Kathleen Parker Implies That People From The South Are Stupid On Meet The Press


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

David Gregory was showing a video of a couple that couldn't figure out what was going on with their healt care. One minute they were told they had it, the next they didn't have it, the next they did. The guy was confused. Who can blame him. After all of the changes to Obamacare it's difficult to know what the heck is going on. These are frightening times.

It didn't stop Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post, Hillary backer, and a panelist on Meet the Press this morning, from taking a jab at the guy because he had a Southern accent. She implied it must be why he couldn't figure out his health insurance.

Typical liberal elitist. Poking fun at the common man because they aren't as smart as the folks she rubs elbows with. This is a Washington Liberal.

That's her seated on the left next to Chuck Todd.


I don't think she can understand what it's like to have to work every day and have the government pull the rug from under you like has happened to millions of Americans. Most Middle Class workers don't want to have to get a law degree to figure out their insurance policy. The industry has become more massively complex and much more expensive. It doesn't matter if Obama tells us he got his 7 million, there are still millions of Americans who don't even know if they're covered anymore. They feel they can't trust anything. And this Washington liberal thinks it's because they're stupid.


She just got another laugh about how stupid that Red-neck was right before signing off. Hahahahahahahah!!!

*f#@en bi@ch*


1 Year, 32,000 Words: WaPo?s Campaign Against Redskins 7x Longer than U.S. Constitution | NewsBusters

Kathleen Parker Anoints Hillary To 'Save The World' | NewsBusters

David Gregory was showing a video of a couple that couldn't figure out what was going on with their healt care. One minute they were told they had it, the next they didn't have it, the next they did. The guy was confused. Who can blame him. After all of the changes to Obamacare it's difficult to know what the heck is going on. These are frightening times.

It didn't stop Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post, Hillary backer, and a panelist on Meet the Press this morning, from taking a jab at the guy because he had a Southern accent. She implied it must be why he couldn't figure out his health insurance.

Typical liberal elitist. Poking fun at the common man because they aren't as smart as the folks she rubs elbows with. This is a Washington Liberal.

That's her seated on the left next to Chuck Todd.


I don't think she can understand what it's like to have to work every day and have the government pull the rug from under you like has happened to millions of Americans. Most Middle Class workers don't want to have to get a law degree to figure out their insurance policy. The industry has become more massively complex and much more expensive. It doesn't matter if Obama tells us he got his 7 million, there are still millions of Americans who don't even know if they're covered anymore. They feel they can't trust anything. And this Washington liberal thinks it's because they're stupid.


She just got another laugh about how stupid that Red-neck was right before signing off. Hahahahahahahah!!!

*f#@en bi@ch*


1 Year, 32,000 Words: WaPo?s Campaign Against Redskins 7x Longer than U.S. Constitution | NewsBusters

Kathleen Parker Anoints Hillary To 'Save The World' | NewsBusters

A person from the South, who speaks more slowly than we in other regions of the United States, does not equate with stupidly. However, by the words they choose, someone like Kathleen Parker does and someone like this, did.:

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Sometimes it's difficult not to give in to the stereotype that people from the south are stupid. Most of them know the point totals of every driver on the NASCAR circuit. They like barbeque and beer, tater-guns and Jack-ass videos.

They're just people that sound different. Does the way you talk indicate how intelligent you are? Sometimes, but to assume automatically that someone with a southern accent is stupid is an insult, and I think Kathleen Parker needs to apologize for the slur.

Kathleen Parker is a Hillary backer. This is when she said flat out that Romney was a Dork.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vesNnhuyuzo]Columnist Kathleen Parker Says Face it: Romney is a "dork" - YouTube[/ame]

You can disparage conservatives or people you think are conservatives, but if she were to say the same thing about gays or blacks she would be getting her pink slip.

David Gregory was showing a video of a couple that couldn't figure out what was going on with their healt care. One minute they were told they had it, the next they didn't have it, the next they did. The guy was confused. Who can blame him. After all of the changes to Obamacare it's difficult to know what the heck is going on. These are frightening times.

It didn't stop Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post, Hillary backer, and a panelist on Meet the Press this morning, from taking a jab at the guy because he had a Southern accent. She implied it must be why he couldn't figure out his health insurance.

Typical liberal elitist. Poking fun at the common man because they aren't as smart as the folks she rubs elbows with. This is a Washington Liberal.

That's her seated on the left next to Chuck Todd.


I don't think she can understand what it's like to have to work every day and have the government pull the rug from under you like has happened to millions of Americans. Most Middle Class workers don't want to have to get a law degree to figure out their insurance policy. The industry has become more massively complex and much more expensive. It doesn't matter if Obama tells us he got his 7 million, there are still millions of Americans who don't even know if they're covered anymore. They feel they can't trust anything. And this Washington liberal thinks it's because they're stupid.


She just got another laugh about how stupid that Red-neck was right before signing off. Hahahahahahahah!!!

