Kasich-Hickenlooper eye Bid for 2020: Mixed Ticket for President and VP?

Do you support this bipartisan platform? Or the same concept but with other leaders? Who?

  • 1. Yes, I'd vote for this concept and candidates. Or others (please specify)

    Votes: 8 44.4%
  • 2. No, this is more collusion with party politics and not the right direction

    Votes: 8 44.4%
  • 3. Yes and No (please specify) I want change but not like this

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • 4. Other

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Kasich is a wish-washy faggot with a severe mouth tick and an eating problem. He shovels food into his fat mouth in the same gluttonous way he shoveled the pork to his home district when he was in Congress.

He's a professional politician with no accomplishments in the real world.

Fuck him and everyone like him. He IS the problem.

As a Democrat, I exercised the right to vote twice, but for reasons of balance: I changed my vote to relist my Yes vote but add a resounding NO vote from my boyfriend who said Kasich is an anti-Trump "douchebag" (Conservative language for not a reliable Conservative candidate who can be trusted to represent the party but was only after his own gains as other career "douchebag" politicians the GOP is fighting to get rid of polluting and dividing their own ranks) who will only push the liberal Democrats' agenda to oppose Trump for their own election and interests and not really defend Conservative Constitutional principles and platforms.

Personally I would endorse Vern Wuensche as the type of Republican Candidate who could pull off a REAL bipartisan ticket.
WITHOUT compromising prolife Conservative and Constitutional values. As a prochoice Democrat, there are some issues
I am more hardcore Constitutionalist than he is. We have arguments and differences all the time, but manage to stick to
the CONSTITUTION as the basis for policy, and keep the other "social programs and beliefs" PRIVATE to the states and people to decide.
Where we agree that Constitutional and States rights empower people to take back control of resources and government LOCALLY,
that's where Greens and Libertarians, Republicans and Democrats can AGREE. So that's where I stick to common principles
when I work with anyone from any of these parties. And it works 75-95% of the time, which is more than we get with majority rule that rewards
bullying by coercion or exclusion and ends in 50-50 deadlocks or 51-49 decisions that leave out half the nation instead of collaboration on AGREED solutions.

I voted YES but given the NO feedback against Kasich, it's going to take someone else with more
integrity and loyalty to the Constitution first to pull off a true bipartisan partnership. These men
may have some of the framework, but their leadership may be more divisive and not as inclusive as needed
to rally party support on all sides behind common solutions. It seems like more liberal BS of overloading the
govt with the responsibility, instead of rewarding citizens for leading the programs locally through democratic self government.

The solutions will still have to come from the grassroots level up, and quit pontificating and mandating from the top down as liberals
do with their leaders but oppose when Trump does it. No, it shouldn't be a dictatorship. All leaders and policies SHOULD Be
checked against the Constitution which limits govt, leaders cannot abuse office to favor just one set of beliefs as the expense of others,
and to ensure that representation has to come from the people. We probably need a coalition and conference with all parties
representing their own members and leaders to pull off a true collaboration and not more bullying through the media or govt by one group over any others.

Thanks Everyone!
I will try to credit all posts, so please include information
and keep them relevant to the OP. the more input the better! Thank you!
Last edited:
Nikki Haley and Joseph Manchin ... reasonable reps from both parties. A little sanity wouldn't hurt anyone.
Hickenlooper voters are racist.

They're the same people who didn't vote for African American retired Air Force Republican candidate Daryl Glen for Colorado Senator because they are racist.
Though I'm almost certain Trump will face a primary challenge, I fear that too many Republicans will enter the race and allow the incumbency effect to carry Trump to his second GOP nomination.
This would be an opportune moment for Democrats and Republicans alike to figure out what in hell REALLY happened that got Trump elected. We've had plenty of pointing at the surface issues. But how he manipulated the media and ran an overwhelmingly successful campaign based on television hype and fairly standard sales techniques has to be analyzed. He just filled a niche and spoke to a large constituency that had not been recognized in a long time. And then there was the explosion of fake news against the Dems. Obviously, he didn't win on the basis of his character, his credentials or the potency of his ideas. He won on celebrity.
Figure it out, everyone, before we rinse and repeat.
Wouldn't it be great if Hickenlooper was a gay fag cripple? or a crippled tranny?

Another coupla boxes to check for the SJW's!!
Kasich, Hickenlooper eye joint 2020 bid

YES! After a website went down that had been advocating to allow Mixed Tickets,
These two candidates may be able to pull that off if they run as Independents.

