Kavanaugh hearings

After your behavior for 8 years under Obama, you really shouldn’t be making that accusation.
After your behavior for 8 years under Obama, you really shouldn’t be making that accusation.
what behavior is that? I accepted he was President and went on about my life , because I’m not a whinny little punk like you.
Oh you weren't part of the 8 year meltdown? Obama won the popular vote and the intelligence community didn’t discover and unanimously agree that Rissian sabotage was used to elect him. So no comparison, really.
What 8 year meltdown? You really need to go outside and breath some fresh air. Not everyone is a hisebag when their guy doesn’t win. We have lived and responsibilities. This crap is just a side show.

You have to remember morons like Blackflag can't differentiate between disagreement and their own hatred.

It's what happens when a person's political beliefs become dogma, everyone else becomes a heretic or a pagan.
^ ironic

How so? I only gun after statist morons like you who attack people's rights to think how they want to think, or who attack the process.

You can disagree all you want on the outcome, but when you decide to gun after the process itself, then you are beyond help.
100% it was all for politics. Maybe not the 1st investigation, or 2nd, or 3rd. The rest, it almost seemed like you inbreds were trying to exonerate the terrorists who actually killed the people in Benghazi in the hopes of beating Hillary.
Keep reaching there doofus. It’s fun watching you flush yourself down your own drain!
Why no investigations now that you control the government and won the Presidency? OH RIGHT, YOU WON THE PRESIDENCY. Benghazi has no more use for you.
I didn’t investigate in the first place. You really are a clown aren’t you?
Of course you didn’t investigate anything. I doubt you’ve ever even left your parent’s house.
I’m guessing you have a lot of experience in your parents house. It’s been fun but you’re just boring the shit out of me now. Bye
How many times have I ever brought up Benghazi?
Actually Hillary did get convicted over Benghazi. Here's the VERDICT >>

Yes your majority leader did brag about the Nenghazi investigation being nothing more than a stunt to hurt Hillary’s poll numbers. Anyways 3,000,000 more people sided with her over you inbreds. You had Russian sabotage and a broken electoral college to help you out. Without that, empty, flyover wasteland could never elect a President.

It must really chap your drawers that the votes of those people you so detest count as much as yours do.
Moreso, in some states. That is why the electoral college is broken. Support the National Popular Vote

National Popular Vote is loserspeak for "waaah the process worked the way it was supposed to work"
How many times have I ever brought up Benghazi?
Actually Hillary did get convicted over Benghazi. Here's the VERDICT >>

Yes your majority leader did brag about the Nenghazi investigation being nothing more than a stunt to hurt Hillary’s poll numbers. Anyways 3,000,000 more people sided with her over you inbreds. You had Russian sabotage and a broken electoral college to help you out. Without that, empty, flyover wasteland could never elect a President.

It must really chap your drawers that the votes of those people you so detest count as much as yours do.
Moreso, in some states. That is why the electoral college is broken. Support the National Popular Vote

We want to change the rules? Amend the Constitution. Good luck. The EC isn't broken just because you don't like the result it gave you.
That’s not an amendment. Another state ratified it this year. A couple more and it will be in place.
what behavior is that? I accepted he was President and went on about my life , because I’m not a whinny little punk like you.
Oh you weren't part of the 8 year meltdown? Obama won the popular vote and the intelligence community didn’t discover and unanimously agree that Rissian sabotage was used to elect him. So no comparison, really.
What 8 year meltdown? You really need to go outside and breath some fresh air. Not everyone is a hisebag when their guy doesn’t win. We have lived and responsibilities. This crap is just a side show.

You have to remember morons like Blackflag can't differentiate between disagreement and their own hatred.

It's what happens when a person's political beliefs become dogma, everyone else becomes a heretic or a pagan.
^ ironic

How so? I only gun after statist morons like you who attack people's rights to think how they want to think, or who attack the process.

You can disagree all you want on the outcome, but when you decide to gun after the process itself, then you are beyond help.
Your side is the one hoping the big fed gubmint starts regulating speech, poor statist :itsok:
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics

Of course. McConnell stole the Garland nominee from the Dems in 2016 by blocking the vote and they're pissed. Then the Repubs are trying to steal another nominee by rushing through the Kavanaugh nomination by withholding over 100,000 documents of his White House records. That's complete bullshit. The Repubs released 40,000 documents the night before the hearing, not allowing the Dems to fully review them. More bullshit.

