Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

take a look at the changes in the LOCAL races, moron
remember this is a reapportionment year and the dems wont have control of the legislatures to draw dem favorable lines this time
Fuck all three of you with these 'we', 'you' power politics bullshit.

America's tired of all your crap. A curse on both your houses.


Hey..........who else is enjoying this last week as much as me?? The fringe k00ks are as miserable as Ive ever seen them in my life and thats a long, long time!! Its laugh my balls off time, and how fcukking funny is it that this week, Olbermann gets kicked in the balls just like his shithead ideology!!!!

By the way Beukema........are you a feminist bulldog???

I voted for a republican for governor and Ron Paul for president :eusa_shhh:
CaféAuLait;2937061 said:
Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

MSNBC president Phil Griffin released the following statement Friday following the news that Keith Olbermann had donated to three Democratic candidates this election cycle:

Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

Yeap , a story about media integrity just like I said huh.
it was about MSNBC suspending Olbermann
had nothing to do with integrity
Liability is the poster boy for wing nut far right reactionary America.
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CaféAuLait;2937061 said:
Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

MSNBC president Phil Griffin released the following statement Friday following the news that Keith Olbermann had donated to three Democratic candidates this election cycle:

Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

Yeap , a story about media integrity just like I said huh.

A story about a failing talkinghead on a failing network. Answer: Cut their losses legally. What you going to do with your new free time truthmatters?
lol, and here you sit an parrot a site (mediamatters) that makes up lies, twist things out of context to prove some dumb point, and is working to get a News station and radio and t.v host SHUT DOWN.

good grief.:cuckoo:
Pssst...hey you low-information voter.

I dare you to check out the facts...I DARE you! Right-wing media launch bogus attacks on Obama's India trip | Media Matters

Ok I did. My Method: I did a Google News search followed by a Yahoo News search. I found many newspapers both foreign and domestic that picked up the story.

So it is only natural that some bloggers and talk show hosts would talk about it. It was not some right wing media invention as the Media Matters narrative put it.
Dr. House, who is nothing more than a right wing reactionary (he will tell you he is not GOP), is simply a loon. He is fun to shoot down on the wing. He is now 6-89.
There is no helping some folks... They will never understand that America doesn't want their leftist agenda...

For once in months, you have made a point. What you don't get is that America doesn't want your reactionary drivel.
calling him a "reactionary" shows just how far to the left you really are
your type was REJECTED on Tuesday

It's Jokey - just laugh and point at him... He's used to it.... John Fund and Jedediah Bila baselessly suggest Obama wants felons and illegal immigrants to vote rather than soldiers | Media Matters for America

The tape says just what they claimed it did you fucking idiot.

The key word here is baselessly.

A few Google searches shows that what Jedediah Bila and John Fund said were not so baseless after all.

Multiple media outlets commented on this and the Justice Department commented on these issues twice. So if it was baseless why would the Justice Department be commenting on the story in a way that confirms the facts presented in it?

The IUSB Vision link below makes a very convincing argument and links to many articles and facts which are easily verified so you can see for yourself.

Now you can call this site "right wing hacks" or "left wing hacks" or "independent hacks" all you like, but all the name calling in the world does not change the fact that the argument presented at the link is reasonable and backed up with many facts you or anyone else can verify.

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