Wow. I had been pushing for this also: for Democrats to focus on the VP position
and manage programs by States through the Senate. While Republicans focus on
the Presidential position as Commander in Chief for national security, foreign relations and global economy. Split the White House responsibilities between Domestic policies and International.

Do you think we can start organizing this NOW?
Start collaborations between parties instead of divisive rhetoric to bully for dominance?

Are these the right leaders for the job?
Or do you see other people taking charge if parties start collaborating on public policy?

I want to see Ralph Nader and Paul Glover of the Greens in cabinet positions also.
Do you support these two candidates in pushing for inter-party collaboration?
Or others? Who?

Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) and Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) — "the Johns," as insiders are calling them — have been making a flurry of joint appearances to talk about state-driven improvements to health care.

But Axios has learned that their duet is part of an alliance that's gaining momentum toward a possible joint independent bid for president in 2020, likely with Kasich at the top of the ticket:

Keep reading 346 words
  • The two, who got to know each other at conferences, plan to extend their joint platform from health care to two other hot policy areas: immigration and job creation.
  • On health care (with a detailed plan to be released soon), the two have broadened their efforts to a bipartisan group that includes 11 governors.
  • The Johns' jobs plan will focus on the coming displacement from automation, with prescriptions that include trade, workforce training — and an optimistic and hopeful message, balanced with an honest admission that some jobs just aren't coming back.
  • The two are talking to major media companies about a possible podcast or cable show to continue cementing their brand. Their conversations would include politics, policy, and pop culture.
  • In D.C. in early September, the two will hold a health-care conference that includes policy input from the American Enterprise Institute on the right and the Center for American Progress on the left.
  • Kasich, who's being advised by veteran consultant John Weaver, is keeping open all his options, including the possibility of primarying Trump in 2020.
  • Nothing subtle about any of this: Kasich has urged Hickenlooper to visit New Hampshire.
  • Both are 65 and both were born in the crucial electoral state of Pennsylvania, Kasich from the Pittsburgh side and Hickenlooper from the Philly side (corrected).
  • Both are proud policy wonks, and their staffs are said to get along famously.
Why it matters: National Dems so far haven't capitalized on Trump's record unpopularity and obsession with his base. But this is a creative coupling that'll get a ton of airtime, and maybe even traction.

The pushback: Some establishment Dems are apoplectic about the idea of Hickenlooper teaming up with a Republican. One top strategist told me: "No Dem wants Kasich anywhere near our ticket. Sounds like a No Labels fantasy, but moderate Dems would hate it."

But a veteran operative emails: "Our political system is completely broken. Something big and historic needs to happen to break the logjam. I'm a big Dem but I'm for anything that ... does away with this hyper-partisanship on both sides that is paralyzing our government."

Warren/Collins ; )
Kasich, Hickenlooper eye joint 2020 bid

YES! After a website went down that had been advocating to allow Mixed Tickets,
These two candidates may be able to pull that off if they run as Independents.

Wow. I had been pushing for this also: for Democrats to focus on the VP position
and manage programs by States through the Senate. While Republicans focus on
the Presidential position as Commander in Chief for national security, foreign relations and global economy. Split the White House responsibilities between Domestic policies and International.

Do you think we can start organizing this NOW?
Start collaborations between parties instead of divisive rhetoric to bully for dominance?

Are these the right leaders for the job?
Or do you see other people taking charge if parties start collaborating on public policy?

I want to see Ralph Nader and Paul Glover of the Greens in cabinet positions also.
Do you support these two candidates in pushing for inter-party collaboration?
Or others? Who?

Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) and Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) — "the Johns," as insiders are calling them — have been making a flurry of joint appearances to talk about state-driven improvements to health care.

