Kaine: No Apology Necessary for Clinton Team’s Mockery of Catholicism

Making fun of my avi when your name is Compost? Gimme a break.

I'm not making fun of it, old lady. I like Mary Poppins. And clearly, I am better acquitted with her than you are. As for my name. Sorry if it offends you. I am a gardener. And my avi pic today, is a lab puppy chewing on a pumpkin. What about it? Please. Go ahead. No need to "gimme a break".

Aren't all the evangelicals saying they still support Trump because we all have sin? That we shouldn't judge? Handy how that only applies sometimes.

Ask an evangelical.

Ask them about Catholics too. LOL
You're saying you're more ladylike? Please; you've been trying to pick a fight all afternoon.
Ladylike? Who said stick it up your...? LOL

Podesta never said a word for or against Conservative Catholicism, though, Compost, and neither did Palmieri. Halpin wrote to him and let off some steam. I don't like at all what Halpin said (and I'm not even Catholic) but everyone has bad days combating political foes.
That e-mail is not an official stance and I don't believe liberals actually want to take away anyone's freedom of religion. And no, I don't want to get in an argument about who can bake a cake.
Yes. But I was talking to you. Didin't you say, "Excellent point. They can throw around "Thomistic" thought and "subsidiarity" and sound sophisticated because no one knows what the hell they're talking about."

I may be a dumb Catholic but I know when I've been dissed. By the way. Just curious. Can you expound on Thomistic thought for us?
Nope. Halpin said it. Don't have a clue what they're talking about. Maybe that's why I don't get the level of outrage .....
Of course you don't know about Thomas Aquinas. It's easier to dismiss what you are ignorant of. I'll give you this. You are consistent.
Haven't got ANYTHING against Catholics, either. Some of my best friends and all that..... Don't be the reason I change my mind about that.
I think it's wrong to say you won't do business with a a homosexual because your religion says homosexuality is a sin.
No one says that, idiot.

The objection is to being forced to PARTICIPATE in an EVIL CEREMONY THAT MOCKS REAL MARRIAGE.

THAT is the sin, dear.
Baking a cake isn't participating in an evil ceremony!!!!! And the point is, not everyone in this country believes that it is evil. That's where we differ. I don't believe you have the right to tell homosexuals they are evil for marrying. That is going beyond the bounds of practicing your religion and basically trying to tell others how to live their lives.
You are so full of contradictions it's hard to know where to start. You are telling people that they don't have the right to tell other people how to live? And who are you to declare what is evil to somebody else? You aren't God.

The state forcing people to associate and perform against their will is evil to me. Our founders rose up over far less than that. I just wish you leftists would move to Cuba or something instead of trying to turn the US into your socialist wet dream.
Everyone overlooks the one central fact that Kaine has noted indirectly. (If the bitch falls down in the gutter again, there will likely be another Catholic President(?)!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many are called, but none are probably Jewish, or Chosen,. . . .or wherever(?)--especially at the Vatican. . .or somewhere!)
I think it's wrong to say you won't do business with a a homosexual because your religion says homosexuality is a sin.
No one says that, idiot.

The objection is to being forced to PARTICIPATE in an EVIL CEREMONY THAT MOCKS REAL MARRIAGE.

THAT is the sin, dear.
Baking a cake isn't participating in an evil ceremony!!!!! And the point is, not everyone in this country believes that it is evil. That's where we differ. I don't believe you have the right to tell homosexuals they are evil for marrying. That is going beyond the bounds of practicing your religion and basically trying to tell others how to live their lives.
You are so full of contradictions it's hard to know where to start. You are telling people that they don't have the right to tell other people how to live? And who are you to declare what is evil to somebody else? You aren't God.

