Kavanaugh hearings

People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics

Of course. McConnell stole the Garland nominee from the Dems in 2016 by blocking the vote and they're pissed. Then the Repubs are trying to steal another nominee by rushing through the Kavanaugh nomination by withholding over 100,000 documents of his White House records. That's complete bullshit. The Repubs released 40,000 documents the night before the hearing, not allowing the Dems to fully review them. More bullshit.

It would seem the GOP can't continue without rigging the system. The Dems simply to want to fully vet the documents and the candidate, which are both really unpopular at the moment. This is typical 'party of no' modus operandi these days.

Of course the GOP is getting a ton of push back on this nominee, and rightly so. They are using their stature as a majority to try and rubber stamp this without vetting - this is right out of the Dem playbook. Jesus, congress critters are scum.

So what have the democrats been doing in the weeks since the nomination was made? Are they so inept that they have to be spoon fed important information?

I say yes.

The Dems are not getting the important information from the Republicans they require, moron. Do you not understand how vetting works?

What vetting? Tell us this: which democrats are likely to change their minds and vote for him if they get all the documents they wouldn't read in the first place? And what have they been doing in the weeks since the nomination, sitting on their useless thumbs?

Here's what they want. They want to first slow it down to try and run out the clock. Then they want a document dump they can have interns and computer programs scan for keywords in hopes of finding something they can pretend to understand and get worked up about.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't all of these same Democrats flatly, and proudly, refuse to meet with Brett Kavanaugh prior to this hearing? If they REALLY wanted so badly to "vet" him, wouldn't actually talking to him have been useful?

Of course it would, in sane world, where they actually cared what he's actually done. Not in democrat world, though.
No one with any brains....

These are libturds we're talking about.

They believe in all sorts of utterly ignorant bullshit, Santa Marx, Utopia, Meat Puppets, MMGW...


So do Republicans. Stereotyping entire swaths of the country using projection based upon nothing but what you believe 'they think' is a pointless, partisan exercise, but you do you.

You're babbling.

And you're just another a partisan idiot extremist. Your opinions hold little value to the majority of America. Sorry about that.

Coming from you, that means absolutely nothing. Not the least bit sorry about that.

Now, if you're finished blithering and lashing out, could you possibly contrive to post something that makes sense, rather than vague accusations of . . . I have no idea exactly what?

Partisanship. Hackery. It's boring and tiresome. It adds nothing to discussion. You aren't too good at reading comprehension, are you?

Buzzwords. Deflections. It's boring and tiresome. YOU add nothing to the discussion. You don't even lie well, do you?

Dismissed, noob.
these protestors sound like hyenas in a beartrap. i cant tell a word theyre saying

we want a Trumpian on the court. Kavanaugh's a moderate milktoast Bushie.
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics

People are sick and tired of the crap pulled by Republicans and Trump. Republicans refused to hold hearings on Obama's Supreme Court nominee when Scalia died. Now they can't be bothered as they want to rush through it.
The Republicans made a gamble by keeping the seat open during the election and they won the election.

People are tired of politics as usual. That is why they will at least give the Democrats the House.
Crying won’t change the fact that Mitch is a piece of shit

Mitch is a piece of shit, just like every other political whore that allows deliberately ignorant parasites like you to enact regressive and destructive policies. Parasites like you voted for that meat puppet faggot obozo, and it took pieces of shit like Mitch, and all the democrooks who voted NO on the 3 (out of 8) budgets he actually managed to submit IAW the law to prevent "him" from fucking the country up any worse than he could with his pen, phone and Valerie Jarrett's monkey paw up his ass.

Thank God for Trump, as bad as I thought he would be, he is doing a great job fixing your meat puppet faggot's damage.

View attachment 214801
LMAO, tell us how you really think
So do Republicans. Stereotyping entire swaths of the country using projection based upon nothing but what you believe 'they think' is a pointless, partisan exercise, but you do you.

You're babbling.

And you're just another a partisan idiot extremist. Your opinions hold little value to the majority of America. Sorry about that.

Coming from you, that means absolutely nothing. Not the least bit sorry about that.

Now, if you're finished blithering and lashing out, could you possibly contrive to post something that makes sense, rather than vague accusations of . . . I have no idea exactly what?

Partisanship. Hackery. It's boring and tiresome. It adds nothing to discussion. You aren't too good at reading comprehension, are you?

Buzzwords. Deflections. It's boring and tiresome. YOU add nothing to the discussion. You don't even lie well, do you?

Dismissed, noob.

You can't even create an cogent argument for yourself. Sad! Maybe try not to parrot my own words back to me. Thanks for... well, nothing.
Kavanaugh is the next lifetime justice. It wont even be close. They should just approve him. Why pretend to listen to lunatics?

