Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

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  • No

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Yeah, no. Nobodys ever been convicted of attempted murder for pushing someone down. If a push results in a death its also not murder, its involuntary manslaughter by virtue of a push NOT being considered lethal in intent.

Give it a fuckin break...an obsessive compulsive threatening to shoot people over a damn parking spot being pushed away from a woman and children is what youre defending as cause for murder in spite of the pusher doing what any grown man should do to a nutbag approaching his family

you perhaps dont belong owning deadly weaponry, either. life is more valuable than a killing in retaliation for a push.

Bam! Perfectly stated :rock:
Im pro gun rights but the mentality of anyone thinking this is OK makes me question being pretty pro regulation...I dunno. Its def. a downer that people are so irrational like that.
I'm of the mind that you don't assault people
I don't care that people who assault others get dead

Again, so do you believe in the Constitution or not? I want to make sure to hold you to this.

The constitution has nothing to do with it

The 8th amendment applies to bail and sentences passed by the government

Yeah, the punishment should fit the crime. You are fucking arguing that the guy deserved the death penalty for pushing the guy down. You fucking believe in the Constitution or not. It's based on the same principle.
Doesn't make it illegal either

If I was on the jury I'd say it was justified
I really don't give a shit that some asshole who would physically assault someone else got dead

Do you think we should follow the Constitution? Is the Constitution important?

WHat's that got to do with this case and the evidence I saw on the video?

One guy forcibly shoved a smaller man to the ground and got shot
The guy who got shot committed assault
Shooting justfied

It has everything to do with it. It's called the 8th Amendment. Pushing a guy down who is standing outside your wife's car with your kids in it, isn't equal to the punishment of being shot and killed.

The guy standing there had not committed any crime

The guy who assaulted him did

And the 8th amendment applies to the government not the individual

He hadn't committed a crime "yet." He was being aggressive by yelling at the woman in the car with the KIDS.

Really odd that a man is yelling at a woman with kids in the car... but you guys don't give a rat's ass about that. Where the woman and kids are more vulnerable, but you act like the man that got pushed down is some defenseless child and was attacked by this crazed 500 pound bodybuilder.

They were safely locked in the car

If the guy had tried to get into the car that would be a different story

Yelling at people is not a crime
assault has nothing to do with injury

if you touch a person it can be called assault
Or even take a swing. I I dodge an attempted blow to the head; am I leagally bound to not strike back because they didn’t actually manage to land the blow? I think not...
im just using personal opinion when talking about a shove, here....not being johnny cochran
But if this goes to court... two sides will be playing Johnny Cochran. And reasonable doubt is all that’s necessary for a “not guilty” verdict. It’s seems that there is plenty of reasonable doubt here. That’s probably why formal charges haven’t been filed.
we will see, personally i secretly not so secretly hope that if the law doesnt get him, a crazed vigilante does because in my mind he doesnt at all value human life, while carrying a deadly weapon and i dont want those types out there in numbers as i raise kiddoes, myself

hes a sick ticket..obsessed and threatening to shoot folks over a fakkin parking spot
If that’s your way of saying he was the initial douchebag in the story; I agree. But that doesn’t make him fair game for assault. There’s lots of douchebags out there. And we can’t all deliver street justice based on our own opinions of another persons character.
its based on his judgment of when to use deadly force and his track record of provoking situations.
Bam! Perfectly stated :rock:
Im pro gun rights but the mentality of anyone thinking this is OK makes me question being pretty pro regulation...I dunno. Its def. a downer that people are so irrational like that.
I'm of the mind that you don't assault people
I don't care that people who assault others get dead

Again, so do you believe in the Constitution or not? I want to make sure to hold you to this.

The constitution has nothing to do with it

The 8th amendment applies to bail and sentences passed by the government

Yeah, the punishment should fit the crime. You are fucking arguing that the guy deserved the death penalty for pushing the guy down. You fucking believe in the Constitution or not. It's based on the same principle.

