Kasich commits political suicide

So the polling is all wrong. And you're right.....

Because you say so?

I won't debate the left's lies and propaganda nonsense. Kasich should go run for office in Mexico.

Translation: you won't acknowledge the existence of any evidence that contradicts what you choose to believe.

And its that willful blindness that is the beating heart of what is wrong with the conservative movement.

You may want to look up the words "lies" and "propaganda" in the dictionary.

You might want to look up 'Cherry Picking' and 'Confirmation Bias'. As the credibility of evidence isn't based on whether or not it agrees with you.

Yet you ignore anything, from any source....that doesn't agree with you. That's irrational.


the "confirmation bias" talking point is one of my favorite left-wing idiot memes!!
it is exactly how the HYPOCRITES on the Left arrive at the majority of the "conslusions" they arrive at.

Republicans must be "racist" many on the Left say because the Left wants to think they are, accuses them of being, and point to merely their make-up, not any actual actions of Republicans, as "proof" of what they were ALREADY BIASED IN THINKING

The punch line is how frequently the word "projection" applies to liberals, claiming Republicans are racist without any example WHILE ignoring the video documented examples of liberals being racist. lol

If you discuss liberal behavior for more than a few minutes you will break out in laughter :laugh:
THE ONLY supporting of the Tea Party that mattes is with the ones who elected them dullard.

just what do you want to see done with them since you say they are so unpopular you mindless moron?
AGAIN if you dont like democracy move to North Korea
The tea party does not have a majority in congress.
Duh! Progressives do...
Because most Americans are. What do you hate the most about a representative democracy?
This country is supposed to be a capitalist republic, obviously it's not. Thats why its a failure.
can any of the left-wing idiots constantly harping on the "reagan amnesty" say it was a success????

what is your idea of success?

was not part of that bill that became a law securing the border to prevent having to do this again?

how can you idiots say that succeeded???
It's code for 'Conservatives disagree or fail to understand'. Examples include: the theory of evolution, any environmental hazard (e.g. asbestos, lead based paint), stem cell research, and global warming.

people who arent brainwashed losers acknowledge the lead paint and asbestos issues have become just a pig trough for trial lawyers
In spite of the health havoc they bring? What can you tell us about the hazards of exposure to asbestos? What about lead? Please educate us 'brainwashed losers'. I am sincerely curious to find out what you see as the actual health hazards of those two components.

why do losers incapable of intellectual honesty expect anything in response to their false narratives?

when did i say they were never legitimate health concerns??

A narrative disagreeing with your personal opinion doesn't make it false. You merely ignore anything that doesn't ape exactly what you believe.

There's a difference. And that difference is the evidence. For example, you ignore the fact support for a pathway to citizenship enjoys 2 to 1 support, insisting its a 'false narrative'.

But the polling data says otherwise. You ignoring evidence doesn't mean that the evidence disappears. Or its magically 'unreliable'. All you've done is close your eyes.

The world is still here even when you refuse to look at it.

YOU ignore the FACT that YOUR "pathway to citizenship" is REJECTED BY A MAJORITY.

idiots and hypocrites

You aren't 'the majority'. A majority of supports the pathway to citizenship. As the polling data overwhelmingly demonstrates:


You merely imagine that whatever you choose to believe is the majority position. Based on....nothing. Just your belief. And then ignore any evidence that contradicts you. Any source. On any topic. If it contradicts what you want to believe....

.....you ignore it. Watch, I'll make you do it again:


72% confirm there should be a way for illegals to stay legally. Your ilk oppose it.

So you ignore this poll too. And I'll make you do it again...

CBS News/New York Times Poll. Oct. 21-25, 2015. N=1,289 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 4.

"Which comes closest to your view about illegal immigrants who are living in the U.S.? They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. and eventually apply for citizenship. They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. legally, but not be allowed to apply for citizenship. OR, They should be required to leave the U.S?

Stay, apply for citizenship: 58%
Stay, don't apply for citizenship: 11%
Be required to leave: 28%


With almost 70% supporting letting them stay, most with a path to citizenship.

