Kamala Harris isn't eligible...

i don't know if this thread is good enough for the politics section, but the argument they used for obama was based on his mother's citizenship. they had endless citations and precedent.

his "father" was a British subject. Clarence thomas said they have avoided the subject, to define natural born.

the political plan for their politics was to have harris step aside and michelle will save the day. the problem is all the obama clinton biden corruption.

here's a political link to this important political issue during the election of more politicians.

Search Results
Web results
Fact check: Harris eligible for VP, president under Constitution
www.detroitnews.com › story › news › politics › 2020/08/16 › harris-...

4 days ago - As a person born in the U.S., at least 35 and a resident for at least 14 years, Kamala Harris is eligiblefor the nation's highest office.
Missing: isn't ‎| Must include: isn't
Is Kamala Harris Eligible to Be Vice President? Yes, Yes, and ...
www.bloomberg.com › opinion › articles › is-kamala-harris-eligible-t...

5 days ago - It starts with the constitutional provision of Article II that says, “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time ...
Yes, Kamala Harris Is Eligible To Be Vice President
www.buzzfeednews.com › article › janelytvynenko › yes-kamala-harr...

there are so many new experts... watch how they are getting ahead of the story.
AND.. they are quick to say Trump has signed off on it, which was brilliant on Trump's part.

But it's not up to Trump... and i don't think they can get away again without changing the constitution to, anyone can be President.

Hey wash!

You're awesome!

And you're wrong!

But I hope you and your loved ones are doing well!
i don't know if this thread is good enough for the politics section, but the argument they used for obama was based on his mother's citizenship. they had endless citations and precedent.

his "father" was a British subject. Clarence thomas said they have avoided the subject, to define natural born.

the political plan for their politics was to have harris step aside and michelle will save the day. the problem is all the obama clinton biden corruption.

here's a political link to this important political issue during the election of more politicians.

Search Results
Web results
Fact check: Harris eligible for VP, president under Constitution
www.detroitnews.com › story › news › politics › 2020/08/16 › harris-...

4 days ago - As a person born in the U.S., at least 35 and a resident for at least 14 years, Kamala Harris is eligiblefor the nation's highest office.
Missing: isn't ‎| Must include: isn't
Is Kamala Harris Eligible to Be Vice President? Yes, Yes, and ...
www.bloomberg.com › opinion › articles › is-kamala-harris-eligible-t...

5 days ago - It starts with the constitutional provision of Article II that says, “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time ...
Yes, Kamala Harris Is Eligible To Be Vice President
www.buzzfeednews.com › article › janelytvynenko › yes-kamala-harr...

there are so many new experts... watch how they are getting ahead of the story.
AND.. they are quick to say Trump has signed off on it, which was brilliant on Trump's part.

But it's not up to Trump... and i don't think they can get away again without changing the constitution to, anyone can be President.

So, creating pointless threads is the new Cult45 move now? Awesome. Well done. :04:
dunno. is Slade3200 part of that cult? he starts up emo posts all the time about how trump just isn't that good of a guy.

Well, he's not wrong. :dunno:
then threads like this are fine - stop worrying about pointless threads if they only bother you for 1 side.

get one, get the other.
Can we not? For real?

Can we NOT start this birther shit again?

Seriously. Like there aren't a million really excellent and much more important points on which to argue against Kamala Harris being anywhere near the levers of power. Maybe it's just that these birther idiots aren't smart enough to make - or understand - those arguments.

I fell for the Obama birther crap in my neocon days.... never again. NEVER. AGAIN.
it proba
i don't know if this thread is good enough for the politics section, but the argument they used for obama was based on his mother's citizenship. they had endless citations and precedent.

his "father" was a British subject. Clarence thomas said they have avoided the subject, to define natural born.

the political plan for their politics was to have harris step aside and michelle will save the day. the problem is all the obama clinton biden corruption.

here's a political link to this important political issue during the election of more politicians.

Search Results
Web results
Fact check: Harris eligible for VP, president under Constitution
www.detroitnews.com › story › news › politics › 2020/08/16 › harris-...