Cant wait to see who Trump replaces Ginsberg with.
During his hearing this morning, Brett Kavanaugh adjusted his collar with his RIGHT hand—a clear and deliberate signal for right-wing death squads to take to the streets and begin strangling their political opponents.
Coming from you, that means absolutely nothing. Not the least bit sorry about that.

Now, if you're finished blithering and lashing out, could you possibly contrive to post something that makes sense, rather than vague accusations of . . . I have no idea exactly what?

Partisanship. Hackery. It's boring and tiresome. It adds nothing to discussion. You aren't too good at reading comprehension, are you?
So.........they should just end the discussion .....avoid the rest of the circus........and just vote on it.

Sounds good..........LOL

Yep, you love Da big O'l gubmint when it suits you. LOL
At least we know how laws are supposed to work.......

Your side........not so much.........seems someone has told you that you only have to obey them if you like them.........must be dandy in your empty head.

I don't have a 'side'. I'm always mocking both sides of the political divide. You believe the right is more lawful? LOL :auiqs.jpg:Your head is the empty one.

Oh, the fuck you are. I'll believe it when I see it.

As for "more lawful", how many people on the right were arrested in the hearings when Obama appointed Justices?
Partisanship. Hackery. It's boring and tiresome. It adds nothing to discussion. You aren't too good at reading comprehension, are you?
So.........they should just end the discussion .....avoid the rest of the circus........and just vote on it.

Sounds good..........LOL

Yep, you love Da big O'l gubmint when it suits you. LOL
At least we know how laws are supposed to work.......

Your side........not so much.........seems someone has told you that you only have to obey them if you like them.........must be dandy in your empty head.

I don't have a 'side'. I'm always mocking both sides of the political divide. You believe the right is more lawful? LOL :auiqs.jpg:Your head is the empty one.

Oh, the fuck you are. I'll believe it when I see it.

As for "more lawful", how many people on the right were arrested in the hearings when Obama appointed Justices?

People on the right aren't really the type to be protestors. Dumb question.
Arent they witholding a ton of paperwork relating to his previous work ? That should set off alarm bells.
we're witnessing a document massacre. Trump’s decision to step in at the last moment and hide 100k pages of Judge Kavanaugh’s records from the American public is not only unprecedented in the history of SCOTUS nominations, it has all the makings of a cover up.
Trump can't hide anything. They want documents from the Bush administration which is one of the reasons why they have no bearing on judicial decisions or opinions. They have all those.
Feinstein: Assault weapons are not in common use

Kavanaugh: There are millions & millions & millions of semiautomatic rifles that are possessed

F: Numbers determine common use? Common use is an activity. It's not common storage or possession

K: They're widely used & possessed
Feinstein: Assault weapons are not in common use

Kavanaugh: There are millions & millions & millions of semiautomatic rifles that are possessed

F: Numbers determine common use? Common use is an activity. It's not common storage or possession

K: They're widely used & possessed

indeed they are in common use in the military

the same question asked in Miller when it was remanded back the lower courts

"was millers shotgun common and useful to the military"
And then they got the documents, which most of them said they were going to focus their meetings on demanding.
They received the 42, 000 pages of documents the night before the hearing.

Who gives a shit? All those Democrat turds said they were voting against Kavanaugh more than a month ago. The pages meant nothing to their vote.

Obama got his two worthless Left Wing dimwit partisan asshole kunts. Trump get to nominate real jurists.
And then they got the documents, which most of them said they were going to focus their meetings on demanding.
They received the 42, 000 pages of documents the night before the hearing.

Who gives a shit? All those Democrat turds said they were voting against Kavanaugh more than a month ago. The pages meant nothing to their vote.

Obama got his two worthless Left Wing dimwit partisan asshole kunts. Trump get to nominate real jurists.
Well, just remember, the biggest cheaters are also the biggest whiners. And these things have a way of coming back around.
And then they got the documents, which most of them said they were going to focus their meetings on demanding.
They received the 42, 000 pages of documents the night before the hearing.

Who gives a shit? All those Democrat turds said they were voting against Kavanaugh more than a month ago. The pages meant nothing to their vote.

Obama got his two worthless Left Wing dimwit partisan asshole kunts. Trump get to nominate real jurists.
Well, just remember, the biggest cheaters are also the biggest whiners. And these things have a way of coming back around.

My Gawad, you replied to Flash with NOTHING in return. He destroyed YOUR whine easily by making the point that leftists ( that is who they really are) made it clear they oppose him early on.

There are plenty of background information about his views and judicial decisions to find on the net, I found FOUR links in just FIVE MINUTES that covered most of what is relevant to the Confirmation hearings.

Here are the FOUR links at post 538
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