So you'll ignore this poll too.

Any poll that contradicts you, you ignore. Any source that contradicts you, you ignore. On any topic.

That's wildly irrational.
people who arent brainwashed losers acknowledge the lead paint and asbestos issues have become just a pig trough for trial lawyers
In spite of the health havoc they bring? What can you tell us about the hazards of exposure to asbestos? What about lead? Please educate us 'brainwashed losers'. I am sincerely curious to find out what you see as the actual health hazards of those two components.

why do losers incapable of intellectual honesty expect anything in response to their false narratives?

when did i say they were never legitimate health concerns??

A narrative disagreeing with your personal opinion doesn't make it false. You merely ignore anything that doesn't ape exactly what you believe.

There's a difference. And that difference is the evidence. For example, you ignore the fact support for a pathway to citizenship enjoys 2 to 1 support, insisting its a 'false narrative'.

But the polling data says otherwise. You ignoring evidence doesn't mean that the evidence disappears. Or its magically 'unreliable'. All you've done is close your eyes.

The world is still here even when you refuse to look at it.

YOU ignore the FACT that YOUR "pathway to citizenship" is REJECTED BY A MAJORITY.

idiots and hypocrites

You aren't 'the majority'. A majority of supports the pathway to citizenship. As the polling data overwhelmingly demonstrates:


You merely imagine that whatever you choose to believe is the majority position. Based on....nothing. Just your belief. And then ignore any evidence that contradicts you. Any source. On any topic. If it contradicts what you want to believe....

.....you ignore it. Watch, I'll make you do it again:


72% confirm there should be a way for illegals to stay legally. Your ilk oppose it.

So you ignore this poll too. And I'll make you do it again...

CBS News/New York Times Poll. Oct. 21-25, 2015. N=1,289 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 4.

"Which comes closest to your view about illegal immigrants who are living in the U.S.? They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. and eventually apply for citizenship. They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. legally, but not be allowed to apply for citizenship. OR, They should be required to leave the U.S?

Stay, apply for citizenship: 58%
Stay, don't apply for citizenship: 11%
Be required to leave: 28%


With almost 70% supporting letting them stay, most with a path to citizenship.

So you'll ignore this poll too.

Any poll that contradicts you, you ignore. Any source that contradicts you, you ignore. On any topic.

That's wildly irrational.

once again you are laughably guilty of the very thing you're accusing others of.

i already showed you a clear majority are against what DEMOCRATS are proposing as a "path to citizenship"

if you think i'm wrong prove it; because the shit above doesnt, loser

or just keep crying, your choice
people who arent brainwashed losers acknowledge the lead paint and asbestos issues have become just a pig trough for trial lawyers
In spite of the health havoc they bring? What can you tell us about the hazards of exposure to asbestos? What about lead? Please educate us 'brainwashed losers'. I am sincerely curious to find out what you see as the actual health hazards of those two components.

why do losers incapable of intellectual honesty expect anything in response to their false narratives?

when did i say they were never legitimate health concerns??

A narrative disagreeing with your personal opinion doesn't make it false. You merely ignore anything that doesn't ape exactly what you believe.

There's a difference. And that difference is the evidence. For example, you ignore the fact support for a pathway to citizenship enjoys 2 to 1 support, insisting its a 'false narrative'.

But the polling data says otherwise. You ignoring evidence doesn't mean that the evidence disappears. Or its magically 'unreliable'. All you've done is close your eyes.

The world is still here even when you refuse to look at it.

YOU ignore the FACT that YOUR "pathway to citizenship" is REJECTED BY A MAJORITY.

idiots and hypocrites

You aren't 'the majority'. A majority of supports the pathway to citizenship. As the polling data overwhelmingly demonstrates:


You merely imagine that whatever you choose to believe is the majority position. Based on....nothing. Just your belief. And then ignore any evidence that contradicts you. Any source. On any topic. If it contradicts what you want to believe....

.....you ignore it. Watch, I'll make you do it again:


72% confirm there should be a way for illegals to stay legally. Your ilk oppose it.

