Kavanaugh hearings

And Corey Booker - what a freakin idiot! The reason anyone is "afraid" of Kavanaugh is because moonbats like Booker have spun him into the BoogeyMan for liking baseball and putting ketchup on spaghetti.

The dems are hilarious with their posturing. You can't stop it loons, just confirm him and lick your wounds

What a bunch of Sore LoserXyrs. They know Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed because Harry Reid went to the nuclear option for Obabble judiciary appointments. It was a very small step to get rid of the filibuster for SCOTUS appointments after that.

This is all just posturing to their base. Rather hysterical to see them portray the Federalist Society as some type of terrorist organization.
they certainly are the most pitiful humans that exist.

Well, no. There are more pathetic examples in North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Sudan (and other shithole countries).
And Corey Booker - what a freakin idiot! The reason anyone is "afraid" of Kavanaugh is because moonbats like Booker have spun him into the BoogeyMan for liking baseball and putting ketchup on spaghetti.

The dems are hilarious with their posturing. You can't stop it loons, just confirm him and lick your wounds

What a bunch of Sore LoserXyrs. They know Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed because Harry Reid went to the nuclear option for Obabble judiciary appointments. It was a very small step to get rid of the filibuster for SCOTUS appointments after that.

This is all just posturing to their base. Rather hysterical to see them portray the Federalist Society as some type of terrorist organization.
they certainly are the most pitiful humans that exist.

Well, no. There are more pathetic examples in North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Sudan (and other shithole countries).
I don't know, he's there.
we're the oldest constitutional republic and the wealthiest country in the history of the world and yet farmers are committing suicide because they dont have access to health care or a rewarding life in general.

Trump and Kavanaugh will reverse that and make america great again!
Mazie from Hawaii was horrible. Such a dim-bulb one needs night vision goggles to see her.
Booker has practiced his speech and comes across as passionate and articulate. She clearly had difficulty reading lines written in a big chief tablet with one of those half inch diameter pencils..

He's just a more proficient hack.
No argument. The content was shit, but the delivery was smoothly made.
This Klobuchar kunt is a real dumbass and partisan asshole.

The shithead doesn't think this is a "normal process" because that piece of shit Crooked Hillary didn't make the nomination.

All these Democrats are assholes. Some are more assholes than others.
Yeah, the midnight dumping of tens of thousands of documents the GOP was desperate to block surely had nothing to do with it :rolleyes:
again, you miss the point what are they needed for exactly. isn't no still no? just saying how much stupid do you need to hit you exactly?

He won’t ever address it. He is a coward
I'm changing my mind. I suspect that Kamala Harris is going to lose the hearing by making the most hack and stupid grand-standing exhibition.
Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.
Bolshevik style behavior is dropping tens of thousands of important documents in the dead of night and hoping to install a party loyalist to a lifetime position without debate the next morning.

Sounds like Obama , signing obozo care into law in only three days and it took Union lawyers a few years later to realize they got screwed ..

Wow you are all parrots. Literally every one of you have said that exact same thing, proud to now be acting like Obama. Anyways you did the same thing with your tax cuts to the 1% already. Now you want to install a man for life, who was chosen by a special interest group, without review or accountability. An SC Justice is not the same as a piece of legislation.

He has been reviewed by the law groups that look at judges, and he has been vetted by the groups that seek to protect the Constitution.......not to forget all of his actual rulings the democrats have had access to for weeks now....
Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.
Bolshevik style behavior is dropping tens of thousands of important documents in the dead of night and hoping to install a party loyalist to a lifetime position without debate the next morning.

Sounds like Obama , signing obozo care into law in only three days and it took Union lawyers a few years later to realize they got screwed ..

Wow you are all parrots. Literally every one of you have said that exact same thing, proud to now be acting like Obama. Anyways you did the same thing with your tax cuts to the 1% already. Now you want to install a man for life, who was chosen by a special interest group, without review or accountability. An SC Justice is not the same as a piece of legislation.

He has been reviewed by the law groups that look at judges, and he has been vetted by the groups that seek to protect the Constitution.......not to forget all of his actual rulings the democrats have had access to for weeks now....
dude, who fking cares what a fking loser democrat thinks, they were saying no the day his name was announced. That was never going to change. Never. Delaying this by asking for this and that is just plain ass stupid. McConnell told them to stop or he was going to push it to september, they didn't and here we are. I love it. I'm cracking up at these fking losers. Their collective constituents must be so proud of the assholes they've all become.
This Klobuchar kunt is a real dumbass and partisan asshole.

The shithead doesn't think this is a "normal process" because that piece of shit Crooked Hillary didn't make the nomination.

All these Democrats are assholes. Some are more assholes than others.
Yeah, the midnight dumping of tens of thousands of documents the GOP was desperate to block surely had nothing to do with it :rolleyes:
again, you miss the point what are they needed for exactly. isn't no still no? just saying how much stupid do you need to hit you exactly?

He won’t ever address it. He is a coward
Go fuck yourself, statist. You love that government opacity and keeping secrets. 40,000 pages that the GOP desperately tried to block, released in the dead of night to protect the appointment of what will be one of the most powerful me in the land for the rest of his life, and you live it. I guess generations of incest will do that to a person.
Get the fuck out of here with this disruption shit.......you bastards are at least getting a fuckin hearing for this Trump whore, Democrats and Obama were denied. Then to make matters worse, you whores, dump requested documents on the dems, the night before the fuckin hearings.....JUST ONE GOTDAMNED QUESTION....CAN YOU BASTARDS EVER AND I MEAN EVER DO ANY GOTDAMN THING THAT ISN'T CORRUPT????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Obozo got his two far left lesbians put on the court and the republicans did nothing to delay the proceedings and hearings.

but I understand, you libs will never get over the FACT that trump beat your wonderful hildebeast. So your senators will continue to rant and rave and disrupt and act like children who didn't get their ice cream. But its all OK, the people are watching and the people will remember in November 2018 and 2020
The people??????? 60% of the PEOPLE.....want Trump gone......LOLOLO
This Klobuchar kunt is a real dumbass and partisan asshole.

The shithead doesn't think this is a "normal process" because that piece of shit Crooked Hillary didn't make the nomination.

All these Democrats are assholes. Some are more assholes than others.
Yeah, the midnight dumping of tens of thousands of documents the GOP was desperate to block surely had nothing to do with it :rolleyes:
again, you miss the point what are they needed for exactly. isn't no still no? just saying how much stupid do you need to hit you exactly?

He won’t ever address it. He is a coward
Go fuck yourself, statist. You love that government opacity and keeping secrets. 40,000 pages that the GOP desperately tried to block, released in the dead of night to protect the appointment of what will be one of the most powerful me in the land for the rest of his life, and you live it. I guess generations of incest will do that to a person.
why did anyone need to see them? tell us please. Never happened in the past. why is this guy so different? let's hear from you genius. what you got? was a demoloser going to say yes after reading them after next year?

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