Kavanaugh hearings

So do Republicans. Stereotyping entire swaths of the country using projection based upon nothing but what you believe 'they think' is a pointless, partisan exercise, but you do you.

I have not even asserted the possibility that bed wetters "think". In fact in recent years I've become quite convinced they lack the capacity entirely.

No human being who is actually THINKING, and has access to all the data we do draws the following conclusions:

The human production of CO2, which accounts for %3 of all the CO2 in the atmosphere, which accounts for %3 of the "green house effect" that bed wetters want people to believe has set the planet on a course in which it will become uninhabitable without Kevin Costner's gills is a legitimate theory and deserves billions more dollars to research.

The meat puppet faggot, who marginally beat 2 asswipes the majority in the opposition didn't like to begin with, had a popular mandate to destroy the free market HC system that remained, weaken the country militarily and geo-politically, incite massive illegal migration, encourage rioters to take up asinine causes in the name of criminal oxygen thieves while ignoring ACTUAL CASES of police wrong doing was a "competent" executive of the office.

Santa Marx flies around the world every night on May 1st with 69 transgender robot rein deer and steals money from rich people to feed the 10.5 Billion people on earth that republicrats refuse to have compassion for and refuse to allow into the country to do the work democrooks are too good to do, and red necks want too much money to do.

No "thinking" person believes that some brilliant leader will someday rise to a position of power over MATH and make socialism "work".

Period, end of fucking story.

So do Republicans. Stereotyping entire swaths of the country using projection based upon nothing but what you believe 'they think' is a pointless, partisan exercise, but you do you.

I have not even asserted the possibility that bed wetters "think". In fact in recent years I've become quite convinced they lack the capacity entirely.

No human being who is actually THINKING, and has access to all the data we do draws the following conclusions:

The human production of CO2, which accounts for %3 of all the CO2 in the atmosphere, which accounts for %3 of the "green house effect" that bed wetters want people to believe has set the planet on a course in which it will become uninhabitable without Kevin Costner's gills is a legitimate theory and deserves billions more dollars to research.

The meat puppet faggot, who marginally beat 2 asswipes the majority in the opposition didn't like to begin with, had a popular mandate to destroy the free market HC system that remained, weaken the country militarily and geo-politically, incite massive illegal migration, encourage rioters to take up asinine causes in the name of criminal oxygen thieves while ignoring ACTUAL CASES of police wrong doing was a "competent" executive of the office.

Santa Marx flies around the world every night on May 1st with 69 transgender robot rein deer and steals money from rich people to feed the 10.5 Billion people on earth that republicrats refuse to have compassion for and refuse to allow into the country to do the work democrooks are too good to do, and red necks want too much money to do.

No "thinking" person believes that some brilliant leader will someday rise to a position of power over MATH and make socialism "work".

Period, end of fucking story.


Noted, thanks.
Some were, just as they were in the Kagan nomination. The Dems have asked for over a million pages, more than the last 5 nominees combined.
Yet more than for the last 5 candidates combined.
Which, as I understand it, stems from his extensive work in government.
John Roberts had extensive work as well.
And the adinistration refused to release many documents about Roberts, as well.
Some truly belong on the court. John Roberts is absolutely amazingly smart. all the rest are good to excellent except C Thomas ,he came to the court with very little experience & appears to be not that bright. that's just my opinion, yes I watched C span. The reason this hearing is getting so much extra push back is because the walrus did a very bad not democratic thing with a judge who in the main both party's liked.
Maybe because they asked for an insane number of documents for no other purpose than to try to delay the hearing,
Maybe so...was it an insane amount? By what standard?

Senate digs through record 1 million pages of documents on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh

WASHINGTON – Senators have begun the deepest dive ever into the writings of a Supreme Court nominee, digging into a record 1 million-plus pages of legal opinions and emails from Brett Kavanaugh's career as a federal judge, White House attorney and assistant to the prosecutor who investigated President Bill Clinton.

The volume of Kavanaugh's records dwarfs those of the past two Supreme Court justices to be confirmed: Neil Gorsuch and Elena Kagan. Senators reviewed about 182,000 pages of documents on Gorsuch and about 170,000 pages on Kagan.

More documents will be produced about Kavanaugh than any other high court nominee in history, said Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa.
I am always amazed that people who look like human beings and talk like human beings can so inhuman. Any reading of the decisions our scotus has made through the years could make one lose faith in humanity. I give great credit to those who stood and shouted down a man who may cause more misery and sorrow in the name of a document.

"Few American institutions have inflicted greater suffering on ordinary people than the Supreme Court of the United States. Since its inception, the justices of the Supreme Court have shaped a nation where children toiled in coal mines, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where a woman could be sterilized against her will by state law." Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser

13 Worst Supreme Court Decisions of All Time

The Worst Supreme Court Decisions Since 1960

"Democracies have great rational and imaginative powers. They also are prone to some serious flaws in reasoning, to parochialism, haste, sloppiness, selfishness, narrowness of the spirit. Education based mainly on profitability in the global market magnifies these deficiencies, producing a greedy obtuseness and a technically trained docility that threaten the very life of democracy itself, and that certainly impede the creation of a decent world culture." Martha Nussbaum
And we'll see many more equally bad ones or worse if this political hack is allowed on the court

And you base that on what?
More documents will be produced about Kavanaugh than any other high court nominee in history, said Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa.

