Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay John Fund and Jedediah Bila baselessly suggest Obama wants felons and illegal immigrants to vote rather than soldiers | Media Matters for America

The tape says just what they claimed it did you fucking idiot.

The key word here is baselessly.

A few Google searches shows that what Jedediah Bila and John Fund said were not so baseless after all.

Multiple media outlets commented on this and the Justice Department commented on these issues twice. So if it was baseless why would the Justice Department be commenting on the story in a way that confirms the facts presented in it?

The IUSB Vision link below makes a very convincing argument and links to many articles and facts which are easily verified so you can see for yourself.

Now you can call this site "right wing hacks" or "left wing hacks" or "independent hacks" all you like, but all the name calling in the world does not change the fact that the argument presented at the link is reasonable and backed up with many facts you or anyone else can verify.
Media Matters Lies About Vote Fraud Reporting – Obama Justice Department Talks Tough While Encouraging Fraud The IUSB Vision Weblog

just posting your link
(i make no claims either way on the validity of the story) John Fund and Jedediah Bila baselessly suggest Obama wants felons and illegal immigrants to vote rather than soldiers | Media Matters for America

The tape says just what they claimed it did you fucking idiot.

The key word here is baselessly.

A few Google searches shows that what Jedediah Bila and John Fund said were not so baseless after all.

Multiple media outlets commented on this and the Justice Department commented on these issues twice. So if it was baseless why would the Justice Department be commenting on the story in a way that confirms the facts presented in it?

The IUSB Vision link below makes a very convincing argument and links to many articles and facts which are easily verified so you can see for yourself.

Now you can call this site "right wing hacks" or "left wing hacks" or "independent hacks" all you like, but all the name calling in the world does not change the fact that the argument presented at the link is reasonable and backed up with many facts you or anyone else can verify.

you seem to have this habit of thinking that because something is repeated often enough, that somehow gives it validity.

ever hear of a goebbels lie? John Fund and Jedediah Bila baselessly suggest Obama wants felons and illegal immigrants to vote rather than soldiers | Media Matters for America

The tape says just what they claimed it did you fucking idiot.

The key word here is baselessly.

A few Google searches shows that what Jedediah Bila and John Fund said were not so baseless after all.

Multiple media outlets commented on this and the Justice Department commented on these issues twice. So if it was baseless why would the Justice Department be commenting on the story in a way that confirms the facts presented in it?

The IUSB Vision link below makes a very convincing argument and links to many articles and facts which are easily verified so you can see for yourself.

Now you can call this site "right wing hacks" or "left wing hacks" or "independent hacks" all you like, but all the name calling in the world does not change the fact that the argument presented at the link is reasonable and backed up with many facts you or anyone else can verify.

you seem to have this habit of thinking that because something is repeated often enough, that somehow gives it validity.

ever hear of a goebbels lie?
actually, that wasnt what he was saying at all John Fund and Jedediah Bila baselessly suggest Obama wants felons and illegal immigrants to vote rather than soldiers | Media Matters for America

The tape says just what they claimed it did you fucking idiot.

The key word here is baselessly.

A few Google searches shows that what Jedediah Bila and John Fund said were not so baseless after all.

Multiple media outlets commented on this and the Justice Department commented on these issues twice. So if it was baseless why would the Justice Department be commenting on the story in a way that confirms the facts presented in it?

The IUSB Vision link below makes a very convincing argument and links to many articles and facts which are easily verified so you can see for yourself.

Now you can call this site "right wing hacks" or "left wing hacks" or "independent hacks" all you like, but all the name calling in the world does not change the fact that the argument presented at the link is reasonable and backed up with many facts you or anyone else can verify.

you seem to have this habit of thinking that because something is repeated often enough, that somehow gives it validity.

ever hear of a goebbels lie?

I didn't repeat it, I posted once and others reposted what I said. - So you already have that wrong.