4 days ago - As a person born in the U.S., at least 35 and a resident for at least 14 years, Kamala Harris is eligiblefor the nation's highest office.
Missing: isn't ‎| Must include: isn't
Is Kamala Harris Eligible to Be Vice President? Yes, Yes, and ...
www.bloomberg.com › opinion › articles › is-kamala-harris-eligible-t...

5 days ago - It starts with the constitutional provision of Article II that says, “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time ...
Yes, Kamala Harris Is Eligible To Be Vice President
www.buzzfeednews.com › article › janelytvynenko › yes-kamala-harr...

there are so many new experts... watch how they are getting ahead of the story.
AND.. they are quick to say Trump has signed off on it, which was brilliant on Trump's part.

But it's not up to Trump... and i don't think they can get away again without changing the constitution to, anyone can be President.

She was born in the United States. End of argument.
it probably won't even come up...

i posted the pro arguments...
i don't know if this thread is good enough for the politics section, but the argument they used for obama was based on his mother's citizenship. they had endless citations and precedent.

his "father" was a British subject. Clarence thomas said they have avoided the subject, to define natural born.

the political plan for their politics was to have harris step aside and michelle will save the day. the problem is all the obama clinton biden corruption.

here's a political link to this important political issue during the election of more politicians.

Search Results
Web results
Fact check: Harris eligible for VP, president under Constitution
www.detroitnews.com › story › news › politics › 2020/08/16 › harris-...

4 days ago - As a person born in the U.S., at least 35 and a resident for at least 14 years, Kamala Harris is eligiblefor the nation's highest office.
Missing: isn't ‎| Must include: isn't
Is Kamala Harris Eligible to Be Vice President? Yes, Yes, and ...
www.bloomberg.com › opinion › articles › is-kamala-harris-eligible-t...

5 days ago - It starts with the constitutional provision of Article II that says, “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time ...
Yes, Kamala Harris Is Eligible To Be Vice President
www.buzzfeednews.com › article › janelytvynenko › yes-kamala-harr...

there are so many new experts... watch how they are getting ahead of the story.
AND.. they are quick to say Trump has signed off on it, which was brilliant on Trump's part.

But it's not up to Trump... and i don't think they can get away again without changing the constitution to, anyone can be President.

You are incredibly wrong.

Amendment XIV.

Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within They Reside.

Senator Harris was born in Oakland California. She under the 14th. Amendment of The Constitution of The United States of America a Citizen.

Citizenship of the parents of a U.S. Citizen at the time of birth is not mentioned, discussed or subjected to question.

She is a U.S. Citizen and eligible for office to which she will be elected.
Beat me to it..14th says she's eligible so the tin foil hats need to find something else to whine about.

you seem dispondent, lonely, angry, sad... with no sense of hope, only doom and gloom.

will you be speaking at the convention this evening ?
i don't know if this thread is good enough for the politics section, but the argument they used for obama was based on his mother's citizenship. they had endless citations and precedent.

his "father" was a British subject. Clarence thomas said they have avoided the subject, to define natural born.

the political plan for their politics was to have harris step aside and michelle will save the day. the problem is all the obama clinton biden corruption.

here's a political link to this important political issue during the election of more politicians.

Search Results
Web results
Fact check: Harris eligible for VP, president under Constitution
www.detroitnews.com › story › news › politics › 2020/08/16 › harris-...

4 days ago - As a person born in the U.S., at least 35 and a resident for at least 14 years, Kamala Harris is eligiblefor the nation's highest office.
Missing: isn't ‎| Must include: isn't
Is Kamala Harris Eligible to Be Vice President? Yes, Yes, and ...
www.bloomberg.com › opinion › articles › is-kamala-harris-eligible-t...

5 days ago - It starts with the constitutional provision of Article II that says, “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time ...
Yes, Kamala Harris Is Eligible To Be Vice President
www.buzzfeednews.com › article › janelytvynenko › yes-kamala-harr...

there are so many new experts... watch how they are getting ahead of the story.
AND.. they are quick to say Trump has signed off on it, which was brilliant on Trump's part.

