Kavanaugh hearings

Get the fuck out of here with this disruption shit.......you bastards are at least getting a fuckin hearing for this Trump whore, Democrats and Obama were denied. Then to make matters worse, you whores, dump requested documents on the dems, the night before the fuckin hearings.....JUST ONE GOTDAMNED QUESTION....CAN YOU BASTARDS EVER AND I MEAN EVER DO ANY GOTDAMN THING THAT ISN'T CORRUPT????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Obozo got his two far left lesbians put on the court and the republicans did nothing to delay the proceedings and hearings.

but I understand, you libs will never get over the FACT that trump beat your wonderful hildebeast. So your senators will continue to rant and rave and disrupt and act like children who didn't get their ice cream. But its all OK, the people are watching and the people will remember in November 2018 and 2020
The people??????? 60% of the PEOPLE.....want Trump gone......LOLOLO
and then there is reality. but you keep ignoring it loser.
Today was all BULL$H!T, a complete waste of Tax Payer Dollars!

The political lines had already been drawn before the hearing ever started. Democrats are still 100% committed to obstructing anything the GOP and President want to do, no matter what it is.

Politicians went on long diatribes spewing BS and hypocrisy:

One Liberal declared that Kavanaugh has a unique idea that a President is above the law, that a President can't be indicted while President....

OH STFU! This thought / idea is NOT Unique. This idea was held and defended by both the Clinton and Bush administrations!

The BS Artist went on to declare that the 'Time of Divinely Appointed Kings' - when Presidents believed they could do whatever they wanted to do - was over!

AGAIN, STFU! IF that time is 'Over' it just ended when Obama left the WH! That SOB violated the Constitution (Separation Of Powers Act) and Rule of Law, was both held in Contempt of Court for ignoring Judges' rulings and ruled to be in Violation of the Constitution for acting on his own, and bypassed Congress to do whatever he wanted when he wanted....and these assholes - especially this female Dem idiot found nothing wrong with Barry doing it...and getting away with it.

Again, this was BS and political theater.

No one's opinions / decision on Kavanaugh was swayed by today's despicable display put on by the Democrats.

So lacking in civility and so partisanly disgusting was this planned / staged 'show' the Democrats put on that Kavanaugh's daughter had to be escorted out of the room so she would not have to witness the display!

Interrupting from the start.
Intolerant, disorderly protestors.
Vile attacks and ranting from Democrats.

The only good thing that came of this despicable sideshow carnival the Democrats put on was the fact that Americans got to tune in and watch the whole train-wreck the pathetic Dems put on.

This was better than a GOP campaign ad against the Democrats. The DNC / Democrats just gave the GOP a BUNCH of FREE Campaign Publicity / Ammo.
This Klobuchar kunt is a real dumbass and partisan asshole.

The shithead doesn't think this is a "normal process" because that piece of shit Crooked Hillary didn't make the nomination.

All these Democrats are assholes. Some are more assholes than others.
Yeah, the midnight dumping of tens of thousands of documents the GOP was desperate to block surely had nothing to do with it :rolleyes:
again, you miss the point what are they needed for exactly. isn't no still no? just saying how much stupid do you need to hit you exactly?

He won’t ever address it. He is a coward
Go fuck yourself, statist. You love that government opacity and keeping secrets. 40,000 pages that the GOP desperately tried to block, released in the dead of night to protect the appointment of what will be one of the most powerful me in the land for the rest of his life, and you live it. I guess generations of incest will do that to a person.

You dumb ass....they had weeks to view what was already out there and not one democrat went over to take a look...so excuse us if we laugh at you and call you the names you deserve to be called ....you dumb ass...
I'm changing my mind. I suspect that Kamala Harris is going to lose the hearing by making the most hack and stupid grand-standing exhibition.
Ya think?

Yep. Ima pretty much thunkin that.
As she wraps up it is clear that she is no threat to anybody at the ballot box in the future.

