Justice Obama??? Why not?

Because he lost his law license for lying on the application. He not a member of the bar.

Gee, OKTX you ALSO fell for that rumor/chain email.....pity !!!

Q: Did Barack and Michelle Obama “surrender” their law licenses to avoid ethics charges?

A: No. A court official confirms that no public disciplinary proceeding has ever been brought against either of them, contrary to a false Internet rumor. By voluntarily inactivating their licenses, they avoid a requirement to take continuing education classes and pay hundreds of dollars in annual fees. Both could practice law again if they chose to do so.

The Obamas’ Law Licenses

Don't ya just love lawyer speak, no PUBLIC proceedings. LMAO Of course lawyers never ever do anything confidentially to CYA. But this is all academic, there's no way he would accept an nomination for the court, it would interfere with his golf too much.
I'd love to see them throw out the nuclear option.

That will set the clock ticking on things like Obamacare.

Of course you should realize that to exercise the nuclear option you DO need a simple majority......So, you'd have to wait until 2019 to go after the ACA........lol
Don't ya just love lawyer speak, no PUBLIC proceedings. LMAO Of course lawyers never ever do anything confidentially to CYA. But this is all academic, there's no way he would accept an nomination for the court, it would interfere with his golf too much.

So, FIRST you make the moronic claim that Obama is NOT eligible....having failed at that, your half brain told you, "let's try the golfing angle...." LOL
I understand that.

Like I said...the clock will start ticking.

The DIFFERENCE, however, between the ACA and the nomination and consent of a justice is that the latter ONLY needs the senate, while the former needs the House also.
Don't ya just love lawyer speak, no PUBLIC proceedings. LMAO Of course lawyers never ever do anything confidentially to CYA. But this is all academic, there's no way he would accept an nomination for the court, it would interfere with his golf too much.

So, FIRST you make the moronic claim that Obama is NOT eligible....having failed at that, your half brain told you, "let's try the golfing angle...." LOL

Face it shithead, my using golf was being chartable, SCOTUS would take the moron out of your admiring sight, no more campaigning, he couldn't handle that. He has never held a job for 8 years, POTUS would be a first for him, no way will he commit to a job that could last 30-40 years away form his adoring public.
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The idea of Obama as a supreme court justice is absurd. Perhaps my background as a machinist should put me in line for the surgeon general. Obama has never been a judge, his "career" as a lawyer is laughable. Anyone care to share some writings from this man that would differentiate him from a below average law student?
The idea of Obama as a supreme court justice is absurd. Perhaps my background as a machinist should put me in line for the surgeon general. Obama has never been a judge, his "career" as a lawyer is laughable. Anyone care to share some writings from this man that would differentiate him from a below average law student?

Stay at being a machinist (doubt you could rise much above that)....

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
The idea of Obama as a supreme court justice is absurd. Perhaps my background as a machinist should put me in line for the surgeon general. Obama has never been a judge, his "career" as a lawyer is laughable. Anyone care to share some writings from this man that would differentiate him from a below average law student?

Stay at being a machinist (doubt you could rise much above that)....