Of course I am familiar with Geobbels, but that has nothing to do with this story, or the argument, links and facts presented in the IUSB Vision article, or the facts that multiple news outlets reported on the facts presented there, nor is your rather silly Nazi reference in any way close to a substantive argument nor is it even a serious attempt at refutation.
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There is no helping some folks... They will never understand that America doesn't want their leftist agenda...

For once in months, you have made a point. What you don't get is that America doesn't want your reactionary drivel.
calling him a "reactionary" shows just how far to the left you really are
your type was REJECTED on Tuesday

Dr. House was a far right wacko, so far right and reactionary, it made me and John Boehner look like political buddies.
For once in months, you have made a point. What you don't get is that America doesn't want your reactionary drivel.
calling him a "reactionary" shows just how far to the left you really are
your type was REJECTED on Tuesday

Dr. House was a far right wacko, so far right and reactionary, it made me and John Boehner look like political buddies.

Ok is there an argument here?

What is up with the labeling and name calling? Isn't it just better to make a substantive argument with facts people can check for themselves?
Dr. House won't do that, and I don't take nonsense from his ilk.
yet you take it from your own ilk

you post nonsense yourself, jokey, how do you think you got that nickname in the first place?

Remember this thread?


Did you include the update from three months ago? I don't even have to look to know that your Pinocchio nose is growing, Dr. House. This is why you get your butt kicked because you keep half stepping, son. You are not a conservative, only a reactionary wack who is not a Republican. You don't count.
yet you take it from your own ilk

you post nonsense yourself, jokey, how do you think you got that nickname in the first place?

Remember this thread?


Did you include the update from three months ago? I don't even have to look to know that your Pinocchio nose is growing, Dr. House. This is why you get your butt kicked because you keep half stepping, son. You are not a conservative, only a reactionary wack who is not a Republican. You don't count.
you mean the update you have in your sig?
the one that was WRONG also


btw, Dr House made almost the exact same prediction i did
for the GOP to take over the house and cut the margin in the senate
we BOTH got what we wanted and the icing on the cake was that asshole Alan Grayson D-FL lost
only thing that would have made it better is if Reid had lost as well
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"My final predictions (Oct 17): Senate-3 seat majority Dems; House-12 to 18 seat majority Republican (I was way off on this one)." Final, two to four seats in the Senate, 16 to 21 seats in the House. Yep, way off, hmmm? divecon, learn how to count before you write nonsense.
"My final predictions (Oct 17): Senate-3 seat majority Dems; House-12 to 18 seat majority Republican (I was way off on this one)." Final, two to four seats in the Senate, 16 to 21 seats in the House. Yep, way off, hmmm? divecon, learn how to count before you write nonsense.
uh, the house is more than 16 seats moron
As of this morning, that's what it was. A few more seats will go to the GOP. And I will be right, and you will be wrong. What's new, divecon?
Maggie posts MediaMatters as a source and accuses me of being brainwashed????




what if you're both brainwashed? :eek:

I suppose those who are brainwashed probably don't know it. But at least I know better than to go to MediaMatters for credible information. :)

Really?? So you're saying they are wrong about the right wing lies concerning Obama's trip to India?? This is from MM:

Secret Service spokesman Edwin Donovan told Media Matters that figures in recent reports of President Obama's trip to India were "significantly exaggerated." Donovan added that due to security concerns the Secret Service does not comment on the costs, personnel, or equipment involved in presidential trips.

Media Matters reported yesterday that claims that Obama's upcoming trip would cost $200 million per day were called "wildly inflated" by White House spokesman Matt Lehrich, who said the figure had "no basis in reality." has since called the figure "highly doubtful," pointing out that the entire cost of operations in Afghanistan adds up to "roughly $190 million per day." reported today that while "[t]he story lacked a named source," the $200 million claim "quickly gained traction on the right." further reported that that a 10-day trip to Africa by President Clinton was estimated to have cost a total of $42 million, plus the cost of planes, helicopters, and personnel.

All liars??? You people are really pathetic. And don't get too excited. Keith will be back to expose more lies from the degenerate right wing.

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