Kate's Law Should Get Passed

I thought it did pass.

The house it did.

I thought the republicans are in charge.

They are, but needed 60 votes in the Democrat controlled Senate after it passed the house. Democrats are against locking up criminals--especially foreign ones, so they voted against it. The leftists in San Francisco let this multiple offender back on the streets instead of turning him over to immigration. Had they done that, Kate would still be alive today.

Imagine how great of a country this would be with no liberals in it.
When did the control of the Senate pass to the Democrats? Also..when did Kate's Bill come up for a vote..in the Senate?

It was still when DumBama was President. During that time, the Democrats had leadership of the Senate, but it's irrelevant since it needed 60 votes to pass; that's why it's irrelevant now with a slight Republican edge.

But what Trump should do is insist the Senate take the issue up again, and perhaps put it to another vote. Then Trump should tell every Senator who votes against it that's up for reelection that he will haunt them until and including election day. He should tell them he will start three months before the election non-stop. That includes media, interviews, and of course, Twitter like they've never seen before.
Court of law said he's innocent..so he's innocent. Nation of laws, remember? As for the law..Repubs control the entire Congress..if they can't pass it...that just show how messed up they are..but it has nothing to do with the Democrats. Actually, now that he's been found innocent..do we even need a Kait's Law?

Interesting how you guys are calling for this and that..stalwart keyboard warriors all. many of the same posters I see lecturing about the Constitution.....who have no respect for the rule of law..when they don't agree. You don't get to make the laws..nor do you get to interpret them..all you need to do..is obey them


He killed her in cold blood, but that's just fine with you leftists. If we had Kate's law before Kate, she would probably still be alive today.

It's also a good demonstration why we need to keep liberals our of our judiciary.

No he didn’t kill her cold blood. He did not directly point the gun at Kate. Get your facts straight dude.
I know you only listen to Hannity but read the real news how they got the no guilty.
Set aside the illegal scenario and your hatred and I can assure you will agree the no guilty.

I did read it--on CNN's web site right after the verdict. I don't buy into any of it. This wasn't an 8 year old child who didn't know better when it comes to guns, this was a grown man who is a criminal. Yeah, he "found" the gun--he never stole it either. You leftists will believe anything when it comes to defending evil.

The criminal part is 20 year old drug possession related offenses and re-entry issues.

Why don't you post the correct information?

What was incorrect with what I posted? He's a seven time felon in the US, not to mention what he's done in his own country.
Doesn't the availability of guns in this country have anything to do with this killing? The man from whom the gun was stolen just put it in a bag under the seat of his car. Though the car was locked, I wouldn't have done that. Guns are too dangerous to treat so casually. Cars are broken into all the time.

I would never own a gun, but I would never leave anything seriously valuable in my car, even if it was locked. Of course you can make up the loss in insurance, but not when it is a gun.

I'm not blaming the death on the man who owned the gun but partly, and only partly, on the excessive number of guns in this country. In countries where guns are not so prevalent, criminals can't get their hands on them so much either. It isn't a case of the law abiding people not having guns but the criminals having them. The criminals have to get them from somewhere, and usually they steal them from law abiding people.

Wrong. Most people who should not possess guns get them from straw buyers who are allowed to buy guns.
Court of law said he's innocent..so he's innocent. Nation of laws, remember? As for the law..Repubs control the entire Congress..if they can't pass it...that just show how messed up they are..but it has nothing to do with the Democrats. Actually, now that he's been found innocent..do we even need a Kait's Law?

Interesting how you guys are calling for this and that..stalwart keyboard warriors all. many of the same posters I see lecturing about the Constitution.....who have no respect for the rule of law..when they don't agree. You don't get to make the laws..nor do you get to interpret them..all you need to do..is obey them


He killed her in cold blood, but that's just fine with you leftists. If we had Kate's law before Kate, she would probably still be alive today.

It's also a good demonstration why we need to keep liberals our of our judiciary.

No he didn’t kill her cold blood. He did not directly point the gun at Kate. Get your facts straight dude.
I know you only listen to Hannity but read the real news how they got the no guilty.
Set aside the illegal scenario and your hatred and I can assure you will agree the no guilty.

I did read it--on CNN's web site right after the verdict. I don't buy into any of it. This wasn't an 8 year old child who didn't know better when it comes to guns, this was a grown man who is a criminal. Yeah, he "found" the gun--he never stole it either. You leftists will believe anything when it comes to defending evil.

The criminal part is 20 year old drug possession related offenses and re-entry issues.

Why don't you post the correct information?

What was incorrect with what I posted? He's a seven time felon in the US, not to mention what he's done in his own country.

He was convicted of low level drug possession 20 years ago and re-entry issues since then.

Again why can't you post that?
Court of law said he's innocent..so he's innocent. Nation of laws, remember? As for the law..Repubs control the entire Congress..if they can't pass it...that just show how messed up they are..but it has nothing to do with the Democrats. Actually, now that he's been found innocent..do we even need a Kait's Law?