Shooting in self defense is not a punishment.
The guy was defending his wife and kids from some psycho that was yelling at them over a parking space. The guy that got shot and killed, actually had more justification to use deadly force than the guy that got pushed down.

For words? Come on Your being silly or intellectually devoid.
The push down was enough, but no deadly force was nessesary in either of the incidents taking place.
He hadn't committed a crime "yet." He was being aggressive by yelling at the woman in the car with the KIDS.

Really odd that a man is yelling at a woman with kids in the car... but you guys don't give a rat's ass about that. Where the woman and kids are more vulnerable, but you act like the man that got pushed down is some defenseless child and was attacked by this crazed 500 pound bodybuilder.

Safer in the car than out....too much threat ? Back out ? Call the law ?
Do you think we should follow the Constitution? Is the Constitution important?

WHat's that got to do with this case and the evidence I saw on the video?

One guy forcibly shoved a smaller man to the ground and got shot
The guy who got shot committed assault
Shooting justfied

It has everything to do with it. It's called the 8th Amendment. Pushing a guy down who is standing outside your wife's car with your kids in it, isn't equal to the punishment of being shot and killed.

The guy standing there had not committed any crime

The guy who assaulted him did

And the 8th amendment applies to the government not the individual

He hadn't committed a crime "yet." He was being aggressive by yelling at the woman in the car with the KIDS.

Really odd that a man is yelling at a woman with kids in the car... but you guys don't give a rat's ass about that. Where the woman and kids are more vulnerable, but you act like the man that got pushed down is some defenseless child and was attacked by this crazed 500 pound bodybuilder.

They were safely locked in the car

If the guy had tried to get into the car that would be a different story

Yelling at people is not a crime
why were they locked in the car...was it because the dude was a threat......nnoooooo……..
Im pro gun rights but the mentality of anyone thinking this is OK makes me question being pretty pro regulation...I dunno. Its def. a downer that people are so irrational like that.
I'm of the mind that you don't assault people
I don't care that people who assault others get dead

Again, so do you believe in the Constitution or not? I want to make sure to hold you to this.

The constitution has nothing to do with it

The 8th amendment applies to bail and sentences passed by the government

Yeah, the punishment should fit the crime. You are fucking arguing that the guy deserved the death penalty for pushing the guy down. You fucking believe in the Constitution or not. It's based on the same principle.

Shooting in self defense is not a punishment.

Shooting in self-defense is only justified if it they are in grave imminent danger. This guy wasn't. You're a hack. Cool beans, you've shown your true colors.
The guy was defending his wife and kids from some psycho that was yelling at them over a parking space. The guy that got shot and killed, actually had more justification to use deadly force than the guy that got pushed down.

For words? Come on Your being silly or intellectually devoid.
misquote...that wasnt me
Or even take a swing. I I dodge an attempted blow to the head; am I leagally bound to not strike back because they didn’t actually manage to land the blow? I think not...
im just using personal opinion when talking about a shove, here....not being johnny cochran
But if this goes to court... two sides will be playing Johnny Cochran. And reasonable doubt is all that’s necessary for a “not guilty” verdict. It’s seems that there is plenty of reasonable doubt here. That’s probably why formal charges haven’t been filed.
we will see, personally i secretly not so secretly hope that if the law doesnt get him, a crazed vigilante does because in my mind he doesnt at all value human life, while carrying a deadly weapon and i dont want those types out there in numbers as i raise kiddoes, myself

