Kanye-Trump summit tomorrow

Because Trump doesn't care and katsteve is right for pointing that out.
Sure; that’s why he keeps bringing it up.

Who? Katsteve?
Trump knows if anyone’s left behind the US will eventually collapse.

And he personally told you that, I assume.
Speeches and interviews you won’t watch because he’s a Honky.

That is an ignorant statement. I do not need to use racial slurs like that.

All that I need is my command of the English language to make a point.

Truthfully, I do not care what Trumps race is. And like any tax paying, home owner in America who cares about the future of his family. I pay VERY close attention to what he says.....AND does.
Sure; that’s why he keeps bringing it up.

Who? Katsteve?
Trump knows if anyone’s left behind the US will eventually collapse.

And he personally told you that, I assume.
Speeches and interviews you won’t watch because he’s a Honky.

Speeches and interviews are not policies idiot. Trump doesn't care who is left behind

Whatever you say s0n........

Unfortunately, in every society, some are left behind. Doy. But in Trumps America, less people are left behind because there is more opportunity. That's how it works.:coffee:
Who? Katsteve?
Trump knows if anyone’s left behind the US will eventually collapse.

And he personally told you that, I assume.
Speeches and interviews you won’t watch because he’s a Honky.

Speeches and interviews are not policies idiot. Trump doesn't care who is left behind

Whatever you say s0n........

Unfortunately, in every society, some are left behind. Doy. But in Trumps America, less people are left behind because there is more opportunity. That's how it works.:coffee:

Unfortunately that's just not true.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

Africans chose which members of an enemy tribe they would sell into slavery, except when their raiding party was defeated and sold into slavery themselves.

Africans started slavery - how it REALLY happened - YouTube

African American Lives 2 . Profiles . Tom Joyner | PBS

Slavery: What They Didn't Teach in My High School


Did Africans force the United States to also start a system of government that victimized, murdered and oppressed people of color for hundreds of years? Talk about personal responsibility -- now its "the Africans made us do it"

Trump lovers are pathetic

Democrats fought a war to keep their black slaves.

When they lost, they started the KKK and enacted Jim Crow laws.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

Africans chose which members of an enemy tribe they would sell into slavery, except when their raiding party was defeated and sold into slavery themselves.

Africans started slavery - how it REALLY happened - YouTube

African American Lives 2 . Profiles . Tom Joyner | PBS

Slavery: What They Didn't Teach in My High School


Did Africans force the United States to also start a system of government that victimized, murdered and oppressed people of color for hundreds of years? Talk about personal responsibility -- now its "the Africans made us do it"

Trump lovers are pathetic

Democrats fought a war to keep their black slaves.

When they lost, they started the KKK and enacted Jim Crow laws.

Didn't exactly happen like that.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

Africans chose which members of an enemy tribe they would sell into slavery, except when their raiding party was defeated and sold into slavery themselves.

Africans started slavery - how it REALLY happened - YouTube

African American Lives 2 . Profiles . Tom Joyner | PBS

Slavery: What They Didn't Teach in My High School


Did Africans force the United States to also start a system of government that victimized, murdered and oppressed people of color for hundreds of years? Talk about personal responsibility -- now its "the Africans made us do it"

Trump lovers are pathetic

Democrats fought a war to keep their black slaves.

When they lost, they started the KKK and enacted Jim Crow laws.

Repubs helped them start Jim Crow.
I truly hope the very few Blacks that do support the orange buffoon see this spectacle exactly for what it was. It was a step and fetch show designed to make you think Drumpf is cool.
Jim Brown would snap your chicken neck.
Jim Browns old ass would get knocked the fuck out if I were the type to commit senior abuse. :laugh:.
He would use your bald head to wipe the shit out of your pants, Dave. :pinkygirly:

I doubt if Brown is able to do that now.
I truly hope the very few Blacks that do support the orange buffoon see this spectacle exactly for what it was. It was a step and fetch show designed to make you think Drumpf is cool.
Jim Brown would snap your chicken neck.
Jim Browns old ass would get knocked the fuck out if I were the type to commit senior abuse. :laugh:.
He would use your bald head to wipe the shit out of your pants, Dave. :pinkygirly:
He is probably incontinent by now but I wouldnt bend down so he could use my head.




