Kavanaugh hearings

How many times have I ever brought up Benghazi?
Actually Hillary did get convicted over Benghazi. Here's the VERDICT >>

Yes your majority leader did brag about the Nenghazi investigation being nothing more than a stunt to hurt Hillary’s poll numbers. Anyways 3,000,000 more people sided with her over you inbreds. You had Russian sabotage and a broken electoral college to help you out. Without that, empty, flyover wasteland could never elect a President.
Actually no. Combine all the votes for all the candidates in the election. More votes against her than for her
Okay, Mr. 8 Benghazi Investigations :itsok:

How many times have I ever brought up Benghazi?
If I had to guess, thousands.

Wow, so you admit you have zero proof of your allegation?

Retract, you bitch.
Retract that republicans conducted 8 comoletely fraudulent Benghazi investigations? No thanks.
Retract that republicans conducted 8 comoletely fraudulent Benghazi investigations? No thanks.

Retract that the Benghazi comment had anything to do about my response to your stupidity, you wanna-be poseur.
No. You say my single investigation that is actually nabbing corrupt and criminal people is stupid, while your party conducted 8 investigations for no reason whatsoever. So go fuck yourself.

Wow, you got a few outliers on crimes committed before they were involved in the election....


What a little wimp you are.

All bark, and no balls.
Keep telling yourself that :itsok:

Go run and play in traffic while dreaming of your impeachment jerk off fantasies.
Don’t need to. I’ll just go on as normal and watch the proceedings on TV.
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics

People are sick and tired of the crap pulled by Republicans and Trump. Republicans refused to hold hearings on Obama's Supreme Court nominee when Scalia died. Now they can't be bothered as they want to rush through it.
what's gonna change if they don't just rush through it? Please explain.:dunno::disbelief:
How many times have I ever brought up Benghazi?
Actually Hillary did get convicted over Benghazi. Here's the VERDICT >>

Yes your majority leader did brag about the Nenghazi investigation being nothing more than a stunt to hurt Hillary’s poll numbers. Anyways 3,000,000 more people sided with her over you inbreds. You had Russian sabotage and a broken electoral college to help you out. Without that, empty, flyover wasteland could never elect a President.
Actually no. Combine all the votes for all the candidates in the election. More votes against her than for her
By that measure, there were far more against your treasonous dotartd.
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics
Trump doesn’t deserve that seat. It was Obama’s to fill. Mitch stole that seat
Are you a fucking idiot?

Gorsuch filled that seat a year ago.

This is Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee.

Doesn't matter. They haven't moved past Hillary losing. I think some of them really believe if they can get rid of Trump, she will become president.
They believe if they get rid of Trump a democrat will always be president.
1. Disruptors were sent in to yell and scream during yesterday's hearing. The idiots are doing it again today. Behavior so bad and shallow that Kavanaugh's 2 daughters had to be sent away from the event. Some people have asked why is Grassley allowing it ? Reason could be it's generating votes for Republicans. :biggrin:

2. Democrat senators whined all day about not having enough information about Kavanaugh, despite having almost 1/2 Million pages of it - more than was supplied for the the last 5 nominees combined.

3. Parkland shooting victim's father tried to shake hands with Kavanaugh. That's a secret service no-no. Media is playing it up as a "snub" to attempt to disparage Kavanaugh. Left still doesn't get it that these little ploys don't fool anybody, and backfire into more votes for Republicans.

4. North Carolina Republican senator Tillis showed a cell phone text he received from Obama about abortion and school shootings. I wonder if it said to agree to kill unborn people, and folks in gun-free zones ? I'll guess it did.

5. Cory Booker put on a show with a campaign speech aimed at keeping his senate seat in the next election. Lots of other Democrat senators did the same (Bluementhal, Harris, Leahy)
Liberals are petulant children
No. You say my single investigation that is actually nabbing corrupt and criminal people is stupid, while your party conducted 8 investigations for no reason whatsoever. So go fuck yourself.
You KNOW the reasons.
Yes you wanted to hurt Hillary’s poll numbers. Congratulations. Now you can never complain about investigaions against your own ever again.
Retract that the Benghazi comment had anything to do about my response to your stupidity, you wanna-be poseur.
No. You say my single investigation that is actually nabbing corrupt and criminal people is stupid, while your party conducted 8 investigations for no reason whatsoever. So go fuck yourself.

Wow, you got a few outliers on crimes committed before they were involved in the election....


What a little wimp you are.

All bark, and no balls.
Keep telling yourself that :itsok:

Go run and play in traffic while dreaming of your impeachment jerk off fantasies.
Don’t need to. I’ll just go on as normal and watch the proceedings on TV.

