Kavanaugh hearings

And then they got the documents, which most of them said they were going to focus their meetings on demanding.
They received the 42, 000 pages of documents the night before the hearing.

Who gives a shit? All those Democrat turds said they were voting against Kavanaugh more than a month ago. The pages meant nothing to their vote.

Obama got his two worthless Left Wing dimwit partisan asshole kunts. Trump get to nominate real jurists.
Well, just remember, the biggest cheaters are also the biggest whiners. And these things have a way of coming back around.

Hmmm...you may have something there, Hillary has been whining for months and months.
And then they got the documents, which most of them said they were going to focus their meetings on demanding.
They received the 42, 000 pages of documents the night before the hearing.

Who gives a shit? All those Democrat turds said they were voting against Kavanaugh more than a month ago. The pages meant nothing to their vote.

Obama got his two worthless Left Wing dimwit partisan asshole kunts. Trump get to nominate real jurists.
Well, just remember, the biggest cheaters are also the biggest whiners. And these things have a way of coming back around.

That might matter, if you didn't define cheating as "I didn't get things the way I wanted them WAAAAHHHH!!!"
QUOTE="Cecilie1200, post: 20720937, member: 14617"]
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics
Trump doesn’t deserve that seat. It was Obama’s to fill. Mitch stole that seat

Crying won’t change the fact that Mitch is a piece of shit

I'm not crying, sweet cheeks. I'm sitting here laughing my ass off at your helpless, impotent sniveling. It doesn't matter that you wanted Obama to fill the seat. It doesn't matter that you don't want Trump to have it. It doesn't matter that you're screaming at the universe how unfair it is that you're not getting your way.

You lost. The seat is Trump's to fill. It's going to be filled by someone you hate, and you're going to have to know he's there every day for the rest of your life. And I'm going to know it galls your tiny, shriveled soul and love every minute of your misery.

Have a nice day. :D
winner winner chicken dinner :clap::clap::clap::clap::iagree::thankusmile::th_metoo::th_thgoodpost::udaman::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::yes_text12::yes_text12:[/QUOTE]
What a sad display. Have some self respect
QUOTE="Cecilie1200, post: 20720937, member: 14617"]
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics
Trump doesn’t deserve that seat. It was Obama’s to fill. Mitch stole that seat

Crying won’t change the fact that Mitch is a piece of shit

I'm not crying, sweet cheeks. I'm sitting here laughing my ass off at your helpless, impotent sniveling. It doesn't matter that you wanted Obama to fill the seat. It doesn't matter that you don't want Trump to have it. It doesn't matter that you're screaming at the universe how unfair it is that you're not getting your way.

You lost. The seat is Trump's to fill. It's going to be filled by someone you hate, and you're going to have to know he's there every day for the rest of your life. And I'm going to know it galls your tiny, shriveled soul and love every minute of your misery.

Have a nice day. :D
winner winner chicken dinner :clap::clap::clap::clap::iagree::thankusmile::th_metoo::th_thgoodpost::udaman::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::yes_text12::yes_text12:
What a sad display. Have some self respect[/QUOTE]

He has plenty of self-respect, as he should. He also has plenty of respect from other people. He presumably doesn't have yours, and I'm sure he'll cry himself to sleep every night that the likes of you disapproves of him.

But somehow, he'll soldier on.
My Gawad, you replied to Flash with NOTHING in return.
On the contrary, I specifically addressed his comment: "Who gives a shit?"

Answer: he and all the other whining cheaters will, when this comes back around.

Gee, I hope that's okay with you, officer. Will I be receiving a ticket?
Still waiting on an answer as to what possible difference those documents could make
Why even have a hearing at all? Why even have a Senate vote? What difference will it make?

I guess it comes down to the standard you would like to be in place.
That might matter, if you didn't define cheating
That's not how I definite cheating. Delivering 42,000 documents the night before the hearing? Yes, i would define that as cheating. As would you, if it were happening the other way. You whine a LOT.
In other news, Diane Feinstein is either smoking crack, or the Alzheimer's is really kicking in. She claimed that between 200,000 and 1.2 million women died of illegal abortions prior to Roe v. Wade. Don't you think someone would have noticed that number of dead bodies lying around?
Still waiting on an answer as to what possible difference those documents could make
Why even have a hearing at all? Why even have a Senate vote? What difference will it make?