*f#@en bi@ch*


1 Year, 32,000 Words: WaPo?s Campaign Against Redskins 7x Longer than U.S. Constitution | NewsBusters

Kathleen Parker Anoints Hillary To 'Save The World' | NewsBusters

Or maybe someone is being overly sensitive. I doubt she meant it like that seriously.
Listen to this dumb-ass southerner......he's soooooo stupid.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVk0Dlhy8Es]Bill Clinton on David Letterman 23 September 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

David Gregory was showing a video of a couple that couldn't figure out what was going on with their healt care. One minute they were told they had it, the next they didn't have it, the next they did. The guy was confused. Who can blame him. After all of the changes to Obamacare it's difficult to know what the heck is going on. These are frightening times.

It didn't stop Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post, Hillary backer, and a panelist on Meet the Press this morning, from taking a jab at the guy because he had a Southern accent. She implied it must be why he couldn't figure out his health insurance.

Typical liberal elitist. Poking fun at the common man because they aren't as smart as the folks she rubs elbows with. This is a Washington Liberal.

That's her seated on the left next to Chuck Todd.


I don't think she can understand what it's like to have to work every day and have the government pull the rug from under you like has happened to millions of Americans. Most Middle Class workers don't want to have to get a law degree to figure out their insurance policy. The industry has become more massively complex and much more expensive. It doesn't matter if Obama tells us he got his 7 million, there are still millions of Americans who don't even know if they're covered anymore. They feel they can't trust anything. And this Washington liberal thinks it's because they're stupid.


She just got another laugh about how stupid that Red-neck was right before signing off. Hahahahahahahah!!!

*f#@en bi@ch*


1 Year, 32,000 Words: WaPo?s Campaign Against Redskins 7x Longer than U.S. Constitution | NewsBusters

Kathleen Parker Anoints Hillary To 'Save The World' | NewsBusters

Or maybe someone is being overly sensitive. I doubt she meant it like that seriously.

She meant it because not only did she say it one time but she repeated it at the end of the show. Everyone got a laugh. The first time they didn't, but it seems people with southern drawls are a joke to these folks.
People in the South are nicer. But they're slower.......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swtJkovAP_k]Jim Gaffigan Explains Why Southerners Are Slow - YouTube[/ame]
Do those offended by a persons possible prejudice need a tissue? With a bit of looking I can post plenty of posts where the 'word' "libtard"" or "Dumbocrat" are used by those on the right; used by most of them because they lack the intelligence, information or ability to compose a rational response.

Shall I name names?
Do those offended by a persons possible prejudice need a tissue? With a bit of looking I can post plenty of posts where the 'word' "libtard"" or "Dumbocrat" are used by those on the right; used by most of them because they lack the intelligence, information or ability to compose a rational response.

Shall I name names?

What makes you think they have a Southern Accent?

You assume that Southerners are Republicans automatically.

Many of the folks who live around here vote Democrat and they have the thickest southern drawl I've ever heard. When I first moved here I needed an interpreter half the time.
All these elitist snobs like Parker, our elected political asses (who can't even DRIVE themselves to their jobs) in Washington and as we see the snobs like Clay who is a devote liberal/democrat subject are so out of TOUCH with mainstream America, this is what we the people have to endure from them

Or maybe someone is being overly sensitive. I doubt she meant it like that seriously.


Or it’s just another example of the OP being a tedious rightwing partisan hack, seeking only to contrive a controversy where none exists, and exhibiting his ignorance of a hasty generalization fallacy.

I think it is simply a symptom of media bias.

Many times racists in films have a southern accent. The antagonist in "The Help" was a Bible-banging Southern Bell. So automatically she's a Republican. Truth is, she was a dyed-in-the-wool Southern Democrat. In "Dallas Buyers Club" the Red-neck friends of Ron Woodroof who discriminated against him were typical pig-headed Texas assholes.

These stereotypes are prevalent in movies and Television.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRB6gqbEhaM]Sarah Palin under attack from CBC's Heather Mallick - YouTube[/ame]

CBC's Heather Mallick called Sarah Palin and her husband Todd "Red Necks" even though neither is from the South. Red Neck is just a way of describing someone of lower intelligence.
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Or maybe someone is being overly sensitive. I doubt she meant it like that seriously.


Or it’s just another example of the OP being a tedious rightwing partisan hack, seeking only to contrive a controversy where none exists, and exhibiting his ignorance of a hasty generalization fallacy.
he never fails to impress ;)

Reminds me of that one rw talking-head, on Fox TV's payroll who used the term "blue blood"
Do those offended by a persons possible prejudice need a tissue? With a bit of looking I can post plenty of posts where the 'word' "libtard"" or "Dumbocrat" are used by those on the right; used by most of them because they lack the intelligence, information or ability to compose a rational response.

Shall I name names?

What makes you think they have a Southern Accent?

You assume that Southerners are Republicans automatically.

Many of the folks who live around here vote Democrat and they have the thickest southern drawl I've ever heard. When I first moved here I needed an interpreter half the time.

I didn't make that assumption! Read what I posted and try to do so with some comprehension.

For your information I have relatives in Houston and Tampa, I've vacationed on Amelia Island, Savannah, Charleston and San Antonio and I know not all those who live in the South are Republicans nor are all Southerners stupid.

Some are, and many of them post on this forum. Shall I name names?

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