Kavanaugh hearings

Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.
Bolshevik style behavior is dropping tens of thousands of important documents in the dead of night and hoping to install a party loyalist to a lifetime position without debate the next morning.
You have to confirm him to find out what’s in him.
Like your massive tax cuts for the 1%? Everyday your treasonous party behave more and more like organized crime.

every American that pays taxes got a tax cut. Yes, 5% of 10 million is more than 5% of 50 thousand. so what?
Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.
Bolshevik style behavior is dropping tens of thousands of important documents in the dead of night and hoping to install a party loyalist to a lifetime position without debate the next morning.
You have to confirm him to find out what’s in him.
Like your massive tax cuts for the 1%? Everyday your treasonous party behave more and more like organized crime.

every American that pays taxes got a tax cut. Yes, 5% of 10 million is more than 5% of 50 thousand. so what?
Yours are expiring and your children will be saddled with the debt you decided to vote for just to give gifts to the wealthiest.
Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.
Bolshevik style behavior is dropping tens of thousands of important documents in the dead of night and hoping to install a party loyalist to a lifetime position without debate the next morning.
You have to confirm him to find out what’s in him.
Like your massive tax cuts for the 1%? Everyday your treasonous party behave more and more like organized crime.

every American that pays taxes got a tax cut. Yes, 5% of 10 million is more than 5% of 50 thousand. so what?
Yours are expiring and your children will be saddled with the debt you decided to vote for just to give gifts to the wealthiest.
We’ll file that under ‘Obama Porkulus’

It’s shovel ready!
What are they hiding about this man?

He's being nominated for a LIFETIME appointment

Not a fucking thing. You just WISH you could find something on him. More to the point, you just wish you could delay his confirmation indefinitely by pretending to look.
which "damning documents" ?
The 40,000 pages republicans were desperate to block.

since you haven't seen them how exactly do you know that they are damning? the documents were released in accordance with the same procedures used for Kagan and Sotomayor.
If they weren’t damning, the GOP wouldn’t have tried so desperately to block them.

You have no way of knowing that, do you? Stop the partisan bullshit and actually think about this. do you think that 100% of Kagan's and Sotomayor"s papers were made available to the senate? the answer is no.
Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.
Bolshevik style behavior is dropping tens of thousands of important documents in the dead of night and hoping to install a party loyalist to a lifetime position without debate the next morning.
You have to confirm him to find out what’s in him.
Like your massive tax cuts for the 1%? Everyday your treasonous party behave more and more like organized crime.

every American that pays taxes got a tax cut. Yes, 5% of 10 million is more than 5% of 50 thousand. so what?
Yours are expiring and your children will be saddled with the debt you decided to vote for just to give gifts to the wealthiest.

the national deficit this year is lower than any of Obama's years. Remember the national debt when Obama took over was around 10 trillion, when he left it was about 20 trillion. Obozo added more to the national debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. Do you understand this?
which "damning documents" ?
The 40,000 pages republicans were desperate to block.

since you haven't seen them how exactly do you know that they are damning? the documents were released in accordance with the same procedures used for Kagan and Sotomayor.
If they weren’t damning, the GOP wouldn’t have tried so desperately to block them.
which "damning documents" ?
The 40,000 pages republicans were desperate to block.

since you haven't seen them how exactly do you know that they are damning? the documents were released in accordance with the same procedures used for Kagan and Sotomayor.
If they weren’t damning, the GOP wouldn’t have tried so desperately to block them.
which "damning documents" ?
The 40,000 pages republicans were desperate to block.

since you haven't seen them how exactly do you know that they are damning? the documents were released in accordance with the same procedures used for Kagan and Sotomayor.
If they weren’t damning, the GOP wouldn’t have tried so desperately to block them

The GOP are not blocking it.
It's President Bushes lawyer claiming national security reasons, just like President Clinton's lawyer did ,when he had supreme court nominations.
as ye sow so shall ye reap

No shit...

Yet your masters still act apoplectic when they shit they've done is done to them.

The Dems NEVER DID ignore a nominated Supreme Court justice. The Republicans DID.
Handsome is as handsome DOES and you guys are looking pretty homely right about now.

Hands up, everyone who's panicked by the fact that we're not impressing someone who didn't like us in the first place and is determined never to like us no matter what. Hands. Anyone?

If you're looking for us to applaud your farcical argument of "The Dems didn't ignore nominees", as though the brutal verbal abuse and character assassination they routinely engage in is some sort of badge of honor, class, and decency, I really hope you're holding your breath waiting.
as ye sow so shall ye reap

No shit...

Yet your masters still act apoplectic when they shit they've done is done to them.

The Dems NEVER DID ignore a nominated Supreme Court justice. The Republicans DID.
Handsome is as handsome DOES and you guys are looking pretty homely right about now.

You people are looking like petulant children throwing a tantrum because you can't get your way. Do you really think sane and normal people are not watching and shaking their heads at your childish antics?

It's why you even have Trump you ignorant jackasses and you STILL haven't figured it out

Grow the fuck up
The Dems NEVER DID ignore a nominated Supreme Court justice. The Republicans DID.
Handsome is as handsome DOES and you guys are looking pretty homely right about now.

The republicrats NEVER elected a man who:

Drove off a bridge, likely drunk, into a lake with a woman other than his wife in the back seat who ended up dead. Swam away, walked home then went to sleep. Only to wake up the next day, call his lawyer rather than the police, and cover up what amounts to a crime of manslaughter at least. ANY OTHER CITIZEN WOULD HAVE GONE TO PRISON.

The republicrats NEVER nominated a candidate who was under investigation for circumventing endless national security protocols, covering up gross negligence and accepting bribes from foreign governments for access to uranium resources.