But Axios has learned that their duet is part of an alliance that's gaining momentum toward a possible joint independent bid for president in 2020, likely with Kasich at the top of the ticket:

Keep reading 346 words
  • The two, who got to know each other at conferences, plan to extend their joint platform from health care to two other hot policy areas: immigration and job creation.
  • On health care (with a detailed plan to be released soon), the two have broadened their efforts to a bipartisan group that includes 11 governors.
  • The Johns' jobs plan will focus on the coming displacement from automation, with prescriptions that include trade, workforce training — and an optimistic and hopeful message, balanced with an honest admission that some jobs just aren't coming back.
  • The two are talking to major media companies about a possible podcast or cable show to continue cementing their brand. Their conversations would include politics, policy, and pop culture.
  • In D.C. in early September, the two will hold a health-care conference that includes policy input from the American Enterprise Institute on the right and the Center for American Progress on the left.
  • Kasich, who's being advised by veteran consultant John Weaver, is keeping open all his options, including the possibility of primarying Trump in 2020.
  • Nothing subtle about any of this: Kasich has urged Hickenlooper to visit New Hampshire.
  • Both are 65 and both were born in the crucial electoral state of Pennsylvania, Kasich from the Pittsburgh side and Hickenlooper from the Philly side (corrected).
  • Both are proud policy wonks, and their staffs are said to get along famously.
Why it matters: National Dems so far haven't capitalized on Trump's record unpopularity and obsession with his base. But this is a creative coupling that'll get a ton of airtime, and maybe even traction.

The pushback: Some establishment Dems are apoplectic about the idea of Hickenlooper teaming up with a Republican. One top strategist told me: "No Dem wants Kasich anywhere near our ticket. Sounds like a No Labels fantasy, but moderate Dems would hate it."

But a veteran operative emails: "Our political system is completely broken. Something big and historic needs to happen to break the logjam. I'm a big Dem but I'm for anything that ... does away with this hyper-partisanship on both sides that is paralyzing our government."

Warren/Collins ; )
Please don't take Collins from us--we're hoping she's running for Governor of Maine next year.
Kasich, Hickenlooper eye joint 2020 bid

YES! After a website went down that had been advocating to allow Mixed Tickets,
These two candidates may be able to pull that off if they run as Independents.

Wow. I had been pushing for this also: for Democrats to focus on the VP position
and manage programs by States through the Senate. While Republicans focus on
the Presidential position as Commander in Chief for national security, foreign relations and global economy. Split the White House responsibilities between Domestic policies and International.

Do you think we can start organizing this NOW?
Start collaborations between parties instead of divisive rhetoric to bully for dominance?

Are these the right leaders for the job?
Or do you see other people taking charge if parties start collaborating on public policy?

I want to see Ralph Nader and Paul Glover of the Greens in cabinet positions also.
Do you support these two candidates in pushing for inter-party collaboration?
Or others? Who?

Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) and Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) — "the Johns," as insiders are calling them — have been making a flurry of joint appearances to talk about state-driven improvements to health care.

But Axios has learned that their duet is part of an alliance that's gaining momentum toward a possible joint independent bid for president in 2020, likely with Kasich at the top of the ticket:

Keep reading 346 words
  • The two, who got to know each other at conferences, plan to extend their joint platform from health care to two other hot policy areas: immigration and job creation.
  • On health care (with a detailed plan to be released soon), the two have broadened their efforts to a bipartisan group that includes 11 governors.
  • The Johns' jobs plan will focus on the coming displacement from automation, with prescriptions that include trade, workforce training — and an optimistic and hopeful message, balanced with an honest admission that some jobs just aren't coming back.
  • The two are talking to major media companies about a possible podcast or cable show to continue cementing their brand. Their conversations would include politics, policy, and pop culture.
  • In D.C. in early September, the two will hold a health-care conference that includes policy input from the American Enterprise Institute on the right and the Center for American Progress on the left.
  • Kasich, who's being advised by veteran consultant John Weaver, is keeping open all his options, including the possibility of primarying Trump in 2020.
  • Nothing subtle about any of this: Kasich has urged Hickenlooper to visit New Hampshire.
  • Both are 65 and both were born in the crucial electoral state of Pennsylvania, Kasich from the Pittsburgh side and Hickenlooper from the Philly side (corrected).
  • Both are proud policy wonks, and their staffs are said to get along famously.
Why it matters: National Dems so far haven't capitalized on Trump's record unpopularity and obsession with his base. But this is a creative coupling that'll get a ton of airtime, and maybe even traction.

The pushback: Some establishment Dems are apoplectic about the idea of Hickenlooper teaming up with a Republican. One top strategist told me: "No Dem wants Kasich anywhere near our ticket. Sounds like a No Labels fantasy, but moderate Dems would hate it."

But a veteran operative emails: "Our political system is completely broken. Something big and historic needs to happen to break the logjam. I'm a big Dem but I'm for anything that ... does away with this hyper-partisanship on both sides that is paralyzing our government."