hes a sick ticket..obsessed and threatening to shoot folks over a fakkin parking spot
If that’s your way of saying he was the initial douchebag in the story; I agree. But that doesn’t make him fair game for assault. There’s lots of douchebags out there. And we can’t all deliver street justice based on our own opinions of another persons character.
its based on his judgment of when to use deadly force and his track record of provoking situations.
Agreed. And having been blindsided by an unknown party with enough force to take you off your feet, and then having them upright standing over you; while you are now completely defenseless save for your gun; sounds like the perfect reason to shoot in self defense. Remember... there is no prior conversation between the victim, and the assailant. He has no way of knowing his intent, or motivations.
im just using personal opinion when talking about a shove, here....not being johnny cochran
But if this goes to court... two sides will be playing Johnny Cochran. And reasonable doubt is all that’s necessary for a “not guilty” verdict. It’s seems that there is plenty of reasonable doubt here. That’s probably why formal charges haven’t been filed.
we will see, personally i secretly not so secretly hope that if the law doesnt get him, a crazed vigilante does because in my mind he doesnt at all value human life, while carrying a deadly weapon and i dont want those types out there in numbers as i raise kiddoes, myself

hes a sick ticket..obsessed and threatening to shoot folks over a fakkin parking spot
If that’s your way of saying he was the initial douchebag in the story; I agree. But that doesn’t make him fair game for assault. There’s lots of douchebags out there. And we can’t all deliver street justice based on our own opinions of another persons character.
its based on his judgment of when to use deadly force and his track record of provoking situations.
Agreed. And having been blindsided by an unknown party with enough force to take you off your feet, and then having them upright standing over you; while you are now completely defenseless save for your gun; sounds like the perfect reason to shoot in self defense. Remember... there is no prior conversation between the victim, and the assailant. He has no way of knowing his intent, or motivations.

He wasn't standing over him. He was like 7-10 feet away and backing up. Now you are making shit up.
im just using personal opinion when talking about a shove, here....not being johnny cochran
But if this goes to court... two sides will be playing Johnny Cochran. And reasonable doubt is all that’s necessary for a “not guilty” verdict. It’s seems that there is plenty of reasonable doubt here. That’s probably why formal charges haven’t been filed.
we will see, personally i secretly not so secretly hope that if the law doesnt get him, a crazed vigilante does because in my mind he doesnt at all value human life, while carrying a deadly weapon and i dont want those types out there in numbers as i raise kiddoes, myself

hes a sick ticket..obsessed and threatening to shoot folks over a fakkin parking spot
If that’s your way of saying he was the initial douchebag in the story; I agree. But that doesn’t make him fair game for assault. There’s lots of douchebags out there. And we can’t all deliver street justice based on our own opinions of another persons character.
its based on his judgment of when to use deadly force and his track record of provoking situations.
Agreed. And having been blindsided by an unknown party with enough force to take you off your feet, and then having them upright standing over you; while you are now completely defenseless save for your gun; sounds like the perfect reason to shoot in self defense. Remember... there is no prior conversation between the victim, and the assailant. He has no way of knowing his intent, or motivations.
You are incorrect in this instance and a jury will agree.
Doesn't make it illegal either

If I was on the jury I'd say it was justified
I really don't give a shit that some asshole who would physically assault someone else got dead

Do you think we should follow the Constitution? Is the Constitution important?

WHat's that got to do with this case and the evidence I saw on the video?

One guy forcibly shoved a smaller man to the ground and got shot
The guy who got shot committed assault
Shooting justfied

It has everything to do with it. It's called the 8th Amendment. Pushing a guy down who is standing outside your wife's car with your kids in it, isn't equal to the punishment of being shot and killed.

The guy standing there had not committed any crime

The guy who assaulted him did

And the 8th amendment applies to the government not the individual

He hadn't committed a crime "yet." He was being aggressive by yelling at the woman in the car with the KIDS.

Really odd that a man is yelling at a woman with kids in the car... but you guys don't give a rat's ass about that. Where the woman and kids are more vulnerable, but you act like the man that got pushed down is some defenseless child and was attacked by this crazed 500 pound bodybuilder.
What this means in my opinion, is that in these situations it could begin some sort of wave effect that could be used by political hacks with an agenda (unrelated to truth and justice in a case) to be empowered to fuel the anti-gun agenda. It's not that anyone doesn't care about women and children being yelled at or what ever the case might be because they do care. What is being defended is the freedom from the entire system being grouped into a narrative that threatens the rights of the good citizens to having those rights stripped all due to one case being used to do such a thing.
But if this goes to court... two sides will be playing Johnny Cochran. And reasonable doubt is all that’s necessary for a “not guilty” verdict. It’s seems that there is plenty of reasonable doubt here. That’s probably why formal charges haven’t been filed.
we will see, personally i secretly not so secretly hope that if the law doesnt get him, a crazed vigilante does because in my mind he doesnt at all value human life, while carrying a deadly weapon and i dont want those types out there in numbers as i raise kiddoes, myself