So you ignore this poll too. And I'll make you do it again...

CBS News/New York Times Poll. Oct. 21-25, 2015. N=1,289 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 4.

"Which comes closest to your view about illegal immigrants who are living in the U.S.? They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. and eventually apply for citizenship. They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. legally, but not be allowed to apply for citizenship. OR, They should be required to leave the U.S?

Stay, apply for citizenship: 58%
Stay, don't apply for citizenship: 11%
Be required to leave: 28%


With almost 70% supporting letting them stay, most with a path to citizenship.

So you'll ignore this poll too.

Any poll that contradicts you, you ignore. Any source that contradicts you, you ignore. On any topic.

That's wildly irrational.
Amnesty is too costly
I won't debate the left's lies and propaganda nonsense. Kasich should go run for office in Mexico.

Translation: you won't acknowledge the existence of any evidence that contradicts what you choose to believe.

And its that willful blindness that is the beating heart of what is wrong with the conservative movement.

You may want to look up the words "lies" and "propaganda" in the dictionary.

You might want to look up 'Cherry Picking' and 'Confirmation Bias'. As the credibility of evidence isn't based on whether or not it agrees with you.

Yet you ignore anything, from any source....that doesn't agree with you. That's irrational.


the "confirmation bias" talking point is one of my favorite left-wing idiot memes!!
it is exactly how the HYPOCRITES on the Left arrive at the majority of the "conslusions" they arrive at.

Republicans must be "racist" many on the Left say because the Left wants to think they are, accuses them of being, and point to merely their make-up, not any actual actions of Republicans, as "proof" of what they were ALREADY BIASED IN THINKING

The punch line is how frequently the word "projection" applies to liberals, claiming Republicans are racist without any example WHILE ignoring the video documented examples of liberals being racist. lol

If you discuss liberal behavior for more than a few minutes you will break out in laughter :laugh:

Odd, you won't discuss any of the specific topics raised, Kasich, the extreme nature of the current GOP fringe, the incompatibility of fringe right positions with the general public, support for citizenship, minimum wage increases.....any of it.

If you were merely going to abandon your every claim, why bother disagreeing in the first place?
In spite of the health havoc they bring? What can you tell us about the hazards of exposure to asbestos? What about lead? Please educate us 'brainwashed losers'. I am sincerely curious to find out what you see as the actual health hazards of those two components.

why do losers incapable of intellectual honesty expect anything in response to their false narratives?

when did i say they were never legitimate health concerns??

A narrative disagreeing with your personal opinion doesn't make it false. You merely ignore anything that doesn't ape exactly what you believe.

There's a difference. And that difference is the evidence. For example, you ignore the fact support for a pathway to citizenship enjoys 2 to 1 support, insisting its a 'false narrative'.

But the polling data says otherwise. You ignoring evidence doesn't mean that the evidence disappears. Or its magically 'unreliable'. All you've done is close your eyes.

The world is still here even when you refuse to look at it.

YOU ignore the FACT that YOUR "pathway to citizenship" is REJECTED BY A MAJORITY.

idiots and hypocrites

You aren't 'the majority'. A majority of supports the pathway to citizenship. As the polling data overwhelmingly demonstrates:


You merely imagine that whatever you choose to believe is the majority position. Based on....nothing. Just your belief. And then ignore any evidence that contradicts you. Any source. On any topic. If it contradicts what you want to believe....

.....you ignore it. Watch, I'll make you do it again:


72% confirm there should be a way for illegals to stay legally. Your ilk oppose it.

So you ignore this poll too. And I'll make you do it again...

CBS News/New York Times Poll. Oct. 21-25, 2015. N=1,289 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 4.

"Which comes closest to your view about illegal immigrants who are living in the U.S.? They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. and eventually apply for citizenship. They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. legally, but not be allowed to apply for citizenship. OR, They should be required to leave the U.S?

Stay, apply for citizenship: 58%
Stay, don't apply for citizenship: 11%
Be required to leave: 28%


With almost 70% supporting letting them stay, most with a path to citizenship.

