Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay :: The resource of bias and lies in today's media

Dave is also a contributing writer to, the popular media-bias blog of the Media Research Center.

Dave is also the creator and author of

In addition to several other forums, was mentioned by Bill O'Reilly on both The O'Reilly Factor and The Radio Factor. It was also cited as a source in the bestselling book by Peter Schweizer, Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy.
Are you claiming I'm Dave Pierre?

What's your proof? That my name is Dave?

You really have lost your mind, haven't you? :lol:

Dear Idiot , its your first link to try and smear MM.

The guy is a right wing hack.
can anyone relate how any of this bullshit TneverM is posting relates in ANY WAY to Keith Olbermann being Suspended?
can anyone relate how any of this bullshit TneverM is posting relates in ANY WAY to Keith Olbermann being Suspended?


And she can't either.
What the holy fuck does his job title have to do with wether MM told the truth about what the asshole said? :: The resource of bias and lies in today's media

Dave is also a contributing writer to, the popular media-bias blog of the Media Research Center.

Dave is also the creator and author of

In addition to several other forums, was mentioned by Bill O'Reilly on both The O'Reilly Factor and The Radio Factor. It was also cited as a source in the bestselling book by Peter Schweizer, Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy.
Are you claiming I'm Dave Pierre?

What's your proof? That my name is Dave?

You really have lost your mind, haven't you? :lol:

Dear Idiot , its your first link to try and smear MM.

The guy is a right wing hack.
Y'know, you could save yourself a lot of typing by just posting:

"Democrats are angels. Republicans are Satan." :: The resource of bias and lies in today's media

Dave is also a contributing writer to, the popular media-bias blog of the Media Research Center.

Dave is also the creator and author of

In addition to several other forums, was mentioned by Bill O'Reilly on both The O'Reilly Factor and The Radio Factor. It was also cited as a source in the bestselling book by Peter Schweizer, Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy.
Are you claiming I'm Dave Pierre?

What's your proof? That my name is Dave?

You really have lost your mind, haven't you? :lol:

Dear Idiot , its your first link to try and smear MM.

The guy is a right wing hack.

daveman's only mistake was assuming you ever had a mind in the first place.

It really is amazing how you manage to type on a keyboard having only lower brain stem function.
Since he is just a shrill shill for the looney lefties, I honestly don't give a damn about Olbermann's misfortune. Even so, it was wrong of MSLSD to suspend him for engaging in free speech (making a political contribution to a candidate IS free speech).

I could understand thier holier than thou action IF Olbertwat had been a reporter, a by golly actual journalist. But he's not. Olbertwat is just an infotainer. He is unlike Dan Rather. ok. Bad example, but the notion is dead-on.

Wonder why the USMB resident liberals aren't up in arms about the hideously misguided action of MSLSD?
I keep warning everyone - with TM spewing so much IRONy all over the board, we are at high risk of needing dialysis.

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