The republicrats NEVER elected a "man" who never held a real job in his life, withheld every record from the public (tax returns don't mean shit when you never worked a day in your life) they could, who refused to honor the flag, who once sat in a racist church or who had a friendly neighborhood relationship with people who tried to blow up the Pentagon.

The republicrats NEVER re-elected a "man" who performed so dismally in their first term that he should not have run a second time in his own words.

The republicrats NEVER ignored dozens of judicial appointment and filibustered them for months all through the Bush Admin. They never assassinated the character of a judicial nominee like democrooks did to Bork, Alito, Thomas et al.

The republicrats did not change the rules to push complete lunatics through the senate and stack the DC circuit with globalist sociopaths.

So lets not pretend the democrooks have been playing the game fairly all along, lets not pretend there are any "moderate" democrook "mavericks" fawned over by media sycophants that undermine their own party objectives.

You moonbats are reaping the spoiled crop of cancerous mushrooms you sowed yourselves. Next time don't just run with a cult of personality built around a meat puppet with an affinity for Chicago Bath House orgies and coke who married a repulsive wookie.

The Dems NEVER DID ignore a nominated Supreme Court justice. The Republicans DID.
Handsome is as handsome DOES and you guys are looking pretty homely right about now.

The republicrats NEVER elected a man who:

Drove off a bridge, likely drunk, into a lake with a woman other than his wife in the back seat who ended up dead. Swam away, walked home then went to sleep. Only to wake up the next day, call his lawyer rather than the police, and cover up what amounts to a crime of manslaughter at least. ANY OTHER CITIZEN WOULD HAVE GONE TO PRISON.

The republicrats NEVER nominated a candidate who was under investigation for circumventing endless national security protocols, covering up gross negligence and accepting bribes from foreign governments for access to uranium resources.

The republicrats NEVER elected a "man" who never held a real job in his life, withheld every record from the public (tax returns don't mean shit when you never worked a day in your life) they could, who refused to honor the flag, who once sat in a racist church or who had a friendly neighborhood relationship with people who tried to blow up the Pentagon.

The republicrats NEVER re-elected a "man" who performed so dismally in their first term that he should not have run a second time in his own words.

The republicrats NEVER ignored dozens of judicial appointment and filibustered them for months all through the Bush Admin. They never assassinated the character of a judicial nominee like democrooks did to Bork, Alito, Thomas et al.

The republicrats did not change the rules to push complete lunatics through the senate and stack the DC circuit with globalist sociopaths.

So lets not pretend the democrooks have been playing the game fairly all along, lets not pretend there are any "moderate" democrook "mavericks" fawned over by media sycophants that undermine their own party objectives.

You moonbats are reaping the spoiled crop of cancerous mushrooms you sowed yourselves. Next time don't just run with a cult of personality built around a meat puppet with an affinity for Chicago Bath House orgies and coke who married a repulsive wookie.


Y'know, Pete, you really need to come out of your shell, stop bottling things up, and start saying what you really think.
Y'know, Pete, you really need to come out of your shell, stop bottling things up, and start saying what you really think.

Every time I do flacaltenn has to ban me for a week.

I mean...

Even IF Deanturd or some other leftist parasite really did jump in front of a train, truck or bus to kill themselves as I have admonished these malignant pieces of shit to do on a few occasions, it's not like USMB would be at fault. Deanturd and most of these sniveling drones are genetic garbage, they're going to kill themselves someday anyway. Perhaps not deliberately but there is no way they die of natural causes. They're too stupid to have lived this long, eventually natural selection will have to catch up with them regardless of all the safety warnings.

Just to be clear, I like Old Lady.

I may disagree with her on almost everything, but I believe she has a good heart and soul.
Y'know, Pete, you really need to come out of your shell, stop bottling things up, and start saying what you really think.

Every time I do flacaltenn has to ban me for a week.

I mean...

Even IF Deanturd or some other leftist parasite really did jump in front of a train, truck or bus to kill themselves as I have admonished these malignant pieces of shit to do on a few occasions, it's not like USMB would be at fault. Deanturd and most of these sniveling drones are genetic garbage, they're going to kill themselves someday anyway. Perhaps not deliberately but there is no way they die of natural causes. They're too stupid to have lived this long, eventually natural selection will have to catch up with them regardless of all the safety warnings.

Just to be clear, I like Old Lady.

I may disagree with her on almost everything, but I believe she has a good heart and soul.

It's rather more the state of her brain that pushes me beyond the admittedly-limited bounds of my patience. o_O

We all know which road is paved with good intentions, so they don't count for much with me.
Y'know, Pete, you really need to come out of your shell, stop bottling things up, and start saying what you really think.

Every time I do flacaltenn has to ban me for a week.

I mean...

Even IF Deanturd or some other leftist parasite really did jump in front of a train, truck or bus to kill themselves as I have admonished these malignant pieces of shit to do on a few occasions, it's not like USMB would be at fault. Deanturd and most of these sniveling drones are genetic garbage, they're going to kill themselves someday anyway. Perhaps not deliberately but there is no way they die of natural causes. They're too stupid to have lived this long, eventually natural selection will have to catch up with them regardless of all the safety warnings.

Just to be clear, I like Old Lady.

I may disagree with her on almost everything, but I believe she has a good heart and soul.

It's rather more the state of her brain that pushes me beyond the admittedly-limited bounds of my patience. o_O

We all know which road is paved with good intentions, so they don't count for much with me.
She is definitely on "ignore" for me.
"Cory Booker & Kamala Harris competing for Most Hysterical Woman at the Kavanaugh hearings."

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