So you'll ignore this poll too.

Any poll that contradicts you, you ignore. Any source that contradicts you, you ignore. On any topic.

That's wildly irrational.
Amnesty is too costly

Perhaps. Perhaps not. But the majority of the public still supports a pathway to citizenship, with a super majority supporting allowing them to remain in the US legally. And the fringe right still opposes both.

Again, the fringe right is NOT aligned with the overwhelming majority of Americans on most issues. With Tea Party support at a record low.
people who arent brainwashed losers acknowledge the lead paint and asbestos issues have become just a pig trough for trial lawyers
In spite of the health havoc they bring? What can you tell us about the hazards of exposure to asbestos? What about lead? Please educate us 'brainwashed losers'. I am sincerely curious to find out what you see as the actual health hazards of those two components.

why do losers incapable of intellectual honesty expect anything in response to their false narratives?

when did i say they were never legitimate health concerns??

A narrative disagreeing with your personal opinion doesn't make it false. You merely ignore anything that doesn't ape exactly what you believe.

There's a difference. And that difference is the evidence. For example, you ignore the fact support for a pathway to citizenship enjoys 2 to 1 support, insisting its a 'false narrative'.

But the polling data says otherwise. You ignoring evidence doesn't mean that the evidence disappears. Or its magically 'unreliable'. All you've done is close your eyes.

The world is still here even when you refuse to look at it.

YOU ignore the FACT that YOUR "pathway to citizenship" is REJECTED BY A MAJORITY.

idiots and hypocrites

You aren't 'the majority'. A majority of supports the pathway to citizenship. As the polling data overwhelmingly demonstrates:


You merely imagine that whatever you choose to believe is the majority position. Based on....nothing. Just your belief. And then ignore any evidence that contradicts you. Any source. On any topic. If it contradicts what you want to believe....

.....you ignore it. Watch, I'll make you do it again:


72% confirm there should be a way for illegals to stay legally. Your ilk oppose it.

So you ignore this poll too. And I'll make you do it again...

CBS News/New York Times Poll. Oct. 21-25, 2015. N=1,289 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 4.

"Which comes closest to your view about illegal immigrants who are living in the U.S.? They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. and eventually apply for citizenship. They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. legally, but not be allowed to apply for citizenship. OR, They should be required to leave the U.S?

Stay, apply for citizenship: 58%
Stay, don't apply for citizenship: 11%
Be required to leave: 28%


With almost 70% supporting letting them stay, most with a path to citizenship.

So you'll ignore this poll too.

Any poll that contradicts you, you ignore. Any source that contradicts you, you ignore. On any topic.

That's wildly irrational.

this isnt "my belief" idiot; it is a clear majority of those polled.

ironically IT IS YOUR BELIEF what i'm posting is just my belief

idiots and hypocrites

Voters Strongly Oppose Obama's Amnesty Plan for Illegal ...
Rasmussen Reports
Aug 30, 2014 - Most voters oppose President Obama's reported plan to unilaterally grant ... of Democrats favor the president acting alone to grant amnesty to
why do losers incapable of intellectual honesty expect anything in response to their false narratives?

when did i say they were never legitimate health concerns??

A narrative disagreeing with your personal opinion doesn't make it false. You merely ignore anything that doesn't ape exactly what you believe.

There's a difference. And that difference is the evidence. For example, you ignore the fact support for a pathway to citizenship enjoys 2 to 1 support, insisting its a 'false narrative'.

But the polling data says otherwise. You ignoring evidence doesn't mean that the evidence disappears. Or its magically 'unreliable'. All you've done is close your eyes.

The world is still here even when you refuse to look at it.

YOU ignore the FACT that YOUR "pathway to citizenship" is REJECTED BY A MAJORITY.

idiots and hypocrites

You aren't 'the majority'. A majority of supports the pathway to citizenship. As the polling data overwhelmingly demonstrates:


You merely imagine that whatever you choose to believe is the majority position. Based on....nothing. Just your belief. And then ignore any evidence that contradicts you. Any source. On any topic. If it contradicts what you want to believe....