But it's not up to Trump... and i don't think they can get away again without changing the constitution to, anyone can be President.

So, creating pointless threads is the new Cult45 move now? Awesome. Well done. :04:
it's the new Colt45 move now... heh.
hey harper what's going on brother ? hey you were an obot, what say you ?

but if you think that's it, well then that's good enough for me, apparently the fabulous AOC is eligible too...

boy that trudeau kid is a dud, hope you are on it. he's your AOC... those are the people i love toto ... heh..
Last edited:
Unfortunately, Anchor Baby = natural born citizen.

I disagree, but it is what it is.

Actually Will, the question remains undefined by Congress. As such, we SHOULD being erring on the SAFE side. They have run from the question for years. The matter has been tackled and defined MANY TIMES down through the ages, and without digging them up and printing them here again, under most of those definitions, Harris FAILS to be eligible for VP, POTUS or even the Senate! Then after a time, liberals, unhappy that the definition excludes people from these high offices, try to overturn and water down the meaning.

Originally, Natural Born was defined according to similar lines as was understood by the British use of the phrase. Clearly, the Founders never intended or anticipated a person like Kamala running for POTUS. She is likewise eligible to serve on the Jamaican government-- -- -- how would that be if our president while in office was also serving on the government of a foreign power, a hostile one? And they worry about Russia?

At the heart of the matter is one simple problem: while other countries insist that anyone born on their soil must be born of natives of their country to be citizens, the USA has tried to take the OPPOSITE stance in its ever-greedy hope of appropriating ownership of people wherever they be: instead, the USA wants to consider both anyone born to US citizens even born on foreign soil to be a citizen of America AND anyone born here on our soil, EVEN IF THE PARENTS AREN'T AMERICAN CITIZENS! Even if by said birth, they are likewise considered by their parent's nations be be birthright citizens in THEIR countries.

That's pure bullshit.

In absolute terms, the only right way to do this is to STOP conflating Natural-born as if it means the same thing as Birthright citizenship, otherwise, WHY THE TWO DIFFERENT NAMES? To solve the problem, there must be THREE classes of citizenship:
  1. Native American (birthright citizenship): anyone born here on American soil, so long as the USA is able to exercise full jurisdiction over them.
  2. Naturalized citizen: Foreign born but coming here to be made citizen of this country too.
  3. NATURAL BORN American: A special class held for those wishing to attain our highest offices to set a high goal and to protect the integrity of these offices that such a person be of a mind and heart pure and loyal to America---- to be BORN HERE and be born of parents where at least one (traditionally the father) is also a natural born native American who was born here of American citizens.
Of course, there is more, this is a bit of a simplification.

This is serious shit and a sad commentary of the times it is being swept under the rug here and ignored once again. The Founders never intended that a person born and raised of foreign citizens, foreign citizens especially whom were only temporary residents of this country, raised to believe and identify with foreign ideas should end up PRESIDENT of the country! There is an insidious danger here that will become all too apparent but too late should some day, the wrong person be casually swept into office as Harris is being done now in our ANYTHING GOES culture of just making it up as we go along according to the mood of the day.

The really sad part is that we had this matter right and pretty much settled long ago several times, then let ourselves be argued out of it again and again by subversives. At one time you could even LOSE your US citizenship if under certain conditions, you were apart from the country too long.

This nation is full of fools and subversives just ripe for America to be taken right out from under our feet by our enemies as we fiddle away without a care.
Last edited:
i don't know if this thread is good enough for the politics section, but the argument they used for obama was based on his mother's citizenship. they had endless citations and precedent.

his "father" was a British subject. Clarence thomas said they have avoided the subject, to define natural born.

the political plan for their politics was to have harris step aside and michelle will save the day. the problem is all the obama clinton biden corruption.

here's a political link to this important political issue during the election of more politicians.

Search Results
Web results
Fact check: Harris eligible for VP, president under Constitution
www.detroitnews.com › story › news › politics › 2020/08/16 › harris-...