It would seem the GOP can't continue without rigging the system. The Dems simply to want to fully vet the documents and the candidate, which are both really unpopular at the moment. This is typical 'party of no' modus operandi these days.

Of course the GOP is getting a ton of push back on this nominee, and rightly so. They are using their stature as a majority to try and rubber stamp this without vetting - this is right out of the Dem playbook. Jesus, congress critters are scum.

So what have the democrats been doing in the weeks since the nomination was made? Are they so inept that they have to be spoon fed important information?

I say yes.

The Dems are not getting the important information from the Republicans they require, moron. Do you not understand how vetting works?

What vetting? Tell us this: which democrats are likely to change their minds and vote for him if they get all the documents they wouldn't read in the first place? And what have they been doing in the weeks since the nomination, sitting on their useless thumbs?

Here's what they want. They want to first slow it down to try and run out the clock. Then they want a document dump they can have interns and computer programs scan for keywords in hopes of finding something they can pretend to understand and get worked up about.
40 years of investigations against Hillary and you have nothing. Trump has never been scrutinized until now, so his crime organization has gotten away with their actions for decades. He’s going down.
Nothing my ass. Everybody know what she did. She just got Comey and the others to let her slide, that's all. Trump will be POTUS until 2024, and Pence after that. Get used to it.
Trump will be in prison soon and Pence is a wet noodle who’s own state was going to boot him from office. When Dems take back the House, and if it turns out Pence was involved in treason as much as the dotard was... you may have to prepare to say President Pelosi.


Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness fantasy.
Actually Hillary did get convicted over Benghazi. Here's the VERDICT >>

Yes your majority leader did brag about the Nenghazi investigation being nothing more than a stunt to hurt Hillary’s poll numbers. Anyways 3,000,000 more people sided with her over you inbreds. You had Russian sabotage and a broken electoral college to help you out. Without that, empty, flyover wasteland could never elect a President.

It must really chap your drawers that the votes of those people you so detest count as much as yours do.
Moreso, in some states. That is why the electoral college is broken. Support the National Popular Vote

We want to change the rules? Amend the Constitution. Good luck. The EC isn't broken just because you don't like the result it gave you.
That’s not an amendment. Another state ratified it this year. A couple more and it will be in place.

It's an end run, and probably is unconstitutional because it disenfranchises a States own voters.

And it leads to the inevitable problem of a State being forced to vote in the EC for someone it despises, and trying to change their own law before the EC meets.

You think 2000 was a shitshow when it came to figuring out an election?
Oh you weren't part of the 8 year meltdown? Obama won the popular vote and the intelligence community didn’t discover and unanimously agree that Rissian sabotage was used to elect him. So no comparison, really.
What 8 year meltdown? You really need to go outside and breath some fresh air. Not everyone is a hisebag when their guy doesn’t win. We have lived and responsibilities. This crap is just a side show.

You have to remember morons like Blackflag can't differentiate between disagreement and their own hatred.

It's what happens when a person's political beliefs become dogma, everyone else becomes a heretic or a pagan.
^ ironic

How so? I only gun after statist morons like you who attack people's rights to think how they want to think, or who attack the process.

You can disagree all you want on the outcome, but when you decide to gun after the process itself, then you are beyond help.
Your side is the one hoping the big fed gubmint starts regulating speech, poor statist :itsok:

Show me where I support the feds regulating speech.
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics

People are sick and tired of the crap pulled by Republicans and Trump. Republicans refused to hold hearings on Obama's Supreme Court nominee when Scalia died. Now they can't be bothered as they want to rush through it.
The Republicans made a gamble by keeping the seat open during the election and they won the election.

People are tired of politics as usual. That is why they will at least give the Democrats the House.
Yes your majority leader did brag about the Nenghazi investigation being nothing more than a stunt to hurt Hillary’s poll numbers. Anyways 3,000,000 more people sided with her over you inbreds. You had Russian sabotage and a broken electoral college to help you out. Without that, empty, flyover wasteland could never elect a President.