I'm sure you "think" so, because - just like the Democrat Senators - all you really want is to get your way, whether you have any right to do so, whether anyone else wants it, whatever it takes, no matter how sleazy and blatantly obvious. You'll make whatever patently ridiculous, threadbare excuses you have to, and happily look like a lying partisan piece of shit. Whatever it takes to force everyone else to bend to your will.

Personally, I'm loving watching you and your ilk slam up against the brick wall of no one giving a shit any more about your screeching.
I'm sure you "think" so, because - just like the Democrat Senators - all you really want is to get your way, whether you have any right to do so, whether anyone else wants it, whatever it takes, no matter how sleazy and blatantly obvious. You'll make whatever patently ridiculous, threadbare excuses you have to, and happily look like a lying partisan piece of shit. Whatever it takes to force everyone else to bend to your will.

You say this (bold) every single day about your preferences and trump... and then you whine about it? You're a freak.
I'm sure you "think" so, because - just like the Democrat Senators - all you really want is to get your way, whether you have any right to do so, whether anyone else wants it, whatever it takes, no matter how sleazy and blatantly obvious. You'll make whatever patently ridiculous, threadbare excuses you have to, and happily look like a lying partisan piece of shit. Whatever it takes to force everyone else to bend to your will.

You say this (bold) every single day about your preferences and trump... and then you whine about it? You're a freak.

Oh, I do? Do I really? Quote me. Now.
What are they hiding about this man?

He's being nominated for a LIFETIME appointment





People Paid to Protest Kavanaugh Hearings.

Not exactly nutcase witnesses. All the reason in the world to believe they saw what they talked about.

On Tuesday, Real Clear Politics reported that author and commentator Adam W. Schindler interviewed three Texas doctors who claimed they witnessed protesters being paid in cash as they waited in line to attend the contentious hearing for Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Related stories:

The most idiotic Kavanaugh hearing take ever: Leftists push conspiracy theory about white power symbol

From Video: Texas doctors witnessed protesters paid in cash to disrupt Kavanaugh hearing ⋆ Conservative Firing Line
Kavanaugh Hearing and the Shrieking Democrats @ Political Pistachio: Kavanaugh Hearing and the Shrieking Democrats


Sen. Cornyn Slams Democrats for ‘Mob Rule’ During Brett Kavanaugh’s Hearing

@ Sen. Cornyn Slams Democrats for 'Mob Rule' During Brett Kavanaugh's Hearing - One America News Network

Not “mob rule” as the above clearly shows. It’s all planned.

#KavanaughConfirmationHearings in two easy steps:

1 Point.

2 Laugh!

No charge

From How to Handle the Democrat/Media/Left’s antics at the #KavanaughConfirmationHearings in two easy steps:

Kavanaugh confirmation hearing-mania hits DC, and no one will be spared! @ Kavanaugh confirmation hearing-mania hits DC, and no one will be spared!


Lindsey Graham Predicts at Least Four Red State Democrats Back Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court @ Lindsey Graham Predicts at Least Four Red State Democrats Back Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court

I think it’ll be more

Leftist Mob Goes Wild at Kavanaugh Hearing @ Leftist Mob Goes Wild at Kavanaugh Hearing - American Greatness
The Democrat Freak-Show
Yesterday the Democrats showed their own version of the Bar Scene from Star Wars. Sarsour, the terrorist-affiliated Muslim "women's right-to-genital-mutilation" hero-ette was there along with the usual Hollywood twits. And of course, there was Durbin, bringing up the rear end, through which he often speaks.
This is a very good take:
...America is ruled by nine shaman in black robes, who are allowed to make up whatever laws they like. No one says it this way, but that is the truth. That’s how America ended up with an absolute right to abortion, despite the word never being uttered by any of the Founders. That’s how we ended up with a bizarre system of rights for prisoners and foreigners. Most recently, the high druid council decided the republic could not survive unless Bob and Bill get to play house and pretend they are married.
The reason the Left is sure to go crazy over Kavanaugh is his views on social issues and he will tilt the court further into the direction of normal people. The Democrats understand that you cannot have rule by circus freak if the high druid council is opposed to the freak show....
Kavanaugh will be a member of the Court before October 1.
Go ahead, riot about it! Riot justifies more extreme measures of control, and we have lots of ammo!

From Dad29: The Democrat Freak-Show
Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.
Bolshevik style behavior is dropping tens of thousands of important documents in the dead of night and hoping to install a party loyalist to a lifetime position without debate the next morning.

The Democrats have received a half million documents of Kavanaugh's. They asked for only 6000 for Sotomeyer.
40,000 dumped in the dead of night. What is the traitor right trying to hide?

probably nothing. what was Pelosi trying to hide by forcing a vote on obamacare before anyone had time to read the bill? Payback sucks doesn't it?
You had that with taxes. Minus hundreds of amendments like Democrats gave your treasonous party. Now why would that same party wait until it was too late to release the most damning Kavanaugh documents? We all know why.

which "damning documents" ? The dems have everything they asked for except those that are classified, the exact same process that was used for Kagan and Sotomayor. Exactly the same!

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