Kavanaugh hearings

How many times have I ever brought up Benghazi?
If I had to guess, thousands.

Wow, so you admit you have zero proof of your allegation?

Retract, you bitch.
Retract that republicans conducted 8 comoletely fraudulent Benghazi investigations? No thanks.

You complain a lot.
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics
Trump doesn’t deserve that seat. It was Obama’s to fill. Mitch stole that seat
Are you a fucking idiot?

Gorsuch filled that seat a year ago.

This is Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee.

Doesn't matter. They haven't moved past Hillary losing. I think some of them really believe if they can get rid of Trump, she will become president.

Yeah, no one believes that.
How many times have I ever brought up Benghazi?
Actually Hillary did get convicted over Benghazi. Here's the VERDICT >>

Yes your majority leader did brag about the Nenghazi investigation being nothing more than a stunt to hurt Hillary’s poll numbers. Anyways 3,000,000 more people sided with her over you inbreds. You had Russian sabotage and a broken electoral college to help you out. Without that, empty, flyover wasteland could never elect a President.
Actually no. Combine all the votes for all the candidates in the election. More votes against her than for her
By that measure, there were far more against your treasonous dotartd.
But he’s the president, she isn’t. He isn’t treasonous, you just want him to be. You can stomp your little feet all you want and hold your breath. It isn’t changing anything. You little loser punks are hilarious. One wonders how any of you get anything done given your illogical obsession about Trump.
After your behavior for 8 years under Obama, you really shouldn’t be making that accusation.
Crying won’t change the fact that Mitch is a piece of shit

Mitch is a piece of shit, just like every other political whore that allows deliberately ignorant parasites like you to enact regressive and destructive policies. Parasites like you voted for that meat puppet faggot obozo, and it took pieces of shit like Mitch, and all the democrooks who voted NO on the 3 (out of 8) budgets he actually managed to submit IAW the law to prevent "him" from fucking the country up any worse than he could with his pen, phone and Valerie Jarrett's monkey paw up his ass.

Thank God for Trump, as bad as I thought he would be, he is doing a great job fixing your meat puppet faggot's damage.

Actually Hillary did get convicted over Benghazi. Here's the VERDICT >>

Yes your majority leader did brag about the Nenghazi investigation being nothing more than a stunt to hurt Hillary’s poll numbers. Anyways 3,000,000 more people sided with her over you inbreds. You had Russian sabotage and a broken electoral college to help you out. Without that, empty, flyover wasteland could never elect a President.
Actually no. Combine all the votes for all the candidates in the election. More votes against her than for her
By that measure, there were far more against your treasonous dotartd.
But he’s the president, she isn’t. He isn’t treasonous, you just want him to be. You can stomp your little feet all you want and hold your breath. It isn’t changing anything. You little loser punks are hilarious. One wonders how any of you get anything done given your illogical obsession about Trump.
After your behavior for 8 years under Obama, you really shouldn’t be making that accusation.
Actually Hillary did get convicted over Benghazi. Here's the VERDICT >>

Yes your majority leader did brag about the Nenghazi investigation being nothing more than a stunt to hurt Hillary’s poll numbers. Anyways 3,000,000 more people sided with her over you inbreds. You had Russian sabotage and a broken electoral college to help you out. Without that, empty, flyover wasteland could never elect a President.
Actually no. Combine all the votes for all the candidates in the election. More votes against her than for her
By that measure, there were far more against your treasonous dotartd.
But he’s the president, she isn’t. He isn’t treasonous, you just want him to be. You can stomp your little feet all you want and hold your breath. It isn’t changing anything. You little loser punks are hilarious. One wonders how any of you get anything done given your illogical obsession about Trump.
After your behavior for 8 years under Obama, you really shouldn’t be making that accusation.
what behavior is that? I accepted he was President and went on about my life , because I’m not a whinny little punk like you.
Yes your majority leader did brag about the Nenghazi investigation being nothing more than a stunt to hurt Hillary’s poll numbers. Anyways 3,000,000 more people sided with her over you inbreds. You had Russian sabotage and a broken electoral college to help you out. Without that, empty, flyover wasteland could never elect a President.
Actually no. Combine all the votes for all the candidates in the election. More votes against her than for her
By that measure, there were far more against your treasonous dotartd.
But he’s the president, she isn’t. He isn’t treasonous, you just want him to be. You can stomp your little feet all you want and hold your breath. It isn’t changing anything. You little loser punks are hilarious. One wonders how any of you get anything done given your illogical obsession about Trump.
After your behavior for 8 years under Obama, you really shouldn’t be making that accusation.
Yes your majority leader did brag about the Nenghazi investigation being nothing more than a stunt to hurt Hillary’s poll numbers. Anyways 3,000,000 more people sided with her over you inbreds. You had Russian sabotage and a broken electoral college to help you out. Without that, empty, flyover wasteland could never elect a President.
Actually no. Combine all the votes for all the candidates in the election. More votes against her than for her
By that measure, there were far more against your treasonous dotartd.
But he’s the president, she isn’t. He isn’t treasonous, you just want him to be. You can stomp your little feet all you want and hold your breath. It isn’t changing anything. You little loser punks are hilarious. One wonders how any of you get anything done given your illogical obsession about Trump.
After your behavior for 8 years under Obama, you really shouldn’t be making that accusation.
what behavior is that? I accepted he was President and went on about my life , because I’m not a whinny little punk like you.
Oh you weren't part of the 8 year meltdown? Obama won the popular vote and the intelligence community didn’t discover and unanimously agree that Rissian sabotage was used to elect him. So no comparison, really.