The state forcing people to associate and perform against their will is evil to me. Our founders rose up over far less than that. I just wish you leftists would move to Cuba or something instead of trying to turn the US into your socialist wet dream.
I'm not contradictory in the least. You cannot discriminate against others based on YOUR faith. Simple, shrimple. Believe what you like, but don't expect that you can decide who you will treat unfairly. I don't begin to try to determine what others believe is evil, but whatever they believe, they are not allowed to act on those beliefs in ways that injure another party. And discrimination is an injury to individual freedom. Freedom to be a bigot is NOT always allowed. Not if you are serving the public.
Ladylike? Who said stick it up your...? LOL

Podesta never said a word for or against Conservative Catholicism, though, Compost, and neither did Palmieri. Halpin wrote to him and let off some steam. I don't like at all what Halpin said (and I'm not even Catholic) but everyone has bad days combating political foes.
That e-mail is not an official stance and I don't believe liberals actually want to take away anyone's freedom of religion. And no, I don't want to get in an argument about who can bake a cake.
Yes. But I was talking to you. Didin't you say, "Excellent point. They can throw around "Thomistic" thought and "subsidiarity" and sound sophisticated because no one knows what the hell they're talking about."

I may be a dumb Catholic but I know when I've been dissed. By the way. Just curious. Can you expound on Thomistic thought for us?
Nope. Halpin said it. Don't have a clue what they're talking about. Maybe that's why I don't get the level of outrage .....
Of course you don't know about Thomas Aquinas. It's easier to dismiss what you are ignorant of. I'll give you this. You are consistent.
Haven't got ANYTHING against Catholics, either. Some of my best friends and all that..... Don't be the reason I change my mind about that.
Change your mind about what, exactly? You have not shown that you know anything about the Catholic faith. Didn't your best friends explain about Aquinas? If they did, your focus on that discussion was as lax as it's been on this thread.
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Hillary hates Catholics so much, she picked one for her running mate.

Next topic!
Totally innocent e-mail spun out of all resemblance to reality, for hater dupes only.
I think it's wrong to say you won't do business with a a homosexual because your religion says homosexuality is a sin.
No one says that, idiot.

The objection is to being forced to PARTICIPATE in an EVIL CEREMONY THAT MOCKS REAL MARRIAGE.

THAT is the sin, dear.
Baking a cake isn't participating in an evil ceremony!!!!! And the point is, not everyone in this country believes that it is evil. That's where we differ. I don't believe you have the right to tell homosexuals they are evil for marrying. That is going beyond the bounds of practicing your religion and basically trying to tell others how to live their lives.
You are so full of contradictions it's hard to know where to start. You are telling people that they don't have the right to tell other people how to live? And who are you to declare what is evil to somebody else? You aren't God.

The state forcing people to associate and perform against their will is evil to me. Our founders rose up over far less than that. I just wish you leftists would move to Cuba or something instead of trying to turn the US into your socialist wet dream.
I'm not contradictory in the least. You cannot discriminate against others based on YOUR faith. Simple, shrimple. Believe what you like, but don't expect that you can decide who you will treat unfairly. I don't begin to try to determine what others believe is evil, but whatever they believe, they are not allowed to act on those beliefs in ways that injure another party. And discrimination is an injury to individual freedom. Freedom to be a bigot is NOT always allowed. Not if you are serving the public.
The public doesn't own people in business. You are not allowed by the Constitution to determine what private citizens are or not allowed to consider important. Freedom to disagree with you is fundamental to the Constitution.

We do not lose our rights when we open a business. Run yours the way you want. You are not welcome to run someone elses. That's totalitarianism and why various locales imposed public accommodation law, it isn't in the Constitution.
Baking a cake isn't participating in an evil ceremony!!!!!

IT is if the cake is a material component for the EVIL celebration, yes, it most certainly is.

And the point is, not everyone in this country believes that it is evil. That's where we differ.

No we differ on a lot more than that. And just because some dont think that fagot marriage is evil does not obligate the people who do to participate in it.

I don't believe you have the right to tell homosexuals they are evil for marrying. That is going beyond the bounds of practicing your religion and basically trying to tell others how to live their lives.

No, that is the right of Freedom of Speech.

If you dont like it move to the UK.
A Molested Generation Loses the Will to Grow Up

Marriage gives Gayists the right to adopt children, who will become monsters and pollute the next generation.

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