I guess it comes down to the standard you would like to be in place.

The standard I'd like to be in place is that Senators actually have some integrity and do their freaking jobs according to what's best for the country.

But in this case, what it really comes down to is that they made up their minds before he was even appointed, so what difference does it make whether they got the documents or not? You know, the question you've been asked multiple times and dodged every single time.

At this point, I'm going to take your deflections as an answer: the documents don't make any difference to the Senators or you, because you believe anything they do is right and moral and beyond reproach, so long as you might get your way.
That might matter, if you didn't define cheating
That's not how I definite cheating. Delivering 42,000 documents the night before the hearing? Yes, i would define that as cheating. As would you, if it were happening the other way. You whine a LOT.

Says the person who's working himself into a case of fauxtrage over documents that mean nothing. Yeah, I'll get right on caring about your version of fair play . . . just as soon as I get a lobotomy.
My Gawad, you replied to Flash with NOTHING in return.
On the contrary, I specifically addressed his comment: "Who gives a shit?"

Answer: he and all the other whining cheaters will, when this comes back around.

Gee, I hope that's okay with you, officer. Will I be receiving a ticket?

Going top ask you a TOUGH question:

What is the purpose of the confirmation hearings?

Meanwhile you stayed silent over my post 599 about Brett Kavanaugh.....
But in this case, what it really comes down to is that they made up their minds before he was even appointed,
Correct, the gop senators did just that. I remember the exact quote at the beginning of the hearings:

"We are going to to confirm you."
One purpose of confirmation hearings is apparently to show how pathetic the democrat Senators are. :p What we learned today is mumbling idiot Leahy is apparently very butthurt his email got hacked 15 years ago or so. Why are Vermont Senators among the craziest? :p Gotta admit Lindsey Graham did a good job in less than one minute in undoing the confusion and the "cloud" the democrats have been attempting to place over the judge and soon to be Supreme Court Justice.
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What is the purpose of the confirmation hearings
In this case? Nothing, it's a farce. If we could reform campaign finance and get away from two-team politics? It would be to vet a candidate for one of the most important jobs that exists in this country.
Meanwhile you stayed silent over my post 599 about Brett Kavanaugh.....
Didn't see it and don't have post #s on this device. Repost please.
But in this case, what it really comes down to is that they made up their minds before he was even appointed,
Correct, the gop senators did just that. I remember the exact quote at the beginning of the hearings:

"We are going to to confirm you."

The only thing you just proved correct is my assumption that you're the DNC's designated fluffer.
But in this case, what it really comes down to is that they made up their minds before he was even appointed,
Correct, the gop senators did just that. I remember the exact quote at the beginning of the hearings:

"We are going to to confirm you."

The only thing you just proved correct is my assumption that you're the DNC's designated fluffer.
And here we are....cecilie the sissy goes into the nightly tailspin....zzzzzzzzz
What we learned today is mumbling idiot Leahy is apparently very butthurt his email got hacked 15 years ago or so

Which was an ILLEGAL Act that Kavanaugh may have at least know about while using the fruit of that crime for political purposes
So.........they should just end the discussion .....avoid the rest of the circus........and just vote on it.

Sounds good..........LOL

Yep, you love Da big O'l gubmint when it suits you. LOL
At least we know how laws are supposed to work.......

Your side........not so much.........seems someone has told you that you only have to obey them if you like them.........must be dandy in your empty head.

I don't have a 'side'. I'm always mocking both sides of the political divide. You believe the right is more lawful? LOL :auiqs.jpg:Your head is the empty one.

Oh, the fuck you are. I'll believe it when I see it.

As for "more lawful", how many people on the right were arrested in the hearings when Obama appointed Justices?

People on the right aren't really the type to be protestors. Dumb question.
We work for a living..........we don't get paid to protest........amazing isn't it.

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