Kavanaugh Was Picked Before Kennedy Left, Everything About Trumps Search Was A Farce

Pretty sure that Trump made a deal with Kennedy that if he retired he'd appoint Kavanaugh who had worked for him. It doesn't take a genius to see it.
Pretty sure that Trump made a deal with Kennedy that if he retired he'd appoint Kavanaugh who had worked for him. It doesn't take a genius to see it.
Any idiot can make up a conspiracy theory.
Well that’s true. But not this time because I read the NBC link and right there in black and white they cited their source and, coincidentally, a source was their source for this latest story the lefty dopes have been wetting their pants over.

Another swing and a miss for the It Team.
Pretty sure that Trump made a deal with Kennedy that if he retired he'd appoint Kavanaugh who had worked for him. It doesn't take a genius to see it.
It doesn't take a genius to see that, if true, it was a serious breech of ethics at the least. Kennedy ruled on things Trump wanted (Muslim ban) when he, Kennedy, wanted something from Trump.

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