Warren/Collins ; )
Please don't take Collins from us--we're hoping she's running for Governor of Maine next year.

Then Warren/Murkowski, the rabids would implode.
If Kasich divorces his current wife and marries a disabled pregnant Eskimo with a learning disability.....and Hickenlooper chops his penis off and comes out as a tranny....these guys have a real shot!

Kasich, Hickenlooper eye joint 2020 bid

YES! After a website went down that had been advocating to allow Mixed Tickets,
These two candidates may be able to pull that off if they run as Independents.

Wow. I had been pushing for this also: for Democrats to focus on the VP position
and manage programs by States through the Senate. While Republicans focus on
the Presidential position as Commander in Chief for national security, foreign relations and global economy. Split the White House responsibilities between Domestic policies and International.

Do you think we can start organizing this NOW?
Start collaborations between parties instead of divisive rhetoric to bully for dominance?

Are these the right leaders for the job?
Or do you see other people taking charge if parties start collaborating on public policy?

I want to see Ralph Nader and Paul Glover of the Greens in cabinet positions also.
Do you support these two candidates in pushing for inter-party collaboration?
Or others? Who?

Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) and Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) — "the Johns," as insiders are calling them — have been making a flurry of joint appearances to talk about state-driven improvements to health care.

But Axios has learned that their duet is part of an alliance that's gaining momentum toward a possible joint independent bid for president in 2020, likely with Kasich at the top of the ticket:

Keep reading 346 words
  • The two, who got to know each other at conferences, plan to extend their joint platform from health care to two other hot policy areas: immigration and job creation.
  • On health care (with a detailed plan to be released soon), the two have broadened their efforts to a bipartisan group that includes 11 governors.
  • The Johns' jobs plan will focus on the coming displacement from automation, with prescriptions that include trade, workforce training — and an optimistic and hopeful message, balanced with an honest admission that some jobs just aren't coming back.
  • The two are talking to major media companies about a possible podcast or cable show to continue cementing their brand. Their conversations would include politics, policy, and pop culture.
  • In D.C. in early September, the two will hold a health-care conference that includes policy input from the American Enterprise Institute on the right and the Center for American Progress on the left.
  • Kasich, who's being advised by veteran consultant John Weaver, is keeping open all his options, including the possibility of primarying Trump in 2020.
  • Nothing subtle about any of this: Kasich has urged Hickenlooper to visit New Hampshire.
  • Both are 65 and both were born in the crucial electoral state of Pennsylvania, Kasich from the Pittsburgh side and Hickenlooper from the Philly side (corrected).
  • Both are proud policy wonks, and their staffs are said to get along famously.
Why it matters: National Dems so far haven't capitalized on Trump's record unpopularity and obsession with his base. But this is a creative coupling that'll get a ton of airtime, and maybe even traction.

The pushback: Some establishment Dems are apoplectic about the idea of Hickenlooper teaming up with a Republican. One top strategist told me: "No Dem wants Kasich anywhere near our ticket. Sounds like a No Labels fantasy, but moderate Dems would hate it."

But a veteran operative emails: "Our political system is completely broken. Something big and historic needs to happen to break the logjam. I'm a big Dem but I'm for anything that ... does away with this hyper-partisanship on both sides that is paralyzing our government."

Warren/Collins ; )
Please don't take Collins from us--we're hoping she's running for Governor of Maine next year.

Then Warren/Murkowski, the rabids would implode.
I need to learn more about Warren. What I've seen of her on 20 second news clips during the 6 o'clock news have not been very impressive. Her name keeps getting thrown in the ring, though.
Yes and No. I am definitely in favor of destabilizing and destroying the Party structure; but you have to do that by becoming something else. You cannot merge the Democratic and Republican Parties and get anything positive. You must destroy both parties and bring individuals together.
Kasich, Hickenlooper eye joint 2020 bid

YES! After a website went down that had been advocating to allow Mixed Tickets,
These two candidates may be able to pull that off if they run as Independents.

Wow. I had been pushing for this also: for Democrats to focus on the VP position
and manage programs by States through the Senate. While Republicans focus on
the Presidential position as Commander in Chief for national security, foreign relations and global economy. Split the White House responsibilities between Domestic policies and International.

Do you think we can start organizing this NOW?
Start collaborations between parties instead of divisive rhetoric to bully for dominance?

Are these the right leaders for the job?
Or do you see other people taking charge if parties start collaborating on public policy?

