Kari Lake calls for imprisoning Maricopa County election officials

I encourage everyone to read the judges ruling. It’s less than ten pages and the core is page 4-9 or only 6 pages.
And as said from day one - the court found misconduct but stated it wasn't enough to alter the results,

And as said from day one - the court found misconduct but stated it wasn't enough to alter the results,

View attachment 742236
Court found no misconduct. The judge said no proof of that was submitted only hearsay and “if it was true” it was only 50 votes and none were accused of being invalid or altered. Total made up BS.
Too bad this article doesn't give details.

Here are all the details you need...

The Court notes that Mr. Parikh also acknowledged a fact admitted by several of Plaintiff’s witnesses: that any ballot that could not be read due to BOD printer or tabulator failure could be submitted for ballot duplication and adjudication through Door 3 on the tabulators. Plaintiff’s own expert acknowledged that a ballot that was unable to be read at the vote center could be deposited by a voter, duplicated by a bipartisan board onto a readable ballot, and – in the final analysis – counted. Thus, Plaintiff’s expert on this point admitted that the voters who suffered from tabulator rejections would nevertheless have their votes counted. This, at a minimum, means that the actual impact element of Count II could not be proven. The BOD printer failures did not actually affect the results of the election.


The Court makes the following observations about Plaintiff’s case as a general matter. Every one of Plaintiff’s witnesses – and for that matter, Defendants’ witnesses as well – was asked about any personal knowledge of both intentional misconduct and intentional misconduct directed to impact the 2022 General Election. Every single witness before the Court disclaimed any personal knowledge of such misconduct. The Court cannot accept speculation or conjecture in place of clear and convincing evidence.

~ the honorable Peter Thompson
Per the judge's deadline, Maricopa County and Hobbs filed sanctions against Kari Lake and her lawyers. Today is also the deadline for Lake to file her appeal.

Plaintiff and her attorneys knew—or, at least, they should have known—that they had no witness testimony or evidence that would allow them to meet the Court’s required showing, yet they refused to voluntarily dismiss this action. The ethical rules that attorneys must follow require that “[a] lawyer shall not bring or defend a proceeding, or assert or controvert an issue therein, unless there is a good faith basis in law and fact for doing so that is not frivolous[.]”
Those ballots could have been changed by poll workers. That is a fact. The election ballots on demand were made that way on purpose.
But they weren't. I mean as Walker told us, a werewolf can kill a vampire, but they don't.
I cannot prove the Arizona has been taken over by the Pod People either. But I don't have to. It's incumbent on the plaintiff to prove their case. They failed to submit evidence that anyone was disenfranchised.
But there was all kind of evidence the election was run like total shit.
Dumbass Nazi.

They were proven in court.

That a judge did what I said he would do from the start and ruled that they didn't alter the election in no way changes the fact that Katie Hobbs tampered with the election by providing the wrong ballots in Republican districts for the purpose of disenfranchising voters.

You're beyond brain-dead, ya lyin' nazi.

She utterly failed to prove her claims of "intentional misconduct"...

"Mr. Betencourt testified that, not only did he lack knowledge of any T-Tech (or anyone else) engaging in intentional misconduct, but further testified that the T-Techs he worked with diligently and expeditiously trouble-shot each problem as they arose, and they did so in a frenetic Election Day environment. Plaintiff’s own witness testified before this Court that the BOD printer failures were largely the result of unforeseen mechanical failure."


"The Court makes the following observations about Plaintiff’s case as a general matter. Every one of Plaintiff’s witnesses – and for that matter, Defendants’ witnesses as well – was asked about any personal knowledge of both intentional misconduct and intentional misconduct directed to impact the 2022 General Election. Every single witness before the Court disclaimed any personal knowledge of such misconduct. The Court cannot accept speculation or conjecture in place of clear and convincing evidence." ~ the honorable Peter Thompson

And she utterly failed to prove there were over 17K votes for her that were not counted...

"The Court notes that Mr. Parikh also acknowledged a fact admitted by several of Plaintiff’s witnesses: that any ballot that could not be read due to BOD printer or tabulator failure could be submitted for ballot duplication and adjudication through Door 3 on the tabulators. Plaintiff’s own expert acknowledged that a ballot that was unable to be read at the vote center could be deposited by a voter, duplicated by a bipartisan board onto a readable ballot, and – in the final analysis – counted. Thus, Plaintiff’s expert on this point admitted that the voters who suffered from tabulator rejections would nevertheless have their votes counted. This, at a minimum, means that the actual impact element of Count II could not be proven. The BOD printer failures did not actually affect the results of the election." ~ the honorable Peter Thompson
And as said from day one - the court found misconduct but stated it wasn't enough to alter the results,

View attachment 742236

You're lying again, lyin' nazi. The Court found there was no misconduct...

"Mr. Betencourt testified that, not only did he lack knowledge of any T-Tech (or anyone else) engaging in intentional misconduct, but further testified that the T-Techs he worked with diligently and expeditiously trouble-shot each problem as they arose, and they did so in a frenetic Election Day environment. Plaintiff’s own witness testified before this Court that the BOD printer failures were largely the result of unforeseen mechanical failure."


"Every single witness before the Court disclaimed any personal knowledge of such misconduct." ~ the honorable Peter Thompson
None was submitted. As Republicans were running it, Democrats should be the ones complaining.
Stop the Republican bullshit. Those assholes are part of the uniparty who tell you who will be elected and then making sure it happens. Lake was too popular to lose and anyone with any honesty would admit that. That leaves you out.
The message board is about everybody's opinion. I so happen to have both experience (lead systems analyst for both municipal and corporate elections back when I was 27 and 29) and mental capacity to form my own opinion. Other poor souls are simply left to echo the trash they see in the Pundit and such. The bull about any felony in the OP's linked article is a hoot.

It may carry 0 weight to you now, but hopefully as you mature a light of understanding will come on for you.
Being an analyst goes down the drain when the system fails.

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