.....you ignore it. Watch, I'll make you do it again:


72% confirm there should be a way for illegals to stay legally. Your ilk oppose it.

So you ignore this poll too. And I'll make you do it again...

CBS News/New York Times Poll. Oct. 21-25, 2015. N=1,289 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 4.

"Which comes closest to your view about illegal immigrants who are living in the U.S.? They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. and eventually apply for citizenship. They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. legally, but not be allowed to apply for citizenship. OR, They should be required to leave the U.S?

Stay, apply for citizenship: 58%
Stay, don't apply for citizenship: 11%
Be required to leave: 28%


With almost 70% supporting letting them stay, most with a path to citizenship.

So you'll ignore this poll too.

Any poll that contradicts you, you ignore. Any source that contradicts you, you ignore. On any topic.

That's wildly irrational.
Amnesty is too costly

Perhaps. Perhaps not. But the majority of the public still supports a pathway to citizenship, with a super majority supporting allowing them to remain in the US legally. And the fringe right still opposes both.

Again, the fringe right is NOT aligned with the overwhelming majority of Americans on most issues. With Tea Party support at a record low.

you complete idiot

what is a "supermajority" of the American public??

and "allowing them to remain in the USA" is AMNESTY; whether you're intellectually honest enough to admit it or not
When we're discussing 'traditional conservative platforms', congress never having been this conservative in this century would be immediately relevant.

You've abandoned that argument. And well you should have. You were going no where.
Over the last couple decades congress the least conservative in history, vast majority of members are and have been progressives.
You are clueless. This congress is far more conservative than any in fifty years. You think congress was more conservative in the 90s? 80's? 70's?
Wrong, you have no idea what a real conservative is obviously, name a majority of current congressmen who are real conservatives. Be specific on why they are conservative, by that I mean voting records.

Very, very few real conservatives in the last couple decades in congress and zero as president...
So, what you are saying is that for decades the voters have soundly rejected conservative candidates and conservative ideas. Explain again, then, why we should give a fuck what a loud minority thinks or wants.
We only have the progressives to blame for our country being FUBAR
You can always leave. You clearly have no love for this country or its people.
In spite of the health havoc they bring? What can you tell us about the hazards of exposure to asbestos? What about lead? Please educate us 'brainwashed losers'. I am sincerely curious to find out what you see as the actual health hazards of those two components.

why do losers incapable of intellectual honesty expect anything in response to their false narratives?

when did i say they were never legitimate health concerns??

A narrative disagreeing with your personal opinion doesn't make it false. You merely ignore anything that doesn't ape exactly what you believe.

There's a difference. And that difference is the evidence. For example, you ignore the fact support for a pathway to citizenship enjoys 2 to 1 support, insisting its a 'false narrative'.

But the polling data says otherwise. You ignoring evidence doesn't mean that the evidence disappears. Or its magically 'unreliable'. All you've done is close your eyes.

The world is still here even when you refuse to look at it.

YOU ignore the FACT that YOUR "pathway to citizenship" is REJECTED BY A MAJORITY.

idiots and hypocrites

You aren't 'the majority'. A majority of supports the pathway to citizenship. As the polling data overwhelmingly demonstrates:


You merely imagine that whatever you choose to believe is the majority position. Based on....nothing. Just your belief. And then ignore any evidence that contradicts you. Any source. On any topic. If it contradicts what you want to believe....

.....you ignore it. Watch, I'll make you do it again:


72% confirm there should be a way for illegals to stay legally. Your ilk oppose it.

So you ignore this poll too. And I'll make you do it again...

CBS News/New York Times Poll. Oct. 21-25, 2015. N=1,289 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 4.

"Which comes closest to your view about illegal immigrants who are living in the U.S.? They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. and eventually apply for citizenship. They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. legally, but not be allowed to apply for citizenship. OR, They should be required to leave the U.S?

Stay, apply for citizenship: 58%
Stay, don't apply for citizenship: 11%
Be required to leave: 28%


With almost 70% supporting letting them stay, most with a path to citizenship.