I want to see Ralph Nader and Paul Glover of the Greens in cabinet positions also.
Do you support these two candidates in pushing for inter-party collaboration?
Or others? Who?

Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) and Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) — "the Johns," as insiders are calling them — have been making a flurry of joint appearances to talk about state-driven improvements to health care.

But Axios has learned that their duet is part of an alliance that's gaining momentum toward a possible joint independent bid for president in 2020, likely with Kasich at the top of the ticket:

Keep reading 346 words
  • The two, who got to know each other at conferences, plan to extend their joint platform from health care to two other hot policy areas: immigration and job creation.
  • On health care (with a detailed plan to be released soon), the two have broadened their efforts to a bipartisan group that includes 11 governors.
  • The Johns' jobs plan will focus on the coming displacement from automation, with prescriptions that include trade, workforce training — and an optimistic and hopeful message, balanced with an honest admission that some jobs just aren't coming back.
  • The two are talking to major media companies about a possible podcast or cable show to continue cementing their brand. Their conversations would include politics, policy, and pop culture.
  • In D.C. in early September, the two will hold a health-care conference that includes policy input from the American Enterprise Institute on the right and the Center for American Progress on the left.
  • Kasich, who's being advised by veteran consultant John Weaver, is keeping open all his options, including the possibility of primarying Trump in 2020.
  • Nothing subtle about any of this: Kasich has urged Hickenlooper to visit New Hampshire.
  • Both are 65 and both were born in the crucial electoral state of Pennsylvania, Kasich from the Pittsburgh side and Hickenlooper from the Philly side (corrected).
  • Both are proud policy wonks, and their staffs are said to get along famously.
Why it matters: National Dems so far haven't capitalized on Trump's record unpopularity and obsession with his base. But this is a creative coupling that'll get a ton of airtime, and maybe even traction.

The pushback: Some establishment Dems are apoplectic about the idea of Hickenlooper teaming up with a Republican. One top strategist told me: "No Dem wants Kasich anywhere near our ticket. Sounds like a No Labels fantasy, but moderate Dems would hate it."

But a veteran operative emails: "Our political system is completely broken. Something big and historic needs to happen to break the logjam. I'm a big Dem but I'm for anything that ... does away with this hyper-partisanship on both sides that is paralyzing our government."

Warren/Collins ; )
Please don't take Collins from us--we're hoping she's running for Governor of Maine next year.

Then Warren/Murkowski, the rabids would implode.
I need to learn more about Warren. What I've seen of her on 20 second news clips during the 6 o'clock news have not been very impressive. Her name keeps getting thrown in the ring, though.

AFAIC, she is a shameless self promoter who used fake minority status to enrich herself. She is the swamp personified. She should be forced to do a DNA test to prove her heritage. If she turns out to be an "Indian", I'll eat her shoe.
Kasich, Hickenlooper eye joint 2020 bid

YES! After a website went down that had been advocating to allow Mixed Tickets,
These two candidates may be able to pull that off if they run as Independents.

Wow. I had been pushing for this also: for Democrats to focus on the VP position
and manage programs by States through the Senate. While Republicans focus on
the Presidential position as Commander in Chief for national security, foreign relations and global economy. Split the White House responsibilities between Domestic policies and International.

Do you think we can start organizing this NOW?
Start collaborations between parties instead of divisive rhetoric to bully for dominance?

Are these the right leaders for the job?
Or do you see other people taking charge if parties start collaborating on public policy?

I want to see Ralph Nader and Paul Glover of the Greens in cabinet positions also.
Do you support these two candidates in pushing for inter-party collaboration?
Or others? Who?

Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) and Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) — "the Johns," as insiders are calling them — have been making a flurry of joint appearances to talk about state-driven improvements to health care.

