Kansas Lies to Close Only Voting Place In Dodge City

Did anyone actually look at the map to see where the new polling place is? It's less than 2.5 miles from the downtown section of Dodge City...

And the city is offering free public transportation to the new voting location.

Judge will not order Ford County to open second polling location in Dodge City

When they said "miles" I assumed it was 2 or 3. If not less.

Cause that is the way libs are.
Do you have to walk an hour each way to and from your polling place?
Couple of questions:

If this is a Democrat city, how do republicans have any say where they vote? If it’s republican why would they suppress their own vote?

When did they move the polling place? Was it because construction has been scheduled for a long time or recently? Could construction have been delayed for any reason?

How long have voters been aware of this?
The city doesn't control the election, the Secretary of State who is running for Governor does

Cheating..... themselves?

Dodge City is heavily Republican. I don't know the reasoning for this whole polling mess, but this wouldn't seem like a very effective cheating strategy since it's their own voters getting screwed.

Dodge City is 60% Hispanic. What do you think is coming this election if they turn out in what is now a very close election?

Come on, you know this shit with unnecessary move of the single voting localtion to outside of town stinks of politico games.

Why are you assuming all Hispanics are democrat? Do you think that because people share an ethnicity they all think alike? Because I see little reason to presume that
The republican officials in Kansas have closed the one and only voting police in Dodge City and used a lie to do it.

They said that people can't vote at the Civic Center because construction is happening and there's no parking. People suggested to use the public school for voting, that was refused by Kansas but they didn't give a reason why. So they moved the one and only voting place miles outside Dodge City.

Rachel Maddow sent one of her people to Dodge City to check it out.

They got video of the voting place miles outside the city and they got video of the Civic Center that was supposed to be under construction, a mess and no parking.

The video clearly shows the Civic Center is fine, there's no construction, there's no mess and there's tons of parking. The Civic Center has been used as the only voting place in the city for decades. The calendar for the Civic Center shows several events next week.

This is such out and out voter suppression it's disgusting.

Republicans know that they are in a fight for their political lives so what do they do? Fall back on the tried and true preventing likely democratic voters from voting.

This is what republicans are. Cheaters who know that the people don't want them so they prevent as many people from voting as possible to be able to to keep forcing their failed policies on people who don't want them.

Rachel Maddow is very long winded and she drones on and on but if you are like me and don't want to listen to the whole thing just fast forward it to the last half of the video to see the video of Dodge City, the Civic Center and where they now are forcing people to go to vote. Everyone in Dodge City has to vote there. There is no other place for them to cast their vote.

The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc – Latest News & Video
Rachel “mad cow” Maddox has no credibility....
Why are you assuming all Hispanics are democrat? Do you think that because people share an ethnicity they all think alike? Because I see little reason to presume that

Who's making that assumption?

Kris Kobach....

Yea pretty much
Did anyone actually look at the map to see where the new polling place is? It's less than 2.5 miles from the downtown section of Dodge City...

And the city is offering free public transportation to the new voting location.

Judge will not order Ford County to open second polling location in Dodge City

When they said "miles" I assumed it was 2 or 3. If not less.

Cause that is the way libs are.
Do you have to walk an hour each way to and from your polling place?
I drive. Almost everyone drives to my polling place. Is that odd?
Did anyone actually look at the map to see where the new polling place is? It's less than 2.5 miles from the downtown section of Dodge City...

And the city is offering free public transportation to the new voting location.

Judge will not order Ford County to open second polling location in Dodge City
That's roughly two miles outside the city.

We'll see how well the public transportation for a couple thousand people works out
Why can’t they drive, take a taxi? Are you saying those people have no brains?

There are some Democrats who have always treated the American people as though they were complete morons.

An older woman I know, can barely get around her house, was making arrangements to go vote. If anyone needed help it would have been her but instead she was taking care of it herself.

Needless to say she is a trump suppoter
Did anyone actually look at the map to see where the new polling place is? It's less than 2.5 miles from the downtown section of Dodge City...

And the city is offering free public transportation to the new voting location.

Judge will not order Ford County to open second polling location in Dodge City
That's roughly two miles outside the city.

We'll see how well the public transportation for a couple thousand people works out
Why can’t they drive, take a taxi? Are you saying those people have no brains?