So you'll ignore this poll too.

Any poll that contradicts you, you ignore. Any source that contradicts you, you ignore. On any topic.

That's wildly irrational.

once again you are laughably guilty of the very thing you're accusing others of.

Once again, I present overwhelming evidence from multiple sources backing my claim. And you present nothing but babble about me personally.

Fringe right republicans oppose any path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. Americans support it. With super majority support for illegals to remain in the US legally.

All of which the fringe right opposes. As I've demonstrated with objective evidence. And you've never been able to counter. All you can do is ignore it. And the world doesn't disappear just because its inconvenient to your argument.

i already showed you a clear majority are against what DEMOCRATS are proposing as a "path to citizenship"

if you think i'm wrong prove it; because the shit above doesnt, loser

or just keep crying, your choice
Interesting post and thought.

Holy crap, so much for Kasich. I've been saying a Kasich/Rubio ticket would be the GOP's strongest, but that's history: Kasich lashes out: ‘What has happened to the conservative movement?’

I think this stuff makes him a Marxist/communist/socialist:

"I've about had it with these people," Kasich said at the rally in Westerville, Ohio. "We got one candidate that says we ought to abolish Medicaid and Medicare. You ever heard of anything so crazy as that? Telling our people in this country who are seniors, who are about to be seniors that we're going to abolish Medicaid and Medicare?"

Neurosurgeon Ben Carson has acknowledged that he would like to gut Medicare.

Kasich went on, saying, "We got one person saying we ought to have a 10 percent flat tax that will drive up the deficit in this country by trillions of dollars" and there's another challenger in the field "says we ought to take 10 or 11 people and pick them up — I don't know where we're going to go, their homes, their apartments — we're going to pick them up and scream at them to get out of our country. That's crazy. That is just crazy."

Donald Trump has expressed support for deporting immigrants living in the country illegally.

"We got people proposing healthcare reform that's going to leave, I believe, millions of people without adequate health insurance," Kasich says. "What has happened to our party? What has happened the conservative movement?"

Are you being sarcastic? Those comments and his reasonableness and rational approach is what will make him the most formidable opponent for the democrats. A Kasich-Rubio ticket is the best chance Republicans have to win the Whitehouse. The far right views of most of the rest of the field are not where most Americans are.
THE ONLY supporting of the Tea Party that mattes is with the ones who elected them dullard.

just what do you want to see done with them since you say they are so unpopular you mindless moron?
AGAIN if you dont like democracy move to North Korea
The tea party does not have a majority in congress.
Duh! Progressives do...
Because most Americans are. What do you hate the most about a representative democracy?
This country is supposed to be a capitalist republic, obviously it's not. Thats why its a failure.
It is a democratic republic. Capitalism is an economic system, not a political one.
A narrative disagreeing with your personal opinion doesn't make it false. You merely ignore anything that doesn't ape exactly what you believe.

There's a difference. And that difference is the evidence. For example, you ignore the fact support for a pathway to citizenship enjoys 2 to 1 support, insisting its a 'false narrative'.

But the polling data says otherwise. You ignoring evidence doesn't mean that the evidence disappears. Or its magically 'unreliable'. All you've done is close your eyes.

The world is still here even when you refuse to look at it.

YOU ignore the FACT that YOUR "pathway to citizenship" is REJECTED BY A MAJORITY.

idiots and hypocrites

You aren't 'the majority'. A majority of supports the pathway to citizenship. As the polling data overwhelmingly demonstrates:


You merely imagine that whatever you choose to believe is the majority position. Based on....nothing. Just your belief. And then ignore any evidence that contradicts you. Any source. On any topic. If it contradicts what you want to believe....

.....you ignore it. Watch, I'll make you do it again:


72% confirm there should be a way for illegals to stay legally. Your ilk oppose it.

So you ignore this poll too. And I'll make you do it again...

CBS News/New York Times Poll. Oct. 21-25, 2015. N=1,289 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 4.