It must really chap your drawers that the votes of those people you so detest count as much as yours do.
Moreso, in some states. That is why the electoral college is broken. Support the National Popular Vote

We want to change the rules? Amend the Constitution. Good luck. The EC isn't broken just because you don't like the result it gave you.
That’s not an amendment. Another state ratified it this year. A couple more and it will be in place.

It's an end run, and probably is unconstitutional because it disenfranchises a States own voters.

And it leads to the inevitable problem of a State being forced to vote in the EC for someone it despises, and trying to change their own law before the EC meets.

You think 2000 was a shitshow when it came to figuring out an election?
A state can allocate its electoral votes however it wants. Sorry :itsok:
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics

Of course. McConnell stole the Garland nominee from the Dems in 2016 by blocking the vote and they're pissed. Then the Repubs are trying to steal another nominee by rushing through the Kavanaugh nomination by withholding over 100,000 documents of his White House records. That's complete bullshit. The Repubs released 40,000 documents the night before the hearing, not allowing the Dems to fully review them. More bullshit.

It would seem the GOP can't continue without rigging the system. The Dems simply to want to fully vet the documents and the candidate, which are both really unpopular at the moment. This is typical 'party of no' modus operandi these days.

Of course the GOP is getting a ton of push back on this nominee, and rightly so. They are using their stature as a majority to try and rubber stamp this without vetting - this is right out of the Dem playbook. Jesus, congress critters are scum.

So what have the democrats been doing in the weeks since the nomination was made? Are they so inept that they have to be spoon fed important information?

I say yes.

The Dems are not getting the important information from the Republicans they require, moron. Do you not understand how vetting works?

What vetting? Tell us this: which democrats are likely to change their minds and vote for him if they get all the documents they wouldn't read in the first place? And what have they been doing in the weeks since the nomination, sitting on their useless thumbs?

Here's what they want. They want to first slow it down to try and run out the clock. Then they want a document dump they can have interns and computer programs scan for keywords in hopes of finding something they can pretend to understand and get worked up about.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't all of these same Democrats flatly, and proudly, refuse to meet with Brett Kavanaugh prior to this hearing? If they REALLY wanted so badly to "vet" him, wouldn't actually talking to him have been useful?
What 8 year meltdown? You really need to go outside and breath some fresh air. Not everyone is a hisebag when their guy doesn’t win. We have lived and responsibilities. This crap is just a side show.

You have to remember morons like Blackflag can't differentiate between disagreement and their own hatred.

It's what happens when a person's political beliefs become dogma, everyone else becomes a heretic or a pagan.
^ ironic

How so? I only gun after statist morons like you who attack people's rights to think how they want to think, or who attack the process.

You can disagree all you want on the outcome, but when you decide to gun after the process itself, then you are beyond help.
Your side is the one hoping the big fed gubmint starts regulating speech, poor statist :itsok:

Show me where I support the feds regulating speech.
Oh my bad, you’re just fighting for and supporting people who want to do that.
It must really chap your drawers that the votes of those people you so detest count as much as yours do.
Moreso, in some states. That is why the electoral college is broken. Support the National Popular Vote

We want to change the rules? Amend the Constitution. Good luck. The EC isn't broken just because you don't like the result it gave you.
That’s not an amendment. Another state ratified it this year. A couple more and it will be in place.

It's an end run, and probably is unconstitutional because it disenfranchises a States own voters.

And it leads to the inevitable problem of a State being forced to vote in the EC for someone it despises, and trying to change their own law before the EC meets.

You think 2000 was a shitshow when it came to figuring out an election?
A state can allocate its electoral votes however it wants. Sorry :itsok:

Not if it denies a Republican form of government, and saying "your vote doesn't count if everyone else votes differently" surely isn't republican.
You have to remember morons like Blackflag can't differentiate between disagreement and their own hatred.

It's what happens when a person's political beliefs become dogma, everyone else becomes a heretic or a pagan.
^ ironic

How so? I only gun after statist morons like you who attack people's rights to think how they want to think, or who attack the process.

You can disagree all you want on the outcome, but when you decide to gun after the process itself, then you are beyond help.
Your side is the one hoping the big fed gubmint starts regulating speech, poor statist :itsok:

Show me where I support the feds regulating speech.
Oh my bad, you’re just fighting for and supporting people who want to do that.