People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics

Of course. McConnell stole the Garland nominee from the Dems in 2016 by blocking the vote and they're pissed. Then the Repubs are trying to steal another nominee by rushing through the Kavanaugh nomination by withholding over 100,000 documents of his White House records. That's complete bullshit. The Repubs released 40,000 documents the night before the hearing, not allowing the Dems to fully review them. More bullshit.

It would seem the GOP can't continue without rigging the system. The Dems simply to want to fully vet the documents and the candidate, which are both really unpopular at the moment. This is typical 'party of no' modus operandi these days.

Of course the GOP is getting a ton of push back on this nominee, and rightly so. They are using their stature as a majority to try and rubber stamp this without vetting - this is right out of the Dem playbook. Jesus, congress critters are scum.

So what have the democrats been doing in the weeks since the nomination was made? Are they so inept that they have to be spoon fed important information?

I say yes.
Yes you wanted to hurt Hillary’s poll numbers. Congratulations. Now you can never complain about investigaions against your own ever again.
Donna Brazile was only one among many riggings of the 2016 election, for Hillary. There was Hillary wearing an earphonne & questions being fed to her during the debates, there was hostile (to Republicans), liberal "moderators" like Jake Tapper who, instead of asking Republican candidates what their strong points are, he asked them what the weak points of their GOP opponents were,. Martha Raddatz and John what's his name were equally bad.

Then there was the attacks on Trump rally-goers, facilitated by Democrat mayors (Chicago, San Jose, etc) who took little or no action against the attackers.

Then there was the FAKE Hillary ads relentlessly lying to us on TV (disabled reporter, Gold star Muslim father, outsourcing, John McCain, etc)

Then there was the Russian collusion scam, to deflect attention away from al the Democrat scamming/rigging.

Of Hillary’s crimes based on current evidence, Trump would need to look no further than the interpretations of many experts to support calls for prosecution. It was recently confirmed that Clinton’s campaign paid a foreign national to dig up dirt against Trump from other foreign nationals, including Russian and foreign intelligence sources.

Experts have spent months shoehorning Trump into ill-fitting criminal provisions. Some have argued that he can be charged under Section 371, which prohibits conspiracies to defraud the United States “in any manner or for any purpose.” Well, if seeking dirt from the Russians on Clinton is now a federal crime, how about seeking dirt from Russian sources against Trump? If that does not “fall squarely within” the criminal code, how about rigging the primary, as alleged by former Democratic National Committee head Donna Brazile? In her new book, she contends Clinton essentially bought the DNC by assuming responsibility for its crippling debt in exchange for controlling critical elements of the organization before the primary. If Clinton gained critical control over the primary in a secret deal, how was the election “free and fair” for the purposes of Section 371?

And the dossier ? Clinton never fessed up to paying for the dossier over months of coverage and speculation. In addition, journalists (including two New York Times reporters) have accused Clinton lawyer Marc Elias of repeatedly lying in denying any connection between the dossier and the campaign.

Then there's John Podesta, who denied any connection with the campaign in a formal interview with congressional investigators. It is a crime to knowingly give false information to federal investigators or to Congress.

Other criminal allegations against Clinton do not require linguistic gymnastics to fit the criminal code. Critics have charged that huge amounts of money were exchanged through the Clinton Foundation or speaking fees for Bill Clinton, including the $500,000 given to him by Russians before the State Department approved the controversial Uranium One deal under Secretary Hillary Clinton. While there are obvious defenses for Clinton, the allegation would fit a classic “pay to play” scheme. If true, Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was sent to jail for far less.

And of course obstruction of justice in the email deletions and hard drive destructions with acid, and beating them with a hammer.

And this + Benghazi, on top of 30 years of killing witnesses, all tabulated neatly (photos and all) in the infamous Clinton Body Count list of all the victims murdered by the Clintons >> THE CLINTON BODY-COUNT | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
How many times have I ever brought up Benghazi?
Actually Hillary did get convicted over Benghazi. Here's the VERDICT >>

Yes your majority leader did brag about the Nenghazi investigation being nothing more than a stunt to hurt Hillary’s poll numbers. Anyways 3,000,000 more people sided with her over you inbreds. You had Russian sabotage and a broken electoral college to help you out. Without that, empty, flyover wasteland could never elect a President.
Actually no. Combine all the votes for all the candidates in the election. More votes against her than for her
By that measure, there were far more against your treasonous dotartd.
But he’s the president, she isn’t. He isn’t treasonous, you just want him to be. You can stomp your little feet all you want and hold your breath. It isn’t changing anything. You little loser punks are hilarious. One wonders how any of you get anything done given your illogical obsession about Trump.

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