Outside of CA, yes. Sadly, here in CA, she's a shoo-in given that we have a one-party state.
Get the fuck out of here with this disruption shit.......you bastards are at least getting a fuckin hearing for this Trump whore, Democrats and Obama were denied. Then to make matters worse, you whores, dump requested documents on the dems, the night before the fuckin hearings.....JUST ONE GOTDAMNED QUESTION....CAN YOU BASTARDS EVER AND I MEAN EVER DO ANY GOTDAMN THING THAT ISN'T CORRUPT????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Obozo got his two far left lesbians put on the court and the republicans did nothing to delay the proceedings and hearings.

but I understand, you libs will never get over the FACT that trump beat your wonderful hildebeast. So your senators will continue to rant and rave and disrupt and act like children who didn't get their ice cream. But its all OK, the people are watching and the people will remember in November 2018 and 2020
The people??????? 60% of the PEOPLE.....want Trump gone......LOLOLO
Go find a refrigerator box and play in the freeway while the grownups talk.
Today was all BULL$H!T, a complete waste of Tax Payer Dollars!

The political lines had already been drawn before the hearing ever started. Democrats are still 100% committed to obstructing anything the GOP and President want to do, no matter what it is.

Politicians went on long diatribes spewing BS and hypocrisy:

One Liberal declared that Kavanaugh has a unique idea that a President is above the law, that a President can't be indicted while President....

OH STFU! This thought / idea is NOT Unique. This idea was held and defended by both the Clinton and Bush administrations!

The BS Artist went on to declare that the 'Time of Divinely Appointed Kings' - when Presidents believed they could do whatever they wanted to do - was over!

AGAIN, STFU! IF that time is 'Over' it just ended when Obama left the WH! That SOB violated the Constitution (Separation Of Powers Act) and Rule of Law, was both held in Contempt of Court for ignoring Judges' rulings and ruled to be in Violation of the Constitution for acting on his own, and bypassed Congress to do whatever he wanted when he wanted....and these assholes - especially this female Dem idiot found nothing wrong with Barry doing it...and getting away with it.

Again, this was BS and political theater.

No one's opinions / decision on Kavanaugh was swayed by today's despicable display put on by the Democrats.

So lacking in civility and so partisanly disgusting was this planned / staged 'show' the Democrats put on that Kavanaugh's daughter had to be escorted out of the room so she would not have to witness the display!

Interrupting from the start.
Intolerant, disorderly protestors.
Vile attacks and ranting from Democrats.

The only good thing that came of this despicable sideshow carnival the Democrats put on was the fact that Americans got to tune in and watch the whole train-wreck the pathetic Dems put on.

This was better than a GOP campaign ad against the Democrats. The DNC / Democrats just gave the GOP a BUNCH of FREE Campaign Publicity / Ammo.

McConnell should end this, and have the vote tomorrow.......teach the democrats that if they want to act like babies, they will be treated like babies...... none of the democrats justices have been treated like this and I, for one, am getting sick and tired of the childish antics of the democrats..

Call the vote Mitch...
I'm changing my mind. I suspect that Kamala Harris is going to lose the hearing by making the most hack and stupid grand-standing exhibition.
Ya think?

Yep. Ima pretty much thunkin that.
As she wraps up it is clear that she is no threat to anybody at the ballot box in the future.

Outside of CA, yes. Sadly, here in CA, she's a shoo-in given that we have a one-party state.
that might be changing.
Today was all BULL$H!T, a complete waste of Tax Payer Dollars!

The political lines had already been drawn before the hearing ever started. Democrats are still 100% committed to obstructing anything the GOP and President want to do, no matter what it is.

Politicians went on long diatribes spewing BS and hypocrisy:

One Liberal declared that Kavanaugh has a unique idea that a President is above the law, that a President can't be indicted while President....

OH STFU! This thought / idea is NOT Unique. This idea was held and defended by both the Clinton and Bush administrations!

The BS Artist went on to declare that the 'Time of Divinely Appointed Kings' - when Presidents believed they could do whatever they wanted to do - was over!