Interesting how you guys are calling for this and that..stalwart keyboard warriors all. many of the same posters I see lecturing about the Constitution.....who have no respect for the rule of law..when they don't agree. You don't get to make the laws..nor do you get to interpret them..all you need to do..is obey them


He killed her in cold blood, but that's just fine with you leftists. If we had Kate's law before Kate, she would probably still be alive today.

It's also a good demonstration why we need to keep liberals our of our judiciary.

No he didn’t kill her cold blood. He did not directly point the gun at Kate. Get your facts straight dude.
I know you only listen to Hannity but read the real news how they got the no guilty.
Set aside the illegal scenario and your hatred and I can assure you will agree the no guilty.

I did read it--on CNN's web site right after the verdict. I don't buy into any of it. This wasn't an 8 year old child who didn't know better when it comes to guns, this was a grown man who is a criminal. Yeah, he "found" the gun--he never stole it either. You leftists will believe anything when it comes to defending evil.

The criminal part is 20 year old drug possession related offenses and re-entry issues.

Why don't you post the correct information?

What was incorrect with what I posted? He's a seven time felon in the US, not to mention what he's done in his own country.
BTW..lost in this..is that the jury did convict him of ex-felon with a gun...possible 3 years in jail.
Court of law said he's innocent..so he's innocent. Nation of laws, remember? As for the law..Repubs control the entire Congress..if they can't pass it...that just show how messed up they are..but it has nothing to do with the Democrats. Actually, now that he's been found innocent..do we even need a Kait's Law?

Interesting how you guys are calling for this and that..stalwart keyboard warriors all. many of the same posters I see lecturing about the Constitution.....who have no respect for the rule of law..when they don't agree. You don't get to make the laws..nor do you get to interpret them..all you need to do..is obey them


He killed her in cold blood, but that's just fine with you leftists. If we had Kate's law before Kate, she would probably still be alive today.

It's also a good demonstration why we need to keep liberals our of our judiciary.

No he didn’t kill her cold blood. He did not directly point the gun at Kate. Get your facts straight dude.
I know you only listen to Hannity but read the real news how they got the no guilty.
Set aside the illegal scenario and your hatred and I can assure you will agree the no guilty.

I did read it--on CNN's web site right after the verdict. I don't buy into any of it. This wasn't an 8 year old child who didn't know better when it comes to guns, this was a grown man who is a criminal. Yeah, he "found" the gun--he never stole it either. You leftists will believe anything when it comes to defending evil.

so you heard the testimony and were able to assess the evidence and testimony


Read enough to know it was utter BS. Guns don't go off by stepping on them. When the police finally caught him, he said he was shooting at birds and the bullet went downrange to Kate. They gave him a gunpowder test and found gun powder on his hand and sleeve. In spite of his confession and test results, now he only stepped on the gun and it went off? Who could be stupid enough to believe that?????
He killed her in cold blood, but that's just fine with you leftists. If we had Kate's law before Kate, she would probably still be alive today.

It's also a good demonstration why we need to keep liberals our of our judiciary.

No he didn’t kill her cold blood. He did not directly point the gun at Kate. Get your facts straight dude.
I know you only listen to Hannity but read the real news how they got the no guilty.
Set aside the illegal scenario and your hatred and I can assure you will agree the no guilty.

I did read it--on CNN's web site right after the verdict. I don't buy into any of it. This wasn't an 8 year old child who didn't know better when it comes to guns, this was a grown man who is a criminal. Yeah, he "found" the gun--he never stole it either. You leftists will believe anything when it comes to defending evil.

The criminal part is 20 year old drug possession related offenses and re-entry issues.

Why don't you post the correct information?

What was incorrect with what I posted? He's a seven time felon in the US, not to mention what he's done in his own country.
BTW..lost in this..is that the jury did convict him of ex-felon with a gun...possible 3 years in jail.

I didn't see any reporting on that. Perhaps they will make it a separate case.....I don't know.
Court of law said he's innocent..so he's innocent. Nation of laws, remember? As for the law..Repubs control the entire Congress..if they can't pass it...that just show how messed up they are..but it has nothing to do with the Democrats. Actually, now that he's been found innocent..do we even need a Kait's Law?

Interesting how you guys are calling for this and that..stalwart keyboard warriors all. many of the same posters I see lecturing about the Constitution.....who have no respect for the rule of law..when they don't agree. You don't get to make the laws..nor do you get to interpret them..all you need to do..is obey them


He killed her in cold blood, but that's just fine with you leftists. If we had Kate's law before Kate, she would probably still be alive today.

It's also a good demonstration why we need to keep liberals our of our judiciary.

No he didn’t kill her cold blood. He did not directly point the gun at Kate. Get your facts straight dude.
I know you only listen to Hannity but read the real news how they got the no guilty.
Set aside the illegal scenario and your hatred and I can assure you will agree the no guilty.