In 1876, the two major candidates running for President were Rutherford B. Hayes, a Republican, and Samuel J. Tilden, a Democrat. The first returns indicated a victory for Tilden, who had won the popular vote with 4,284,020 votes to Hayes' 4,036,572. But Tilden's 184 electoral votes -- the votes that would decide the Presidency -- were still one short of a majority, while Hayes' 165 electoral votes left him 20 ballots away. The votes of three Southern states and one western state still had not been counted. The 20 electoral votes remaining in dispute were one from Oregon and 19 from the three Southern states that still retained Republican-controlled electoral boards -- Florida (4), Louisiana (8), and South Carolina (7). What
complicated the matter was that Democrats in these states had won the state elections, mostly by violence and fraud. Both parties claimed victory. The Republicans, who still held a majority on the electoral boards that would certify the election results, claimed that Hayes was elected because the Democrats' used fraud, violence, and intimidation in the Southern states. They "threw out" enough Democratic votes for Hayes to win in all three states. The Democrats submitted their own list for Tilden. In Oregon, Hayes had clearly won but the Democratic governor had managed to confuse things by sending one elector in Tilden's favor. The conflict raged because the Constitution did not provide for a way of resolving the dispute.

The Electoral College controversy would drag on for months, not reaching resolution until almost the eve of the scheduled inauguration on March 5, 1877. To break the deadlock, Congress appointed an Electoral Commission, made up of five Senators, five members of the House of Representatives, and five Supreme Court justices. Congress originally hoped to have seven
Republican members of the Commission, seven Democrats, and one independent. As it turned out, however, the actual membership turned out to consist of eight Republicans and seven Democrats. The Commission voted along straight party lines 8 to 7 to accept all of Hayes' electoral votes and reject the Democrat's claims. The night before President Grant's term expired, the Senate announced Hayes had been elected President. The deadlock was broken behind closed doors when Southern Democrats agreed to support Hayes' claim for the Presidency if he would support increased funding for Southern internal improvements and agree to end Reconstruction, thus guaranteeing home rule -- meaning white control -- in the South. Hayes became President and the Southern Democrats could reverse with impunity the gains that blacks had made during Reconstruction.

-- Richard Wormser

The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow . Jim Crow Stories . Hayes-Tilden Election | PBS
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

Africans chose which members of an enemy tribe they would sell into slavery, except when their raiding party was defeated and sold into slavery themselves.

Africans started slavery - how it REALLY happened - YouTube

African American Lives 2 . Profiles . Tom Joyner | PBS

Slavery: What They Didn't Teach in My High School


Did Africans force the United States to also start a system of government that victimized, murdered and oppressed people of color for hundreds of years? Talk about personal responsibility -- now its "the Africans made us do it"

Trump lovers are pathetic

Democrats fought a war to keep their black slaves.

When they lost, they started the KKK and enacted Jim Crow laws.

Wage Slavery Is Slavery of the Best, Plantation Slavery Is Slavery of Lowlife

The KKK was financed by Republican businessmen for recruiting strikebreakers and sending them up North.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

Africans chose which members of an enemy tribe they would sell into slavery, except when their raiding party was defeated and sold into slavery themselves.

Africans started slavery - how it REALLY happened - YouTube

African American Lives 2 . Profiles . Tom Joyner | PBS

Slavery: What They Didn't Teach in My High School


Did Africans force the United States to also start a system of government that victimized, murdered and oppressed people of color for hundreds of years? Talk about personal responsibility -- now its "the Africans made us do it"

Trump lovers are pathetic

Democrats fought a war to keep their black slaves.

When they lost, they started the KKK and enacted Jim Crow laws.

Wage Slavery Is Slavery of the Best, Plantation Slavery Is Slavery of Lowlife

The KKK was financed by Republican businessmen for recruiting strikebreakers and sending them up North.

You have a link for that?
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

Africans chose which members of an enemy tribe they would sell into slavery, except when their raiding party was defeated and sold into slavery themselves.