4 days ago - As a person born in the U.S., at least 35 and a resident for at least 14 years, Kamala Harris is eligiblefor the nation's highest office.
Missing: isn't ‎| Must include: isn't
Is Kamala Harris Eligible to Be Vice President? Yes, Yes, and ...
www.bloomberg.com › opinion › articles › is-kamala-harris-eligible-t...

5 days ago - It starts with the constitutional provision of Article II that says, “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time ...
Yes, Kamala Harris Is Eligible To Be Vice President
www.buzzfeednews.com › article › janelytvynenko › yes-kamala-harr...

there are so many new experts... watch how they are getting ahead of the story.
AND.. they are quick to say Trump has signed off on it, which was brilliant on Trump's part.

But it's not up to Trump... and i don't think they can get away again without changing the constitution to, anyone can be President.

So, creating pointless threads is the new Cult45 move now? Awesome. Well done. :04:
dunno. is Slade3200 part of that cult? he starts up emo posts all the time about how trump just isn't that good of a guy.

Well, he's not wrong. :dunno:
then threads like this are fine - stop worrying about pointless threads if they only bother you for 1 side.

get one, get the other.

I'm not worried about a thing. Just getting clarification.
well said sir ! i just googled kamala harris eligibility. the first six pages of results are all pro biden anti trump some really nasty. i don't care if this leads back to obama's forged birth certificate, i know it will when they trace back to brennen axelrod jarrett, bill ayers.

but it's interesting to see google cook and protect the democrats. and youtube is scrubbing videos of anything about obama's birther situation. obama isn't running for anything. the democrats know harris isn't eligible, she would step aside for michelle, then become attorney general, or so the DC rumor mill suggests. You know, if they were to win, which they won't. nobody wants another four years of impeachment and Benghaz

the other thing obama needs biden to win to get to his "original" birth certificate in a special vault in hawaii. the smoking gun is waiting, i have contacted the state of hawaii. no they said if biden wins there will be an earthquake and a flood in the special vault, burial will be at sea.
Last edited:
i don't know if this thread is good enough for the politics section, but the argument they used for obama was based on his mother's citizenship. they had endless citations and precedent.

his "father" was a British subject. Clarence thomas said they have avoided the subject, to define natural born.

the political plan for their politics was to have harris step aside and michelle will save the day. the problem is all the obama clinton biden corruption.

here's a political link to this important political issue during the election of more politicians.

Search Results
Web results
Fact check: Harris eligible for VP, president under Constitution
www.detroitnews.com › story › news › politics › 2020/08/16 › harris-...

4 days ago - As a person born in the U.S., at least 35 and a resident for at least 14 years, Kamala Harris is eligiblefor the nation's highest office.
Missing: isn't ‎| Must include: isn't
Is Kamala Harris Eligible to Be Vice President? Yes, Yes, and ...
www.bloomberg.com › opinion › articles › is-kamala-harris-eligible-t...

5 days ago - It starts with the constitutional provision of Article II that says, “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time ...
Yes, Kamala Harris Is Eligible To Be Vice President
www.buzzfeednews.com › article › janelytvynenko › yes-kamala-harr...

there are so many new experts... watch how they are getting ahead of the story.
AND.. they are quick to say Trump has signed off on it, which was brilliant on Trump's part.

But it's not up to Trump... and i don't think they can get away again without changing the constitution to, anyone can be President.

Jesus, it was already heard and established in the courts. I posted the court cases in a pervious thread. Give it up.
Kamala is playing a canny, ass-protecting game. he wants to be president in the future, and she doesn't even sneeze without it being calculated as something that will help her reach that goal

women ought not be that ambitious, my friends
is AOC eligible, okay if she runs
i don't know if this thread is good enough for the politics section, but the argument they used for obama was based on his mother's citizenship. they had endless citations and precedent.

his "father" was a British subject. Clarence thomas said they have avoided the subject, to define natural born.

the political plan for their politics was to have harris step aside and michelle will save the day. the problem is all the obama clinton biden corruption.

here's a political link to this important political issue during the election of more politicians.