But Axios has learned that their duet is part of an alliance that's gaining momentum toward a possible joint independent bid for president in 2020, likely with Kasich at the top of the ticket:

Keep reading 346 words
  • The two, who got to know each other at conferences, plan to extend their joint platform from health care to two other hot policy areas: immigration and job creation.
  • On health care (with a detailed plan to be released soon), the two have broadened their efforts to a bipartisan group that includes 11 governors.
  • The Johns' jobs plan will focus on the coming displacement from automation, with prescriptions that include trade, workforce training — and an optimistic and hopeful message, balanced with an honest admission that some jobs just aren't coming back.
  • The two are talking to major media companies about a possible podcast or cable show to continue cementing their brand. Their conversations would include politics, policy, and pop culture.
  • In D.C. in early September, the two will hold a health-care conference that includes policy input from the American Enterprise Institute on the right and the Center for American Progress on the left.
  • Kasich, who's being advised by veteran consultant John Weaver, is keeping open all his options, including the possibility of primarying Trump in 2020.
  • Nothing subtle about any of this: Kasich has urged Hickenlooper to visit New Hampshire.
  • Both are 65 and both were born in the crucial electoral state of Pennsylvania, Kasich from the Pittsburgh side and Hickenlooper from the Philly side (corrected).
  • Both are proud policy wonks, and their staffs are said to get along famously.
Why it matters: National Dems so far haven't capitalized on Trump's record unpopularity and obsession with his base. But this is a creative coupling that'll get a ton of airtime, and maybe even traction.

The pushback: Some establishment Dems are apoplectic about the idea of Hickenlooper teaming up with a Republican. One top strategist told me: "No Dem wants Kasich anywhere near our ticket. Sounds like a No Labels fantasy, but moderate Dems would hate it."

But a veteran operative emails: "Our political system is completely broken. Something big and historic needs to happen to break the logjam. I'm a big Dem but I'm for anything that ... does away with this hyper-partisanship on both sides that is paralyzing our government."

Warren/Collins ; )
Please don't take Collins from us--we're hoping she's running for Governor of Maine next year.
Dear Peach and OldLady
Thanks for giving specific names.
Yes I believe we need to plan ahead, with full transparency, which leaders need to serve in which roles. Why compete for the same slots while others go without a good contender? Why not create jobs for all leaders to serve to maximum capacity, instead of wasting millions when candidates from the same party run against each other! That money could have paid to create a whole separate job for someone to reform problem s directly instead of campaigning on promises that come out empty.

OldLady about Trump voters, we do need to focus on what are the real solutions that will redress taxpayers issues, not just what wins campaign votes. Where do taxpayers want to put our money, and what solutions will get our debts paid off or paid back? The solutions I see come from leaders from all parties. The reason I voted for Trump as a Democrat was that he would push for independent business plans and would be held in check by both parties not letting him get away with any Unconstitutional BS as Obama or Clinton would get away with without check. Trump is compelling the people to get involved in govt or else nothing will get done. Unless all sides agree , so we have to come up with solid financial solutions. It has to make sense to all sides, then we won't run into opposition. That's where America is heading.

I believe Cruz Libertarians and Constitutionalists will set up a grievance and settlement process to hold govt accountable for restitition and reimbursement for debts damages waste and corruption owed to taxpayers.

And it will take leaders and members of ALL parties to represent the programs and policies we each want to invest in both statewide and nationally. So which party leaders need to serve in which roles to coordinate between local state and national federal govt?

Can we hold a cross-party Constitutional convention and work out a network system of equal representation on issues? Why can't everyone fund jobs for the candidates and officers we want to hire you manage our programs? Isn't there enough work and demand to create jobs for all leaders who want to get involved?
Kasich, Hickenlooper eye joint 2020 bid

YES! After a website went down that had been advocating to allow Mixed Tickets,
These two candidates may be able to pull that off if they run as Independents.

Wow. I had been pushing for this also: for Democrats to focus on the VP position
and manage programs by States through the Senate. While Republicans focus on
the Presidential position as Commander in Chief for national security, foreign relations and global economy. Split the White House responsibilities between Domestic policies and International.

Do you think we can start organizing this NOW?
Start collaborations between parties instead of divisive rhetoric to bully for dominance?

Are these the right leaders for the job?
Or do you see other people taking charge if parties start collaborating on public policy?

I want to see Ralph Nader and Paul Glover of the Greens in cabinet positions also.
Do you support these two candidates in pushing for inter-party collaboration?
Or others? Who?

Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) and Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) — "the Johns," as insiders are calling them — have been making a flurry of joint appearances to talk about state-driven improvements to health care.