AGAIN, STFU! IF that time is 'Over' it just ended when Obama left the WH! That SOB violated the Constitution (Separation Of Powers Act) and Rule of Law, was both held in Contempt of Court for ignoring Judges' rulings and ruled to be in Violation of the Constitution for acting on his own, and bypassed Congress to do whatever he wanted when he wanted....and these assholes - especially this female Dem idiot found nothing wrong with Barry doing it...and getting away with it.

Again, this was BS and political theater.

No one's opinions / decision on Kavanaugh was swayed by today's despicable display put on by the Democrats.

So lacking in civility and so partisanly disgusting was this planned / staged 'show' the Democrats put on that Kavanaugh's daughter had to be escorted out of the room so she would not have to witness the display!

Interrupting from the start.
Intolerant, disorderly protestors.
Vile attacks and ranting from Democrats.

The only good thing that came of this despicable sideshow carnival the Democrats put on was the fact that Americans got to tune in and watch the whole train-wreck the pathetic Dems put on.

This was better than a GOP campaign ad against the Democrats. The DNC / Democrats just gave the GOP a BUNCH of FREE Campaign Publicity / Ammo.

McConnell should end this, and have the vote tomorrow.......teach the democrats that if they want to act like babies, they will be treated like babies...... none of the democrats justices have been treated like this and I, for one, am getting sick and tired of the childish antics of the democrats..

Call the vote Mitch...
Another idiot brought up ROE-v-Wade... which Kavanaugh has already state is SETTLED LAW in his opinion. Do Democrats need him to draw them a picture? (No, they need a lie to us to engage in fear-mongering, claiming Cavanaugh will help overturn Roe-V-Wade...which is a LIE!)
I'm changing my mind. I suspect that Kamala Harris is going to lose the hearing by making the most hack and stupid grand-standing exhibition.
Ya think?

Yep. Ima pretty much thunkin that.
As she wraps up it is clear that she is no threat to anybody at the ballot box in the future.

Outside of CA, yes. Sadly, here in CA, she's a shoo-in given that we have a one-party state.
that might be changing.

I hope you're right. If not, I'm out of here in a few years.
Another idiot brought up ROE-v-Wade... which Kavanaugh has already state is SETTLED LAW in his opinion. Do Democrats need him to draw them a picture? (No, they need a lie to us to engage in fear-mongering, claiming Cavanaugh will help overturn Roe-V-Wade...which is a LIE!)
I hope he does. what a slap in the fking faces. I love it. here bitches for the assholes you were, see this this is roe vs wade and it is toast.
Ya think?

Yep. Ima pretty much thunkin that.
As she wraps up it is clear that she is no threat to anybody at the ballot box in the future.

Outside of CA, yes. Sadly, here in CA, she's a shoo-in given that we have a one-party state.
that might be changing.

I hope you're right. If not, I'm out of here in a few years.
did you hear about in out burgers? Amazing.
Another Jackass declared the thousands of pages of documents / briefs / decisions they have to read through makes it impossible to read through before being asked to cast a vote.

The GOP was AWOL / asleep on this one too. The perfect response by the GOP would have been to remind the Democrats that when presented with thousands of pages to read before being asked to cast a vote on the ACA, that didn't stop Democrats from casting their vote to pass the disastrous bill into law WITHOUT READING IT AT ALL!
Yep. Ima pretty much thunkin that.
As she wraps up it is clear that she is no threat to anybody at the ballot box in the future.

Outside of CA, yes. Sadly, here in CA, she's a shoo-in given that we have a one-party state.
that might be changing.

I hope you're right. If not, I'm out of here in a few years.
did you hear about in out burgers? Amazing.

Yes - but that just proves that most people only care about politics when it doesn't inconvenience them.

Personally, I don't care for In-N-Out burgers - the meat is virtually nonexistent. Habit Burger is much much much better.
This Klobuchar kunt is a real dumbass and partisan asshole.

The shithead doesn't think this is a "normal process" because that piece of shit Crooked Hillary didn't make the nomination.