Search Results
Web results
Fact check: Harris eligible for VP, president under Constitution
www.detroitnews.com › story › news › politics › 2020/08/16 › harris-...

4 days ago - As a person born in the U.S., at least 35 and a resident for at least 14 years, Kamala Harris is eligiblefor the nation's highest office.
Missing: isn't ‎| Must include: isn't
Is Kamala Harris Eligible to Be Vice President? Yes, Yes, and ...
www.bloomberg.com › opinion › articles › is-kamala-harris-eligible-t...

5 days ago - It starts with the constitutional provision of Article II that says, “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time ...
Yes, Kamala Harris Is Eligible To Be Vice President
www.buzzfeednews.com › article › janelytvynenko › yes-kamala-harr...

there are so many new experts... watch how they are getting ahead of the story.
AND.. they are quick to say Trump has signed off on it, which was brilliant on Trump's part.

But it's not up to Trump... and i don't think they can get away again without changing the constitution to, anyone can be President.

Your ignorance and gullibility boggles the mind...

let me ask you this, would you be ok with AOC running for president or Vice...

She is a natural born citizen. She's not, however, eligible to run until 2024 since she doesn't turn 35 until October of that year. One must be 35 years of age on or before Inauguration Day to be eligible.

Would I vote for her? No.
just for fun...

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident ...

look at this, the top entry on page one of search presidential actually redifines Natural Born Citizen

A Presidential candidate must be: A natural born citizen (U.S. citizen from birth) At least 35 years old and. A U.S. resident (permanently lives in the U.S.) for at least 14 years.

wikipedia is protecting the hell out of the democrats, the constitutional question is a "Conspiracy Theory" also, reading the questions, or discussing the text of article 2 make you an automatic racist.

wong, happersette,, nor the 14th mention natural born citizen.

there are only two jobs that require it. de vattel etc... i want to hear what jillian thinks, i hope she joins in.

Happersett, 88 U.S. (21 Wall.) 162 (1875), is a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held that the Constitution did not grant anyone, and in this case specifically a female citizen of the state of Missouri, a right to vote even when a state law granted rights to vote to a certain class of citizens.

Minor v. Happersett - Wikipedia

red flags are everywhere, just like obama.
the durham report will open some doors. it's all academic this cycle, no offense to the elites.

Last edited:
i don't know if this thread is good enough for the politics section, but the argument they used for obama was based on his mother's citizenship. they had endless citations and precedent.

his "father" was a British subject. Clarence thomas said they have avoided the subject, to define natural born.

the political plan for their politics was to have harris step aside and michelle will save the day. the problem is all the obama clinton biden corruption.

here's a political link to this important political issue during the election of more politicians.

Search Results
Web results
Fact check: Harris eligible for VP, president under Constitution
www.detroitnews.com › story › news › politics › 2020/08/16 › harris-...

4 days ago - As a person born in the U.S., at least 35 and a resident for at least 14 years, Kamala Harris is eligiblefor the nation's highest office.
Missing: isn't ‎| Must include: isn't
Is Kamala Harris Eligible to Be Vice President? Yes, Yes, and ...
www.bloomberg.com › opinion › articles › is-kamala-harris-eligible-t...

5 days ago - It starts with the constitutional provision of Article II that says, “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time ...
Yes, Kamala Harris Is Eligible To Be Vice President
www.buzzfeednews.com › article › janelytvynenko › yes-kamala-harr...

there are so many new experts... watch how they are getting ahead of the story.
AND.. they are quick to say Trump has signed off on it, which was brilliant on Trump's part.

But it's not up to Trump... and i don't think they can get away again without changing the constitution to, anyone can be President.

Obama was born in the United States. The Constitution does not require that the parents be citizens, but his mother was an American from Kansas.

He was born in Kenya. If his mother being American qualifies him to be President, why can't people admit, he was not born here? If it changes nothing, just admit, his birthplace is Kenya.

