the Cedar Fire, only because I knew there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. We got the Hell outta' dodge about 9:00 the night we left. When I drove back down into the valley (El Cajon/Santee area) there was nothing but a blanket of smoke. I'd fully prepared myself for the fact that my house would be gone.

But there it was...
Are you on some sort of drugs?

You must be a renter ... I feel for you ... the mortgage company should have told you exact why you were turned down ... fix those problem and re-apply ... with interest rates this low, your mortgage payment should be less than rent ... just remember to save to a new roof ...

You're adorable.

I sold my house and have no interest in ever buying another one. I'm ion a nice apartment for not much more than just the property taxes on my house.
I sold my house and have no interest in ever buying another one. I'm ion a nice apartment for not much more than just the property taxes on my house.

What was the return on investment when you sold? ... my first house was bought for $30k, maybe another $10k in upgrades ... sold for $80k four years later ... it was good times around here back then ... some people don't think doubling your money in every four years is a good thing ... you're welcome ...
Have no idea why every bad decision regarding rentals or home ownership falls only on one political party,
Having lived the majority of my life in one very Democratic state and one very Republican state I can say with total conviction that the working & middle class of both these states paid & are paying for the absolute crap job their elected officials have done. The very rich (as usual) are benefiting off this current mess.
Have no idea why every bad decision regarding rentals or home ownership falls only on one political party,
Having lived the majority of my life in one very Democratic state and one very Republican state I can say with total conviction that the working & middle class of both these states paid & are paying for the absolute crap job their elected officials have done. The very rich (as usual) are benefiting off this current mess.
The 'very rich' also SPEND their money which creates revenue for the 'less rich' who WORK and have a chance to also become 'very rich.' That's the way it works in America. Unless, of course, you are a filthy Marxist who wants everyone to be equally miserable such as some powerful Democrats do.
The 'very rich' also SPEND their money which creates revenue for the 'less rich' who WORK and have a chance to also become 'very rich.'

Everybody can write this off their taxes ... all that we spend to create jobs is fully deductible* and none of us have to pay taxes on this money ... why should the Rich get even more tax breaks? ... why can't Lower-Middle Class spend money and create jobs and get the same tax benefits? ...

The short answer is they can ... just need to read the tax publications to find out how ...

* = not always fully deductible in the year the cost was incurred, but over several years ... same difference to the accounting ...

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