Africans started slavery - how it REALLY happened - YouTube

African American Lives 2 . Profiles . Tom Joyner | PBS

Slavery: What They Didn't Teach in My High School


Did Africans force the United States to also start a system of government that victimized, murdered and oppressed people of color for hundreds of years? Talk about personal responsibility -- now its "the Africans made us do it"

Trump lovers are pathetic

Democrats fought a war to keep their black slaves.

When they lost, they started the KKK and enacted Jim Crow laws.

Didn't exactly happen like that.

George Wallace on the schoolhouse steps in Little Rock says it did.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

Africans chose which members of an enemy tribe they would sell into slavery, except when their raiding party was defeated and sold into slavery themselves.

Africans started slavery - how it REALLY happened - YouTube

African American Lives 2 . Profiles . Tom Joyner | PBS

Slavery: What They Didn't Teach in My High School


Did Africans force the United States to also start a system of government that victimized, murdered and oppressed people of color for hundreds of years? Talk about personal responsibility -- now its "the Africans made us do it"

Trump lovers are pathetic

Democrats fought a war to keep their black slaves.

When they lost, they started the KKK and enacted Jim Crow laws.

Repubs helped them start Jim Crow.

Ah. Slavers and the KKK needed help.
I truly hope the very few Blacks that do support the orange buffoon see this spectacle exactly for what it was. It was a step and fetch show designed to make you think Drumpf is cool.
Jim Brown would snap your chicken neck.
Jim Browns old ass would get knocked the fuck out if I were the type to commit senior abuse. :laugh:.
He would use your bald head to wipe the shit out of your pants, Dave. :pinkygirly:

I doubt if Brown is able to do that now.
You would have to see AssPlease to know that. :)

But it's cute that you stick up for your boyfriend.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

Africans chose which members of an enemy tribe they would sell into slavery, except when their raiding party was defeated and sold into slavery themselves.

Africans started slavery - how it REALLY happened - YouTube

African American Lives 2 . Profiles . Tom Joyner | PBS

Slavery: What They Didn't Teach in My High School


Did Africans force the United States to also start a system of government that victimized, murdered and oppressed people of color for hundreds of years? Talk about personal responsibility -- now its "the Africans made us do it"

Trump lovers are pathetic

Democrats fought a war to keep their black slaves.

When they lost, they started the KKK and enacted Jim Crow laws.

Repubs helped them start Jim Crow.

Ah. Slavers and the KKK needed help.

And they got it from the Repubs. Those your people right?
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

Africans started slavery - how it REALLY happened - YouTube

African American Lives 2 . Profiles . Tom Joyner | PBS

Slavery: What They Didn't Teach in My High School


Did Africans force the United States to also start a system of government that victimized, murdered and oppressed people of color for hundreds of years? Talk about personal responsibility -- now its "the Africans made us do it"

Trump lovers are pathetic

Democrats fought a war to keep their black slaves.

When they lost, they started the KKK and enacted Jim Crow laws.

Repubs helped them start Jim Crow.

Ah. Slavers and the KKK needed help.

And they got it from the Repubs. Those your people right?

Jews owned the slave ships. Those are your people.
Did Africans force the United States to also start a system of government that victimized, murdered and oppressed people of color for hundreds of years? Talk about personal responsibility -- now its "the Africans made us do it"

Trump lovers are pathetic
Democrats fought a war to keep their black slaves.

When they lost, they started the KKK and enacted Jim Crow laws.
Repubs helped them start Jim Crow.
Ah. Slavers and the KKK needed help.
And they got it from the Repubs. Those your people right?
Jews owned the slave ships. Those are your people.
Those were white jews. Not my people. We know you see them as saviors. Didnt you say you were happy Blacks were enslaved by whites?
Democrats fought a war to keep their black slaves.

When they lost, they started the KKK and enacted Jim Crow laws.
Repubs helped them start Jim Crow.
Ah. Slavers and the KKK needed help.
And they got it from the Repubs. Those your people right?
Jews owned the slave ships. Those are your people.
Those were white jews. Not my people. We know you see them as saviors. Didnt you say you were happy Blacks were enslaved by whites?
No that was you during your overseer days. Which are long past.

Keep bashing the well-respected Jim Brown. It's a midterm winner like all your decisions. :highfive:

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