You need it shoved up your ass or something? It was all for politics. There was never any interest whatsoever in whether Hillary could have done anything.

You fucking idiot. It wasn’t all for politics. Jesus Christ you’re a simple fucking retard.

100% it was all for politics. Maybe not the 1st investigation, or 2nd, or 3rd. The rest, it almost seemed like you inbreds were trying to exonerate the terrorists who actually killed the people in Benghazi in the hopes of beating Hillary.
Actually no. Combine all the votes for all the candidates in the election. More votes against her than for her
By that measure, there were far more against your treasonous dotartd.
But he’s the president, she isn’t. He isn’t treasonous, you just want him to be. You can stomp your little feet all you want and hold your breath. It isn’t changing anything. You little loser punks are hilarious. One wonders how any of you get anything done given your illogical obsession about Trump.
After your behavior for 8 years under Obama, you really shouldn’t be making that accusation.
Actually no. Combine all the votes for all the candidates in the election. More votes against her than for her
By that measure, there were far more against your treasonous dotartd.
But he’s the president, she isn’t. He isn’t treasonous, you just want him to be. You can stomp your little feet all you want and hold your breath. It isn’t changing anything. You little loser punks are hilarious. One wonders how any of you get anything done given your illogical obsession about Trump.
After your behavior for 8 years under Obama, you really shouldn’t be making that accusation.
what behavior is that? I accepted he was President and went on about my life , because I’m not a whinny little punk like you.
Oh you weren't part of the 8 year meltdown? Obama won the popular vote and the intelligence community didn’t discover and unanimously agree that Rissian sabotage was used to elect him. So no comparison, really.
What 8 year meltdown? You really need to go outside and breath some fresh air. Not everyone is a hisebag when their guy doesn’t win. We have lived and responsibilities. This crap is just a side show.

You need it shoved up your ass or something? It was all for politics. There was never any interest whatsoever in whether Hillary could have done anything.

You fucking idiot. It wasn’t all for politics. Jesus Christ you’re a simple fucking retard.

100% it was all for politics. Maybe not the 1st investigation, or 2nd, or 3rd. The rest, it almost seemed like you inbreds were trying to exonerate the terrorists who actually killed the people in Benghazi in the hopes of beating Hillary.

Keep reaching there doofus. It’s fun watching you flush yourself down your own drain!
By that measure, there were far more against your treasonous dotartd.
But he’s the president, she isn’t. He isn’t treasonous, you just want him to be. You can stomp your little feet all you want and hold your breath. It isn’t changing anything. You little loser punks are hilarious. One wonders how any of you get anything done given your illogical obsession about Trump.
After your behavior for 8 years under Obama, you really shouldn’t be making that accusation.
By that measure, there were far more against your treasonous dotartd.
But he’s the president, she isn’t. He isn’t treasonous, you just want him to be. You can stomp your little feet all you want and hold your breath. It isn’t changing anything. You little loser punks are hilarious. One wonders how any of you get anything done given your illogical obsession about Trump.
After your behavior for 8 years under Obama, you really shouldn’t be making that accusation.
what behavior is that? I accepted he was President and went on about my life , because I’m not a whinny little punk like you.
Oh you weren't part of the 8 year meltdown? Obama won the popular vote and the intelligence community didn’t discover and unanimously agree that Rissian sabotage was used to elect him. So no comparison, really.
What 8 year meltdown? You really need to go outside and breath some fresh air. Not everyone is a hisebag when their guy doesn’t win. We have lived and responsibilities. This crap is just a side show.
Lol you absolutely shameless piece of shit :beer:
40 years of investigations against Hillary and you have nothing. Trump has never been scrutinized until now, so his crime organization has gotten away with their actions for decades. He’s going down.
Nothing my ass. Everybody know what she did. She just got Comey and the others to let her slide, that's all. Trump will be POTUS until 2024, and Pence after that. Get used to it.
Trump will be in prison soon and Pence is a wet noodle who’s own state was going to boot him from office. When Dems take back the House, and if it turns out Pence was involved in treason as much as the dotard was... you may have to prepare to say President Pelosi.

You don't really understand how this works, do you? Get rid of Trump and Pence is President. The first thing he does is name his own VP.

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