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review

Just proves he was a good campaigner even then, he was never published in his little school magazine.
Lol what do political parties have to do with this certain section of the Constitution?
Lol what do political parties have to do with this certain section of the Constitution?
In political terms they call that a pivot. The appointing of a supreme court justice is as you said political. My assertion was that since the senate has given as a reason to not even meet with Garland not for ideological but political reasons and are now putting out statements to continue this policy when Clinton gets elected. This is ironic since you Republicans keep on getting on the left because they want to put restrictions( not bans as you guys claim), on the ownership of handguns. The reason being because you claim it is unconstitutional. While as I pointed out, not wanting to appoint supreme court justices, although not unconstitutional but certainly against the spirit of those who drafted that constitution, not to mention the democratic process as we know it today.
Having the ability to NOT appoint is their constitutional duty..
And don't call me a republican. Would you like it if I called you that?
If you defend a Republican senate, I will assume you are Republican,if that is a wrong assumption I apologize. You think not confirming a supreme court justice is a constitutional duty, even as is established the reason for doing so is purely not liking who gets elected president? You can't claim any other reason since Hilary hasn't put up a name for consideration. Even not confirming for Obama is a stretch since they don't even want to meet the Garland, how can you reject someone you haven't even met with? The senate has made it very clear that they will refuse to meet ANYONE put up by either Obama and now Clinton, how is that a constitutional duty?
I'm defending the act, not the politicians.
Idkbut I'm done talking about this. We are both talking to an empty classroom
Wouldn't it have been easier to put this when you first replied to my post? You were defending the politicians because you refused to actually say that what they were doing was wrong. I'm perfectly willing to admit that congress has the right and even the duty to judge and even refuse to confirm a supreme court justice if they can prove that he isn't qualified for that position. They do not have the right to flat out refuse to start the process of judging because they don't like POTUS.
The idea of Obama as a supreme court justice is absurd. Perhaps my background as a machinist should put me in line for the surgeon general. Obama has never been a judge, his "career" as a lawyer is laughable. Anyone care to share some writings from this man that would differentiate him from a below average law student?

Stay at being a machinist (doubt you could rise much above that)....

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
I'm quite aware of that. Care to show me the brilliant writings that led to his election? I'll save you the time, no one's found them yet. I dare say he was elected to that position for the same reason he was elected president, he's black.

As far as my machinist background, don't knock it, I've owned my own business for the last 28 years.
Justice Obama??? Why not?

Possibly the most retarded suggestion ever posted. Obama has virtually no experience even arguing cases in court let alone any judicial experience and even the left leaning SCOTUS justices have slapped the fool down at times. Talk about unqualified.
Justice Obama??? Why not?

Possibly the most retarded suggestion ever posted. Obama has virtually no experience even arguing cases in court let alone any judicial experience and even the left leaning SCOTUS justices have slapped the fool down at times. Talk about unqualified.

So now you think experience might be important. Too bad you didn't think of that when you picked trump.
Justice Obama??? Why not?

Possibly the most retarded suggestion ever posted. Obama has virtually no experience even arguing cases in court let alone any judicial experience and even the left leaning SCOTUS justices have slapped the fool down at times. Talk about unqualified.

So now you think experience might be important. Too bad you didn't think of that when you picked trump.

Speaking of retarded liberals, are you honestly suggesting Trump has no experience? The 2nd most retarded thing ever posted. What do all you libs on the forum work at Target or something don't any of you have an education?
Justice Obama??? Why not?

Possibly the most retarded suggestion ever posted. Obama has virtually no experience even arguing cases in court let alone any judicial experience and even the left leaning SCOTUS justices have slapped the fool down at times. Talk about unqualified.

So now you think experience might be important. Too bad you didn't think of that when you picked trump.

Speaking of retarded liberals, are you honestly suggesting Trump has no experience? The 2nd most retarded thing ever posted. What do all you libs on the forum work at Target or something don't any of you have an education?

Oh please inform me of his vast experience in governing. So far all I can see is a spoiled rich guy that screws everybody he has ever dealt with. Bankrupt how many times?
Justice Obama??? Why not?

Possibly the most retarded suggestion ever posted. Obama has virtually no experience even arguing cases in court let alone any judicial experience and even the left leaning SCOTUS justices have slapped the fool down at times. Talk about unqualified.

So now you think experience might be important. Too bad you didn't think of that when you picked trump.

Speaking of retarded liberals, are you honestly suggesting Trump has no experience? The 2nd most retarded thing ever posted. What do all you libs on the forum work at Target or something don't any of you have an education?

Oh please inform me of his vast experience in governing. So far all I can see is a spoiled rich guy that screws everybody he has ever dealt with. Bankrupt how many times?

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