Again, show me specific examples.

Trump is a blowhard, and while he may talk about things like that, he has yet to act on any of it.
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics

Of course. McConnell stole the Garland nominee from the Dems in 2016 by blocking the vote and they're pissed. Then the Repubs are trying to steal another nominee by rushing through the Kavanaugh nomination by withholding over 100,000 documents of his White House records. That's complete bullshit. The Repubs released 40,000 documents the night before the hearing, not allowing the Dems to fully review them. More bullshit.

It would seem the GOP can't continue without rigging the system. The Dems simply to want to fully vet the documents and the candidate, which are both really unpopular at the moment. This is typical 'party of no' modus operandi these days.

Of course the GOP is getting a ton of push back on this nominee, and rightly so. They are using their stature as a majority to try and rubber stamp this without vetting - this is right out of the Dem playbook. Jesus, congress critters are scum.

So what have the democrats been doing in the weeks since the nomination was made? Are they so inept that they have to be spoon fed important information?

I say yes.

The Dems are not getting the important information from the Republicans they require, moron. Do you not understand how vetting works?

What vetting? Tell us this: which democrats are likely to change their minds and vote for him if they get all the documents they wouldn't read in the first place? And what have they been doing in the weeks since the nomination, sitting on their useless thumbs?

Here's what they want. They want to first slow it down to try and run out the clock. Then they want a document dump they can have interns and computer programs scan for keywords in hopes of finding something they can pretend to understand and get worked up about.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't all of these same Democrats flatly, and proudly, refuse to meet with Brett Kavanaugh prior to this hearing? If they REALLY wanted so badly to "vet" him, wouldn't actually talking to him have been useful?

Well they sure aren't putting themselves in a good light.

Just shows what shallow idiots they are and people are watching.

Hope they ain't waiting for that big blue wave.
Yeah, no one believes that.

No one with any brains....

These are libturds we're talking about.

They believe in all sorts of utterly ignorant bullshit, Santa Marx, Utopia, Meat Puppets, MMGW...


So do Republicans. Stereotyping entire swaths of the country using projection based upon nothing but what you believe 'they think' is a pointless, partisan exercise, but you do you.

You're babbling.

And you're just another a partisan idiot extremist. Your opinions hold little value to the majority of America. Sorry about that.
Of course. McConnell stole the Garland nominee from the Dems in 2016 by blocking the vote and they're pissed. Then the Repubs are trying to steal another nominee by rushing through the Kavanaugh nomination by withholding over 100,000 documents of his White House records. That's complete bullshit. The Repubs released 40,000 documents the night before the hearing, not allowing the Dems to fully review them. More bullshit.

It would seem the GOP can't continue without rigging the system. The Dems simply to want to fully vet the documents and the candidate, which are both really unpopular at the moment. This is typical 'party of no' modus operandi these days.

Of course the GOP is getting a ton of push back on this nominee, and rightly so. They are using their stature as a majority to try and rubber stamp this without vetting - this is right out of the Dem playbook. Jesus, congress critters are scum.

So what have the democrats been doing in the weeks since the nomination was made? Are they so inept that they have to be spoon fed important information?

I say yes.

The Dems are not getting the important information from the Republicans they require, moron. Do you not understand how vetting works?

What vetting? Tell us this: which democrats are likely to change their minds and vote for him if they get all the documents they wouldn't read in the first place? And what have they been doing in the weeks since the nomination, sitting on their useless thumbs?

Here's what they want. They want to first slow it down to try and run out the clock. Then they want a document dump they can have interns and computer programs scan for keywords in hopes of finding something they can pretend to understand and get worked up about.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't all of these same Democrats flatly, and proudly, refuse to meet with Brett Kavanaugh prior to this hearing? If they REALLY wanted so badly to "vet" him, wouldn't actually talking to him have been useful?

Well they sure aren't putting themselves in a good light.

Just shows what shallow idiots they are and people are watching.

Hope they ain't waiting for that big blue wave.

I'd like to think the majority of Americans don't watch these leftists acting like a pack of rabid chimps and think, "Wow, that's what I want to be part of!" And I'm not sure I would want the sort of people who do say that on my side, anyway.

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