I did read it--on CNN's web site right after the verdict. I don't buy into any of it. This wasn't an 8 year old child who didn't know better when it comes to guns, this was a grown man who is a criminal. Yeah, he "found" the gun--he never stole it either. You leftists will believe anything when it comes to defending evil.

so you heard the testimony and were able to assess the evidence and testimony


Read enough to know it was utter BS. Guns don't go off by stepping on them. When the police finally caught him, he said he was shooting at birds and the bullet went downrange to Kate. They gave him a gunpowder test and found gun powder on his hand and sleeve. In spite of his confession and test results, now he only stepped on the gun and it went off? Who could be stupid enough to believe that?????

ray from alternate world Cleveland

Have you actually read anything about the case? He admitted firing the gun.
No he didn’t kill her cold blood. He did not directly point the gun at Kate. Get your facts straight dude.
I know you only listen to Hannity but read the real news how they got the no guilty.
Set aside the illegal scenario and your hatred and I can assure you will agree the no guilty.

I did read it--on CNN's web site right after the verdict. I don't buy into any of it. This wasn't an 8 year old child who didn't know better when it comes to guns, this was a grown man who is a criminal. Yeah, he "found" the gun--he never stole it either. You leftists will believe anything when it comes to defending evil.

The criminal part is 20 year old drug possession related offenses and re-entry issues.

Why don't you post the correct information?

What was incorrect with what I posted? He's a seven time felon in the US, not to mention what he's done in his own country.
BTW..lost in this..is that the jury did convict him of ex-felon with a gun...possible 3 years in jail.

I didn't see any reporting on that. Perhaps they will make it a separate case.....I don't know.

No case needed..just sentencing..the jury found him guilty on that charge.
Hold your horses..Feds may be weighing in...

DOJ considering bringing charges against man found not guilty in Kate Steinle's murder

"The Justice Department is considering bringing federal charges against Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, the man found not guilty in Kate Steinle's murder Thursday night, DOJ spokesperson Sarah Flores told CNN.
Following last night's not guilty verdict by a California jury in San Francisco resident Steinle's murder, the DOJ is weighing whether it will take a separate action in bringing charges against Garcia Zarate. All available federal options are on the table, CNN is told"
Hold your horses..Feds may be weighing in...

DOJ considering bringing charges against man found not guilty in Kate Steinle's murder

"The Justice Department is considering bringing federal charges against Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, the man found not guilty in Kate Steinle's murder Thursday night, DOJ spokesperson Sarah Flores told CNN.
Following last night's not guilty verdict by a California jury in San Francisco resident Steinle's murder, the DOJ is weighing whether it will take a separate action in bringing charges against Garcia Zarate. All available federal options are on the table, CNN is told"

This bunch of Feds? What they going to do, break a PMS color match swatch to brown him up?
Really, I thought that republic pols NEVER used a tragedy to advance political goals.

As we are told by their followers.
I thought that republics pols NEVER used emotion to advance political goals.

As we are told by their followers.
Court of law said he's innocent..so he's innocent. Nation of laws, remember? As for the law..Repubs control the entire Congress..if they can't pass it...that just show how messed up they are..but it has nothing to do with the Democrats. Actually, now that he's been found innocent..do we even need a Kait's Law?

Interesting how you guys are calling for this and that..stalwart keyboard warriors all. many of the same posters I see lecturing about the Constitution.....who have no respect for the rule of law..when they don't agree. You don't get to make the laws..nor do you get to interpret them..all you need to do..is obey them


This verdict had nothing to do with this case.

These insane lefties used it as a political

brick to be thrown at Trump and law abiding


It's time for us to throw back....

You guys are always looking to throw America back to some Beaver Clever mythological land.

Those were no doubt better times.....

liberals have screw up everything.
Court of law said he's innocent..so he's innocent. Nation of laws, remember? As for the law..Repubs control the entire Congress..if they can't pass it...that just show how messed up they are..but it has nothing to do with the Democrats. Actually, now that he's been found innocent..do we even need a Kait's Law?

Interesting how you guys are calling for this and that..stalwart keyboard warriors all. many of the same posters I see lecturing about the Constitution.....who have no respect for the rule of law..when they don't agree. You don't get to make the laws..nor do you get to interpret them..all you need to do..is obey them


This verdict had nothing to do with this case.

These insane lefties used it as a political

brick to be thrown at Trump and law abiding


It's time for us to throw back....

You guys are always looking to throw America back to some Beaver Clever mythological land.

Those were no doubt better times.....

liberals have screw up everything.

Beaver Clever times were better for who?

White guys?
We have several regulars here who are against what President Trump is trying to fix.

Kate would be alive today if it wasn’t for libs. :(
She and many others would be alive if we had good gun control.
I agree....

If it weren't for liberals we would all be better off...

If it weren't for Liberals you'd be part of the British Empire.

How do you figure that?

“If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal", then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.”

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