All these Democrats are assholes. Some are more assholes than others.
Yeah, the midnight dumping of tens of thousands of documents the GOP was desperate to block surely had nothing to do with it :rolleyes:
again, you miss the point what are they needed for exactly. isn't no still no? just saying how much stupid do you need to hit you exactly?

He won’t ever address it. He is a coward
Go fuck yourself, statist. You love that government opacity and keeping secrets. 40,000 pages that the GOP desperately tried to block, released in the dead of night to protect the appointment of what will be one of the most powerful me in the land for the rest of his life, and you live it. I guess generations of incest will do that to a person.

Thank you. You did exactly what I expected you to do. You avoided the question once again
As she wraps up it is clear that she is no threat to anybody at the ballot box in the future.

Outside of CA, yes. Sadly, here in CA, she's a shoo-in given that we have a one-party state.
that might be changing.

I hope you're right. If not, I'm out of here in a few years.
did you hear about in out burgers? Amazing.

Yes - but that just proves that most people only care about politics when it doesn't inconvenience them.

Personally, I don't care for In-N-Out burgers - the meat is virtually nonexistent. Habit Burger is much much much better.
people were buying them for their dogs. amazing.

I think people are now fking done with being inconvenienced. I say that was a huge statement.
This Klobuchar kunt is a real dumbass and partisan asshole.

The shithead doesn't think this is a "normal process" because that piece of shit Crooked Hillary didn't make the nomination.

All these Democrats are assholes. Some are more assholes than others.
Yeah, the midnight dumping of tens of thousands of documents the GOP was desperate to block surely had nothing to do with it :rolleyes:
again, you miss the point what are they needed for exactly. isn't no still no? just saying how much stupid do you need to hit you exactly?

He won’t ever address it. He is a coward
Go fuck yourself, statist. You love that government opacity and keeping secrets. 40,000 pages that the GOP desperately tried to block, released in the dead of night to protect the appointment of what will be one of the most powerful me in the land for the rest of his life, and you live it. I guess generations of incest will do that to a person.

You dumb ass....they had weeks to view what was already out there and not one democrat went over to take a look...so excuse us if we laugh at you and call you the names you deserve to be called ....you dumb ass...
Yeah take that big gubmint dick, 2aguy. They should just put the fucker on the court already. They shouldn’t have told us peasants a word about him. Ride that thing and love it.
Outside of CA, yes. Sadly, here in CA, she's a shoo-in given that we have a one-party state.
that might be changing.

I hope you're right. If not, I'm out of here in a few years.
did you hear about in out burgers? Amazing.

Yes - but that just proves that most people only care about politics when it doesn't inconvenience them.

Personally, I don't care for In-N-Out burgers - the meat is virtually nonexistent. Habit Burger is much much much better.
people were buying them for their dogs. amazing.

I think people are now fking done with being inconvenienced. I say that was a huge statement.

Agreed. I really hope we are passing through Peak SJW Snowflake-Bullies. The SJW-Progs have used their feelz as weapons against the rest of us. They are not victims; they are aggressors.
Yeah, the midnight dumping of tens of thousands of documents the GOP was desperate to block surely had nothing to do with it :rolleyes:
again, you miss the point what are they needed for exactly. isn't no still no? just saying how much stupid do you need to hit you exactly?

He won’t ever address it. He is a coward
Go fuck yourself, statist. You love that government opacity and keeping secrets. 40,000 pages that the GOP desperately tried to block, released in the dead of night to protect the appointment of what will be one of the most powerful me in the land for the rest of his life, and you live it. I guess generations of incest will do that to a person.

You dumb ass....they had weeks to view what was already out there and not one democrat went over to take a look...so excuse us if we laugh at you and call you the names you deserve to be called ....you dumb ass...
Yeah take that big gubmint dick, 2aguy. They should just put the fucker on the court already. They shouldn’t have told us peasants a word about him. Ride that thing and love it.
we are a nation of laws no matter how inconvenient they are for you and your leftists fks. It's too bad for you you follow such fks as was witnessed at that hearing. shameful and you're right for feeling fked.
Condy Rice is speaking on behalf of Cavanaugh.

She is such a racist and misogynist!!!

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