But Axios has learned that their duet is part of an alliance that's gaining momentum toward a possible joint independent bid for president in 2020, likely with Kasich at the top of the ticket:

Keep reading 346 words
  • The two, who got to know each other at conferences, plan to extend their joint platform from health care to two other hot policy areas: immigration and job creation.
  • On health care (with a detailed plan to be released soon), the two have broadened their efforts to a bipartisan group that includes 11 governors.
  • The Johns' jobs plan will focus on the coming displacement from automation, with prescriptions that include trade, workforce training — and an optimistic and hopeful message, balanced with an honest admission that some jobs just aren't coming back.
  • The two are talking to major media companies about a possible podcast or cable show to continue cementing their brand. Their conversations would include politics, policy, and pop culture.
  • In D.C. in early September, the two will hold a health-care conference that includes policy input from the American Enterprise Institute on the right and the Center for American Progress on the left.
  • Kasich, who's being advised by veteran consultant John Weaver, is keeping open all his options, including the possibility of primarying Trump in 2020.
  • Nothing subtle about any of this: Kasich has urged Hickenlooper to visit New Hampshire.
  • Both are 65 and both were born in the crucial electoral state of Pennsylvania, Kasich from the Pittsburgh side and Hickenlooper from the Philly side (corrected).
  • Both are proud policy wonks, and their staffs are said to get along famously.
Why it matters: National Dems so far haven't capitalized on Trump's record unpopularity and obsession with his base. But this is a creative coupling that'll get a ton of airtime, and maybe even traction.

The pushback: Some establishment Dems are apoplectic about the idea of Hickenlooper teaming up with a Republican. One top strategist told me: "No Dem wants Kasich anywhere near our ticket. Sounds like a No Labels fantasy, but moderate Dems would hate it."

But a veteran operative emails: "Our political system is completely broken. Something big and historic needs to happen to break the logjam. I'm a big Dem but I'm for anything that ... does away with this hyper-partisanship on both sides that is paralyzing our government."

Warren/Collins ; )
Please don't take Collins from us--we're hoping she's running for Governor of Maine next year.

Then Warren/Murkowski, the rabids would implode.
I need to learn more about Warren. What I've seen of her on 20 second news clips during the 6 o'clock news have not been very impressive. Her name keeps getting thrown in the ring, though.

AFAIC, she is a shameless self promoter who used fake minority status to enrich herself. She is the swamp personified. She should be forced to do a DNA test to prove her heritage. If she turns out to be an "Indian", I'll eat her shoe.
Of all the things to focus on, is that really the most important issue to you? You've got your right to get hung up on it, but let me share another perspective on that issue.
As an amateur genealogist who has done a lot of work trying to investigate my family tree and having seen a lot of other amateur genealogists' stories, what Warren claimed is not at all uncommon and is not shameless self promotion pulling out a fake minority status, necessarily. A lot of people have such stories in their ancestry, or others that are similarly unvalidated, and they honestly believe them to be true because other researchers have told them the same story. No, it doesn't make it true, but anyone who isn't actually interested in doing the tedious part of genealogy to get primary sources validating who your ancestors actually are would take it as "truth" without a second thought.
Kasich, Hickenlooper eye joint 2020 bid

YES! After a website went down that had been advocating to allow Mixed Tickets,
These two candidates may be able to pull that off if they run as Independents.

Wow. I had been pushing for this also: for Democrats to focus on the VP position
and manage programs by States through the Senate. While Republicans focus on
the Presidential position as Commander in Chief for national security, foreign relations and global economy. Split the White House responsibilities between Domestic policies and International.

Do you think we can start organizing this NOW?
Start collaborations between parties instead of divisive rhetoric to bully for dominance?

Are these the right leaders for the job?
Or do you see other people taking charge if parties start collaborating on public policy?

I want to see Ralph Nader and Paul Glover of the Greens in cabinet positions also.
Do you support these two candidates in pushing for inter-party collaboration?
Or others? Who?

Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) and Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) — "the Johns," as insiders are calling them — have been making a flurry of joint appearances to talk about state-driven improvements to health care.

But Axios has learned that their duet is part of an alliance that's gaining momentum toward a possible joint independent bid for president in 2020, likely with Kasich at the top of the ticket:

