Justice Ginsberg attacks the legitimacy of Trump's candidacy

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Trump a 'faker,' he says she should resign - CNNPolitics.com

Trump thinks he can attack a judge's heritage and ethnicity but reacts badly to being called out by Ginsberg.

She was great friends with Scalia. She believes in civility. She obviously believes Trump's candidacy is an attack on the Constitution.
While Ginsberg regrets her comments about Trump, declaring it was an obvious bias against the next possible president of the US, the US regrets the day Ginsberg was made a SC justice. She should be recalled, if that is possible.
Recalled? You mean impeached?
On what grounds?
What allegations of legal or ethical misconduct?
Canon 5 of the judicial rules of ethical conduct.

She should receive some sort of judicial reprimand. When Trump is elected president, she will not be permitted to file an opinion on any case where the US is a party. She has to recuse herself or be removed from any case in which Trump is a party.

Effectively, her career is over. She might be allowed to remain on the bench but be very limited in what cases she will be permitted to hear.
tipsy is now a juris experet along with economics and military strategy and tactics.

You are a clown, nothing more.

Ginsberg will totter along without impediment.
I bet if Ruthie had said Trump was the sharpest tack in the box, RW's would be kissing her ass right now.
You would lose that bet. I know of no one who says Trump is the sharpest tack in the box.
The Trumpbots are attacking Justice Ginsburg for effectively behaving like Trump.
She's a SC justice. Trump is a private citizen. There are expectations on her that are not on Trump. I thought you knew that.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Trump a 'faker,' he says she should resign - CNNPolitics.com

Trump thinks he can attack a judge's heritage and ethnicity but reacts badly to being called out by Ginsberg.

She was great friends with Scalia. She believes in civility. She obviously believes Trump's candidacy is an attack on the Constitution.

While I agree with Ginsberg, she does seem to be breaking with tradition. And I am not sure that I approve of that.

But yes Trump is a hypocrite- and incredibly thin skinned. He attacked his judge knowing the judge could not respond in any way to Trump's weasely attack.
Ken Starr faced the same kinds of attacks from the Clinton partisans. He also could not respond in any way.
Had a conservative judge done this, the lefties would be screaming in righteous indignation and the righties would be excusing it.

It was inappropriate, and from what some even on MSNBC are saying, maybe unprecedented.

A reflection of where we are as a country, I guess.

You don’t lose your rights as a judge. When you’re out of session; you can say and do whatever you wish. The question is whether you can set aside your feelings and rule on the law. If you’re saying Justice Ginsburg cannot, you’re defecto stating that all judges have no personal feelings since you’re not asking them to weigh in ahead of time. Now, if the Justice had ruled previously on something where Mr. Trump was a party to the case before them, bingo. But since judges are human, they have feelings about someone’s intellect, legitimacy, history, etc…
Check out the Ginsberg Derangement Syndrome. The root cause of it is hatred of liberty., with some ugly misogyny thrown in.

There's no cure. GDS sufferers are doomed to lives of bitter loserdom, and nobody can change that. Understand the some people can't be salvaged, and that you just have to walk away from GDS sufferers.

Other than left loons such as yourself most just wish the old buzzard would expire
Yup I swear I thought she would croak next.

But instead the fat Italian did before her.

She is the oldest though and she looks like she is dead already.
I truly wonder if she is approaching non compos mentis.
LOL you are so retarded
Your youth, immaturity, and naivete are showing, little buddy.:thup:
you act younger than I do, dumbfuck
Not too worry, young millennial.. Since the FEMA camps will be in the basements of Walmarts, you should be able to get your essential oils.

Ginsberg is right. Trump is a "faker."
yea, but the one she is endorsing isn't? LMAO She is a political activist you stupid fuck.
Im not much of fema camp kinda guy. quit assuming and grow up fakey :lol:
I agree with you than Hillary is as bad as Donald. I am voting for Johnson and Weld. You millennials are so young and ignorant.
No, you're not. You are voting for Hillary.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Trump a 'faker,' he says she should resign - CNNPolitics.com
Trump thinks he can attack a judge's heritage and ethnicity but reacts badly to being called out by Ginsberg.

She was great friends with Scalia. She believes in civility. She obviously believes Trump's candidacy is an attack on the Constitution.
While Ginsberg regrets her comments about Trump, declaring it was an obvious bias against the next possible president of the US, the US regrets the day Ginsberg was made a SC justice. She should be recalled, if that is possible.
Recalled? You mean impeached?
On what grounds?
What allegations of legal or ethical misconduct?
The fact that the old klunt belongs to the Council On Foreign Relations should automatically get the disgusting pile of shit kicked to the curb.
Not an impeachable offense.
Let me guess....you know NOTHING bout the CFR or it's goals.....typical.
You know NOTHING about impeachment? Why doesn't the Repub Congress do anything about Ginsberg?
While Ginsberg regrets her comments about Trump, declaring it was an obvious bias against the next possible president of the US, the US regrets the day Ginsberg was made a SC justice. She should be recalled, if that is possible.
Recalled? You mean impeached?
On what grounds?
What allegations of legal or ethical misconduct?
The fact that the old klunt belongs to the Council On Foreign Relations should automatically get the disgusting pile of shit kicked to the curb.
Not an impeachable offense.
Let me guess....you know NOTHING bout the CFR or it's goals.....typical.
You know NOTHING about impeachment? Why doesn't the Repub Congress do anything about Ginsberg?