There are some Democrats who have always treated the American people as though they were complete morons.

An older woman I know, can barely get around her house, was making arrangements to go vote. If anyone needed help it would have been her but instead she was taking care of it herself.

Needless to say she is a trump suppoter

What was the purpose of moving the polling place?

Hmm ...
Did anyone actually look at the map to see where the new polling place is? It's less than 2.5 miles from the downtown section of Dodge City...

And the city is offering free public transportation to the new voting location.

Judge will not order Ford County to open second polling location in Dodge City

When they said "miles" I assumed it was 2 or 3. If not less.

Cause that is the way libs are.
Do you have to walk an hour each way to and from your polling place?

If you are so old that 2 miles takes you an hour to walk, I am sure some partisan dem would give you a ride.

Hell, I would do it for a weak and/or elderly republican.
Did anyone actually look at the map to see where the new polling place is? It's less than 2.5 miles from the downtown section of Dodge City...

And the city is offering free public transportation to the new voting location.

Judge will not order Ford County to open second polling location in Dodge City

When they said "miles" I assumed it was 2 or 3. If not less.

Cause that is the way libs are.
Do you have to walk an hour each way to and from your polling place?

If you are so old that 2 miles takes you an hour to walk, I am sure some partisan dem would give you a ride.

Hell, I would do it for a weak and/or elderly republican.
Regardless of your OPINIONS...it is an intentional impediment to voting
Did anyone actually look at the map to see where the new polling place is? It's less than 2.5 miles from the downtown section of Dodge City...

And the city is offering free public transportation to the new voting location.

Judge will not order Ford County to open second polling location in Dodge City

When they said "miles" I assumed it was 2 or 3. If not less.

Cause that is the way libs are.
Do you have to walk an hour each way to and from your polling place?

If you are so old that 2 miles takes you an hour to walk, I am sure some partisan dem would give you a ride.

Hell, I would do it for a weak and/or elderly republican.
Regardless of your OPINIONS...it is an intentional impediment to voting

I live in a dem machine city. Every now and again they move then polls for no obvious reason, sometimes without any notification.

I've always assumed incompetent and irrational bureaucracy was the reason, and never tried to make any sense of it.

I think that you are looking at random events of the whole nation filtered to show the incidents that might impact minorities more.

YOu are seeing patterns given to you by people who assumed the patterns and then went looking for information to support their already arrived at conclusions.
Did anyone actually look at the map to see where the new polling place is? It's less than 2.5 miles from the downtown section of Dodge City...

And the city is offering free public transportation to the new voting location.

Judge will not order Ford County to open second polling location in Dodge City

When they said "miles" I assumed it was 2 or 3. If not less.

Cause that is the way libs are.
Do you have to walk an hour each way to and from your polling place?

If you are so old that 2 miles takes you an hour to walk, I am sure some partisan dem would give you a ride.

Hell, I would do it for a weak and/or elderly republican.
Regardless of your OPINIONS...it is an intentional impediment to voting
Prove it.

Cheating..... themselves?

Dodge City is heavily Republican. I don't know the reasoning for this whole polling mess, but this wouldn't seem like a very effective cheating strategy since it's their own voters getting screwed.

Dodge City is 60% Hispanic. What do you think is coming this election if they turn out in what is now a very close election?

Come on, you know this shit with unnecessary move of the single voting localtion to outside of town stinks of politico games.
Why are you assuming all Hispanics are democrat?

... I never said that all Hispanics vote Democrat. But most do, and they especially will in this cycle.
Did anyone actually look at the map to see where the new polling place is? It's less than 2.5 miles from the downtown section of Dodge City...

And the city is offering free public transportation to the new voting location.

Judge will not order Ford County to open second polling location in Dodge City
That's roughly two miles outside the city.

We'll see how well the public transportation for a couple thousand people works out
Why can’t they drive, take a taxi? Are you saying those people have no brains?

There are some Democrats who have always treated the American people as though they were complete morons.

An older woman I know, can barely get around her house, was making arrangements to go vote. If anyone needed help it would have been her but instead she was taking care of it herself.

Needless to say she is a trump suppoter

What was the purpose of moving the polling place?

Hmm ...
Why do you care?

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