Keep Your Eye on the Ball


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The recent kerfuffle in Congress surrounding the Federal Government's debt ceiling and the unsuccessful attempt to defund "Obamacare" has apparently distracted the American public from what a horrible job Our Beloved President and his Progressive "fellow travelers" have done in running the country since Bush43 left office.

The non-Fox Media has, of course, no interest whatsoever in keeping the public informed about the total disaster and failures but they are right out there for everyone to see.

The national debt has gone from less than $11T to more than $17T. The numbers are literally incomprehensible, but suffice it to say that the debt is so freakin' high that the slightest uptic in interest rates will result in the Federal Government paying more in interest than it does on anything else. (Parenthetically, I will note that there was no danger of "default" in this recent debacle, despite the misinformation campaign waged by the Progressives. The government's current revenues have always been more than enough to pay, for example, interest on the debt and Social Security, and no new appropriations are necessary to keep those payments going out. It was, in many ways, a manufactured crisis - "Made 4 TV," so to speak).

The unemployment picture gets worse every month, every quarter, and every year. In short, the economy requires 200,000 new jobs every month JUST TO KEEP UP WITH NEW PEOPLE COMING INTO THE WORKFORCE. Our economy has been generating a fraction of that number, but so many people are simply giving up finding work that the fictitious "unemployment rate" gradually floats downward. And of course, the Non-Fox media trumpet the job increases and unemployment RATE as good news.

Our Beloved President told us that without the unprecedented and unsustainable generation of fiat-money by the Fed every month, things will get worse. Think about that. Worse than what? This is the weakest "recovery" in the history of the republic. Indeed, if the books were not being cooked, we would still technically be in a recession. So even with trillions of dollars being pumped into the ecomomy every month, the employment picture continues to get worse. Nice job, Mr. President.

And what about our feckless foreign policies? We keep killing civilians with video games (aka "drones"), we have no clue what to do about Syria. No clue about Egypt or Libya, not to mention fucking AFGHANISTAN! He continues to treat terrorists as though they were criminals with "Constitutional rights," and refuses to use Gitmo as appropriate because of a stupid promise he made to close it.

ACA was sold with a package of lies (as is becoming more and more evident by the day), and was implemented by what is probably the most incompetent IT exercise in human history. Our only hope is that the working American public will see how badly they have been screwed after the first of the year when they realize they are paying a lot more for health coverage and getting less coverage for their money.

In a sane world, every Democrat in Washington would be ridden out on a rail, covered with tar and feathers, forbidden ever to take another dollar from Gub'mint for the remainder of their scum-sucking lives.

But I'm not Emperor of the United States (yet), so I can't implement my Improvement Plan.

Pity, that.
When your alternative is shutting down the gummit, the public isn't gonna switch. Of course conservatives from Scott Walker to Kascich to the Wall St Journal already told you that.
The plan is to be patient. The foreign policy is now that we have very few if any real allies. The economy is like sliding on the edge of a razor's edge. Fall off or stay on the way we are going, it doesn't make much difference.

Everything will be clear sooner than later. The ACA will be a complete mess, so the Democrats can't even lie about it boosting it's laurels for there won't be any. It will be time for a change and Democrats won't have anything to say...except...I guess you're right.

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