Keep reading 346 words
  • The two, who got to know each other at conferences, plan to extend their joint platform from health care to two other hot policy areas: immigration and job creation.
  • On health care (with a detailed plan to be released soon), the two have broadened their efforts to a bipartisan group that includes 11 governors.
  • The Johns' jobs plan will focus on the coming displacement from automation, with prescriptions that include trade, workforce training — and an optimistic and hopeful message, balanced with an honest admission that some jobs just aren't coming back.
  • The two are talking to major media companies about a possible podcast or cable show to continue cementing their brand. Their conversations would include politics, policy, and pop culture.
  • In D.C. in early September, the two will hold a health-care conference that includes policy input from the American Enterprise Institute on the right and the Center for American Progress on the left.
  • Kasich, who's being advised by veteran consultant John Weaver, is keeping open all his options, including the possibility of primarying Trump in 2020.
  • Nothing subtle about any of this: Kasich has urged Hickenlooper to visit New Hampshire.
  • Both are 65 and both were born in the crucial electoral state of Pennsylvania, Kasich from the Pittsburgh side and Hickenlooper from the Philly side (corrected).
  • Both are proud policy wonks, and their staffs are said to get along famously.
Why it matters: National Dems so far haven't capitalized on Trump's record unpopularity and obsession with his base. But this is a creative coupling that'll get a ton of airtime, and maybe even traction.

The pushback: Some establishment Dems are apoplectic about the idea of Hickenlooper teaming up with a Republican. One top strategist told me: "No Dem wants Kasich anywhere near our ticket. Sounds like a No Labels fantasy, but moderate Dems would hate it."

But a veteran operative emails: "Our political system is completely broken. Something big and historic needs to happen to break the logjam. I'm a big Dem but I'm for anything that ... does away with this hyper-partisanship on both sides that is paralyzing our government."

Warren/Collins ; )
Please don't take Collins from us--we're hoping she's running for Governor of Maine next year.
Dear Peach and OldLady
Thanks for giving specific names.
Yes I believe we need to plan ahead, with full transparency, which leaders need to serve in which roles. Why compete for the same slots while others go without a good contender? Why not create jobs for all leaders to serve to maximum capacity, instead of wasting millions when candidates from the same party run against each other! That money could have paid to create a whole separate job for someone to reform problem s directly instead of campaigning on promises that come out empty.

OldLady about Trump voters, we do need to focus on what are the real solutions that will redress taxpayers issues, not just what wins campaign votes. Where do taxpayers want to put our money, and what solutions will get our debts paid off or paid back? The solutions I see come from leaders from all parties. The reason I voted for Trump as a Democrat was that he would push for independent business plans and would be held in check by both parties not letting him get away with any Unconstitutional BS as Obama or Clinton would get away with without check. Trump is compelling the people to get involved in govt or else nothing will get done. Unless all sides agree , so we have to come up with solid financial solutions. It has to make sense to all sides, then we won't run into opposition. That's where America is heading.

I believe Cruz Libertarians and Constitutionalists will set up a grievance and settlement process to hold govt accountable for restitition and reimbursement for debts damages waste and corruption owed to taxpayers.

And it will take leaders and members of ALL parties to represent the programs and policies we each want to invest in both statewide and nationally. So which party leaders need to serve in which roles to coordinate between local state and national federal govt?

Can we hold a cross-party Constitutional convention and work out a network system of equal representation on issues? Why can't everyone fund jobs for the candidates and officers we want to hire you manage our programs? Isn't there enough work and demand to create jobs for all leaders who want to get involved?
Why compete for the same slots while others go without a good contender? Why not create jobs for all leaders to serve to maximum capacity, instead of wasting millions when candidates from the same party run against each other!
We're definitely on the same train there, Emily.
Warren/Collins ; )
Please don't take Collins from us--we're hoping she's running for Governor of Maine next year.

Then Warren/Murkowski, the rabids would implode.
I need to learn more about Warren. What I've seen of her on 20 second news clips during the 6 o'clock news have not been very impressive. Her name keeps getting thrown in the ring, though.

AFAIC, she is a shameless self promoter who used fake minority status to enrich herself. She is the swamp personified. She should be forced to do a DNA test to prove her heritage. If she turns out to be an "Indian", I'll eat her shoe.
Of all the things to focus on, is that really the most important issue to you? You've got your right to get hung up on it, but let me share another perspective on that issue.
As an amateur genealogist who has done a lot of work trying to investigate my family tree and having seen a lot of other amateur genealogists' stories, what Warren claimed is not at all uncommon and is not shameless self promotion pulling out a fake minority status, necessarily. A lot of people have such stories in their ancestry, or others that are similarly unvalidated, and they honestly believe them to be true because other researchers have told them the same story. No, it doesn't make it true, but anyone who isn't actually interested in doing the tedious part of genealogy to get primary sources validating who your ancestors actually are would take it as "truth" without a second thought.

She's a wingnut. Please nominate her.

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