There is nothing to admit. He was born in Hawaii, which is a state. The Kenya story is the brainchild of some internet conspiracy freak and the asshole currently in the White House bought it hook, line, and sinker, of course. This "birther" shit has run its course.
As lon
i don't know if this thread is good enough for the politics section, but the argument they used for obama was based on his mother's citizenship. they had endless citations and precedent.

his "father" was a British subject. Clarence thomas said they have avoided the subject, to define natural born.

the political plan for their politics was to have harris step aside and michelle will save the day. the problem is all the obama clinton biden corruption.

here's a political link to this important political issue during the election of more politicians.

Search Results
Web results
Fact check: Harris eligible for VP, president under Constitution
www.detroitnews.com › story › news › politics › 2020/08/16 › harris-...

4 days ago - As a person born in the U.S., at least 35 and a resident for at least 14 years, Kamala Harris is eligiblefor the nation's highest office.
Missing: isn't ‎| Must include: isn't
Is Kamala Harris Eligible to Be Vice President? Yes, Yes, and ...
www.bloomberg.com › opinion › articles › is-kamala-harris-eligible-t...

5 days ago - It starts with the constitutional provision of Article II that says, “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time ...
Yes, Kamala Harris Is Eligible To Be Vice President
www.buzzfeednews.com › article › janelytvynenko › yes-kamala-harr...

there are so many new experts... watch how they are getting ahead of the story.
AND.. they are quick to say Trump has signed off on it, which was brilliant on Trump's part.

But it's not up to Trump... and i don't think they can get away again without changing the constitution to, anyone can be President.
as she was born U.S. soil she ie eligible to be president
just for fun...

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident ...

look at this, the top entry on page one of search presidential actually redifines Natural Born Citizen

A Presidential candidate must be: A natural born citizen (U.S. citizen from birth) At least 35 years old and. A U.S. resident (permanently lives in the U.S.) for at least 14 years.

wikipedia is protecting the hell out of the democrats, the constitutional question is a "Conspiracy Theory" also, reading the questions, or discussing the text of article 2 make you an automatic racist.

wong, happersette,, nor the 14th mention natural born citizen.

there are only two jobs that require it. de vattel etc... i want to hear what jillian thinks, i hope she joins in.

Happersett, 88 U.S. (21 Wall.) 162 (1875), is a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held that the Constitution did not grant anyone, and in this case specifically a female citizen of the state of Missouri, a right to vote even when a state law granted rights to vote to a certain class of citizens.
Minor v. Happersett - Wikipedia

red flags are everywhere, just like obama.
the durham report will open some doors. it's all academic this cycle, no offense to the elites.

OK where was she born?

What should disqualify that whore is her own record and criminal actions as a corrupt DA.


I'm thinking this thread will be in "Conspiracy Theories" any moment now.
Why does it scare you kiddy

You taking your tinfoil hat and moving over to "Conspiracy Theories"? It doesn't.
Once upon a time I shoved my tinfoil hat up the FBI's ass.

Great moment.

Great news you are voting for a senile old coot in diapers and a pothead.

Don't forget to kill your kids before birth as we do not need any more like you


Once upon a time, you started an absolutely ridiculous and ignorant thread, and then ASSumed that anyone who recognized that you were ridiculous and ignorant MUST be a Biden supporter, because your ignorant, wild-eyed conspiracy theories are THE official, cutting-edge stance of conservative Republicanism.

And then everyone continued to laugh at you, mock you, and be extremely annoyed that your stupid ass keeps giving the Democrats ammunition, instead of getting medicated and locked up as you should.

The end.

I'm not a Biden supporter, Tinfoil, but every time you open your stupid mouth, YOU are supporting him, whether you mean to or not. If you really want Trump to win, the best thing you can do is shut the fuck up and stop your pitiful attempts to be clever.
Actually I just love triggered liberals
Unfortunately, Anchor Baby = natural born citizen.

I disagree, but it is what it is.

Actually Will, the question remains undefined by Congress. As such, we SHOULD being erring on the SAFE side. They have run from the question for years. The matter has been tackled and defined MANY TIMES down through the ages, and without digging them up and printing them here again, under most of those definitions, Harris FAILS to be eligible for VP, POTUS or even the Senate! Then after a time, liberals, unhappy that the definition excludes people from these high offices, try to overturn and water down the meaning.

