Kavanaugh hearings

"Man screams "Save Democracy! Save Roe!" as he's dragged out, taking down several chairs (and at least one other person I could see) to the ground."
"Man screams "Save Democracy! Save Roe!" as he's dragged out, taking down several chairs (and at least one other person I could see) to the ground."
they start in a few hours.

a justice must keep an open mind when deciding a case. Kavanaugh's an originalist. he's an originalist.
This stupid hearing still going on.? You and I know they are going to vote just the way that they would prior to the hearing so why waste their and my time. LOL and shaking of the head.
This hearing is a great protest for the Left.


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And then they got the documents, which most of them said they were going to focus their meetings on demanding.
They received the 42, 000 pages of documents the night before the hearing.

Who gives a shit? All those Democrat turds said they were voting against Kavanaugh more than a month ago. The pages meant nothing to their vote.

Obama got his two worthless Left Wing dimwit partisan asshole kunts. Trump get to nominate real jurists.
Well, just remember, the biggest cheaters are also the biggest whiners. And these things have a way of coming back around.
and we've been listening to your side for over a year and half now. stop whining you're embarrassing yourselves.
And then they got the documents, which most of them said they were going to focus their meetings on demanding.
They received the 42, 000 pages of documents the night before the hearing.

Who gives a shit? All those Democrat turds said they were voting against Kavanaugh more than a month ago. The pages meant nothing to their vote.

Obama got his two worthless Left Wing dimwit partisan asshole kunts. Trump get to nominate real jurists.
Well, just remember, the biggest cheaters are also the biggest whiners. And these things have a way of coming back around.
and we've been listening to your side for over a year and half now. stop whining you're embarrassing yourselves.

The mental illness Trump Derangement Syndrome is making these Moon Bats delusional and confused.
And then they got the documents, which most of them said they were going to focus their meetings on demanding.
They received the 42, 000 pages of documents the night before the hearing.

Who gives a shit? All those Democrat turds said they were voting against Kavanaugh more than a month ago. The pages meant nothing to their vote.

Obama got his two worthless Left Wing dimwit partisan asshole kunts. Trump get to nominate real jurists.
Well, just remember, the biggest cheaters are also the biggest whiners. And these things have a way of coming back around.
and we've been listening to your side for over a year and half now. stop whining you're embarrassing yourselves.

The mental illness Trump Derangement Syndrome is making these Moon Bats delusional and confused.
going on almost twenty months of it now.
Oh you weren't part of the 8 year meltdown? Obama won the popular vote and the intelligence community didn’t discover and unanimously agree that Rissian sabotage was used to elect him. So no comparison, really.
Until all 30 million illegal aliens are removed from the US, and prevented from voting from their foreign countries, you shouldn't be using the words "popular vote"
You need it shoved up your ass or something? It was all for politics. There was never any interest whatsoever in whether Hillary could have done anything.
Who in the world is telling you stuff like this ? Sheesh!
Your House Majority Leader for one. Less explicitly, Trump when he said now that the election’s over it’s time to stop caring.
Your House Majority Leader for one. Less explicitly, Trump when he said now that the election’s over it’s time to stop caring.
No matter who is telling you whatever, Benghazi happened, requests for aid were denied, and because of Hillary's incompetence and criminal negligence, 4 Americans died.
I am the resistance member inside Cory Booker’s office who convinced him to call himself “Spartacus” and release already public documents and then lie about it. Praise me
'Can you think of any laws that give the government the power to make decisions about the male body?" - Krazy Kamala Harris to Kavanaugh
Y'know, Pete, you really need to come out of your shell, stop bottling things up, and start saying what you really think.

Every time I do flacaltenn has to ban me for a week.

I mean...

Even IF Deanturd or some other leftist parasite really did jump in front of a train, truck or bus to kill themselves as I have admonished these malignant pieces of shit to do on a few occasions, it's not like USMB would be at fault. Deanturd and most of these sniveling drones are genetic garbage, they're going to kill themselves someday anyway. Perhaps not deliberately but there is no way they die of natural causes. They're too stupid to have lived this long, eventually natural selection will have to catch up with them regardless of all the safety warnings.

Just to be clear, I like Old Lady.

I may disagree with her on almost everything, but I believe she has a good heart and soul.

You dodged the ban this time because you were man enough to admit that you like oldlady. But then, who doesn't? What's the topic here?

Oh -- Kavanaugh has 40 IQ points on anyone asking him the questions. :113:
you obstruct kavanaugh, you're gonna lose your 2nd amendment, you're gonna lose your guns. you cant afford that!
That worthless hateful TDS suffering piece of shit Booker was caught in lies yesterday. I wonder what dishonesty we will hear out of the Democrats today?
BlackFag said:
Something stupid....
Who in the world is telling you stuff like this ? Sheesh!

It doesn't matter who tells you a complete and total lie, if you're stupid enough to believe something that is obviously a complete and total lie, or even just parrot it as if it isn't bullshit you become just as big an idiot as the stupid leftist piece of shit that made it up.

In this case Black Fag is probably far dumber than whoever made up the ignorant shit he parrots here on a daily basis.


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