"Which comes closest to your view about illegal immigrants who are living in the U.S.? They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. and eventually apply for citizenship. They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. legally, but not be allowed to apply for citizenship. OR, They should be required to leave the U.S?

Stay, apply for citizenship: 58%
Stay, don't apply for citizenship: 11%
Be required to leave: 28%


With almost 70% supporting letting them stay, most with a path to citizenship.

So you'll ignore this poll too.

Any poll that contradicts you, you ignore. Any source that contradicts you, you ignore. On any topic.

That's wildly irrational.
Amnesty is too costly

Perhaps. Perhaps not. But the majority of the public still supports a pathway to citizenship, with a super majority supporting allowing them to remain in the US legally. And the fringe right still opposes both.

Again, the fringe right is NOT aligned with the overwhelming majority of Americans on most issues. With Tea Party support at a record low.

you complete idiot

what is a "supermajority" of the American public??

More than 2/3 support.

and "allowing them to remain in the USA" is AMNESTY; whether you're intellectually honest enough to admit it or not
Then why do Americans so overwhelmingly support allowing illegals a path to staying here legally, with most of those supporting a path to citizenship itself?
Over the last couple decades congress the least conservative in history, vast majority of members are and have been progressives.
You are clueless. This congress is far more conservative than any in fifty years. You think congress was more conservative in the 90s? 80's? 70's?
Wrong, you have no idea what a real conservative is obviously, name a majority of current congressmen who are real conservatives. Be specific on why they are conservative, by that I mean voting records.

Very, very few real conservatives in the last couple decades in congress and zero as president...
So, what you are saying is that for decades the voters have soundly rejected conservative candidates and conservative ideas. Explain again, then, why we should give a fuck what a loud minority thinks or wants.
We only have the progressives to blame for our country being FUBAR
You can always leave. You clearly have no love for this country or its people.

You obviously have no tolerance for others and their opinions.

YOU ignore the FACT that YOUR "pathway to citizenship" is REJECTED BY A MAJORITY.

idiots and hypocrites

You aren't 'the majority'. A majority of supports the pathway to citizenship. As the polling data overwhelmingly demonstrates:


You merely imagine that whatever you choose to believe is the majority position. Based on....nothing. Just your belief. And then ignore any evidence that contradicts you. Any source. On any topic. If it contradicts what you want to believe....

.....you ignore it. Watch, I'll make you do it again:


72% confirm there should be a way for illegals to stay legally. Your ilk oppose it.

So you ignore this poll too. And I'll make you do it again...

CBS News/New York Times Poll. Oct. 21-25, 2015. N=1,289 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 4.

"Which comes closest to your view about illegal immigrants who are living in the U.S.? They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. and eventually apply for citizenship. They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. legally, but not be allowed to apply for citizenship. OR, They should be required to leave the U.S?

Stay, apply for citizenship: 58%
Stay, don't apply for citizenship: 11%
Be required to leave: 28%


With almost 70% supporting letting them stay, most with a path to citizenship.

So you'll ignore this poll too.

Any poll that contradicts you, you ignore. Any source that contradicts you, you ignore. On any topic.

That's wildly irrational.
Amnesty is too costly

Perhaps. Perhaps not. But the majority of the public still supports a pathway to citizenship, with a super majority supporting allowing them to remain in the US legally. And the fringe right still opposes both.

Again, the fringe right is NOT aligned with the overwhelming majority of Americans on most issues. With Tea Party support at a record low.

you complete idiot

what is a "supermajority" of the American public??

More than 2/3 support.

and "allowing them to remain in the USA" is AMNESTY; whether you're intellectually honest enough to admit it or not
Then why do Americans so overwhelmingly support allowing illegals a path to staying here legally, with most of those supporting a path to citizenship itself?

LEMMING. WITHOUT citing a poll tell all the normal people RIGHT HERE AND NOW why you feel rewarding people, mostly Hispanics, who SNUCK IN while LITERALLY MILLIONS OF ALL RACES WAIT PATEINTLY IN LINE TO COME HERE THE RIGHT WAY, is a good idea???

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