Originally, Natural Born was defined according to similar lines as was understood by the British use of the phrase. Clearly, the Founders never intended or anticipated a person like Kamala running for POTUS. She is likewise eligible to serve on the Jamaican government-- -- -- how would that be if our president while in office was also serving on the government of a foreign power, a hostile one? And they worry about Russia?

At the heart of the matter is one simple problem: while other countries insist that anyone born on their soil must be born of natives of their country to be citizens, the USA has tried to take the OPPOSITE stance in its ever-greedy hope of appropriating ownership of people wherever they be: instead, the USA wants to consider both anyone born to US citizens even born on foreign soil to be a citizen of America AND anyone born here on our soil, EVEN IF THE PARENTS AREN'T AMERICAN CITIZENS! Even if by said birth, they are likewise considered by their parent's nations be be birthright citizens in THEIR countries.

That's pure bullshit.

In absolute terms, the only right way to do this is to STOP conflating Natural-born as if it means the same thing as Birthright citizenship, otherwise, WHY THE TWO DIFFERENT NAMES? To solve the problem, there must be THREE classes of citizenship:
  1. Native American (birthright citizenship): anyone born here on American soil, so long as the USA is able to exercise full jurisdiction over them.
  2. Naturalized citizen: Foreign born but coming here to be made citizen of this country too.
  3. NATURAL BORN American: A special class held for those wishing to attain our highest offices to set a high goal and to protect the integrity of these offices that such a person be of a mind and heart pure and loyal to America---- to be BORN HERE and be born of parents where at least one (traditionally the father) is also a natural born native American who was born here of American citizens.
Of course, there is more, this is a bit of a simplification.

This is serious shit and a sad commentary of the times it is being swept under the rug here and ignored once again. The Founders never intended that a person born and raised of foreign citizens, foreign citizens especially whom were only temporary residents of this country, raised to believe and identify with foreign ideas should end up PRESIDENT of the country! There is an insidious danger here that will become all too apparent but too late should some day, the wrong person be casually swept into office as Harris is being done now in our ANYTHING GOES culture of just making it up as we go along according to the mood of the day.

The really sad part is that we had this matter right and pretty much settled long ago several times, then let ourselves be argued out of it again and again by subversives. At one time you could even LOSE your US citizenship if under certain conditions, you were apart from the country too long.

This nation is full of fools and subversives just ripe for America to be taken right out from under our feet by our enemies as we fiddle away without a care.

It was a completely different time when the the Constitution was created. Many things were not considered. Just because the founding fathers never considered something does not mean they never intended for something to happen. That is why the process of amending the Constitution was created. I don't consider Jamaica to be a enemy of the United States. Harris is eligible to be Vice-President and President. End of story.
It was a completely different time when the the Constitution was created.

Just because the founding fathers never considered something does not mean they never intended for something to happen.
MEANINGLESS as it does not prove they intended it neither. And just what IS your argument? As usual, another stupid argument that it should be of no concern that she was born to a couple who weren't even Americans?

HOW DELICIOUS. Then why all this concern over Russia, we should have invited Putin to become citizen of the USA long ago, maybe Soros, Hitler and a few others, had kids here, raised them then put then in our office as POTUS! And here you've spent years anguishing because Trump talked to a few Russians years ago just looking to build hotels, etc. in their country.

LET'S START AN EXCHANGE PROGRAM, invite the Ayatollah over from Iran. Why even bother with children, just put the Iranisns in charge of our government!

That is why the process of amending the Constitution was created.
And it is amended rarely and carefully. Kamela is not eligible to hold office as VP or POTUS, and it is very telling that in just three elections, two of them have had people in them with serious questions about their eligibility. If elected, Harris will forever be another slap in the face and be the TRUE illegitimate officer of the USA.

You fuckers just can't WAIT to break down every rule and regulation that defines this nation as a sovereign entity.

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