Why would they, you stupid, "knows nothing" POS? There isn't a fucking klunt's hair worth of difference between the two parties. Different sides of the same coin...get it now, dumb fuck??
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Trump a 'faker,' he says she should resign - CNNPolitics.com

Trump thinks he can attack a judge's heritage and ethnicity but reacts badly to being called out by Ginsberg.

She was great friends with Scalia. She believes in civility. She obviously believes Trump's candidacy is an attack on the Constitution.
She was questioning the person, not the candidacy. Different animals.
She was attacking Trump and his candidacy.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Trump a 'faker,' he says she should resign - CNNPolitics.com

Trump thinks he can attack a judge's heritage and ethnicity but reacts badly to being called out by Ginsberg.

She was great friends with Scalia. She believes in civility. She obviously believes Trump's candidacy is an attack on the Constitution.
She was questioning the person, not the candidacy. Different animals.
She was attacking Trump and his candidacy.

The world will be a better place when that leftist klunt becomes worm food...can't happen fast enough for me. I have never had any use or respect for "it".
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Trump a 'faker,' he says she should resign - CNNPolitics.com

Trump thinks he can attack a judge's heritage and ethnicity but reacts badly to being called out by Ginsberg.

She was great friends with Scalia. She believes in civility. She obviously believes Trump's candidacy is an attack on the Constitution.
She was questioning the person, not the candidacy. Different animals.
She was attacking Trump and his candidacy.

The world will be a better place when that leftist klunt becomes worm food...can't happen fast enough for me. I have never had any use or respect for "it".
As most Americans don't for your type of thinking, or for Trump's.
Jake loves him so federal ":gubermint"......it's sooo very touching. (snicker)View attachment 81617
:) Why are you on government assistance, gubermint boy. With Trump as president, that gets cut off.

I don't want a fucking thing from your beloved "gubermint" and I give them the double middle finger salute every chance I get.....but you can keep sucking their dicks like the good little leftard queer that you are. (snicker)
Sure you do. :lol: Why are you so anti-self, gubermint. You like the men.

Jake Starkey= Official "gubermint" cocksucker.....
True.But the Comrade is a cry baby, so he is reporting you , as we speak, to a moderator..
Why? You and gubermint are too easy to handle. You all have no sand. Similar to all the whining when the Associate Justice correctly assessed the illegitimacy of Trump as a candidate./
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Trump a 'faker,' he says she should resign - CNNPolitics.com

Trump thinks he can attack a judge's heritage and ethnicity but reacts badly to being called out by Ginsberg.

She was great friends with Scalia. She believes in civility. She obviously believes Trump's candidacy is an attack on the Constitution.
While Ginsberg regrets her comments about Trump, declaring it was an obvious bias against the next possible president of the US, the US regrets the day Ginsberg was made a SC justice. She should be recalled, if that is possible.
Recalled? You mean impeached?
On what grounds?
What allegations of legal or ethical misconduct?
Canon 5 of the judicial rules of ethical conduct.

She should receive some sort of judicial reprimand. When Trump is elected president, she will not be permitted to file an opinion on any case where the US is a party. She has to recuse herself or be removed from any case in which Trump is a party.

Effectively, her career is over. She might be allowed to remain on the bench but be very limited in what cases she will be permitted to hear.

According to whom?

A 'judicial reprimand' from whom?

And who will prevent her from filing any opinion even if Donnie were to be elected? The answer is no one. No one has the authority to require her to do anything. Except Congress who could impeach her. And wouldn't that be fun to watch?

Effectively she is at the peak of any judges career- and she will continue to be a Supreme Court justice until she either retires or dies.
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Canon 5 of the judicial rules of ethical conduct.

There are no such rules for SC Justices. That is, you're babbling nonsense.

So, I take it all you conservatives are thrilled with how Scalia and Thomas used to headline conservative fundraisers together, giving speeches about how awful the Democrats were?

Of course you were, and still are. If you're weren't complete hypocrites, you wouldn't be conservatives. According to your standards, being "political" is only bad when a liberal justice does it. Conservative justices can openly shill and raise money for the GOP, and you fawn all over them.
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Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Trump a 'faker,' he says she should resign - CNNPolitics.com

Trump thinks he can attack a judge's heritage and ethnicity but reacts badly to being called out by Ginsberg.

She was great friends with Scalia. She believes in civility. She obviously believes Trump's candidacy is an attack on the Constitution.
While Ginsberg regrets her comments about Trump, declaring it was an obvious bias against the next possible president of the US, the US regrets the day Ginsberg was made a SC justice. She should be recalled, if that is possible.
Recalled? You mean impeached?
On what grounds?
What allegations of legal or ethical misconduct?
ethical misconduct
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Trump a 'faker,' he says she should resign - CNNPolitics.com

Trump thinks he can attack a judge's heritage and ethnicity but reacts badly to being called out by Ginsberg.

She was great friends with Scalia. She believes in civility. She obviously believes Trump's candidacy is an attack on the Constitution.
While Ginsberg regrets her comments about Trump, declaring it was an obvious bias against the next possible president of the US, the US regrets the day Ginsberg was made a SC justice. She should be recalled, if that is possible.
Recalled? You mean impeached?
On what grounds?
What allegations of legal or ethical misconduct?
ethical misconduct

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