hes a sick ticket..obsessed and threatening to shoot folks over a fakkin parking spot
If that’s your way of saying he was the initial douchebag in the story; I agree. But that doesn’t make him fair game for assault. There’s lots of douchebags out there. And we can’t all deliver street justice based on our own opinions of another persons character.
its based on his judgment of when to use deadly force and his track record of provoking situations.
Agreed. And having been blindsided by an unknown party with enough force to take you off your feet, and then having them upright standing over you; while you are now completely defenseless save for your gun; sounds like the perfect reason to shoot in self defense. Remember... there is no prior conversation between the victim, and the assailant. He has no way of knowing his intent, or motivations.

He wasn't standing over him. He was like 7-10 feet away and backing up. Now you are making shit up.
If a six foot man, with an adittional 3 foot of reach is 7 feet from you; can he be he a threat? Of course he can.
im just using personal opinion when talking about a shove, here....not being johnny cochran
But if this goes to court... two sides will be playing Johnny Cochran. And reasonable doubt is all that’s necessary for a “not guilty” verdict. It’s seems that there is plenty of reasonable doubt here. That’s probably why formal charges haven’t been filed.
we will see, personally i secretly not so secretly hope that if the law doesnt get him, a crazed vigilante does because in my mind he doesnt at all value human life, while carrying a deadly weapon and i dont want those types out there in numbers as i raise kiddoes, myself

hes a sick ticket..obsessed and threatening to shoot folks over a fakkin parking spot
If that’s your way of saying he was the initial douchebag in the story; I agree. But that doesn’t make him fair game for assault. There’s lots of douchebags out there. And we can’t all deliver street justice based on our own opinions of another persons character.
its based on his judgment of when to use deadly force and his track record of provoking situations.
Agreed. And having been blindsided by an unknown party with enough force to take you off your feet, and then having them upright standing over you; while you are now completely defenseless save for your gun; sounds like the perfect reason to shoot in self defense. Remember... there is no prior conversation between the victim, and the assailant. He has no way of knowing his intent, or motivations.
A guy came into the store and told the father something, which caused him to head out there..

I would never shoot a person for pushing me down, ever, and dont appreciate anyone owning deadly weapons that feels the opposite....Thats fucking insanity as a threshold. Also doing so without second thought and without seeing a weapon on the guy that pushed you..if you dont have your WITS about you you dont need to be carrying guns.
So you would be unconcerned if a man started yelling at your wife in a parking lot.

As you so eloquently put it, oh bullshit

I'm not a savage.
I would have simply got back in the car and left.
Of course I'd never park in a handicap zone so it would never have become an issue.

Swish, you didn't address the point. You said the guy did not threaten her. If a man went up to your wife and started screaming at her in a parking lot, you wouldn't view that as a threat. I sure the fuck would. I frankly don't believe you saying you believe that is not threatening

So in response you escalate the situation?
How'd that turn out for Saint McGlockton?

I'd escalate the situation by not screaming at another guy's woman in a parking lot while I'm packing? Seriously? How does that make sense?

Big difference between yelling and assault.
And as I said earlier all involved are idiots.
From the chick on down to the shooter.
Actually, yelling (threatening someone) is assault – it can be either a misdemeanor or a felony; battery is physical contact, a felony.

And in Florida either warrant the use of deadly force as a means of self-defense when the person attacked has a reasonable fear of bodily injury or death from the attacker, even if that attack is verbal in nature only.

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